Williams, Phil, 9, 10, 156
Women: education and Taliban, 129; kidnapping by ISIS, 159; trafficking, 12, 77, 156
World Bank, 26
World Trade Center, 61, 136
Yargulkhel, 145
Yasfa dairy company, 99
Yassin, Sheikh Ahmed, 107, 112
Yemen: Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) in, 24, 138, 145–46; hawala networks, 138; kidnapping risk, 9
Yudhawinata, Pandu, 92
Zakat, 127, 135
Zakir, Mullah, 129
Zalikhel, 145
Zelin, Aaron, 165
Zhahar, Mahmoud, 107
Ziad, Sheikh Mohammad Fouad Abu, 107
About the Author
COLIN P. CLARKE, PhD, is an Associate Political Scientist at the RAND Corporation, where his research focuses on insurgency and counterinsurgency; unconventional, irregular, and asymmetric warfare (including cyber); and a range of other national and international security issues and challenges. At the Matthew B. Ridgway Center for International Security Studies, he is an affiliated scholar with research interests related to transnational terrorism and violent non-state actors. He is also an adjunct professor at the University of Pittsburgh, where he teaches courses on international organized crime and threat finance. At Carnegie Mellon University, Clarke teaches contemporary comparative political systems and diplomacy and statecraft, and Grand Strategy in the United States. In 2011, he spent three months embedded with Combined Joint Inter-Agency Task Force (CJIATF) Shafafiyat in Kabul, Afghanistan, working on anticorruption efforts and analyzing the nexus between terrorists, drug traffickers, and a range of political and economic power brokers.
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