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Hidden Witness 3: Tony's Story: A Second Chance Mafia Romance (Tony & Nadine) (Hidden Witness Series Book 3)

Page 13

by Posey Parks

  Mannie tightened the zip ties around his wrists.

  Grabbing the walkie from my black tactical pants, I glared through the slatted gray, large vent. “Cruz, target is secured.”

  “Good. Three of our men are waiting, downstairs.”


  Glaring through the binoculars again, I watched Gio pack up his sniper rifle.

  I held down the button on the walkie. “Thanks, Gio.”

  “No, problem, Tone,” he smiled.

  I clipped the walking inside my pants pocket. Gripping Mannie’s arm, I pulled him to his feet.

  “Walk,” I ordered pointing the Glock toward him.

  He walked down the stairs. “Cute plan, Tony. How did you know I would be here today?”

  “Mannie, you want to be the best, but you’re not. I would never come to a school swarming with college kids all to kill my enemy. But I get why you did it. You wanted to show the other families I wasn’t untouchable. Even though I am a made man, which means un-fucking-touchable! You wanted to make the Magarelli’s look weak.”

  “Brave move allowing your flunky to kiss your so-called friend.”

  I laughed. “The black wig under the baseball cap was a nice touch, I thought. And no, I wouldn’t ever let another man kiss my woman. It appeared they were tangled in a kiss, but I can promise it didn’t happen.”

  My eyebrows wrinkled. “What gave it away she was my woman?”

  Mannie chuckled. “Even though men are discrete women can’t help to show how much they are in love. Every time one of the restaurant owners informed Nadine she was taken care of because she was your woman that pretty smile brightened her face.”

  I slapped the back of his head with the Glock. He winced. “I know she’s fucking beautiful, but I don’t want to hear it from lips. Continue.”

  “After Nadine dropped off her friend, she would arrive at your gated community and not leave for two days.”

  We reached the bottom of the stairs. I stood face to face with him.

  “Halloween night, Tony. Tis, tis, tis. That was when it was confirmed she was not only your woman, damn near your wife. You two sat on the curb passing out candy like an old married couple. I would say you threw me off a little when you abruptly took her back to school. She was pissed when she exited your truck. I didn’t see the new detail you had trailing her. When did you know I was targeting you?”

  “When you questioned me twice about Nadine. I found it odd you taking an interest in my love life. Halloween, I broke it off with Nadine for her own good. She mentioned how good the restaurant owners were to her. I began putting two and two together. It was smart using my own signature against me, but see a great problem solver is always five steps ahead.



  Riding in the back of the chauffeured Mercedes, I stole glances of Nadine on our way to the holiday dinner at Uncle Sergio’s mansion.

  The red glitter gown, radiated her dark brown skin. My cock twitched several times. I wanted to fuck her before we arrived at my uncles, but I behaved somewhat.

  “Roll up the partition, Nadine.”

  She did as she was told. Grabbing her waist, I pulled her onto my lap facing away from me. She stared at her reflection in the partition. Her neck begged to be kissed. Nadine’s hair was swept up in a bun, resting on top of her head. She was my fucking undoing. I knew it the moment I met her.

  My lips pressed against her bare back in the oval opening of the dress. Running my fingers up her leg toward her thigh, Nadine circled her ass over my hard cock.

  “I have something special for you tonight.”

  Her head dropped back against mine. “Yeah,” she breathed.

  My fingers disappeared under her dress, massaging her greedy, plump pussy.

  “Tony, I don’t want to wait. Give it to me now,” she moaned.

  The car came to a halt. “Baby, later,” I promised.

  I placed Nadine on the plush tan leather seat next to me.

  A few moments later, she and I entered through the front door of my Uncle’s home. Friends and family talked amongst themselves throughout, sucking down Hors d'oeuvre, wine, and champagne.

  Firmly, I held my hand around Nadine’s waist as I introduced her to various members of my family.

  I pulled her aside, briefly. “I will introduce you to my uncles and their wives. Ok.” I stated nervously.

  Nadine stared up into my blue eyes straightening my red tie. Her perfectly arched thick black eyebrows were sexy. Those high cheek bones and that pretty button nose, was what I longed to stare at later, tonight.

  “You look like a sex symbol ready for the camera, dressed in your expensive black suit. You smell fucking scrumptious. I wish you would whisk me off into one of these big bedrooms and fuck me good.” She winked, biting her lower lip.

  One eyebrow rose, I glared at her. “Nadine, business first.”

  Her smile rose and fell. “Ok.” She looped her arm through mine.

  “Tony!” Uncle Serge, yelled, waving us over.

  I leaned in half embracing my uncle while holding Nadine’s hand. I stepped back.

  “Nadine Barlow, I would like to formally introduce you to, Sergio Magarelli.”

  “You certainly are a vision of beauty,” he smiled.

  “Nice to meet you. I hope I look better tonight than the pictures you had taken of me.”

  Uncle Serge laughed, shooting a glance at Francine and Mick, pointing toward Nadine. “Whoa, look at this one. Smart woman. And yes, the pictures don’t do you justice,” he grinned, devilishly.

  He needs to stop glaring at my woman like that before I knock that fucking grin off of his face.

  I turned my attention to his wife, smiling. She wore a gold off the shoulder gown. Her brunette hair was swept off her neck in a bun resting on the back of her head.

  “Nadine…” Francine stretched her hand out, smiling. “It is a pleasure to meet you.”

  Nadine shook Francine’s hand, smiling. “It’s an honor to meet you. I’ve heard nothing but great things about you.”

  I introduced Nadine to my uncle Mick and his wife Josie.

  I glanced at my uncles. “Where is Dillon, Dom, and Mario?”

  “They’re deep in a video game battle in Dom’s bedroom.” Uncle Mick shook his head.

  I laughed. “I will check on them later.”

  “Tony, you will have to because they don’t plan on coming down,” Fran smiled.

  “I believe it.”

  “Tony, bring Nadine into the dining room. We are going to begin serving dinner soon.”

  I nodded at Uncle Sergio.

  It was an out-of-body experience sitting amongst my uncles and their wives and me with my woman. I don’t think I’ve ever smiled this much.

  “Nadine, how do you like Princeton so far?” Francine asked.

  Nadine sipped the red wine, smiling. “It is a dream come true. Never a dull moment. I’m studying to become a doctor.”

  Francine smiled wide, patting the top of Nadine’s hand. “I’m proud of you.”

  Nadine smiled bright. “Thank you.”

  Uncle Mick stood to his feet looking dapper in his navy suit, tapping the side of his wine glass lightly with a knife.

  “May I have your attention, please?”

  The room fell silent.

  His eyes landed on mine. “I would like to propose a toast to you, Tony. You go out of your way to protect our family. Your father made the right decision making you this family’s new protector. For years, your father held that job. I miss my brother.” He teared up a bit. His eyes darted toward my grandfather then back at me. “I think it’s safe to say, Anthony would be proud.”

  Nadine squeezed my leg under the table.

  “Salute!” Mick shouted.

  “Salute!” rang out around the room.

  Nadine pressed her sweet soft lips against my cheek. “I’m proud of you too, baby.”

  My heart raced a mile a minute. Nadine�
��s love and admiration means the world to me. Her love is pure. I can see it in those big beautiful eyes.

  I glanced back at my uncle. “Thank you, Uncle Mick!” I raised my glass.

  Thirty guests sat amongst us at dinner. The remainder of the guest, ate dinner in a separate dining room. This dining room was for the immediate and most important members of our family and friends.

  Gio sat to my right. He was alone. I haven’t questioned him about Laina recently. If he plans to get serious with Laina, he will tell me.

  Nadine slickly ran her hand across my cock at dinner. She’s getting a spanking for acting out later tonight.

  I’m not the kind of man to show affection in public but being around family, I found myself kissing Nadine’s temple a few times during dinner.

  The exquisite table was dripping with silver and gold dishes resting on a gold table cloth. The three large sparkling chandeliers hanging over head made the night feel glamourous, yet cozy.


  “What do we have Tony?” Nadine sashayed through the lower level of Uncle Sergio’s mansion.

  “This is some bomb shelter. Sleek gray walls.” She took in the large room, smiling back at me.

  “Tony, is this my present?” she pointed toward the chair in the middle of the room.

  Stepping behind her, I pressed my lips against the back of her head. “Yeah, baby, it is.”

  Nadine stared at the man in the chair for a moment.

  She glanced back at me. “Does he know you and I share things? Personal and secret things?”

  “No, baby. I’ll let you tell him.”

  I placed a chair behind her and a pair of blue surgical gloves in her hands. Nadine sat crossing her legs, slapping on the tight-fitted plastic gloves. The slit in her dress revealed the twenty-two in her thigh holster.

  I stood to the side watching her.

  She smirked, tilting her head to either side. “Mannie, it’s good to see you again. I wish it could be under better circumstance for you.” She gave him the once over.

  His black thermo shirt was tattered, covered in fresh and dry blood. He raised his head slightly, glaring at Nadine with the one good eye he had left. I stabbed him in the other.

  “No, Tony didn’t tell you our business. But it’s ok.” She wiggled her button nose. “I’ll share,” she smirked.

  “Mannie, I am an enforcer too. I love the thrill.” She glanced at me. “…And extra-curricular activities Tony and I partake in after we’ve cleaned up.” Nadine patted the deep gash on Mannie’s leg. “Ah!” he shrilled.

  “Awe, that hurt. That’s too bad.” His eye closed then opened.

  “You know what else is too bad. You were once a good-looking guy.” She sat back in her chair. “Ssss. Now not so much. You should have never fucked with Tony. You nosed around in the wrong relationship. Did you know before you tried to kill me, I’m studying to be a doctor?”

  He grimaced with his one eye.

  She stood. “You will be my first cut job.”

  She smiled at me. “Tony, I had a surprise for you too.”

  “Oh, yeah. What?”

  “I was selected to work in the Morgue! This is big for me. I’ll learn how to perform autopsy’s and a host of other things. Of course, everyone who comes into the Morgue is dead. They asked me was I going to be afraid of working with dead people. I told them no. They wanted to test their theory, so they took me around a dead body and I didn’t toss my cookies. That is how I got hired.” She gawked at Mannie.

  “They didn’t need to know I kill people. Tonight, I will cut off your arms but I’m not using anesthetics. I’m sure this will help me once it’s time for me to take my medical classes.”

  “You’re as crazy as he is,” Mannie bit out.

  She glanced back at me. “Baby, don’t you worry. I will tell you the name of each bone I will cut.”

  “No! No!” Mannie screamed.

  I stepped over to Nadine, planting my lips against her forehead. “That’s my girl.”

  “Tony, do you have anything I can wear to make me feel like a surgeon?”

  I shook my finger toward her. “I think I do.”

  Walking over to a box in the corner, I retrieved a leather apron, a white medical coat, and a face shield. Nadine glared over my shoulder.

  “Oh my gosh! Everything looks perfect. Where did you find the doctor coat?”

  “From the hospital. You know someone owed me a favor.” I helped her into the coat.

  “Tony, it fits perfect.”

  “Remember, I know every size you wear in shoes, clothes, and underwear,” I winked.

  Nadine leaned up pecking my lips.

  Once she was dressed in her surgical attire, she walked back over to Mannie. Nadine selected a small circular saw off the table.

  Mannie’s head rose. “You turned your girlfriend into a monster like you…and…me,” he bit out.

  Nadine stood between us holding the drill high. “Tony didn’t turn me into anything! I asked if I could go with him to handle problems.” She leaned closer. “So, don’t look at him. I am my own woman.” Nadine cranked up the saw. “I will cut right through the humerus bone.” She cut below the shoulder. “Ah! Motherfuck!” Mannie screamed.

  “You can scream as loud as you want. Everyone upstairs is partying having the time of their life.” Nadine cut through the bone until his arm fell to the floor. She turned the saw off, placing it on the table.

  Nadine hunched over staring into Mannie’s eye. “You were going to kill me all because you are jealous of what Tony has. You wanted to steal his happiness. Our happiness.” She peeled off the shield. “What kind of monster are you?” Nadine shook and cried violently.

  I ran, grabbing Nadine, cradling her in my arms. I didn’t realize the effect the hit had on her. She could have lost her dream and her life. For what? Me? I carried her into one of the six rooms underneath the house. Sitting on the bed, Nadine cried hysterically in my arms.

  “Nadine, you should walk away from me,” I whispered, softly in her ear. “I wanted you bad when we first met but when I learned you were going to college, I knew I should walk away. I know I sound like a broken record but I’m no good for you.”

  Nadine caressed my face, resting her fingers in my medium length hair. Her teary eyes stared back into mine. “I know you are right. I should walk away.”

  My heart plummeted to my feet. I never thought she would admit the truth.

  “But I can’t. I’m so in love with you. I don’t see straight half the time. Despite what you do, who your family is…I love you, Tony Magarelli. One day after medical school, I will carry all your babies.” She smirked. “We will get married and be together always.”

  I kissed her lips. “Nadine, you are a very stubborn woman.”

  She smiled. “Yup, but you love me.”

  “I will dispose of our friend. I’m tired of hearing his fucking whining. He won’t shut the fuck up!” I yelled.

  Mannie wailed out in the other room.

  “Tony, I will help you. Please put him out of his misery. I want us to get on with our night.”

  “All right, Nadine. I’ll line the floor with plastic, then blow his brains out.”

  She hopped out of my lap and scurried into the other room.

  Two hours later, we dumped a bag with Mannie’s body parts attached to a cinder block into the river at Draper Lookout.

  Nadine tore her panties off, straddling me in the front seat of my truck. She loves fucking at the scene of the crime. Nadine was hot and heavy, removing my cock from my trousers. She slipped my fingers against her clit.

  “Tony, I’m always so wet for you. Fuck me long and hard.” Her fingers wrapped around my neck. I squeezed her waist, bouncing her up and down on my dick.

  “Baby, I…you feel so fucking good, Nadine.”

  Her lips melted and intertwined with mine. “I need you, Nadine.”

  Her fingers caressed my bearded face as I glided her up and down my cock.
/>   “I know, baby. And I ain’t going nowhere.”



  Christmas was lavish. Tony spared no expense to make my Christmas beautiful. Second semester, Tony insisted I stay at my dorm three nights a week, so I wouldn’t be late for my eight o’clock classes. I agreed. Saturday, I work at the Morgue during the day. Sunday morning, Tony lets me sleep in until noon.

  I don’t visit my family as often as I did the first semester. They understand and are proud of me for maintaining my 4.0 grade point average.

  Spring break, Tony swept me away to Florida for a week. We had an amazing time. Tony’s vacation was well deserved. He could behave like a young adult. For the first time he wasn’t responsible, stressed, or having to kill anyone.

  The summer, however, was a different story. Tony was traveling to Italy for a job. He invited me to help handle the job. Tony said it would turn into a weekend getaway.

  “Nadine, wake up. We are landing.” Softly, his hand ran along my leg. I felt the love in his touch and his smile.

  “I’m up,” I stated sheepishly.

  Tony glanced over the white plush leather seats. “Cruz, wake up. We’re landing.”

  Yes, Cruz is still my detail. Tony wants to know I’m protected at all times.

  The luxury jet wheels tapped the runway. Staring out the small window, I watched as the bright yellow sun rose in the beautiful sky. Any time we travel we fly, on Tony’s family’s luxury plane. Flying private is relaxing.

  Exiting the plane, Tony spoke to the pilots. I smiled and thanked them for assuring we arrived safe in Italy. Two Mercedes waited on the tarmac. Cruz hopped into the car behind us. Tony and I dipped into the one in front.

  Tony spoke to our chauffeur in Italian. We’ve been together for almost a year. Seldom does he speak Italian unless he’s talking to Cruz or his uncles.


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