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Page 17

by Angela Rush

  “Mom it isn’t because Charlotte is or isn’t a kind person. It’s because she helped to thwart the kidnapping of members of border patrol agents’ family members. The drug lord had planned to use the kidnap victims to force the agents to allow drugs, weapons, and sex slaves across the border.” I tell Mom. She always sees the best in people. It’s hard for her to accept that some people are just evil.

  “Son, you know you and Charlotte are welcome here anytime and for as long as you need.” Dad declares.

  “Thanks, Dad and Mom. I appreciate it.” I say quietly as I contemplate how to approach the subject of the twins.

  “Brian did you put their things in your Dad’s old room?” Mom asks.

  “Yes, I did.” Brain announces. He is still running through the channels on the TV.

  Charlotte yawns quietly. She tries to hide it behind her hand, but I know she is tired despite us have had a nap earlier in the day on the way here. I should get her to bed. She has been so tired in recent weeks. I had been worried about her fatigue. I didn’t know if something was medically wrong or if she was sinking into depression. Of course, now I know it’s because of the babies growing inside her. I want to tell my family even though I am not sure how they will react.

  “Jordan, have you and Charlotte set a date for the wedding yet?” Mom asks. She has her right eyebrow raised in question with anticipation on her face.

  “No, we haven’t, but it will be soon. I don’t want to wait. I never know when I am going to be called up to leave on a mission. Also, we have some news that will inevitably move up the date.” I announce. I feel Charlotte tense straightening her spine. She sits up in my lap. I miss her warmth. She was snuggled in so nicely against my chest with her head on my left shoulder.

  “News? What news?” Mom asks with a look of joy on her face. I know Mom will be happy about the babies. She has often scolded me for not finding a good woman and giving her more grandbabies.

  “Well, we recently discovered that Charlotte is pregnant, and she is carrying twins.” I let the news sink in, waiting for whatever the response will be.

  “Twins!?” Echoes through the room as Mom, Dad, and Brian all register what I have said at the same time. Mom is suddenly on her feet and at our side. She embraces Charlotte and I in a giant hug. Dad comes over to shake my hand. I look to see what Brian’s reaction will be. I don’t think he will be upset, but you never know how teenagers will react.

  Brian has sat up on the couch and is looking at us with an unreadable expression on his face. Once Mom and Dad have congratulated us, Charlotte gets to her feet and walks over to sit by Brian on the couch. She takes his left hand in her right one. She stares at him until he meets her gaze.

  “Brian, I know this is all happening rather fast, but I hope you can be happy to be a brother. They will not be taking your place. We are just making this family a bit bigger. Your dad and I are going to need all the help we can get with these two. You know that he travels a lot because of his job. I am going to need a man around to help me when he is gone. I hope that will be you. Also, I have 2 grown children that I look forward to you meeting, soon. I hope you can come to think of them as your big brother and sister.” Charlotte tells him all the while holding his hand and looking intently into his eyes.

  “I never thought I would have siblings, even though I wanted them. Dad never dated and my Mom is never around.” Brian says quietly. “It’s a little overwhelming to be getting 4 at one time, but I am happy to be getting them. I am glad that you and Dad are together. He seems so happy now. I didn’t realize how unhappy he had been until he met you and changed so much.”

  I move over to sit on Brian’s other side and place an arm across his shoulders to give him a tight one arm hug. “I am happy, son. I didn’t realize that I was unhappy either until I met this wonderful woman in an airport café. She turned my world upside down and walked away. I was kicking myself for not asking her name and phone number. Fortunately for me and unfortunately for her, she got caught up in a mess of trouble and I was able to be there to bring her out of it.”

  We all chuckle at that statement. After saying our goodnights, I take Charlotte by the hand and lead her up the stairs to our room for the night. She slips into the in-suite bathroom to get ready for bed. She emerges 15 minutes later dressed in a t-shirt and shorts. I enter the bathroom and quickly get ready for bed. I can’t wait to get naked with her. I am so happy that our family knows about the twins and seem to be happy for us. It’s time to celebrate. Once we are both settled in bed, Charlotte giggles. Soon her giggling has become a full-on belly laugh.

  “What is so funny, love?” I question her. She struggles to gain enough control to talk. She has tears streaming from her eyes. Once she can finally speak, she tells me.

  “I was so nervous and feeling embarrassed to be sleeping with you in your parents’ house, with your son in the next room. Then I realized that I am knocked up with twins, it’s a little late to be embarrassed. I mean they obviously know we’ve been having sex.” Charlotte manages to squeak out between laughs.

  Pondering on what she has just revealed, I too begin to laugh. I didn’t realize she had been feeling insecure or embarrassed about having sex in my parents’ house. Perhaps, I should have been the one to be embarrassed. I have never had a woman in their home, not even Julie. I have just become so comfortable with her that it never crossed my mind. Once I am over my laughter, I reach for her. Pulling her to my side and slip my hand under her t-shirt to rub her soft skin on her abdomen. She shivers under my touch. My hand slides up to cup her ample breasts. Her nipples harden at my embrace and her breath hitches.

  “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, love. I can hold off until we are no longer under my parents’ roof.” I whisper in her ear to assure her I won’t push her for sex while we are here.

  “Seriously?” She questions me as she pulls back to look me in the eye. “You are rubbing on me and whispering in my ear all sexy and you tell me we will wait?” her voice rising higher as she continues to speak. “How long are we here for? 2-3 days? A week? Are you trying to kill me?”

  Now I am crying with laughter. She looks so damn cute when she is pissed. I can’t take her seriously. I am shaking all over trying not to laugh out loud. I have to look away, because the more she scowls at me, the funnier the whole situation seems.

  “Are you laughing at me now? I can’t believe you are getting me horny, leaving me hanging, and then laughing about it. You are being an insensitive jerk.” She huffs out a breath blowing her hair back from her face. She then makes a big production of turning over to face away from me. Now she has made it worse. Everything she does is so fucking cute, I can’t help but laugh. I get my composure back after a couple of minutes and I grab her a little forcefully as I settle her body next to mine. I press my erection into her back and grind against her.

  “I’m sorry, love. I didn’t mean to tease you. I swear you are so damn cute when you are mad. I just can’t take you seriously when you are mad and huffing.”

  “Hawk, you are not helping your cause to get in my pants.” Charlotte informs me. “I think we just need to sleep while in your parents’ home.”

  “Alright, love. Whatever you want. I will respect that, but if you change your mind just say the word and I will have you fucked and satisfied in minutes.”

  “Oh God Hawk, you are going to be the death of me.” Charlotte laughs as we settle into one another for the night. It’s quite sometime later, before her breathing becomes slow and steady. I tighten my arms a little more around her. A few minutes later, I relax, and I am sleeping soundly.

  Chapter 26


  He’s here and he is coming for me. I hear the soft scuffling of boots on the ground. I hunker down behind a tree. I try to hold perfectly still. Maybe he can’t find me if I don’t move. Suddenly hands are grabbing at me. Pulling me up by my hair. His punches me repeatedly. I try to protect my abdomen. I can’t let him hurt the babies. He gro
wls in my ear.

  “You will pay, bitch! I will take from you all that you have cost me, starting with your military man. How dare he think he can keep you from me? Yes, I know all about you, about your children, your man and his son. I know everything and I will get you. I have friends that will lead you back to me. I will kill him, your children, both born and unborn while I make you watch. Finally, I will kill you after you are no longer useful to me. You cost me men, money, and time. I will get my revenge. You will regret the day you interfered in my business.”

  I fight him. I kick and punch against him. I have to protect Hawk, our children, and the babies. I won’t let this evil man take them away from me.

  Jerking awake I am soaked in sweat, tears are streaming down my face, and I am shaking uncontrollably. I look around unsure at first where I am. Is this another flashback? Turning to my left, the bed is empty and the room is dark. There is no light coming from the window on my side of the bed. It must still be early morning. The room is a beautifully decorated bedroom. It’s Hawk’s room at his parents’ house. I begin to relax as I realize I was having a nightmare. I am still unsettled several minutes later when Hawk enters the bedroom from the hallway. He takes one look at me, furrows his brow, and rapidly stalks to the bed. He climbs onto the bed and reaches for me.

  “What’s wrong Charlotte? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  “I’m ok, Hawk. It was just a nightmare, but it seemed so real. It was nothing like the ones I have had before.” A shudder shakes me as I remember Lopez’s words in my dream. He means to hurt me and my family. I am certain of it, but how can I convince anyone that Lopez is coming for me and Hawk from a dream.

  “I have changed my mind. I need you to take away my nightmare.” I say seriously. Reaching out I take hold of his large biceps. Pushing him back onto the mattress, I climb up to straddle him. His hard length presses against my sex through the thin layers of material separating our bodies. Slowly grinding my pelvis over his erection, my core moistens at the thought of him entering me. My hands run over the expanse of his hairy chest. His nipples are hard and his pectoral muscles flex under my hands as he moves his arms to circle my waist.

  He slips his hands under the hem of my t-shirt and slides them over my bare skin. I shiver at his touch in anticipation of what I know is coming. His erection throbbing under me. It is wanting to break free from his pajama bottoms and enter me, hard and deep. I press harder into his groin with mine. A moan/growl escapes his lips as he bucks his hips to match me. In moments, my shirt is gone. My shorts quickly follow along with Hawks bottoms. I again climb across him.

  Raising my hips to give him room, he grasps his erection at the base and positions the head at my entrance. Slowly I slide down his length one inch at a time, until I feel his head hit my cervix and my groin is joined tightly with his. I pause letting him stretch me, basking in the fullness and feeling of completeness. It feels like we have become one person. Then I reverse just as slowly, just before I let the tip slip from my folds I slam back down hard. Hawk almost seems startled, but quickly matches me thrust for thrust as I rise and fall on him.

  He reaches up and grasps my breasts, squeezing almost to the point of pain. It feels amazing. His hands on my breasts while his dick is buried deep inside me. As I quicken the pace, I feel the tension building in my core. He lowers a hand and gently swirls the tip of his index finger over my clit. He continues to increase the speed and pressure of his touch as I ride him. It doesn’t take long until we are both coming hard, calling each other’s names. I shudder over him as he stiffens pumping the last of his cum into me. I melt on top of him, fully sated and in need of sleep.

  Hawks team has arrived by the time we come downstairs later that morning. Deadeye and Straw bring us up to date on the latest intel on Lopez and his gang. It appears that they have backed off and are laying low. He has been plagued with his competitors intercepting shipments and trying to take over some of his territories. Sources close to him report he has declared he isn’t going to waste any more time or resources looking for the American woman. He has other problems at the moment. It brings me great comfort after the horrible dream I had early this morning.

  We spend a couple of days at Hawk’s parents’ home. It is a pleasant relaxing time for us. I get to know his family better especially, Brian. He is a really sweet, intelligent young man. It’s plain to see the influence Hawk and his parents have had on him. He is a gentleman despite being a teenage boy. He put my comfort ahead of his just like his father. We will have to head back soon. Hawk’s leave will be up, and I am increasingly nervous about the day he will be forced to leave me for a mission.

  I also meet Hawk’s brothers, sisters-in-law, sister, brother-in-law, and nieces and nephews. It’s a large family when they all get together. Hawk is the oldest. His brother, Jason is next oldest and is married to Jessica. Jason looks a lot like Hawk. He is tall about 6’2” with the same black hair. He is clean shaven and his has sharp chiseled jawlines. He is also very muscular. He is also a Marine. Neither he nor Hawk talk about what type of soldier he is.

  His wife is a beautiful, sweet woman. Jessica is tall at 5’10”. She has auburn brown wavy hair. She is thin, but muscular. I am slightly jealous, but don’t really want to put in the time required at the gym to look like she does. She is a Marine, too, but she is on the reserves now. They have 2 small children. She wants to be home with them if possible. Their son Micah is 5. He has the black straight hair of the Jackson men. He is quite the inquisitive little man. He is full of questions, but I really enjoy playing with him. Their daughter Mila is 2. She is so cute with dark brown wavy hair. She talks non-stop and her vocabulary is fairly extensive for her age.

  Hawk’s sister, Danica is the third child of Diane and Jordan, Sr. She has her mother’s brown hair, height, and build. She also has the same bubbly friendly personality. She is married to Markus. They have a baby boy, Michael. He is 8 months old and so full of energy. He is adorable crawling around on his chubby little legs and arms. His smile is radiant. I am in love when he crawls over to me and allows me to pick him up. I try reading him a baby book that he can chew on, but he has more fun flipping the pages. After a time, he lays his little head over on my breast and falls asleep. Danica enters the room and laughs when she sees Michael. “He loves breasts!” She laughs. Hawk embarrasses me by saying that I have nice large breasts that a guy can sleep on. Everyone laughs as my face turns nine shades of red.

  Joseph is the youngest of the gang and is married to Ellen. Joe is 6’3” with dark brown hair. He is like Hawk with a full beard and mustache. It is kept neatly trimmed. He is also like his father and brothers; he is beautifully built. He is SWAT. He originally chose the Navy, but after meeting his wife he left the service once his tour was up and he joined the police force. Ellen is about my height at 5’4” with dark blonde wavy hair. She is sweet, friendly, and very capable. Joe seems a little overbearing much like his brothers, but she matches him to a tea. They have two girls, Maddie that is 7 and Morgan who is 4. They both have dark blonde hair like their mother, that falls in ringlets to their shoulders.

  The house is chaos. Everyone is talking at the same time. It’s a little difficult to keep up with the multiple conversations going on at the same time. Hawk’s family was so welcoming. It wasn’t long before I felt like I had known them forever. They told stories of their youth and the mischief the boys got into and about harassing all the boys that tried to date their sister. It was all in fun and I was sad when it was time to leave the safe abode.

  We head back to my home the third day. A foreboding sense of unease seems to swallow me, but I don’t voice my fears to Hawk, not wanting him to worry. I just want to enjoy the time we have left together before the real world comes knocking on the door. I call Sara and Justin to let them know we are back once we have gotten settled in. Deadeye and the others have headed back to base in California feeling confident the danger to my safety is over for now. Early the next morning, the ring
ing of Hawk’s phone wakes us from sleep.

  “Hawk here” Hawk answers the phone. He listens intently. He tenses next to me. His face falls and a frown forms on his brow. He reaches over and absently runs his fingers through my locks. An array of emotions pass across his face. They flash so quickly it was hard to register them all. Regret, anxiety, anger, frustration, anticipation, and love for me all cross his face as he listens to the caller on the other end of the line.

  “Alright, I understand. I will be on the next flight out.” Hawk tells the caller. He hangs up the phone and sighs heavily as his shoulders slump. He turns to me and rolls me onto my side and pulls my back to his front. He runs his hands up and down my arms and side. He blows out a deep breath. I am scared at the range of emotions, but I want to give him time to process what he has to tell me. After several minutes, he relents to tell me that our plans have changed.

  “That was Captain Olson. We have been called up for a mission.” Hawk drops the bomb I have felt coming for the last 24 hours. I hold my breath waiting to hear the rest. I know there won’t be much. He cannot tell me anything where he is going, how long he will be gone, or what he will face while there. I must be strong for him. The last thing he needs is for me to fall apart. I won’t have him worrying about me and our babies while he is fighting for the lives of himself and his teammates.

  “I don’t know how long I will be gone or even where we are going yet. I will get the details once we are back on base, but I still won’t be able to tell you anything.” Hawk sighs again. He keeps rubbing my arm and touching my hair. I know that I have to assure him I will be fine while he is gone. So, I turn in his embrace to face him.

  “Hawk, I know you wanted us to have more time together, but I will be fine while you are gone. I know that you, Deadeye, Straw, Ace, Wallace, Tank, Worm, Hack, Virus, and Mercury are more than capable to taking care of yourselves no matter what you are sent to do. I will miss you, but I know you will come home to us. I love you so much it hurts sometimes. I can stay here while you are gone. I will split my time between here and your parents’ home. Diane said I was welcome anytime. I will just take her up on her offer.” I chuckle as I finish in an attempt to lighten the dark mood that has descended on us.


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