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Forest's Fall (Captive Hearts Book 3)

Page 29

by Ellie Masters

  “The rest of it stops,” Paul said.

  What did that mean? All my attention was on what they had to say about Forest.

  “The men enjoy their fun.” Snowden nearly pouted.

  “It stops.”

  “There’s a waiting list.”

  “I don’t care. You said I could have him, not share him with Tom, Dick, and Harry.”

  “Don’t forget who he belongs to.” Snowden’s tone turned menacing.

  “There’s no sport in the fights. He’s broken before they begin.”


  “It encourages weakness.” Paul’s sharp retort had Snowden sitting straighter. “You give them something they’re not strong enough to take. What kind of reward is it when they know fighting him is a guaranteed win?”

  “Like I care.”

  “You’ll care when they break him beyond repair. Your toy won’t handle much more. It’s a miracle he’s survived this long.” Paul leaned forward. “Don’t forget our arrangement.”

  “I haven’t forgotten.” Snowden bristled with annoyance. “So, you want to fight him when he’s fresh?”

  “An empty victory is a worthless one.” Paul shrugged. “It’s why I didn’t fuck him. I’m waiting for later.” Paul glanced at me, placing particular emphasis on that word, but then he turned back to Snowden.

  Snowden caught the angle of his gaze. “You’re going to do it in front of her, aren’t you?” He lifted a finger and shook it. “You always were a devious bastard.”

  Paul snorted. “There’s another problem, something you should take more care about.”

  “Maybe you should join me in the mornings? Have a go with the whip and watch him scream. It’s fun.”

  “I’m not into that kind of sharing. I’ll take my turn, but not when he’s unable to function. The fights stop. I want him tested, and you’re using protection from now on.”

  “Are you telling me to use condoms?” Snowden laughed. “Now that’s funny, but I don’t need a little brat like you lecturing me about condoms.”

  “How many of your men have fucked him? Do you trust where they’ve put their dicks? I don’t. I’m using protection. I want him tested and treated. I suggest you do the same.”

  “If he’s tested and treated, there’s no need for me to care. I like going bareback.”

  Paul’s gaze cut over to my corner, but I looked away.

  I didn’t want to listen. All it did was remind me of the torment Forest endured to keep me safe. It was only a matter of time before Snowden tired of his toy. When that happened, our future became our past.

  “You worry about the strangest things.” Snowden tapped the top of his desk. The low drumming sound made my skin crawl.

  “Your health? Mine? It’s important.”

  “Like you care about my health.”

  “Does that surprise you?”

  Like most days, my disappearing act seemed to be working. They spoke in front of me as if I didn’t exist. I didn’t dare shift in my seat, or otherwise draw attention to myself.

  They spoke of passing Forest between them like he was nothing but an object to be used for their sick, twisted games. I swallowed the anger rising within me, but what could I do?

  I needed to think like Forest, detach myself from my emotions, and put my brain to work.

  “I’ll consider it.” Snowden gave a grudging nod. “Happy now?”


  Snowden changed the conversation. “How’s your new phone? Mine’s a cluster-fuck.”

  “It’s slow, glitchy, and battery life is a joke. I’ve replaced it twice in the past week because the batteries won’t hold a charge, and others are having issues.”

  “Sara!” Snowden’s bark had me springing to my feet.

  “Yes, sir?” I didn’t approach, but he had my attention.

  “Order a case of new phones.” He turned his attention to Paul. “We’ll replace the whole lot. I can’t have shit like that slowing us down.” He pointed to the file I’d placed on his desk. “In more good news, our halfway houses are being raided.”

  “Um, sir…” My voice came out in a squeak.

  Snowden ignored me.

  Paul arched a brow. “How many?”

  I twisted my fingers, uncertain whether to state the obvious.

  “We’ve lost two dozen. My suppliers are having problems restocking the losses.” Snowden leaned back and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Honestly, I don’t have time for this kind of crap.”

  “Any idea how it’s happening?” Paul asked.

  “One was due to a domestic disturbance. The cops raided the wrong apartment. Another was a fire. Firefighters hacked through the doors to evacuate the building and rescued the girls. The third was more dumb luck. A gas leak led to another evacuation. Don’t worry. We’re covered. Nothing traces back to us.”

  “Sounds like an awful amount of dumb luck. You want me to look into it?”

  Snowden’s attention shifted to me. “Aren’t you supposed to be ordering us new phones?”

  “Um…I can’t.”

  “And why not?”

  Did he forget I had no access to the internet? Forest’s words returned to me. At some point, he’ll test your loyalty. If you think you see an opportunity to get word out or escape, you mustn’t take it.

  Was this a test?

  What if it wasn’t? What if this was our one opportunity to tell Xavier where we were?

  I kept my head bowed, my demeanor meek, and my thoughts to myself, but what if I turned Snowden’s test on its head?

  “I don’t have internet access, and honestly, that’s probably for the best.”

  “Is that so?” His eyes narrowed, and his words sliced across the distance separating us. “Why?”

  “Because all it would take is an email to a friend,” Paul answered the question for me.

  “And you think your friends will save you? Is that what you think?” His scornful laugh sent shivers rippling down my spine. “Oh, she’s funny.” His comment was for Paul, not me.

  “At least she’s honest.” Paul turned to me. “I’ll order the phones.”

  I breathed out, not sure if I should be relieved or sad. Internet access granted me the ability to bring this nightmare to an end, or to make it ten times worse.

  “No. We’re going to give Miss Sara internet access.” He approached, invading my private space. “Will she call for help and risk his life? Or, will she be a good little girl and behave?” He leaned in close, his fetid breath overpowering.

  I’ll be a fucking angel, you monster.

  “Stop scaring her.” Paul shook his head. “I’ll order the damn phones. You’re antagonizing her.”

  “Honestly, I don’t know why we keep her around.”

  “We keep her around,” Paul gritted his teeth, “because he’ll do anything to keep her safe.”

  Snowden plopped down in his chair. “Yeah, there is that.”

  Paul ordered the phones then sat opposite Snowden. I fetched coffee, water, then booze as the afternoon wore on while the two of them discussed the problems they were having within their organization. At six, a knock on the door announced the arrival of Snowden’s dinner. This was my cue to leave.

  Paul escorted me out of Snowden’s office. Instead of turning left, which led back to my room, he headed right.

  “Where are we going?” I hesitated, unsure about this change.

  “To my quarters.”


  “Relax.” His cheeky grin made him less threatening, but I kept my guard up. “You’re perfectly safe with me.”

  So he kept saying. He said it often enough to make me worry, and he’d started looking at me differently over the past few days. Not with overt sexual interest, but rather an evolving curiosity.

  “Really?” I put on my brave face, knowing it was nothing more than a facade.

  “Look, we’re headed to my quarters so I can get a box of condoms.”

br />   “No comment about the condoms?”

  “What do you want me to say?”

  “I just thought you’d say something.”

  “About you raping Forest? I think not.”

  He huffed a low laugh. “That’s not what’s going on. You saw us together, but you didn’t hear what he said after you left.”

  I bit my upper lip, dying to know, but unable to ask.

  “I made him a promise, and he made me one.”

  “A promise?”

  “Yes.” Paul turned the full force of his gaze on me. “I promised not to force him, and he promised to finish what we started…later. The next time we see each other, I’ll have him.” He cocked his head. “How does that make you feel, little girl? Your man wants me. I bet that pisses you off.”

  “You’d like that, but you’d be wrong.”

  “You saying it’s not true?”

  “He fucks men. Why do you think I’d be jealous?”

  “Because I watched the two of you in the shower. I’ve seen you sleep in each other’s arms. He has feelings for you, feelings you reciprocate. No way me being with him won’t bother you.”

  Was that true?

  It could be, but Forest and I had talked about this. He couldn’t change who he was, and while I may have an issue with Paul, I didn’t begrudge Forest’s needs. Despite my wishes, there was something between the two of them. The longer they spent in each other’s company, the stronger the connection between them grew.

  But why did it have to be Paul?

  “I can’t do anything about whatever you have planned. I can’t do anything about what Snowden does to him, so why would I care when you do the same? It’s just a body. That’s all you have, his body. I have him.”

  “Go with that. You’re right about one thing. My f—Mr. Snowden has his body. I’m going to have it soon too, but don’t think for a minute there’s not a whole lot more going on.”

  “I don’t care what twisted thing you think you have. You don’t know Forest.”

  “He needs what I can provide. He also needs you. Unlike you, I’m able to share. Like two sides of a coin, he needs us both. You’d better figure out how you’re going to deal with that because I’m not going anywhere. From the way you watched, I think you’re a little more than curious. Have you ever seen two men fuck? I bet not.”

  “You’re insane, and as soon as we’re out of this…”

  “You’re not getting out of here, little girl. Get that out of your head. Mr. Snowden will never let you go, and when he tires of Forest and hands him over to me for good, the only thing keeping you safe will be the protection I provide.”

  “Is that a threat?”

  “I don’t need to threaten you. I’ll protect you because it’s what Forest wants, and he needs to know he can trust me. You should learn to do the same.”

  He stopped in front of a door, unlocked it, and gestured inside. His quarters were understated with a minimalistic decor lacking any personal touches. I entered cautiously and stood in the middle of a spartan living room with one couch, one chair, one lamp, and nothing else.

  Paul moved past me into the bedroom. I did not follow. Hugging myself, I held back frustrated tears.

  How were we ever going to get out of this place?

  A few seconds later, Paul returned with a box in his hand.

  “Has he fucked you yet?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “It’s a simple question. Have you two had sex?”

  “That’s none of your business.”

  “I’ll take that as a no.” He reached into the box and pulled out several foil pouches. “Here.”

  I stared at the condoms and didn’t move. Paul gave a shake of his head, grabbed my hand, and placed the condoms in it.

  “Until I get Forest tested, use protection.”

  “You’re giving me condoms?”

  “I hope I don’t need to explain how to use them?” Devastatingly handsome, Paul would be a lady killer if he wasn’t gay. “But, if you need a lesson…”

  “I don’t need a damn lesson. I just don’t understand.”

  “In this crappy place, you’re his only source of comfort.”

  “Why would you care?”

  “Because he’s my priority, and despite what you think, I see that he gets what he needs.”

  “That makes no sense.”

  “Because you’re not a Dom. I’m not your enemy, and I plan on giving Forest everything he needs, and that means you. Wrap your head around what that means.”

  My fingers closed over the condoms. I wanted to take the next step with Forest.

  “What Forest needs is to be free of Snowden,” I said. “Give him that.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Why? If you care about him like you say you do, why not help us?”

  “It’s not that simple.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  We left Paul’s quarters, and he escorted me to the rooms Forest and I shared. It didn’t escape my notice that Paul basically shared them too. He spent every night on the couch, while Forest and I shared the bed, ostensibly protecting us from Snowden’s men.

  How much of that was real?

  I was beginning to think there was more to Paul than I thought.

  “Here we are.” He stopped by the door but didn’t open it. His stunning features stole my breath as they always did. “I want you to talk to him.”


  “Yeah, talk or fuck or whatever you think he needs before I come back.” Paul had been very upfront about what would happen when he saw Forest next. “A helpful word, if you’ll take it…” He curled his finger around a strand of my hair.

  I barely breathed with the intimate touch, although he wasn’t touching me. He simply played with a lock of my hair, but Paul had a presence about him, overpowering and all-encompassing.

  I thought Forest filled a room, but Paul owned the space around him with his unwavering confidence and absolute assurance of his place at the top of the food chain. I felt a little of what Forest must feel, a sense of greatness as if Paul was the epicenter of an undeniable force.

  I tried to shake off the feeling, not sure how successful I was.

  “A thing about men is that we don’t like to talk. We especially don’t like to discuss our feelings, but sometimes we need someone strong enough to make us face them. We especially don’t like it when our women might have reason to think we’re weak. Forest is feeling a whole lot of things right now. What happened between us back in that room, and what will happen when I return, is messing with his head. He’s trying to reconcile everything. He has to face the reality of what it means with you.”

  “With me?”

  “Don’t be surprised if he’s withdrawn, angry, or sharp. Don’t let him push you away.”

  “You’re giving me relationship advice?”

  “I think it’s pretty funny too, but here’s the truth.”

  “The truth?”

  “Use the condoms. Fuck him. Show him that you’re with him. He needs you as much as he needs me, and right now, he needs you far more than me, which is why I’m giving you time alone with him. Don’t waste it. I’ll be back…later.”

  There was that word again…later.

  For a simple word, it had grown into something powerful, carrying an inevitable promise.

  “When I take him, you’ll be there. Don’t interfere, but he needs to know it’s okay. That you’re okay with what we do and how he responds.”

  “For the record, we’re not okay. I don’t support this.”

  “You sure about that?”

  “I don’t like you. I don’t like what you’re doing to him. I don’t support you tearing him down.” I ticked off each point on my fingers.

  “You may not like me, but you respect me. You’re curious about what you saw back there because it wasn’t the same as what you saw with Snowden. You felt what was happening because you’re in tune with Forest, an extension
of him. Rather than looking away, you watched. That says something right there. As for tearing him down, I’m giving him what he needs to make sense of everything in his head.” He repeated my gesture, counting off each point.

  “And yet, you’re keeping him a prisoner. You’re not protecting him from Snowden, and you’re not willing to help us. Until that changes, you and I are not okay. This may be all about sex and domination to you, some twisted head game you’re playing with Forest, but it’s not working on me. You’re no different from any of the others who raped him. You’re worse. You’re worse because you’ve convinced yourself he wants you.”

  “You’re wrong, and I’m going to prove it.”

  “I dare you to try.” I crossed my arms, trying to project more strength than I had.

  “Talk to him. If he tells you he doesn’t want me, I’ll leave him alone.”

  “Oh, I can bet on that.”

  Paul leaned in suddenly. “Don’t be so hasty, because when he tells you he wants me, you’ll step back and let it happen. How’s that for a compromise?”

  “I don’t trust you.”

  “You will.”

  “He’s not going to say it.”

  “Talk to Forest, little girl. Get inside his head. You’ve got plenty of time before I return.” He opened the door and gestured inside.

  True to his questionable word, he didn’t enter but allowed the door to shut behind me. I stepped in, hands clasped together, fingers twisting as they did when I was unsure.

  Forest sat by the window. When I entered, he held his arm out.

  I ran into his embrace and buried my face against his chest, tears streaming for no reason at all. Hell, there were reasons. I just didn’t want to face them.

  “Hey.” He ran his fingers through my hair, pulling through the tangles.

  “Hey,” I repeated, not sure what to say next.

  “How’re you holding up?” His deep voice resonated inside my chest.

  “It’s beautiful outside.” I shifted beside him, moving to stare out the window.

  “I like the view in here more.” His glacial eyes turned a darker shade of blue as he cupped my chin.

  I had a pocket full of condoms, but no urge to use them. Somehow, I felt wanting to have sex with Forest made me no different from the monsters outside our door. I wouldn’t use him like that.


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