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Fake Roommate

Page 17

by Rebel Hart

  Soon, the only thing I could focus on was the pleasure flowing in waves over my body. It wasn’t just that I was having sex for the first time—I was having sex with someone I cared about so much. I remembered everything we’d gone through leading up to that moment. My earlier fear turned into a calm haze, and I reached out for Devon. He obliged and folded himself over me, hugging me tightly as he continued to pump in and out. My lips found his, and with his tongue gliding across my lips and his girth working me below, I lost track of anything cogent and released myself to the building pleasure until it overflowed. It made me forget everything that wasn’t Devon. I was having an orgasm so powerful that I thought it might take me out as Devon groaned against my lips and shuddered.

  His arms uncoiled from me carefully, and he braced himself up above me. He didn’t pull himself out immediately, just looked down at me with adoration in his eyes.

  “I love you,” he hummed.

  I smiled, and before I could stop them, tears streamed from my eyes. I didn’t know what made me so emotional, but I couldn’t wrap a rope around my happiness if I wanted to.

  “I love you, too,” I said, and Devon finally pulled himself out, lifting off just enough to reposition himself next to me.

  He pulled me against him, and we lost track of time, talking and making love until the moon was high in the sky outside the window. We finally drifted off to sleep.



  “I told you already that we can come back sometime. You have to stop making that face.”

  Devon and I were in his car on the way back to campus, and I had a permanent pout. Everything was so beautiful—the hotel room, the view, the sex. Waking up in the middle of the night and getting into the hot tub. Talking for hours. Losing track of time. I’d never experienced anything that wonderful in my life. I knew that I was walking away with Devon and officially deflowered, but I hated that I had to give up my beautiful night so quickly.

  “Can we stay longer next time?” I asked.

  Devon lifted my hand to his mouth and kissed the back of it. “We can do whatever you want.”

  I looked over at him. “We don’t have to be in a hotel to do it anymore?”

  Devon started laughing. “No,” he barked. “Geez, looks like I was onto something when I told Monica you were a freak.”

  I giggled. “It’s your fault for being so sexy.”

  “How is it my fault? You showed up, looking like you and with that sexy red shit on.” He shook his head. “Nope, if I think about it too much, we’re gonna have to pull over.”

  “I’d be okay with that,” I said with a chuckle, and Devon shook his head.

  “Knock it off. I have to focus on driving.”

  I looked out the window as we made our way down the highway, thinking about how I couldn’t wait to tell Sydney everything. I thought about going to class on Monday and not having to be concerned about Kai at all. He’d already started sitting away from me after I ran out on him at NewSem, but now I didn’t even have to hold a thought for him in the back of my mind. I was with Devon, and I was happy, and that was all that mattered.

  We pulled into the parking garage back at Presper, and Devon grabbed my roses and bag in one hand and my hand in the other, and we made our way to the elevator.

  “You know,” I said. “Sydney’s probably still up in your room.”

  Devon pulled me around to face him after I pressed the elevator button. “You are definitely going to be the death of me.”

  The elevator doors opened, and we climbed on, and the second the door was closed, Devon pressed me against the elevator wall. He pressed his lips to my neck, and I smacked him. “You’re gonna leave a hickey.”

  “So?” He continued to abuse the spot until the elevator doors opened again on the fourth floor.

  I grabbed Devon’s hand and pulled him off the elevator and around the corner. I had my room in my mind, but when we reached the clearing on the fourth floor, Monica was standing there with her arms crossed.

  I wondered if she’d figured out Sydney’s note was a forge. “Hey, Monica,” I said. “You okay?”

  “You two need to come with me immediately.”

  She didn’t wait for a response. She turned and started off toward the fourth-floor meeting room. Devon and I exchanged nervous glances before following her. She walked into the meeting room, and Devon and I followed. My heart sank when I got inside and saw Sydney and Henry sitting inside, along with Kai’s dad, Dean Keli’i.

  “What’s going on?” I asked.

  “Please sit,” Dean Keli’i said with a serious tone in his voice. Devon and I sat down in the chairs nearest us, one row up and a few down from where Henry and Sydney were seated. Dean Keli’i crossed his arms. “It has come to my attention that the four of you have been engaging in a strictly forbidden room switch scheme. Presper University does not allow co-ed rooming, and you all have been blatantly ignoring this rule.”

  I looked back at Sydney and Henry, and they both shrugged and looked just as shocked and lost as I felt. I look at Devon and then back at Monica. “How did you find out?”

  “How I found out is not important. I made the rules of our dorm very clear to you at the beginning of the year, and you deliberately disobeyed them. To say that I’m disappointed in you would be an understatement,” Monica replied.

  “You’re two years older than me, not my mom, you freak!” Sydney snapped.

  “Syd,” Henry huffed.

  “Monica is right,” Dean Keli’i continued. “You all signed a contract at the beginning of the school year, agreeing to uphold Presper’s rules and values, and as Dean, I cannot overlook your clear disregard for these rules and values.” Dean Keli’i looked at Devon. “I’m most upset with you, Devon. You showed a lot of promise. I let you into the Dean’s Club, and you give it away for what, sex?”

  Henry scoffed. “Careful, Dean Keli’i, or your misogyny may take up too much room in here.”

  “I know about you, as well,” Dean Keli’i replied to Henry. “A promising law student. Why would you risk everything like this?”

  “I can study law anywhere, but I’ll only meet my soulmate once.”

  Dean Keli’i shook his head. “You kids think what’s happening now will matter in ten years. It won’t. You should be focusing on your studies. For this reason, effective immediately, Sydney,” Dean Keli’i said and handed an envelope to Sydney, “Henry,” he said and handed one to Henry, “and Nina,” he said and handed one to me. “You three are on academic probation. You will follow strict nine o’clock curfews to be verified visually by your resident advisors and must maintain a 3.5 or higher grade point average. Violation of these or any of Presper’s other rules is subject to immediate expulsion.”

  Next to me, Devon slowly raised his hand in the air. “Uh, what about me.”

  Dean Keli’i’s gaze fell on Devon. “Something else has been brought to my attention.” He lifted a folder off of the table next to him and handed it over to Devon. Devon flipped it open, and his mugshot was inside. He turned and looked at me with a dropped jaw, almost as if he thought I was responsible. “Presper is strict in its policies regarding anyone who lies on an application. Reformed convicts we accept. Liars, we do not.”

  “He’s not a reformed convict. He didn’t even go to prison!” Henry barked. “Plus, his file is sealed.”

  Dean Keli’i completely ignored him. “You did not disclose your criminal history at the time of applying for Presper University. Due to this, your attendance here has been terminated. You are expelled. Please leave the grounds immediately, and we’ll arrange for your things to be shipped to your last known address.”

  Devon’s jaw dropped. “But—”

  “Immediately, please.”

  Devon turned and looked at me. “I trusted you.”

  “Devon, I didn’t… I was with you the whole time.”

  “No one else knows.” He shook his head. “Fuck.”

  He stood up from his
chair and stormed out of the room. I looked back at Sydney, and she stood up and came over to the chair next to me and took my hands into hers. “Don’t worry. We’ll fix it.”

  “You can’t do this,” Henry said.

  “You all may head back to your assigned rooms,” Dean Keli’i said. “I sincerely hope to see better behavior from you all in the future.”

  I jumped up from my chair and went running toward the staircase. I blasted into the stairwell and could hear Sydney and Henry behind me. I burst through the door into the parking garage just in time to see Devon’s car screeching out of sight.

  I looked at Sydney. “I didn’t say anything.”

  “I know, honey.” She wrapped her arms around me.

  “Dad,” Henry’s voice resounded from behind me. “I need your help. They just expelled Devon because of his record.” Henry’s hand settled on the back of my head. “You guys go up before Crazy does anything else.”

  Sydney leaned away from me. “You go, and I’ll go get lunch, okay?”

  I nodded. “Okay.”

  I got on the elevator and rode up in silence, alone. I looked at where, not fifteen minutes earlier, Devon had me pressed up against the wall. How did everything fall apart so quickly, so insanely? I understood why he thought it was me if no one else but Henry knew, but I didn’t say anything. Unless I could prove who did, Devon would probably never talk to me again. I unlocked the door to my room, walked in, and flopped down on my bed. I could still smell Devon there, and it broke my heart. What was I going to do?

  “Knock, knock.”

  Never before had I felt such a searing burst of rage. I looked over toward the door and saw Monica standing in the frame. She was setting down my bag and flowers that Devon had left behind in the meeting room.

  “You have got some fucking nerve,” I growled.

  “I just came to check on you,” Monica said.

  “Check on me?” I said with bewilderment deep in my voice. “I’m on academic probation, and my boyfriend is expelled, all because you don’t know how to mind your own fucking business.”

  Monica put her hands on her hips. “I have to do my job, Nina.”

  “This isn’t a job, you whack-job. It’s a volunteer position. We’re both students. You’re not the police or the president. You’re an RA. You’re supposed to make sure we’re not doing cocaine or set our rooms on fire, not make sure we’re not engaging in perfectly normal and healthy relationships with other people. You’re just a power-hungry freak with nothing better to do.” Monica seemed truly hurt and shocked by what I’d said, but I didn’t care. I tried to play as nice with her as I could, but she’d officially used up my last strand of patience. My phone rang, and I held it up. “If it pleases the court, I’d like to answer my cell phone.”

  Monica nodded. “Go ahead,” she muttered at nearly a whisper.

  I brought my phone to my ear. “Hello?”

  “Nina. I need you to come to the student union dining hall immediately,” Sydney said from the other side. “It’s urgent.”

  “Fine.” I hung up my phone and then stood up off my bed. “Oh, I’m gonna go to the student union, or is that not allowed under this dictatorship?”

  Monica shook her head and then turned and slunk off down the hallway. I slammed my door as I left my room and made my way to the student union dining hall. I walked in and looked around for Sydney, but she was nowhere to be seen. I picked up my phone and prepared to call her when there was a tap on my shoulder.

  I turned around, and the next thing I knew, my face was stinging from a slap. I dropped my jaw when I realized it was Sydney who’d hit me. “What the fuck?” Had everything that had already happened not been enough? “What’d you hit me for?” Everyone within a ten-foot radius immediately stopped and stared at us.

  “You slept with Henry!” Sydney screeched.

  I backed a couple inches away, holding my face. “What!” I screamed.

  “He told me all about it!” Sydney started to cry. “How could you? You’re supposed to be my best friend!”

  I felt like I was in the midst of a really bad nightmare, and any second, I’d wake up back in the hotel bed with Devon next to me. Why did people keep accusing me of shit I didn’t do? “I did n—”

  “Don’t even try to lie about it, Nina! He showed me the pictures.”


  “Don’t ever come near me ever again.”

  I was completely aghast. “Sydney!”

  Sydney turned around, and I watched her fly toward a table off to the side of the dining hall. She slammed herself down in a seat, and when I got a chance to focus, I realized Taylor and Kai were sitting at the table. Taylor started to rub her back, and Sydney set her phone on the table and started pointing at me dramatically. I linked eyes with Sydney for a moment, and there was no malice, only determination that said, “Trust me.”

  I let out a sigh of relief. Sydney must have known something I didn’t. I left the dining hall, embarrassed, frustrated, and hoping that Sydney’s antics would pay off. After everything we’d been through, I should have known that she would never legitimately accuse me of sleeping with Henry. She had a plan. I just had to trust that it would pay off.

  I slunk back to my room, and about an hour later, Sydney walked in with a plastic bag in her hand. She dumped it out on my bed. It was all of my favorite treats and drinks.

  She kissed my cheek about a hundred times. “I’m so sorry that I hit you. I had to make it look realistic.”

  “You couldn’t have warned me?” I grumbled.

  “No. You’re a terrible liar.”

  She wasn’t wrong. “Was it worth it, at least?”

  Sydney held up her phone with a sly smile on her face. “Of course it was. I have all the proof I need, and Henry is on his way to Devon’s right now.”



  I was lying on my back in my bed at my parents’ house, trying to drown out the latest of my mom’s disappointed rants. It was something else for her to lecture me as if she’d paid any real attention to anything I’d done for the past twenty-one years of my life. I went to and got bailed out of jail without her knowing, but sure, she’s really upset because I got expelled from college—mom of the year over here.

  “Devon, are you listening to me?” my mom hissed. “What do you have to say for yourself? Your brother is getting perfect grades at Harvard, and you can’t even get through your junior year without getting expelled.”

  I thought it would be a cold day in hell before I wished Dante was around. If he were there, they’d be fawning over him, not giving a shit about me. That would be nice. I couldn’t get Nina off of my mind, either. She was with me the whole time, from when I told her about my criminal record until we got back from the hotel, but no one else knew about it except for Henry, and he had no reason to give me up. It had to be Nina, but when, and why? Did I make a mistake by telling her I loved her? Was she just on the hunt for someone to take her virginity?


  Nina loved me. I believed her when she said it, but whether it was just an innocent mistake or not, she gave up my one secret less than a day after I trusted her with it, and it got me expelled. I couldn’t forgive her for that.

  I looked at my phone, and I already had text messages rolling in from my old group of friends. Along with insults, there were offers to meet up with them and offers of money if I was willing to work. After everything that had happened, I was seriously considering it. I was expelled, Henry was on academic probation, and I couldn’t go back to Nina. What was I staying out of trouble for?

  “The felon has a visitor,” I heard my dad grumble as he passed by my bedroom.

  “I’m not a felon!” I bellowed.

  My mom stepped to the side of my doorway, and Henry peeked in. “Hey, man.”

  I sat up. “Hey.” After everything that happened, I was convinced that Henry would never talk to me again. “What are you doing here?”

  My mom ro
lled her eyes and walked away, and Henry walked in. “Are you fucking kidding me with that question?” Henry said. “Why wouldn’t I be here? You’re my friend.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Your expelled friend.”

  “Yeah, I’m working on that,” Henry crossed his arms. “I came to help you fix everything before you fly off the handle and make another stupid mistake. If I know you at all, and I think I do, you were probably on the verge of doing that already.”

  “No,” I lied, knowing I’d been texting the worst of my former friends two minutes before Henry walked in the room. “And how are you going to help me fix everything?

  “Well, I’ll start with…” Henry walked over to me and whacked me across the top of my head.

  “Ow. Why?” I said.

  “How could you accuse Nina of telling your secret? She’s devastated.”

  “I hate that I hurt her, but regardless of that, you two were the only ones who knew anything about my criminal history. You didn’t tell, did you?” I asked.

  “No, and neither did Nina.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Henry. I didn’t tell anyone else. I mean, your dad and the lawyer and shit knew. All my friends here.” My heart sank. “Yeah, I mean… I guess a lot of people knew, but only the two of you there. No one had a reason to tell Dean Keli’i. Nina may have let it slip to Sydney or something.”

  Henry raised an eyebrow. “So, you think Sydney ratted on you?”

  “No.” I could admit that it didn’t make sense, but it was also the only thing that did make sense. Nina and Henry were the only ones at Presper who knew. “I don’t know. If it wasn’t Nina, then how else would he have found out?”

  Henry pulled out his phone and started to click through it. He moved with purpose. He set his phone down on my bed and sat on the floor in front of me.

  “Syd, what happened?” I recognized the voice that I heard. It was Taylor.


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