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The Curious Swan

Page 26

by Kenzie Hart

  Eddie places the gift into her outstretched hand. It’s a square, flat blue velvet box with a cream-colored ribbon laced around it. Klara unties the ribbon, feeling her fingers slide against the soft fabric. She opens the box, looking down at the gift, and then her eyes go to Eddie’s.

  “A swan,” she says warmly.

  Eddie nods at her, placing his hand atop hers, giving it a small squeeze. Klara takes the silver necklace out of the box, admiring the pendant. It’s her favorite animal, and she smiles to herself, thinking of how thoughtful it was for Edward to get her something so meaningful.

  “Will you help me?” she asks, turning her back to Eddie so that he can clip it into place.

  Eddie’s fingers graze against Klara’s neck, and it sends shivers down her arms. The swan sits perfectly at the base of her collarbone, and it shines against her creamy skin.

  “It’s beautiful. Thank you, Edward,” Klara says, looking up at the boy she loves.

  “You’ll always be my curious little swan,” Eddie breathes out, dropping a kiss on Klara’s nose.

  “There you are!” Cordelia says, her eyes looking slightly frantic at Klara.

  Charles stands beside Cordelia, complaining that she has kept him at her side for the past twenty minutes with no explanation as to why. She continued saying for him to be patient, but each time he tried to slip away, she’d scold him, which was quite embarrassing, seeing as he was in his forties. Yet, we all have our fears, and Cordelia’s harden gaze seems to be one of his.

  “What’s the matter, Grandmother?” Klara asks, feeling concerned.

  As Cordelia starts her sentence, she looks down, noticing their interlaced hands. “It seems you two have worked through your differences then?” she asks, raising her eyebrows at Klara and Edward, a sparkle gleaming in her eye.

  “It would seem so,” Eddie says, pulling Klara closer and giving a nod to Charles.

  “Of course we have, Grandmother!” Klara agrees. It feels so right, having Edward next to her.

  Cordelia smiles and then gets back to her point. “Now, you are just in time. I’ve got someone I’d like to introduce you all to. Stay here, and I shall return in a moment.” Cordelia scans the crowd then her gaze lands on the person she’s been searching for, and she leaves Klara, Edward, and Charles standing there.

  “How odd,” Klara says, trying to understand her grandmother’s strange moods. All evening, she has been out of sorts, and Klara is determined to figure out why.

  “Charles.” Eddie extends his hand out to Klara’s father and gets a firm shake back.

  “I’m pleased to see you could make it,” Charles says to him, his mouth rising up slightly at the corner.

  “As am I,” Eddie says as Cordelia walks toward them with a man beside her.

  The man’s dark hair is curling slightly, and he appears to be about the same age as Cordelia. His eyes sparkle warmly, and they all form a small circle, everyone looking at one another.

  “Klara, Edward, Charles, I would like to formally introduce you to Alexander Petrov.” Cordelia has imagined saying those words a thousand times, and now, here she is, finally speaking them.

  Klara’s eyes go wide.

  “Or as you might better know him, Klara, Alexi.”

  Charles doesn’t have a clue as to whom this is, but he extends his hand, shaking Alexander’s firmly. “Pleasure,” Charles says and then takes a sip of his champagne.

  “Grandmother! This is your Russian lover?” Klara blurts out.

  Her hand instinctively flies up to cover her mouth as Charles sprays out a mouthful of champagne. Eddie takes in the scene unfolding in front of him.

  “Excuse me?” Charles says, coughing, trying to get a breath of air. Did his daughter just use the word lover?

  Cordelia goes slightly pink but quickly collects herself.

  “Yes, it is true.” Alexander is the one to speak up this time.

  “Former lovers,” Cordelia clarifies.

  “Is that so?” Alexander questions, tilting his head at Cordelia, his eyes sparkling.

  Her cheeks tint even redder, but she continues on, addressing Charles, “I met Alexi during my time in Russia. We fell in love there,” she explains. “But I had to return home to England, and we were separated.”

  Alexander nods in agreement, taking Cordelia’s hand in his. Eddie and Charles look at one another in confusion.

  “But how did you reconnect after all this time?” Klara questions.

  “I wrote to your grandmother,” Alexander says. “I had always thought about reaching out to her, but I didn’t want to intrude on her life. I knew she had married, and so had I. But, after all this time, my heart has never changed toward her, and so I contacted some friends in London and got her address. I sent your grandmother a letter, asking her to meet me. To see if what we’d had all those years ago might still be there.”

  “Wait. Is this what all your mysterious trips to London have been about?” Eddie asks.

  Cordelia narrows her eyes at him. “Not that it is any of your concern, but yes. We wrote one another for a short time, and then Alexi traveled all the way from Russia to London to see me,” Cordelia says, batting her eyes at Alexander.

  It takes Eddie a moment to process the look on Cordelia’s face, but Klara sighs. “How romantic.”

  “I’m happy for you, Mother,” Charles says genuinely, trying to follow along with Cordelia’s story, but he still can’t get over the idea of his mother having a lover.

  “Now that you have all been introduced, I would like to make an announcement,” Cordelia states.

  “Another one?” Eddie asks with a laugh.

  Cordelia can’t help the smile that rises to her face. “Alexi and I are engaged to be married!”

  “What?” Klara screams out with a giggle, feeling even more surprised. She is surprised but throws her arms around her grandmother. “How wonderful!” After embracing her grandmother, she pulls Alexander into a warm hug as well.

  Charles was not expecting this, and he has to shake his head to remind himself that he isn’t dreaming this all up. “Congratulations,” he says, too shocked to say much else.

  Alexander looks elated, and he brings Cordelia’s hand to his lips, placing a kiss on her knuckles.

  “Father, get the champagne!” Klara says with delight. “We must toast to this incredible news.”

  Charles nods his head and strides off, looking for a full bottle to pop open. Klara gives Alexander and her grandmother a moment, and she turns, looking to Edward.

  “I’m not sure I could have ever imagined a more perfect night,” she says.

  “I’m not sure I would have ever guessed your grandmother had been meeting up with a former lover,” Eddie says with a laugh, but then he clears his throat and says seriously, “and I couldn’t agree with you more. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else but here with you tonight.”

  “This is another one of those moments,” Klara comments, thinking back to their conversation in the woods.

  “A moment we will look back upon with the fondest of memories?” Eddie grins at her, repeating Klara’s previous words.

  “Exactly that.” She smiles back at him. Klara moves her lips onto Eddie’s, giving him a soft kiss.

  Charles comes rushing back with a waiter in tow and a champagne bottle in hand. He pops the cork open, and everyone is poured a glass to toast with. As Klara looks between Edward, her grandmother, her father, and Alexander, all smiling and laughing, her heart has never felt more whole and complete. She can’t help but think back to something that Eddie said and realizes he was right. Sometimes, your own story is better than any book.


  “What a gorgeous ceremony,” Rose coos, flattening out her dress upon standing.

  “It was, wasn’t it?” Klara says dreamily.

  She and her grandmother spent all of the fall planning it. Alexander had suggested that they’d been apart long enough and that they should get married quickly after the en
gagement, but Cordelia had thrown a fit about it. She’d told Alexander that she’d waited seventy years to have a wedding with him and that he could wait another few months for the perfect wedding to be planned.

  “I would never have thought to do a Christmas Eve wedding,” Rose replies, taking in the event around them.

  White faux snow covers everything in sight. Her grandmother insisted that everyone wear white, and she walked down the aisle in a red dress and fur. White roses and candles fill all of the tables, and furs are placed alongside the numerous warming fires.

  “She took the Russian Winter Wonderland theme quite seriously,” Klara agrees, giggling. “But it is all so romantic. Alexander proposed to Grandmother on Christmas Eve years ago, and so she thought it was fitting that they be married on Christmas Eve all these years later.”

  Rose stands beside her husband, both warming their hands in front of the fireplace. Nana can be found at Rose’s feet. It seems Nana has taken a liking to Rose, but Klara thinks it’s likely because, each time Rose visits, she brings homemade dog treats just for her.

  Charles and Eddie come strolling up, Charles’s arm draped over Eddie’s shoulders, each with a smirk on their face.

  “What are those looks about?” Rose questions with a curious smile. She is grateful that Eddie and Charles have grown so close since he’s been visiting more and more.

  “Cordelia told us that she and Alexander are going to greet their guests, and then we are expected to all head into the ballroom. She explained that we would then watch her and Alexander share a traditional Russian waltz before being seated for dinner,” Charles says with a grin.

  “What’s so funny about that?” Rose asks genuinely.

  “He hasn’t gotten to it yet, Mum,” Eddie says teasingly. “After that, we are to be seated for dinner and will watch a full production of The Nutcracker ballet. But the best part is that, in the last scene, Cordelia has decided that she and Alexi will actually perform the final scene as the Nutcracker and Clara.” Eddie has to suck in a breath to keep from crying from laughter.

  “Apparently, Cordelia just informed Alexander of this today, and he looks completely frightened. He hasn’t a clue what to do, so in the end, I’m sure he will go along with Mother.” Charles laughs heartily.

  “Hush, you two!” Klara interjects, her brows furrowing. “It will be extremely romantic. And Grandmother wants it to be a dramatic ending to the play.”

  “I think it might just be if she gets up onstage and her Nutcracker never shows up.” Charles laughs again, wiping at the corner of his eye.

  Both Eddie and his father are holding back chuckles as well. Rose looks disapprovingly at them, raising her eyebrow.

  Klara lets out a giggle and takes Eddie’s hand. “Come along, Edward. This conversation is in horrible taste! Let’s go mingle a little before dinner.”

  Edward pulls her close to him. “You’ve got to get better at excuses, or they’re all going to know that you just want to get me alone.” Eddie chuckles, pushing a piece of hair back off of Klara’s face and tucking it behind her ear.

  “And why would I want you alone?” Klara questions, weaving through the crowd of guests until she is walking with Edward into the ballroom for a more private moment.

  “To do this, of course,” Eddie says back, placing a warm kiss on her lips.

  Klara tastes like gingerbread and a little vodka.

  “Have you snuck a drink?” he asks, pulling back to look at Klara, his eyes sparkling.

  “Oh, goodness.” She grins. “Grandmother and vodka. Of course she still spikes her tea with scotch, but she insists that vodka is the new drink of the house since a Russian is now living with us.”

  Eddie shakes his head. He doesn’t mind a glass of champagne now and then, but doing a shot of Alexander’s “special” vodka before the ceremony was a different story. It sent a shiver down his body that never quite went away.

  Klara pulls Edward back to her lips, running her fingers through his strawberry-blond hair. His freckles aren’t as prominent on his face as they were over the summer, but she can still find them when she looks closely.

  Eddie opens his eyes after the kiss and takes in his surroundings for the first time. He is shocked. Even though they are tucked into the corner, staff is moving about the ballroom, hanging candles, ornaments, and flowers. The sugar plum fairy that will be performing in the ballet walks through the room, fully dressed in her costume.

  Klara notices Edward’s face and comments, “Grandmother wanted it turned into the Palace of the Sugar Plum Fairy for dancing.”

  There are purple lights illuminating the whole room in a warm glow, and life-size nutcrackers and towering Christmas trees are set up throughout the room.

  “This is insane,” Eddie says, taken aback. If people think that the dinner and ballet are going to be extravagant, he can’t wait to watch everyone’s reaction as they walk into the ballroom.

  “It’s lovely, isn’t it?” Klara says, appreciating the overly decorated room. It really does feel like she has fallen into The Nutcracker.

  “I’ve got something for you,” Eddie says, reaching into his jacket pocket. His hand is a little shaky, and he’s been nervous about it all day.

  “What is it?” Klara questions, watching Edward’s face flash with worry.

  “It’s from Cambridge,” Eddie replies, handing Klara the envelope.

  Both he and Klara submitted for early acceptance, and she has already received her acceptance letter. Edward didn’t think his would come until after the holidays, but when he checked the post this morning, there the letter was.

  “I couldn’t bring myself to open it.”

  Klara’s eyes go wide. “Edward, you must open it!”

  Eddie just pushes the envelope at her. “Open it for me.” His heart is beating out of his chest, and he can’t bear to have to see the bad news for himself and then break it to Klara. At least, this way, he’ll be able to tell what it says by her reaction.

  Klara’s eyes drop to the envelope, and she takes it into her hands. They’re trembling slightly, but she knows that Edward got in. He had to have. She flicks her gaze up at him and then slips her finger under the paper, tearing it at the seam. She withdraws the letter, unfolding it and scanning the words printed upon it.

  Eddie feels nauseous. He applied to other universities as well, but this has been his dream. Their dream.

  “Edward!” Klara screams, jumping up into his arms. She pulls back, reading the first sentence to him. “I am delighted to inform you that the Committee of Admissions has admitted you … ”

  Eddie’s heart is beating out of his chest, and he takes the paper from Klara’s hand, scanning it once himself, trying to believe it’s true.

  “I’m so proud of you,” Klara says, pulling a grinning Edward down to her lips. “Shall we go tell everyone the good news?”

  Eddie ponders the question for a moment. “Why don’t we keep it our secret, just for today? I want everything to be about your grandmother, yeah?”

  “No!” Klara exclaims.

  Of course, it is understandable why Eddie doesn’t want to take away any attention from Cordelia, but it is unnecessary. Her grandmother would be thrilled, and it would just add to the celebration.

  “If you really don’t want to tell them yet, we can wait. But I know that they will all be so delighted to find out. And what more of a perfect day than today?” she insists.

  Eddie rubs the back of his neck for a moment. “All right, if you think so,” he agrees, and he can’t help the grin on his face.

  When he reads the letter over, his chest swells with pride, but seeing Klara’s happiness is what really makes him feel worked up about it all. She insisted on him coming to study with her at least once each week where they went over his coursework. It feels good to make her proud of him.

  “Edward, this is wonderful news,” Klara says, taking another moment for just the two of them. She pulls Edward back to her lips and leans into h
im, his palm pressing against her lower back. Edward tastes like the same vodka that is on her lips, and it makes her slightly dizzy. His kisses always seem to make her feel that way. “Come on,” Klara whispers against his lips. “We must tell them immediately, or I think I might burst!”

  Eddie’s eyes are on Klara’s as they leave the ballroom and move back through the house. He quickly spots his parents and Charles still standing in front of the fire beside a decorated tree. A Christmas tree is placed in every room, each standing at well over nine feet tall, covered in white and silver ornaments. Between the lights on the numerous trees and the abundance of candles, the whole house is lit in a warm and sparkling glow.

  “I just wanted Alexi and me to share a proper Russian Christmas together since it is his first one not being there,” Cordelia says, eyeing Alexander.

  His smile is bright, and his eyes crease when he looks down at Cordelia. “I would go anywhere to be with you, my love,” he replies, placing a kiss on her knuckles.

  Cordelia visibly swoons, and Eddie smiles as he approaches them, the letter burning a hole in his pocket.

  “Mother, you are quite the romantic,” Charles replies, his eyes still playful.

  Klara hasn’t seen her father this lighthearted in years, and it’s a sight that has come to make her heart swell with joy. Cordelia and Charles have been getting along more, and Klara notices them both making an effort to be kinder to one another. They still bicker and banter, but the underlying distaste isn’t there anymore.

  “I suppose I am,” Cordelia agrees, running her fingers down her dress. Her bracelets fall on top of one another, and the sound reminds Klara of sleigh bells. “I forgot to tell you, Rose,” Cordelia says, turning her attention to Eddie’s mother, “your spiced cookie is divine.”

  Rose blushes lightly, but she pushes her shoulders back. “I’m glad to hear that,” she exclaims. “I’m just thankful that you allowed me to cater the desserts for the night.”

  Cordelia had to have many conversations with Mrs. B about the food, and she didn’t want to upset her by not letting her help out with the wedding. Mrs. B is a delightful baker, but Cordelia was set on having Rose be a part of her wedding, so she decided to allow Rose to do all of the desserts but reserved the wedding cake for Mrs. B.


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