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Hidden Witness 3: Tony's Story: A Second Chance Mafia Romance (Tony & Nadine) (Hidden Witness Series Book 3)

Page 21

by Posey Parks

  “Yeah. I will meet you at the diner up the street from the house. I will walk in the front door then exit the back door. I’ll meet you in the alley.”

  I nodded.

  I glanced over my shoulder at his detail approaching us, then back at my brother. “Thanks for the word of advice. I will send up a bottle of champagne!” I yelled.

  He tapped my shoulder. “Anytime man!”

  His detail halted when Kirk reached the sink to wash his hands. After they exited the restroom, I could breathe again. I didn’t come here to kill anyone but if his man didn’t back down, I would have twisted his neck, leaving him dead in one of the bathroom stalls.


  My brother sat in the passenger seat of my rental car with his head in his hands.

  I gave my brother the quick version of what happened five years ago.

  “I can’t believe you sacrificed your own life for Dillon’s. Nadine stood over your casket a broken wreck.” His glazed, angry eyes shot over at me. “Did she know you faked your death?”

  I ran my hand along the back of my neck. “Yes. And my job is to the Magarelli’s over my happiness.”

  “Did you even love her?”

  My dark features softened as I glanced over at him. “I loved Nadine so much, I’m incapable of ever loving another woman. She was my everything. I planned to marry her. All that was snatched away from me one rainy night. Five years. Five years is how long it took me to become a functioning human being again. Sure, I smiled at my boss and to our employees. But inside, I was fucked up. I barely made it through the day sometimes.” He shook his head. “Damn, Tony. I guess I dodged a bullet relocating to Colorado.”

  “Yeah, if we wouldn’t have lost Pops, you would handle the family business too.”

  I brushed my fingers along the fake beard. “Let’s get down to business. My boss has two openings in the bodyguard industry. You and Cristina would help manage the athlete side of the business. Is anything holding you here?” I raised one eyebrow. “Sunny California has an array of plastic women at your disposal.”

  His blues sparkled as he pondered on my words. “Sounds tempting Tony.” He ran his hand along his bare square jaw. My brother looks like a younger version of me. I have my dad's nose and Kirk has his jawline and dimples.

  “If you can persuade Cristina and you both decide to move to SoCal, you need to ask mom to call grandfather and release your detail. Tell Mom you want to go forth into the world and live your lives. Tell her you both can handle yourselves.”

  He ran his fingers through his dark hair. “I will try. Shit, I would love to dive into some of that California pussy.”

  We laughed.

  “I need to know no later than two weeks.” I placed my business card in his palm.

  “Tony DeRosa.” He smiled. “I like the name.” He pulled me into his embrace. “It’s so good to see you, brother.”


  “I better get going before my detail finds me. I will call you soon.”

  I nodded. I watched through the rearview mirror as my brother darted back inside the restaurant.


  Three weeks later, my brother and sister moved to L.A. filling my open positions. They understood we couldn’t be seen together anywhere. Mr. Silverman knew they were my sibling’s, yet introduced them as acquaintances to the team of guys. Mr. Silverman was nice enough to give me and Cristina some time alone.

  Sitting on the white sofa, Cristina’s head rested against my chest. “Tony, I can’t believe we finally have a chance at a strong relationship. The moment you filled Dad’s shoes, your focus changed. I ran my hand over her brown tresses.

  “I know. I’m sorry.”

  Her brown eyes met mine. “Did you hate Mom for requesting to move out of state, away from the family?”

  The corner of my lip curled up. “Yeah, just a little. I get I was the oldest, but I didn’t ask for that job. I inherited the position. I felt like Mom abandoned me. Over time, Nadine and I became serious, and she became my family. I then turned my back on Nadine. I never wanted to leave her.”

  My sister smiled. “I know. You are doing a good job taking care of her the way you do. Even though you can’t be there with her, I believe she knows you love her.”

  I smiled. “You think so?”

  Her eyes lit up. “I know so. She’s taking care of our old house. She’s not obligated.

  I held my sister tight. “Thank you. And I am elated you are here.” My sister and I talked for an hour.

  Kirk and Cristina found respective homes upon arriving in L.A. Having my family close every day brought out a happier side of me. Mr. Silverman couldn’t thank Kirk and Cristina enough for working for him. Mr. Silverman said he never witnessed me smile so much in all the years I worked for him.

  Cristina sat on the tub ledge in the bathroom of the athlete’s hotel suite, wearing blue surgical gloves, while he had sex. The second he whipped off the condom, my sister stood bedside snatching the filled condom from his hand flushing it down the toilet. Needless to say, I hired a few more women to help with this line of expertise. Business had never been better.



  Bursting through the doors of the bustling emergency room, I evaluated a gunshot victim. “We need to get this patient into surgery.” My eyes darted toward the door. “Dr. Monarch, if we don’t operate now, the bullet may nick the thoracic aorta.” I stared into his green eyes.

  Placing his hands on his muscled hips, his eye scanned over the five residents.

  We held our breath. Who would he choose to assist with the surgery?

  Gently, I pressed the gauze against the gun wound.

  He huffed. “Barlow, you’re with me. Move fast! Get scrubbed in for surgery.”

  I smiled.

  The residents shot angry glares my way as I swiftly vacated the emergency room. Treating all those gunshot wounds with Dr. Zammitti paid off. Tony knew my training under Dr. Zammitti would help once I became a resident. I even created my own surgical stitch.

  During surgery, Dr. Monarch complimented me more than once on my surgical skills. Missing my man right about now. Yeah, five years later and I still miss Tony.

  I shed my bloody scrubs after surgery. “Great job Dr. Barlow.” Dr. Monarch smiled, removing his blue scrub cap, revealing his short spiky blond hair.

  My face lit up brightly. “Thank you, Dr. Monarch.”

  “Are you sure you want to practice Peds?”

  “Yes, as much as I love saving the lives of critical gun shot victims, I can’t wait to deliver babies. Sometimes I will have to rush into surgery to save a baby in distress. I look forward to bringing as many beautiful babies into this world as I can.”

  Tossing his scrubs into the bin, he smiled. “Ok doctor.” He hesitated. “Would you like to grab a coffee after shift?” He flashed his beautiful pearly whites.

  His emerald eyes were sexy. They captivated many of the nurses. His tall, muscled frame was enticing.


  His cheeks flushed. “I’ll meet you in the café at 5:30.”


  Throughout medical school and during my residency, men have asked me out on dates. Never have I said yes until now. Washing my hands under the piping hot water for what seemed like a lifetime, I fell into my thoughts. He’s never coming back Nadine. It’s time to move on. I placed Tony in the back of my mind.

  Dr. Monarch and I began dating. I usually met him for coffee or dinner. His charm was weighing on me. We sat in the quaint coffee house at a corner table sitting side by side. The copper, brownish decorative globes covering the white bulbs provided a romantic ambiance. Stirring the sugar granulates into my coffee, I listened intently to one of Nathan’s crazy ER stories. Dr. Nathan Monarch is thirty-one years old. He’s the super bachelor of the hospital.

  I laughed and our eyes met. Slowly, he leaned in taking my soft lips. He pulled back staring into my dark eyes. “Do you want
to go back to my place?” he whispered.

  My eyes widened. “Um…I’m not ready.” I broke our gaze. My eyes were fixated on the front double glass doors.

  He leaned back against the wall. I turned to him. His angular jaw twitched. “Nadine, we’ve dated for three months. This is the second time you allowed me to kiss you.”

  My eyebrows wrinkled. “I-I know.” I felt the tears threatening the backs of my eyes.

  Pushing my seat back, I rose. Nathan pulled me into his chest. “You are not running away from us.”

  Tears spilled from my eyes down his woodsy scented black dress shirt.

  “You are off work tonight and so am I. You are coming back to my place.”

  My favorite ballet played softly throughout the pristine Audi. Staring out the window into the darkness, I held on to every word in the song. ‘Back to you’ is the song I love. The words in this song rang true. ‘You can break my heart in two but when it heals, it beats for you. I know I’d go back to you.’ Those lyrics haunted me deep within. Even though I knew Tony wasn’t coming back, the problem was I knew he was still out there, somewhere.

  Nathan’s fingers stroked my cheek. “Nadine, where are you?”

  I mustered a smile. “Nathan, I need you to understand, I can’t ever give you my heart.”

  He ran his hand over his short hair. “Yeah. I hear you.” His eyes focused on the dark road ahead.

  He heard me, but he wasn’t listening. I’ve been there.


  Standing in the masculine bedroom at Nathans condo, his hands slid down my slender, naked curves. My eyes marveled his gorgeous naked body. His emerald eyes peered into mine. No words to be said. Nathan’s lips slammed into mine. My fingers grazed his pecs. Grabbing my waist, he pulled me into his arms, wrapping my legs around his torso. Walking us toward his bed. Nathan laid my head against the cold soft pillow. He reached inside the nightstand, retrieving a condom. His lips trailed along my neck as he slid the condom onto his cock. I tried to remain in the moment with him but it was difficult. It didn’t matter this man was walking sex. I didn’t desire to have sex with Nathan. I thought this act might help me move on from Tony. Maybe having sex with another man wasn’t the way to get over Tony.

  Slowly, Nathan slid his impressive cock inside me. My back arched. Instantly, I blacked out. My zoning out wasn’t fair to Nathan, but it was the best I could do. I imagined I was with Tony. My body only knew how to be filled completely by one man, my man, Tony. My hips rocked in a circular motion. “Nadine,” Nathan whispered in my ear.

  I gripped his back as he stilled into me, biting my earlobe. Sitting back on his knees, he flipped me on all fours. Nathan slammed into my tightness. I remembered how Tony growled each time he filled me from behind. Nathan slammed into me for the final time. I was relieved it was over. I could tell Nathan knew what he was doing in the bedroom. I wasn’t ready to receive all of what he was giving.

  The next morning, he drove me to my truck parked in the coffee shop parking lot. He leaned over taking my lips. “I’ll see you tomorrow at work.”

  I smiled. “Yeah.”

  I climbed out of his car, then into mine. Fifteen minutes later, I was home. Strolling into the kitchen from the garage, Anthony greeted me. Cruz walked in behind me.

  His grimacing eyes met mine. I ignored him.

  “Mommy!” Anthony hugged my waist.

  “Hi, baby.”

  “Chloe cooked breakfast. Are you ready to watch cartoons with me?”

  I gazed into his deep blue eyes. “Give me fifteen minutes.” I ran my fingers through his curly black hair.

  “Ok.” Still wearing his PJ’s, Anthony dropped to his knees, rolling his toy train along the black slated tile floor.

  “Cruz, can I speak to you a second?”

  He didn’t answer. Cruz followed me upstairs.

  I dropped my purse on my king-sized bed. “Say it!”

  “What can I say?” His face tightened.

  I folded my arms. “Tony’s not coming back. We both know this. I have to move on with my life!”

  He dropped his head. “I know.” He pulled me into his arms. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what I expected you to do. I guess Nathan isn’t that bad.”

  I pulled back. “Nathan served a purpose.” I glanced into his gray eyes.

  We stood in silence. He ran his hand tightly over his hair. “I’m going to walk the premises.”

  “Ok.” I closed my bedroom door after Cruz disappeared down the hall.

  I love this house. It’s two times the size as my old one. The four bedrooms are spaced out upstairs. The second master bedroom downstairs off the kitchen is perfect for Cruz. Sometimes I’m saddened. Cruz has to protect me twenty-four seven. His life is semi put on hold I suppose. Secretly, behind my back, he’s seeing Chloe. I stroll the halls at night from time to time. I peeked inside Chloe’s bedroom one night, she wasn’t there. Walking toward the kitchen, I heard whispering and moaning behind Cruz’s door. I was tempted to listen to them have sex but I continued on into the kitchen, pouring myself a glass of cold water. Cruz deserves some type of happiness even if it is with my nanny. Now that Anthony is five years old, it’s time to let Cruz work part-time. I want him to guard Anthony, not so much me anymore. I carry my Glock everywhere I go. I can handle myself.

  I ran downstairs into the kitchen. “Good morning, Chloe.” She was wearing running clothes.

  “Good morning! I placed your plate in the warmer. If you don’t mind, I’m going for a run.”

  I placed my plate on the counter, biting into the turkey sausage link. “Cruz!” I called.

  He peeked his head around the corner. “Yeah?”

  “Can you go for a run with Chloe?”


  Chloe is aware I won’t let her go on runs or to the grocery store alone. I think this is the way they spend time together. It’s kind of cute.

  “All right, I will be in the living room with Anthony. Thanks for breakfast, Chloe.”

  She smiled.

  My bare feet padded across the cherry wood, living room floor. I plopped down on the couch next to my son pulling him into my arms. I nuzzled my nose in his curly hair. This was our thing, watching cartoons on the Saturdays I didn’t work.

  He glared into my eyes. “Mommy, tell me again, what daddy was like.”

  I told him his father was dead. I mean, after all, that is the truth, right? I do have the death certificate. I lied about Tony’s last name. I told Anthony his father’s last name was Johnson. I wanted the name to be common. In case he chose to look his father up one day. Anthony is aware his father was white. Kids at school poke fun, telling him he looks different because he has fair skin and blue eyes. I told my baby they are just jealous of how handsome he is.

  “Your daddy was tall. He rarely smiled. Even though he didn’t smile much, he joked a lot.” I tickled his stomach.

  Anthony burst into laughter.

  “Kind of like you do.”

  I kissed his face. “Your father would have loved you. I don’t want you to think for one moment he wouldn’t hug and kiss all over you too.”

  “Mommy, you said you and daddy watched X-Files. Can we watch it together?”

  I smothered him with kisses. “The show is about creepy, gory aliens. When you are older, we will watch the show together. Now let’s focus on the movie ‘Cars’.”

  “Yay!” He yelled.



  The TV superstar, Jacob Latters walked into Mr. Silverman’s office. I’ve seen him around town at award shows,while I guarded other celebrities. He’s known for having various attractive women on his arm. Lately, Samantha Posey was the woman accompanying him to various celebrity events. Rags news often aired Jacob presenting Samantha with the $195k Bentley truck.

  "It's so good to see you my boy," stated Mr. Silverman, walking toward Jacob with his hand stretched out.

  “Good to see you too,” Jacob smiled as he sh
ook his hand.

  “Let me introduce you to Tony and Kirk. Jacob, they will be your eyes and ears. Please have a seat.”

  Jacob sat in a white leather chair across from me and Kirk. Jacob appeared uncomfortable. He squirmed in the chair not making eye contact with me and my brother. The sleek black coffee table was all that divided us.

  Jacob swiveled in his chair to face Mr. Silverman who stood at the mini bar.

  “Mr. Silverman, with all due respect Sir, you don’t know what I need.”

  “Let me guess and excuse my language but you want to marry that nice piece of ass. The black woman, Samantha, but your family won’t allow it,” he said while pouring Jacob a whiskey.

  “Am I in the ballpark?”

  Jacob’s eyebrows rose. "Yes, but how did you know?"

  “My business is to know other people's business which in turn keeps them safe. Tell me Jacob, do you know your family's history?” Mr. Silverman asked, placing the glass of whiskey in Jacob’s hand.

  Jacob chugged the harsh liquor before answering. “Only what my mother told me.”

  The two men went back and forth about Jacob’s racist family. Mr. Silverman didn’t mix words. He told Jacob to research his family.

  Jacob sat the empty glass on the table.

  “The truth is, Mr. Latters, your family will never let you marry a black woman.”

  Jacob dropped his face in his hands.

  "Don't worry, the wedding will go on, Jacob," he assured.

  Jacob glanced up at Mr. Silverman. “But how?”

  “Let us figure that out. Starting today, there will always be someone following Ms. Posey. We'll be in touch. Leave the duffle bag with Kirk,” ordered Mr. Silverman.

  Jacob paid the initial fee of $100k.


  My brother and sister played intricate parts in the kidnapping of Samantha.

  Sitting half naked in a wooden chair, in the middle of an empty room, Samantha screamed around the gag.


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