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Hidden Witness 3: Tony's Story: A Second Chance Mafia Romance (Tony & Nadine) (Hidden Witness Series Book 3)

Page 24

by Posey Parks

  My lips turned up then I laughed. “No, he’s not.”

  “Nadine and I were just heading to dinner. Would you like to join us?”

  “No. I need to talk to Nadine. Would you give us a minute?”

  He smiled. “Sure.” He stepped away, retrieving his cell phone from his pocket.

  Her fiery eyes stared at me. “Tony, we don’t have anything to talk about.”

  “Oh, no? Am I stopping your dinner plans with Brad Pitt over there?”

  “Tony, Stephen and I and a group of doctors are going out to dinner.”

  “Tell them you’ll catch up with them tomorrow. I’ll take you to dinner.”

  Her arms crossed her chest. “Tony, no.”

  I leaned in closer, narrowing my blue eyes at her. “You tell him.” I pointed at her. “Or I do.” My finger jabbed into my chest.

  Her eyes rolled upward before she stepped over to Stephen.

  A minute later, she walked back over to me.

  “I’ll carry your brief-case,” I stated, removing it from her tight grip.

  Her face was tensed. “Relax Nadine. It’s just me.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of,” she whispered.

  She had every right to think that. Dinner always meant we were fucking afterwards. Today was no different. In my eyes, she’s still mine. Even if I can’t completely have her like I want.


  We walked in silence through the hotel lobby into the warm fresh air. Waiting for the valet to bring my truck around, my eyes roamed her tight body.

  She glanced at me. “Have you lived in L.A. the entire time?”

  “Mostly. Before arriving, I lived in Portland. I needed to get Dillon settled.”

  “How is he doing?” She smirked.

  “Good. He has his own construction business.” I smiled, running my fingers through my short hair.

  The attendant parked my truck at the curb.

  “This is us.” I said to Nadine, placing my hand against the small of her back. I nodded at the valet attendant in passing.

  I opened the passenger door, Nadine climbed inside the black Suburban. It was surreal being in Nadine’s presence after all these years. Once behind the wheel, I checked traffic, then made a U-turn.

  I stole a few glimpses of the one woman who holds my heart in her precious grip. Her slender jawline was God's work of beauty. Nadine’s oval eyes stared out the window. She had no idea how much I missed her. Kidnapping my ex is on my mind. Keeping her for myself. Never letting her return to her world.

  “L.A. is beautiful.”

  “Ba-.” I caught myself. Even though it has been fourteen years calling her baby felt natural.

  “When I first arrived in L.A., I shopped on Rodeo drive. I thought about you.” I grinned.

  Nadine cut her eyes at me and cocked her head. “Did you now?”

  The padding of my thumb brushed her deep chocolate cheek. Nadine shivered underneath my touch. This woman was once my life. Fuck that. She always has and always will be my life. The women I have barely dealt with over the years meant nothing.

  Nadine’s sad eyes remained on me. I can’t mistake the hurt, loneliness, and fear in her eyes. The fear of this moment ending and us never being together again frightens her. Hell, it terrifies me to never see Nadine again. Then it hit me. Where is her protection? “Nadine, where is Cruz?”

  She stared out the windshield. “At home. I needed a break from the twenty-four-hour scrutiny for the last fourteen years!” she yelled.

  She dropped her head, rubbing her eyes with two fingers. “I didn’t mean to yell.”

  I turned into the restaurant parking lot, pulling close to the building, before throwing the truck in park.

  “Tony, honestly, Cruz now works part-time. I would like to think you trained me well enough to take care of myself.”

  Killing the engine, I turned, glaring at her. “I asked my uncles to give you the Magarelli protection. That means twenty-four-hour protection Nadine!” I roared.

  She smacked her lips, folding her arms. She leaned closer with rustled brows. “What are you going to do about it, Tony?”

  She was fucking trying my patience. I placed one hand on the dashboard and the other clutched her head rest.

  “I think you forgot who you were fucking with,” I snarled.

  “If you thought I was a monster before think of me as a bigger, badder, tougher monster now.” Her eyes widened.

  “With all the high-tech shit at my fingertips, I can walk right into your neighborhood as someone else. Its called prosthetics. You tell Cruz he starts back working for you full-time or I will personally come to New Jersey and snap his fucking neck!” I growled.

  “You are unfucking believable!” She threw her hands in the air. “Fine, when I return home, he’ll return to his full-time status.” She turned, reaching for the door lever. “I will catch a cab back to my hotel.”

  I grabbed her wrists, yanking her close. Her angry dark eyes burned into mine. “You ain’t going nowhere,” I stated through gritted teeth.

  Crushing my lips against her soft, tender, succulent lips, Nadine attempted to pull back but I wasn’t letting go. Pressing her hands forward, she touched my chest. I released her hands. Starvation and desperation, vibrated through our lips. All the nights I dreamed about taking her lips had nothing on this moment. Nadine moaned. I tasted her salty tears raining down our lips. My huge hands rubbed her back. I broke our kiss. The large pads of my thumbs swiped away her tears. “I love you Nadine. I never stopped loving you.” I ferociously took her lips again.

  “You know that, right?” I asked against her soft lips.

  She shook her head yes, falling back against the cream butter leather seat. I grabbed Kleenex from the center console, pushing the tissues into her palm. She dried her face and blew her pretty little nose.

  I wouldn’t take my eyes off her. “Come on beautiful. Let’s eat.”


  Tony never takes no for an answer. Pushy as fuck, mean as hell, but sexy as all get out. The tension between us in the truck was thick. After all these years, Tony still looks at me as his woman. The nerve of this man. He left me in order to save his family. I am happy he pushed me to live out my dream of being a doctor. If he hadn’t pushed me, I would have given it up to be with him. Truthfully, if I didn’t have Anthony, I would sell my practice and move to L.A. to be with Tony. I only know how to love this man.

  Tony was enraged to learn Cruz was working part-time. Threatening to kill his own man revealed he hated not being there to protect me. In his own sick and twisted way, he would kill his own man to prove a point to me.

  The force behind his kiss told me how much he loves me, how much he hated being away from me. For the first time, Tony stared into my eyes admitting he loves me. I marveled in Tony’s eyes as I felt the sincerity in his declaration of love for me.

  My bitterness is still evident. The man I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with wants me back after all these years. He should have never left. Yup, still bitter. Over the years, I tried making peace with Tony’s decision. Fran admitting, she secretly checked on her son tore me up. I want to ask Tony if Fran could contact him throughout the years. Something tells me there’s some bull shit in the game. Learning the truth might make me want to slit her throat.


  Tony and I sat in a large booth in the back corner of the restaurant. Glancing over the extensive authentic Italian menu, I felt Tony’s eyes roaming my body. I also caught a glimpse of his big cock bulging in his slacks. Nothing has changed, Tony takes me out to dinner so we have enough energy to fuck all night. I’m not naïve. I knew if I left the hotel with Tony, he would give my pussy the best spanking. Yeah, I look forward to our time together later this evening.

  Sipping a glass of cold ice water, I turned my attention to the approaching waiter.

  “Good evening. May I start you off with something to drink, besides water?”

  Placing my glass on th
e table, I smiled. “We’ll take your best bottle of red wine.”

  I glanced at Tony. He didn’t blink. He ordered our meals. In the past Tony ordered the best wine. I didn’t think that changed. He’s still selecting my meals. The waiter stepped away.

  I stared at Tony. “How do you know that’s what I wanted to eat? I may have had a taste for something different?”

  His eyebrow rose. “Is Ossobuco not different?”

  “It is different. But there were various dishes I never tried on the menu. Maybe I wanted to select a different dish.”

  He sat flush against the seat, back straight, glaring at me. Silent.

  “I’ll call the waiter over, then you can change your order. I remember you didn’t mind me ordering for you in the past. You once loved that.”

  He glanced across the restaurant, raising his hand, snapping his fingers. I reached across lowering his hand.

  “Tony, that’s not necessary. I will eat what you ordered.” I ran my hand over the top of his. “Remember, I’m almost thirty-four. I can make my own selections.”

  “Yeah, I got it. I remembered when we were in Italy, you said you wanted to try Ossobuco. You never got the chance while we were there.”

  “You remembered.” I smiled.

  “Of course, I did.” He smirked. “Who knows, you may have gotten a chance to try it.”

  “I haven’t.” The ends of my lips turned up then lowered. I released his hand. The waiter returned, pouring us each a glass of wine. Placing the bottle on the table. Tony ordered a glass of whiskey.

  “Nadine, order a second drink,” Tony directed.

  I glanced at the waiter. “I will have a vodka cranberry.”

  “Of course, I will return soon,” the waiter stated.

  Bringing the glass to my lips, I swallowed half the glass of red wine.

  “Do you seriously work for Samantha and


  He placed his finger over his lips. “Shush. This is Hollywood. Someone is always trying to get a story.”

  I laughed. “I understand.”

  “But yes, I do.”

  “Do you like it?”

  Tony leaned in wrapping his muscled arm around my waist, clenching my hip. “I do like working for them.”

  The waiter returned placing our plates and other beverages on the table. Tony sat back briefly. Tony and I thanked the waiter. Tony lifted the low-ball glass to his lips, sipping the whiskey. Turning toward Tony, my hand palmed his bearded cheek. I lowered his ear to my lips. “You never thought about wearing one of those masks to see me?”

  The smell of his woodsy, vanilla scented cologne was sending shock waves through my core.

  “To answer your question, of course I have. Changing the subject. Is delivering babies everything you dreamed of?”

  I returned my attention to my meal, smiling wide. “It is. I can never get enough of all those beautiful little faces I bring into the world.”

  “I remember you wanted babies.” He took another bite of the Saltimbocca.

  My entire body vibrated from his words. My cold eyes glared at him. “Yeah, I wanted those babies by a certain someone. Change the subject.”

  “I’ll give you a baby now, if you want.”

  I ran my hand across the back of my neck, focusing on the Martini.

  “No, thank you.”

  I felt his cold eyes.

  His strong arm pulled me close. Tony’s lips melted against my hair.

  I closed my eyes. The tears threatened to burst free.

  “I know you don’t mean that. I understand you probably wanted us to have children a couple of years after you finished medical school.”

  I tried pushing him away. Tony held me tighter. His words rang true and I couldn’t bear to listen to him talk about children we never had. Or should I say, he doesn’t know we have. Should I tell him about Anthony? Why should I? Tony can never meet him. It’s better this way. I’ll be gone in a couple of days, back to my life without Tony.

  I turned, pressing my forehead against his. “Tony, I leave in a couple of days. We won’t ever see each other again. This is probably the closure we need so we can both move on with our lives.”

  Tony pulled back, pouring himself another glass of wine.

  I swiped at the tears cleaning my face with the cloth napkin.

  “You work at St. Michaels. I thought you were moving back to Philly.”

  I downed the glass of wine. “Has Fran been able to contact you?”

  “Why are you asking Nadine?”

  “Because if she could get a hold of you, she should have allowed me to talk to you.”

  He threw the napkin on his plate. “Why Nadine?” He stared into my eyes. “So, you could drop out of medical school and move here with me?”

  “Yes!” I shouted.

  The customers turned, gawking at us.

  My face was full of pain and deep sadness. “I needed you. Me.” I pointed at my chest.

  Tony pulled me into his arms kissing my hair repeatedly. “I know baby. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

  I shivered under his touch. How will I leave him a second time? I felt my phone vibrate in my purse. I’m sure it is Anthony.

  “Tony, I’ll be back. I need to clean up.” I didn’t glimpse at him before stepping away to the restroom.

  I returned my son’s call from a stall in the bathroom.

  Hi, baby. How was school?

  It was good Mom. Coach had us running suicides after school. He said it will prepare our legs to run up and down the basketball court.

  I shook my head in disbelief. I told you to take a break. You just finished with football season.

  Mom, I know. I love basketball too!

  Ok! Ok! I laughed.

  When grandma and grandpa ask you to stop gaming, are you listening?

  He sighed. Yes, Mom.


  I’m actually about to hop on the game right now. I wanted to hear your voice. I miss you already, Mom.

  I miss you too, baby. I’ll talk to you after school tomorrow. Love you.

  Love you too.

  Anthony disconnected the call.

  I pulled myself together before returning to the table. Several drinks later, Tony drove down beautiful Rodeo Drive. I gawked at the elegant shops in passing. He promised to bring me shopping before I leave. Tony drove into a gated community in Calabasas. His contemporary two-story home was beautiful.



  Dinner didn’t quite go as planned. Three glasses of wine and two apple martinis later, Nadine had finally relaxed. Her eyes were glued to the shop windows as we rode down Rodeo Drive. I needed to keep the mood light.

  Half an hour later, we arrived at my house, parking in the garage. She leaned against the Think Glass custom countertop with blue swirls, resting her chin on her palm.

  “Is this what you wanted Tony? To fuck?”

  I stood on the other side of the counter, concocting her another drink. “Apple Martini for the beautiful lady,” I snickered.

  “Fourteen years Tony. We are very different people now.”

  “I bet I still know that pussy like the back of my hand.” I winked.

  I placed her drink in front of her. Slowly, I poured myself a glass of bourbon, then joined her on the other side of the counter.

  “Who else knew you were alive other than me, Dillon, and Fran?”

  “My brother Kirk and my sister Tina. I reached out to them once I moved to California. When I didn’t wire money to your school to pay tuition, I sent Kirk every now and again to pay your tuition.”

  “Tony, you didn’t have to do that,” she stated, twirling the mini straw in the fruity drink.

  “Nadine, if I wouldn’t have left, I would have taken care of you.”

  Her cold eyes glanced into mine. “Were you taking care of the other women too?”

  “No, because I cut them off. I was only making time for you. Which we established before I

  “You told me we couldn’t be in a relationship.”

  I ran my fingers through my spiky short brown hair. “Why did I say that?”

  She sipped her drink. “Because you are a dangerous man. A killer.” She smirked.


  “Remember when you brought me along to handle problems?”

  “Which part of those trips stick out in your mind?”

  Her finger traced over her lips. “How good you would fuck me after we handled the problem.” She glanced at me out of the corner of her eye.

  “Are you still in that line of work?”

  I dropped the contents in the glass down the back of my throat. “Maybe.”

  She shook her head. “I’m not that same girl who is intrigued by danger. I’m a respectable citizen.”

  “Sounds like you walk around with a stick up your ass.”

  She stuck her nose in the air. “I do not!”

  I moved behind her, placing my hands on the counter on either side of her. “Leave that stick at the door.” My fingers brushed her shoulder length hair back. She tilted her neck to the side. My tongue ran mini circles along the side of her neck.

  “Are you a freak in the bedroom for that Brad look alike, the way you were for me?”


  “How many other men are you fucking?”

  She tried pushing me back.

  “Just tell me?”

  “I don’t remember Tony.”

  My fingers grazed up her thighs, reaching for her panties.

  “Since you don’t remember, are you making them use rubbers?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  My hands gripped her thick hips. They’re bigger than I remembered, but not in a bad way. I slipped her panties under her fat ass, down her thighs. They fell to the floor, and I retrieved them, holding them under my nose inhaling her delicious scent. I slipped them into my back pocket.

  “Do you use rubbers when you have sex with women?”

  “Yes, every time.” I breathed.


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