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The Motor Boys Overland; Or, A Long Trip for Fun and Fortune

Page 32

by Clarence Young

  _The Motor Boys Series_

  _By Clarence Young_

  =Handsomely illustrated. Bound in cloth, stamped in colors. Price pervolume, 60 cents.=

  THE MOTOR BOYS _Or, Chums Through Thick and Thin_

  In this volume is related how the three boys got together and planned toobtain a touring car and make a trip lasting through the summer.

  THE MOTOR BOYS OVERLAND _Or, A Long Trip for Fun and Fortune_

  With the money won at the great motorcycle race the three boys purchasetheir touring car and commence their travels.

  THE MOTOR BOYS IN MEXICO _Or, The Secret of the Buried City_

  From our own country the scene is shifted to Mexico, where the motorboys journey in quest of a city said to have been buried centuries agoby an earthquake.

  THE MOTOR BOYS ACROSS THE PLAINS _Or, The Hermit of Lost Lake_

  Unraveling the mystery surrounding an old hermit and a poor boy.

  THE MOTOR BOYS AFLOAT _Or, The Stirring Cruise of the Dartaway_

  In this volume the boys take to a motorboat, and have many adventures.

  THE MOTOR BOYS ON THE ATLANTIC _Or, The Mystery of the Lighthouse_

  How the lads foiled the bad men who wanted to wreck a steamer by meansof false lights is dramatically related.

  THE MOTOR BOYS IN STRANGE WATERS _Or, Lost in a Floating Forest_

  Telling of many adventures in the mysterious Everglades of Florida.

  THE MOTOR BOYS ON THE PACIFIC _Or, The Young Derelict Hunters_

  The derelict was of great value, and the hunt for it proved full ofperils.

  _CUPPLES & LEON CO., Publishers, NEW YORK_

  _The Jack Ranger Series_

  _By Clarence Young_

  _Author of the Motor Boys Series_

  =Cloth. Illustrated, $1.00 per volume=

  JACK RANGER'S SCHOOLDAYS _Or, The Rivals of Washington Hall_

  =Cloth, beautifully decorated. Illustrated, $1.00=

  You will love Jack Ranger--you simply can't help it. He is so brightand cheery, and so real and lifelike. A typical boarding-school tale,without a dull line in it.

  JACK RANGER'S SCHOOL VICTORIES _Or, Track, Gridiron and Diamond_

  In this tale Jack gets back to Washington Hall and goes in for all sortsof school games. There are numerous contests on the athletic field, andalso a great baseball game and a football game, all dear to a boy'sheart. The rivalry is bitter at times, and enemies try to put Jack "in ahole" more than once.

  JACK RANGER'S WESTERN TRIP _Or, From Boarding School to Ranch and Range_

  This volume takes the hero and several of his chums to the great West.Jack is anxious to clear up the mystery surrounding his father'sdisappearance. At the ranch and on the range adventures of the strenuoussort befall him.

  JACK RANGER'S OCEAN CRUISE _Or, The Wreck of the Polly Ann_

  Here is a tale of the bounding sea, with many stirring adventures. Howthe ship was wrecked, and Jack was cast away, is told in a style allboys and girls will find exceedingly interesting. There is plenty of funas well as excitement.

  _CUPPLES & LEON CO., Publishers, NEW YORK_

  _The Boy Hunters Series_

  _By Captain Ralph Bonehill_

  =Cloth. Illustrated. Price per volume, 60 cents=

  FOUR BOY HUNTERS _Or, The Outing of the Gun Club_

  A fine, breezy story of the woods and waters, of adventures in search ofgame, and of great times around the campfire, told in Captain Bonehill'sbest style. In the book are given full directions for camping out.

  GUNS AND SNOWSHOES _Or, The Winter Outing of the Young Hunters_

  In this volume the young hunters leave home for a winter outing on theshores of a small lake. They hunt and trap to their hearts' content, andhave adventures in plenty, all calculated to make boys "sit up and takenotice." A good healthy book; one with the odor of the pine forests andthe glare of the welcome campfire in every chapter.

  YOUNG HUNTERS OF THE LAKE _Or, Out with Rod and Gun_

  Another tale of woods and waters, with some strong hunting scenes and agood deal of mystery. The three volumes make a splendid outdoor series.

  _CUPPLES & LEON CO., Publishers, NEW YORK_

  _Boys of Business Series_

  _By Allen Chapman_

  =Illustrated, 12mo. Cloth, 60 cents per volume=

  THE YOUNG EXPRESS AGENT _Or, Bart Stirling's Road to Success_

  Bart's father was the express agent in a country town. When an explosionof fireworks rendered him unfit for work, the boy took it upon himselfto run the express office. The tale gives a good idea of the expressbusiness in general.

  TWO BOY PUBLISHERS _Or, From Typecase to Editor's Chair_

  This tale will appeal strongly to all lads who wish to know how anewspaper is printed and published. The two boy publishers work theirway up, step by step, from a tiny printing office to the ownership of atown paper.

  MAIL ORDER FRANK _Or, A Smart Boy and His Chances_

  Here we have a story covering an absolutely new field--that of themail-order business. How Frank started in a small way and graduallyworked his way up to a business figure of considerable importance istold in a fascinating manner.

  A BUSINESS BOY _Or, Winning Success_

  This relates the ups and downs of a young storekeeper. He has some keenrivals, but "wins out" in more ways than one. All youths who wish to gointo business will want this volume.

  _CUPPLES & LEON CO., Publishers, NEW YORK_

  * * * * * *

  Transcriber's note:

  --Punctuation and spelling inaccuracies were silently corrected.

  --Archaic and variable spellings have been preserved.

  --Variations in hyphenation and compound words have been preserved.


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