Book Read Free

The Curious Swan

Page 7

by Kenzie Hart

  A week ago, he would have been sitting at home, waiting for Mattie to come over. They would play football or go out into town if he wasn’t working. Now, he is sitting here in the woods, talking about children’s stories with the most curious and interesting person he has ever met. He can’t remember what his days were like before Klara and her crazy world became a part of them. And he doesn’t care to find out. “You told me you spent a lot of time alone. So, if I weren’t here, what would you be doing?”

  Klara’s answer comes easy. “I would be reading, of course.”

  “I think you should read then. I’m happy to just relax with you.” Eddie means what he says regardless of how it sounds. It feels good to be connecting with the woods. The forest. He comes out here often, and it feels nice to be doing that with someone else present. And, with Nana running around, searching for things, he wouldn’t be the least bit bored, just watching her explore, while Klara reads.

  “Would you like it if I read it out loud, so we both could enjoy it?” she asks him.

  Eddie nods to her, leaning his head back and getting comfortable in the little nook in the tree that Klara has found. She is sitting beside him, and he moves to place his arm around her shoulders.

  “Do you mind?” he asks, figuring Klara is bold enough to just tell him what she truly thinks. Or wants.

  “Not in the least.” She beams at him, getting comfortable under his arm. The weight of it feels nice against her, and she opens the book, turning it to the start of the first chapter.

  “They’re quite the entertaining pair,” Eddie says with a laugh as Klara closes the book.

  “They are, aren’t they? I just adore their adventures!”

  “You know, even though I wasn’t actually reading, I haven’t enjoyed reading like that in a while. It was fun, listening. Relaxing. I always find the books they teach in school to be rather dull.”

  “Classics have their place. They greatly convey the culture and ideas occurring at the time they were written. Or the social problems of the day.”

  “I guess,” Eddie says, moving his arm off Klara’s shoulders. It fell asleep long ago, but he loved having her tucked against him, so he left it there regardless.

  “But I can agree with you on the fact that children’s literature is much more entertaining.” Klara giggles. “Let’s stretch our legs.” She grabs on to Eddie’s hand, pulling him up off the ground, and they walk side by side, moving along the edge of the woods.

  “So, you said you want to attend university?” Eddie says.

  “I do,” Klara replies. As she walks, she moves her hands to her dress, dusting off the soil sticking to it. She always loves the smell of her clothing after she comes in from a day in the woods. It’s a rich scent of soil and bark. “I intend to study children’s literature.”

  “Why not write?” he asks, thinking of all the stories she probably has locked away in her beautiful head.

  “I like to learn about what influenced the authors, not only read the stories for enjoyment. I want to discover their hidden meanings and where their inspiration came from.”

  “So you can make sense of their importance?”

  “Exactly. Because it adds the kind of depth to the story that you might only realize if you understood more about the author and their life. You’re able to discover the magic. And I want to share that with people.” Klara smiles, thinking about being at university, surrounded by libraries filled with books on all subjects.

  “I have to admit, I’m a little envious,” he replies, kicking a broken branch resting on the ground.

  Nana thinks this stick is intended for her, and she runs after the flying branch, fetching it and returning it to Eddie with a look of contentment.

  “Why’s that? I thought you liked the work you and your father do.”

  “I do. But I’m not sure if it’s what I want for my life,” Eddie admits.

  “So, you’ve thought more on my question then,” Klara says, turning to look at him.

  There is a darkness in his eyes, but as his gaze flicks up to hers, a smile returns to his face.

  “I actually have. And, quite honestly, I think it’s made me more confused,” he says with a laugh.

  “You don’t have to decide anything now, of course. But it’s good to always think about those things that bring you joy and make sure they’re in your life in some way.” Klara can’t help the things that come to her mind. Her home, her grandmother. Reading and the animals. And, now, Edward. “I want to show you something.”

  “What is it?” Eddie asks as she turns, walking back toward the house.

  “A surprise. It’s sort of my little secret.” Klara grins.

  Eddie nods and takes her hand. They walk silently for a few moments, and then he adds, “I still can’t believe how strange your grandmother was acting this morning.”

  “I think it was from all the sex she’d brought up to include in her memoirs yesterday,” Klara replies, thinking back to the day before. “I wonder if she is considering taking a lover.”

  Eddie coughs out, shocked to hear the word sex come out of Klara’s perfect pink lips. She has always talked vaguely about lovers, but Eddie didn’t know if she knew exactly what all that entailed.

  “Did I surprise you?” she questions, noticing Eddie’s expression.

  “A little, yes. I wasn’t sure if that was something you were familiar with.”

  “Don’t worry; I’m well educated on the art of seduction.” Klara giggles.

  “And who taught you about that?” he asks curiously, trying to imagine her grandmother having the talk with her.

  “Well, I read, of course. And Grandmother’s memoirs leave little to the imagination.” She lets out a giggle. “She believes adding a little spice to them will engage her future readers. And, most likely, upset my father. So, for her, it is a small victory after he voiced his distaste for the idea.”

  “And have you, um, ever been with anyone? Or, I suppose, used your knowledge of seduction? If you don’t mind me asking,” Eddie says, trying to keep the blush from his cheeks, but he feels as though his whole body is lighting up with the direction this conversation is heading.

  “I’ve never had a lover, no. But I think, one day, I will. I’m not sure though. Grandmother says men can hold you back sometimes. And I don’t want that. I always want to feel free.”

  “Do you think that all men will only hold you back?” he asks.

  “It’s the big debate, isn’t it? Will love lock you away like a caged bird, or will it be the wings that truly set you free? I suppose it depends on the love. But most of the stories I enjoy are about the latter.”

  “I guess you’re right,” he says, wondering how their conversation shifted from seduction to true love, but he supposes anything is possible with Klara. “I appreciate your honesty, you know.”

  “Thank you.” Klara smiles at him. “And I like talking to you. About all these things. I really only ever talk to Grandmother about such matters. It’s fun to get a fresh opinion.”

  A short while later, Klara leads Eddie into an enclosed garden. “Do you like it?”

  Stone walls surround them, covered in vines and roses that rise up and over the top of the wall. Flower beds line the corners, and one large tree stands in the middle, the branches jutting out, making a canopy over them. A single swing hangs from one of the thick branches, and Eddie notices a small birdbath tucked into the corner.

  “I’m surprised I didn’t see this the first day I was here,” Eddie says, turning fully to take in the whole scene. “And it’s all yours?”

  Klara nods. “It used to be my grandmother’s private garden. Now, it is mine. It’s my secret place. Well, not so secret, but I know I won’t be disturbed here.”

  “It’s the perfect place for you,” he says, leaning against the large oak tree in the center, watching as Klara walks toward him.

  When she reaches him, she gently runs the back of her hand down his jawline, and this time, Eddie doe
sn’t blush. Heat rises through his body, mostly because Klara’s eyes never leave his. She drops her hand, moving to the swing hanging from the tree, taking a seat on it. She drags her feet across the ground, and Eddie walks behind her to give her a proper push. It sends her flying, a fit of giggles escaping her pink lips.

  The flowers are blossoming, scenting the breeze with a lovely perfume, and the grass is a rich green. It’s velvety under Klara’s feet, and her hair flies behind her, dancing in the air. A sudden burst of warmth spreads across Klara’s heart. She’s loving this. This time spent with Edward. But she longs for more.

  The sweet sound of Klara’s giggles fill Eddie’s ears, making a smile stay, spread wide, on his face. He loves watching Klara toss her head back as she swings, extending her legs out. Her eyes are closed, and her thick blonde hair falls in heavy waves, teasing the grass as she swings back and forth. Eddie can’t take his eyes off her as she leans back in the swing, her chest exposed to him. How it would feel to run his fingers across her collarbone and down a little farther to something softer.


  “Hmm?” is all he says, flicking his gaze back to Klara’s eyes.

  She had stopped swinging, and he didn’t even notice.

  “May I ask you something?”


  “What is it like, kissing someone?” Klara is still seated on the swing, running her fingers along the braided rope leading up to the tree branch.

  Eddie chokes on his breath and ends up in a small coughing fit.

  “Are you all right?” Klara moves to stand, looking concerned. “Here, sit,” she tells him, directing him to the swing.

  Eddie does as he was told and is sitting on the swing for a good ten seconds before he regains his composure.

  “Um, kissing is nice. Why do you ask?” Eddie isn’t sure what to make of the situation. Of course, he has kissed girls before, but no one has ever directly asked him what it is like to do so, and he needs to get his mind off kissing Klara, not to further discuss it.

  “I’ve never kissed anyone before,” she admits. “Do you enjoy kissing?”

  “Do you really want to know about me kissing other girls?”

  If there’s one thing he knows about Klara, it’s that she doesn’t have ulterior motives. If she asks a question, it is with an amount of sincerity he has never experienced before.

  Klara nods, still standing next to him. She moves her hand against the rope, lightly pushing Edward back and forth.

  “I suppose I do. Yes. Why do you ask?”

  She moves in front of him, placing her hands on his shoulders, stopping him from swinging. “Because I’ve decided I’m ready for my first kiss.”

  As the words leave Klara’s mouth, she becomes increasingly nervous of Edward’s response. She normally isn’t one to question her thoughts—or filter them, for that matter—but the idea of talking about kissing with Edward makes her feel as though her insides were spinning endlessly. It is a wonderful feeling. Yet completely terrifying.

  Eddie’s eyes grow wide. His heart feels like it’s going to jump out of his chest. He can’t decide what he thinks about the situation. Of course, he wants to kiss her. He has been thinking about it for days. But the way she approaches it is so … formal. That is what makes it all so odd. Klara is the most emotionally free person he knows, but when it comes to romance, she has more of a child’s curiosity than a woman’s longing for it, which makes her completely strange and sexy, all at the same time.

  “May I try?” Klara fills the space between them, her eyes locking on to his. She isn’t sure what is making her want to do this today. She even just told him earlier that she hadn’t considered being with someone. But her insides are screaming that she wants to experience this. With him.

  Eddie nods, and Klara bends down till her face is even with his. She bats her eyelashes and then closes them fully as she inches closer toward Edward’s face.

  Her lips meet his. They’re warmer than she expected, and her stomach flips with delight at the sensation. When she ends the kiss, pulling away, she sees Edward’s eyes are still closed. He looks frozen, sitting on the swing.

  She lets out a giggle, loving seeing him look so caught off guard. He usually has a comeback for everything, so when he doesn’t, she takes delight in it.

  “What do you think?” she questions.

  Eddie opens his eyes, and a wide smile spreads easily across his face. “It was quite nice.” It was a small kiss, but he can’t contain the happiness it brought him.

  “I’m glad you think so,” she says as she lightly presses her fingers against her lips. “But I think we can do better.”

  “Are you saying, you want a redo?” Eddie asks, not sure if he should be hurt or thrilled she is even considering kissing him again.

  Her hair is falling in her face as she bends down over him, and her doe eyes taunt him. She’s the most gorgeous creature he’s ever seen.

  “Of course not. I will always cherish that one. But I’m still curious.”

  That’s all Eddie needs to hear, and he starts to stand, but Klara puts pressure on his shoulders, keeping him seated on the swing. She moves forward and sits on his leg with her knees pushed together between his thighs.

  She turns her face and upper body toward him, her gaze landing on the side of his cheek. She runs a hand through his hair, feeling the soft strands slip through her fingers. Klara’s touch causes him to heat up everywhere, and he moves his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. The smell of her hair, scented with roses, makes his head instantly fog, and a heat throughout his body aches to take control.

  She slightly tilts her head and closes her eyes, meeting his lips again. The kiss is slow at first, and Eddie brings his hand up to Klara’s cheek, holding on to her face, desperate to get closer. His palm is rough on her skin, and she shivers against him. He slightly parts his mouth, and Klara is startled when she feels his tongue against her lips. She moves her hand from Eddie’s hair and delicately grabs on to his face. The feeling makes Eddie tighten his grip on her waist. Klara’s lips are soft against his, and she freezes when he opens his mouth more, trying to explore hers. But, slowly, her jaw loosens; she opens her mouth, just like he did, and he slides his tongue in.

  Klara lets out a muffled moan and presses her palms harder against Eddie’s cheeks, sliding them down to his jaw and pulling him closer. Eddie loves her reaction, and he continues kissing her with enthusiasm. Klara’s hair falls into their faces, forming a light veil. The sunlight filters through openings in her thick hair, making it look as though the light is dancing against his closed eyelids.

  The kiss is perfect, but Eddie gently pulls his lips away from Klara’s. He rests his forehead against hers, and his hand tightens against her waist, rubbing a finger over her ribs. He feels her heavy breathing start to steady.

  Klara’s heart feels like it’s going to break through her chest as their intimate moment comes to an end. She can’t believe how wonderful it felt.

  “I think, now, I understand what all the fuss is about,” Klara says, grinning at him.


  “Good morning,” Klara greets as Eddie’s mother, Rose, opens up the wooden door, popping her head out of the Barnetts’ household.

  Walking up the cobblestone path, a chipped fence greets the street. The exterior radiates warmth though, not disrepair. It is a home filled with life and love, worn down in the most wonderful of ways. It shows in the smoke coming from the chimney, in the soft grey paint, and in the blooming flowers freshly planted in the rich soil in the front garden.

  “Hello, dear,” Rose replies, taking in the girl who has caught her son’s attention.

  Her loose blonde hair falls like a golden sheet down her back, and her eyes are kind. Rose is pleased. She is a bright-eyed girl and looks to be full of spirit and warmth. The type of girl her Eddie deserves. “Come on in,” she says, ushering Klara inside.

  Klara has on a white cotton dress wit
h little cherries on it, and it fits nicely against her slim figure. She isn’t robust in areas by any means, unlike Rose, who has curves in all the right places, but Klara is tall with an eye-catching white smile.

  “I’ve brought you flowers,” Klara says, looking down at her wicker basket. It’s filled with flowers and fresh cherries from Mrs. B’s garden.

  She insisted on sending them over to use in the pie. Mrs. B didn’t doubt that Rose grew her own, but as chefs always are, they feel they have the best produce. And they know best in general, for that matter. So, Klara didn’t put up a fight when Mrs. B already had been out and picked fresh cherries that morning.

  “Thank you!” Rose exclaims, taking in the beautiful bouquet of wildflowers bursting out of Klara’s basket. They range in shape and color and are the perfect combination of wild yet delicate. She moves into the kitchen, opening a white cabinet and removing a simple glass vase from the second shelf. What a thoughtful gesture. She can’t help but smile to herself.

  Klara takes a moment to look at the heart of the home. The small kitchen is filled with life. There are pots hanging from a rack over an island, and herbs line the walls under the cabinets.

  “Morning, Klara,” Eddie greets, coming into the kitchen.

  His hair is still wet from the shower, and he has on a white button-up and khakis. He is a little overdressed for baking but looks delightful nonetheless. And Klara can’t help but notice. Her eyes turn toward him, and she is breathless for a moment, taking in the sight of him. His hair is pushed over to the side, and she is bombarded with the scent of fresh shower gel.

  Her mind wanders to the day before. To their first kiss. She closes her eyes for a single second and is transported back to that moment. It was one of the most special moments of her life thus far.

  Eddie saunters up to Klara, taking in the beautiful girl standing in front of him. His mum is looking between the two of them with a grin on her face and has a bouquet in her hand that she quickly brings her attention back to, giving them a few seconds to themselves. Eddie quickly embraces Klara, feeling a tingling sensation down his body as he pulls her against him.


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