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Hidden Witness 3: Tony's Story: A Second Chance Mafia Romance (Tony & Nadine) (Hidden Witness Series Book 3)

Page 26

by Posey Parks

  Samantha became mush and happily agreed.

  Nadine and I planned to hang out in San Francisco for Memorial Day weekend. A week before our trip Nadine said something came up and she couldn’t fly out. The texts and phone calls stopped. I tried reaching out to her, but her phone number was disconnected. I was losing my mind. What the fuck was going on? I called Nadine’s practice to find out if she was taking new baby patients. They said she was.

  My cell left my hand as I hurled it across the kitchen smashing against the wall, then it fell to the floor. I was more in love with Nadine now than I was years ago. Maybe because we were established in our lives. In L.A., we were free to be a couple. Was the long-distance relationship too much for her?



  Tony and I Face-Time late at night often. Anthony didn’t understand why I was going out of town almost every other weekend. I couldn’t admit I was visiting his father. I also hadn’t told Tony about Anthony.

  February 26th, I realized my monthly visitor was a no show. Running in and out of town, being a mom, and a busy baby doctor, I forgot about it. Sitting at my office desk this morning I glanced at the calendar. The lonely letter ‘P’ sat in the square alone on the fifteenth.

  Standing in the private bathroom I stared at the results from the urine pregnancy test. The test strip read positive. I slammed my hand against the wall. Twice, I’ve managed to get pregnant by Tony. “Shit!” I yelled in a whisper.

  Before my belly grows, I will have to be the one to end our relationship. Tony can never come back to his life. What am I supposed to do, travel back and forth with his baby? Or do I tell people I had a one-night stand? But wouldn’t Cruz know something was fishy when the baby’s features develop mimicking Tony’s?

  Staring at my reflection, I thought back to that night in Tony’s kitchen. He said he would not use protection. I knew I wasn’t on birth control. I didn’t need birth control for Mr. Bigg. I should have told Tony I could get pregnant. Maybe he would have worn a condom. He joked in the restaurant about impregnating. But that was a joke, right?

  I discarded my results, then freshened up. Glancing at my watch, I made my way down the hall to my first appointment of the day. The Lawrence’s three-month well baby check-up. I went through the motions one patient after the other. That behavior went on for two-weeks. My body began shutting down. The second I get home in the evening, I’d check Anthony’s homework, cook dinner then crash on the sofa. Too many nights, Anthony helped me to my bed.

  I told myself it was time to make an appointment with an OBGYN. I needed to be the patient for once. I was already taking prenatal vitamins. How about just being in the presence of a doctor who would share in my joy. I’m having another baby!

  I catch myself grinning sometimes. Tony is the father of both my children. It warms my heart. Even though I’m a single mother, I’m happy. I have the support of Gio, Cruz, Fran, and my family.

  Snuggled up in my first-class seat, under my mink throw, I snoozed. Faint voices echoed in my head.

  “Dr. Barlow. Dr. Barlow!”

  I peeked at the flight attendant from under the blanket. “Yes.” I rubbed my eyes.

  “We are about to land. “Please place your chair in the up-right position and buckle your seat belt.” She smiled.

  “Yes, of course.” I pulled myself together the best I could.

  Strolling through the airport toward baggage claim, I flagged down a security officer driving a mini vehicle through the airport.

  “Can I help you Miss.?”

  “Yes, I am Dr. Barlow. I need to get to a surgery I have scheduled at Cedar Sinai.” I flashed my credentials.

  “Would you please drive me to baggage claim?”


  I hopped in the seat next to the driver. He tore through the airport. No more high heels for me. Flats it is.

  Approached baggage claim I noticed Tony hiding under a dark baseball cap.

  “We’ve arrived doctor.”

  “Thank you, so much, Sir.” I placed a twenty-dollar-bill in his palm before climbing out of the small vehicle.

  Tony walked over wrapping his arm around my waist, kissing the side of my head. “What’s going on?”

  I glanced up at him. “Tired baby. That’s all.”

  Not even five minutes down the road, I was out like a light.

  I came to in Tony’s bed. I ran my hand over my red dress. “Tony!” I called.

  He bust through the door a minute later.

  “Why did you let me sleep so long? It’s 5 p.m.”

  “You were tired. I will not get in the way of your sleep. You work hard, Nadine.” Tony sat on the edge of the bed pulling me into his arms.

  “The surgery wasn’t supposed to last half the night. The mother was hemorrhaging. Ultimately, I saved mother and baby.”

  “You’re my hero Nadine.”

  I stared into his eyes. “Really?” I ran my fingers through his hair.

  “Yes. I will run you a bath, then we’ll go out to dinner.”

  “Sounds great. I’m starving.”


  I sashayed down the stairs wearing a short sleeve, navy, loose fitting dress at the top. The belt hugged my waist. The lower part of the dress bunched a bit around my hips with a low split bottom. This is really my last night wearing stilettos.

  Tony whisked me off the last stair into his arms. The white dress shirt was folded underneath his elbows, clutching his big forearms. The first three buttons on the shirt were undone. I bit my lower lip as my hands palmed his visible pecs. The brown straw Fedora rested on top of his head. Tony’s hair puffed out from underneath the top of the hat just a bit. The strong brown brow and beard went well with the hat. The black jeans, black belt, and black loafers completed his look.

  My nose tickled his. “Maybe we should go upstairs. To hell with dinner.” My lips grazed his.

  “When we return home, your screams will wake up the entire neighborhood.” His serious blue eyes stared into mine.

  “You’re going to spread those pretty little legs. Every time you shiver underneath my touch, I’m going to push deeper and deeper until you are only having multiple orgasms.”

  I visibly swallowed.

  “You are insatiable. Nadine, you are the only woman I ever want to please.”

  His lips pressed forward hungrily taking mine. Tony gripped my ass as we walked into the garage.

  How can I leave Tony alone? I don’t want to ever stop seeing him.

  My eyes bulked. “Tony, where did that car come from?”

  “Oh, you mean the White and Black Porsche Panamera.”


  “Your dream car.” He grinned.

  “Yes!” I squealed.

  “I’ll ship it to New Jersey.”

  I turned to him, throwing my arms around his neck. “Can I keep it here for a while? I’d much rather, drive down Rodeo drive in this baby.”

  He threw his head back in laughter. “Yeah, it’s no problem. You can drive us to the restaurant.”

  I walked around the car three times, slowly. I was in awe. I hugged Tony again. “You’ve always taken care of me.”

  “And, I always will.”


  My surgery schedule had to be trimmed. I couldn’t take it anymore. Taking new patients wasn’t an option. The other five doctors in my practice can work themselves into the ground. I was jumping off the speeding train.

  Lying on the table in the ultrasound room, I peered at the monitor. “I can’t wait to hear my little one’s heartbeat today,” I gleamed back at Dr. Frankle.

  She smiled. “Yeah, I know. Will you allow me to tell you the measurements of the baby?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Fine. I will let you do your job.” We laughed.

  A shiver ran up my spine from the cold gel she rubbed on my stomach.

  “All right. Let’s get started.” She pressed the wand firmly against my stomach.

  The strong hear
t beat roared throughout the room. She moved the wand lower.

  “There is the head. Wait,” she stated calmly.

  My eyes shot back and forth between her and the screen. “What?!”

  My mouth dropped open. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

  “There are two heads in there, Nadine!” she said, shockingly.

  She moved the wand more to the left. “And that is the second heart beat!”

  My hands flew over my mouth. “I’m having twins!”

  Tears spilled from the corners of my eyes.

  “Yes, twins! We will watch you close. Hopefully, I won’t have to put you on bed rest.”

  “I understand. I will take it easy.”



  Trying to settle my nerves was impossible. I had to sit down with my son and have a heart to heart conversation.

  “Anthony!” I called from the sofa.

  “Coming!” he yelled from upstairs.

  He bounced down the stairs, plopping on the sofa next to me.

  My son is a knockout. The girls are already texting him too much.

  “Yes, Mom.”

  The big black curls in his hair reminded me of his dad. His skin was a deep tan. Those blue eyes sparkled every time he smiled. He gets taller every day.

  “Anthony, I know you have noticed I’ve been exhausted lately?”


  “I’m carrying two little people in my belly, that is why. They are taking all my energy.”

  “Who is the guy?!” he grimaced.


  “It’s the guy in L.A. isn’t it?”

  I was speechless. “What makes you think it is a guy?”

  “The last time we talked on the phone while you were there, I heard him call your name.”

  I dropped my head in my hand. “Yes. It is him.”

  “God! Is he moving in with us? Is he going to be my stepdad?” His eyebrows rose.

  “I don’t want a stepfather, please!”

  “He’s not coming here. You are the first person I told. The father doesn’t know yet.”

  “I want to meet him. I can’t believe you got knocked up Mom.”

  “Anthony!” I sat up straight.

  “What is this guy’s name?”

  I made up a name quick. “Phillip Harland. Once I tell him, we will arrange a date for us to all sit down in person.”

  Anthony wrapped his arms around me. “I still love you Mom.”

  “You better.” We laughed.


  Face Timing came to an end first. I told Tony I was having problems at the practice. A week before our trip, I disconnected my cell. The pregnancy hormones made me a puddle of mush. All I did was cry myself to sleep every night. I tried keeping my voice down. I didn’t want Anthony to hear me. I struggled every day to pull myself together so I could walk into my practice.

  My partners told me I should reconsider leaving the father out of the babies’ lives. I told them I would think about it.

  I lost my Tony again. I have to get a grip for these babies and Anthony.



  Never thought I would get my life back. Now, I’m free to be Anthony Carlos Magarelli. After the meeting with the three families, our Mafia ties were stronger than ever.

  The following day, I walked into Barlow Pediatrics. The lobby was filled with snotty nosed little kids. I waited in line behind a new mother cradling her infant in a car seat.

  “May I help you, sir?”

  Offering a weak smile to the receptionist, I stepped forward. “Hello, I’m here to pick up some samples from Doctor Barlow.”

  “Ok, I will let her know you are here,” she said picking up the receiver.

  “Your name, sir?”

  “Mr. Magarelli.”

  Her once smiling eyes fell.

  “May I see that chart Nurse Choi?” I heard from behind the counter.

  I leaned into the glass opening. There was Nadine resting her arms on the tall checkout counter. My nostrils flared. I stalked toward the checkout exit, yanking the door open. Nadine’s mouth dropped open as I approached her.

  Politely, I smiled down at her. “Dr. Barlow, may I speak to you a moment in private?”

  My eyes dropped lower noticing the small bump under her white medical coat.

  “Dr. Barlow?”

  Nadine turned in the direction of the receptionist’s voice. “Yes?”

  “Mr. Magarelli is here to pick up the samples you have for him.”

  Nadine glanced at me. “Right.” She stuck her hands deep into her white coat pockets.

  “Follow me.”

  We entered a patient room at the end of a long yellow hallway. I waited for her to close the door before I blew my top.

  I snatched her white medical coat open gripping her stomach. My angry eyes widened. “Nadine, why would you hide your pregnancy from me?!”

  She stepped back from me.

  “It’s my baby, right?”

  Tears streamed down her face. “Yes.”

  I pulled her into my arms. “It’s ok. You don’t have to do this alone. I’m back.”

  Nadine pushed me away. “What do you mean you are back?”

  I ran my hand over my hair. “It’s a long story. Take a seat.

  “You dyed your hair back to its original color.”

  “Yeah, I’ve gone back and forth with my hair color over the last seven years. I wore gray contacts for a long time but once I began working for Samantha and Jacob I stopped.”


  Nadine sat on the round short rolling chair. I grabbed a chair from against the wall, sitting before her.

  “Wait, I’ll turn on a little music.” Nadine tapped a button on the wall, then turned the dial. The soft music played throughout the room.

  “I will start with recent events and work backwards, then you will tell me why you decided to up and leave.” I pointed my finger toward her.

  “That was bullshit by the way!”

  Running her hand across her belly she dropped her head staring at her hands.

  I leaned forward lifting her chin with my finger. “I love you. You are my woman. I told you I wanted you to have my children. In the back of my mind, I knew you might get pregnant. You weren’t having sex with anyone else.”

  Her eyebrows rustled together. “I hate you know that. It’s been two years since I had sex with anyone.”

  I hated hearing she had sex with another man, but what could I expect her to do in fourteen years.

  “I took a break from the pills. I wasn’t dating anyone so what did it matter. I only had sex on the regular with Mr. Bigg.”


  “Tony, my vibrator’s name is Mr. Bigg.”

  I chuckled. “Ok. Good to know.” I brushed her beautiful chocolate cheek.

  “I wanted to tell you to use protection, but I didn’t think you would listen. I should have blurted out I wasn’t on birth control.” Fresh tears burst forth. She closed her eyes.

  I palmed her face. “Nadine, look at me.”

  Her beautiful eyes popped open. “You’re right, I wouldn’t have used protection. I wanted you to carry my baby.”

  “Babies. We are having twins.” Her eyebrows wrinkled and her lips rose and fell.

  I ran both my hands along my neck. “That’s wonderful news! We are having twins! You are my life and soon these two little ones will be too.” I gripped her stomach. “I’m finally going to be a daddy!”

  She leaned forward kissing my lips. “Tony, tell me what is going on.” She retrieved a few tissues off of the counter behind her, then dried her face.

  I spoke low. “Yeah…right. I have wired Dillon’s security system to notify me if anyone enters the house without accessing the alarm. Anytime Dillon enters the house he has to reset the alarm to secure the house. Anytime someone enters without resetting the alarm in two minutes my cell will buzz. When I received the security alert, I
couldn’t believe my eyes. Filippo entered Dillon’s house. My cousin Sebastian and I hopped on his private jet and flew to Portland.”

  She shook her head. “Wait…cousin in L.A.?”

  “Yeah, remember I told you about Sergio’s sister Catriona. My grandfather allowed her to leave the life.”


  “Sebastian is her son. Her other son is Matthew.

  Sebastian is the only one who found out about me. He dug into my life. He’s a nosey hacker. He only checked into my life after I told him I was dead. That is another long story. I will bring you up to speed on everything. Back to Dillon. By the time Sebastian and I arrived at Dillon’s house he was lying in his backyard with a gunshot to the abdomen.”

  Nadine’s hand flew over her mouth. “Is he ok?!”

  “Yes, Sebastian and I were able to remove the bullet. Filippo kidnapped his fiancée. While we were gearing up to leave, Sergio walked in.”

  “What the hell! You can’t be serious.”

  “Oh no, I’m serious. He was pissed. He threatened to kill me for faking our deaths. Dillon was able to calm him down. Gio was there guarding Sergio. It was good to see him. We were working on borrowed time. We needed the help of experts to get Dillon’s Fiancée back. Remember I told you Jacob and Samantha are assassins?”


  “They helped, along with Sebastian, Dillon, Brandon, and his wife Zoey. Sergio came along too. There was no way he wouldn’t pass up handling Filippo.”

  “I know how he is. I’m sure he wanted his revenge.”

  My eyebrows rustled together. “What do you mean you know how Sergio is?”

  She bit her lower lip while wringing her hands. “Nadine, spit it out.”

  “After you died someone came to my home with the intent to kill Fran and I.”

  I sat up straight. “What the fuck?! Who?”


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