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Another Homecoming

Page 1

by Lexi Archer

  Another Homecoming

  Lexi Archer


  1. Morning After

  2. Discussion

  3. Invitation

  4. Worries

  5. Cheap Talk

  6. Down on the Party

  7. Getting Naughty

  8. Quickie

  9. Nerdy Surprise

  10. Distractions

  11. Introductions

  12. Naughty Minx

  13. Invite

  14. The Fun Begins

  15. Getting Ready

  16. Fantasy Material

  17. Getting Hot

  18. Crossing Lines

  19. Reunion

  20. Small Town Benefits

  More from Lexi Archer

  Another Homecoming

  Lexi Archer

  Copyright 2019 Lexi Archer


  Individuals pictured on the cover are models and used for illustrative purposes only.

  First digital edition electronically published by Lexi Archer, January 2019

  Let your fantasies come true with Lexi Archer…

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  Morning After

  I woke up. Weird. I was on the couch. Why in the ever loving fuck would I be hanging out on the couch? That didn’t make any sense unless…

  Everything from the night before hit me. Like for a moment there I’d thought there was something seriously wrong because we weren’t in our nice apartment in the city, and then it all hit me at once.

  We weren’t in our nice apartment in the city because we didn’t live there anymore. We were in an apartment we were “renting” from Stacy’s parents as a way to get back on our feet after I lost my consulting job in the city.

  And I wasn’t in the bed with my wife because there was another man in that bed. I’d had a little too much to drink the night before which might have something to do with my temporary memory loss.

  But really. There was going to be no forgetting everything that’d happened last night. Not with some of the things we’d done.

  Basically we’d taken all the vows we’d ever made with one another about having, holding, and forsaking all others, and blown right through them. Or it might be more accurate to say that another man had blown through those vows as he blew a load in my wife’s pussy while I gleefully watched and enjoyed the fuck out of the show.

  I didn’t know what to do about all that. I wasn’t suffering from the usual regret someone might have the night after some drunken debauchery. Though, to be fair, it hadn’t been all that drunken at the start.

  No, Stacy and I had known exactly what the fuck we were doing when we started down this path, and I wasn’t sure if that made this whole thing better or worse.

  I walked out of the massive living room and to one of the bedrooms that was one of several that ran the length of this massive apartment that had been several apartments once upon a time. Basically the kind of square footage that we could never hope to get back in the city, or in the ‘burbs.

  I looked into the room and found something that had my cock stirring even this early in the morning. There was my wife on our bed, of course. She had the covers thrown aside, she always got hot at night and did stuff like that, and she was lying there completely nude showing off what the good Lord gave her and she’d subsequently sculpted in the gym.

  It looked nice. It was usually enough to get me rock hard. At least that sight had been enough to get me rock hard back before the stress of my job in the city had been enough to give me a little bit of trouble in that department, but all that trouble was gone too.

  My wife wasn’t the total turn on this time around though. No, the man next to her in that bed, a muscular Adonis who looked like a certain former governor of California back when he’d been in the business of menacing poor Linda Hamilton with her poofy ‘80s hair, was adding to the turn on.

  And it wasn’t because I was into the dudes. No, I’d discovered that I had a thing for watching other guys getting it on with my wife, and even seeing the two of them there with him spooning up against her naked form, knowing that another man had spent the evening in my bed in my wife’s arms, was doing a hell of a lot for me and making my cock rock hard.

  It was an odd sensation, that was for damn sure.

  I also wasn’t sure what to do with that sensation now. So I turned back to the kitchen and decided to make some coffee, eggs, and bacon. That was another thing that was a little cheaper out here than it was in the city, and here we had a massive refrigerator that looked pretty close to brand new to hold all that stuff.

  I got the feeling that her parents might be trying to bribe us to stick around here by showering us with nice things that we wouldn’t otherwise have if we were in the city. And the real bitch was it was working.

  Though if they had any idea why I was considering staying around, that it had a lot to do with getting turned on at the thought of their daughter fucking a trail through some of the guys who’d had the hots for her back in the day, they might have a different thought about whether or not they wanted us to stick around.

  Whatever. What mom and dad didn’t know wasn’t going to hurt them.

  It took about five minutes before my wife stumbled into the kitchen looking like a hot mess, but in the best possible way. She had that “I got fucked to within an inch of my life multiple times last night” look, complete with wild hair and everything, and she’d never looked more beautiful even though I hadn’t done much of the fucking.

  “Morning,” she said, looking like she wasn’t sure of herself this morning.

  That was new. If my wife was anything, it was confident. It made me wonder what the hell could’ve happened between last night and this morning to make her suddenly hesitant. Especially with the way she took command last night.

  “Something up?” I asked, then gestured to the pan. “I made breakfast, by the way. Figured you might want to partake and replenish some of the old fuel tank after the night you had.”

  She blushed and looked away, and it occurred to me that maybe part of the embarrassment was about what she’d done the night before. Could she possibly think that I’d be pissed off about all that after how fucking enthusiastic I’d been about everything the night before?

  “Come on Stacy,” I said. “What’s going on here?”



  What do you mean what’s going on here?” she asked, blushing even deeper than she had before. “Why does anything have to be going on here?”

  “Because you have a look that says there’s something going on here,” I said. “Are you regretting what happened last night or something? Like you got what you needed out of your system and now you’re…”

  “That’s not it at all!” she said, perhaps a touch too quickly for true deniability.”

  “Then what is it?” I asked. “Because in case you’re forgetting I’m the one who was taking a hell of a risk last night, and you were the one who got to have all the fun.”

  My cock was already getting hard thinking about all the fun she got to have last night. I guess it would be a little bit of a lie to say that she was the one who got to have all the fun, I certainly got something out of it that was for damn sure, but I also wanted to make it clear that if there was anyone here who should be freaking the fuck out about what we did the night before then it was me, and not her.

  “I seem to recall someone enjoying the fuck out of what
I was doing last night,” she said, the faintest hint of a smile coming to her face. “I seem to remember someone being so overcome with lust that he let his poor innocent wife get fucked to within an inch of her life by some big studly musclehead. Do you remember any of that?”

  She walked across the small kitchen, the place looked like it hadn’t been updated since at least the sixties, and reached down to touch my cock which was giving away just how turned on I was right about now.

  There was no getting around it. Hearing my wife talking dirty like that did it for me, and seeing her slinking across the room with her freshly fucked morning hair was so fucking hot.

  It was hot enough that I didn’t even mind all that much when I got a blast of her morning breath. At least I didn’t think I minded all that much, but there must’ve been something in the way I looked at her because she rolled her eyes.

  “Seriously?” she asked. “You’re going to give me crap for my breath of all things after everything that happened last night?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said, trying to hit her with my best sweet and innocent look and knowing that it wasn’t going to be nearly sweet enough or innocent enough to allay her suspicions.

  It never was.

  “Whatever,” she said, looking around the kitchen. “So you’re making breakfast in here?”

  “Now wait just one damned minute,” I said. “You don’t get away that easily.”

  “I don’t?” she asked, twirling around so her ass was facing me.

  She also totally wasn’t playing fair. No, not playing fair at all. Because she used the opportunity of turning around to grind her ass back against my cock which was already rock fucking hard from the treatment she was giving me and all the dirty talk she was letting loose with what’d happened the night before.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Trying to distract you from what you were trying to ask me,” she said. She turned and looked up at me with the sort of sexy eyes that made me fall in love with her so many years ago, and had me falling in love with her all over again every time she looked at me like that.

  “Come on baby,” she said. “Let’s not think about this too much. Thinking about it takes away all the fun. Let’s go back to what we were doing last night and just do stuff. How’s that sound?”

  “Well that’d sound great if I was the kind of guy who wanted to throw away my marriage,” I said. “Lucky for the two of us, though, I’m not that kind of guy and never have been. Never will be if I have anything to say about it.”

  She sighed. She kept grinding her ass against my cock though. Maybe she thought that was actually going to get her somewhere, but if she did think that then she had another thing coming.

  “Do we have to talk about this right now?” she asked. “So I fucked another guy last night. Big deal. I’ve fucked other guys plenty of times before in my life and we never made a big deal out of it.”

  “Well yeah,” I said. “But those other times you fucked other guys we weren’t together which makes a big difference.”

  “Just make breakfast,” she said, a hint of irritation coming to her voice and telling me that it was time for this conversation to be over.

  For the moment. I had no intention of letting her go that easily, that was for damn sure, and if she thought she was going to get irritated to the point that I left her alone then she had another thing coming.

  For the moment, though, I turned back to the breakfast I was making for my wife and another man. As I got the eggs out I found myself thinking back to the age old pickup line joke about whether a lady wanted her eggs scrambled or fertilized in the morning, though hopefully that wouldn’t be much of a problem in this case considering we took precautions.

  Now there was a thought that got me good and turned on, for all that I was well aware just how self-destructive that impulse would be.

  Then again wasn’t the impulse to fuck someone pretty self-destructive most of the time? Everyone always wanted to fuck, even if most of the time they weren’t interested in what resulted from the fucking.

  This was just a bankshot new version of that old problem, and not something I was going to worry about or think about. I went back to the food cooking.



  “So I was thinking about that invitation we got,” Stacy said.

  “Invitation?” I asked, looking up from some spreadsheets I’d been working on and I figured I’d go over with Arnie when the time was right.

  I’d already mentioned that the way he was keeping his books was probably out of date and it was high time for him to start doing a better job of tracking his business. The fact that he’d had a giant shoebox full of all the stuff that he planned on writing off this year was proof enough of that.

  The dude needed help, and if I got a little percentage off the top in addition to getting to watch him fucking my wife then all the better.

  “Come on,” Stacy said with a sigh. “You’re telling me you don’t remember me talking the party invite?”

  I searched my brain for some memory of what she was talking about. The trouble was there were a lot of things that she talked about, and there were a lot of times when I had no idea what the fuck she was talking about when she brought it up later.

  I guess I had the same problem a lot of husbands had with stuff like that going in one ear and out the other, though there were also times when I was pretty sure she just thought she had a conversation with me and I got in trouble for that conversation she had in her head later.

  Whatever. I definitely remembered something about a party now that she was bringing it up. The only problem was I also remembered when we had that conversation and why I was having trouble remembering the conversation ever happening in the first place.

  “That wouldn’t be the party invite you were talking about shortly before you moved downstairs to work on your squats over Arnie’s cock, would it?” I asked.

  She blushed and turned away. We were in the living room now and Arnie was safely downstairs. He’d probably showered down there. At least I hoped he had and he wasn’t walking around sweating in addition to still having the smell of my wife all over him.

  Then again the more I thought about it the more it seemed like maybe he would enjoy having my wife’s smell all over him.

  Either way, I pushed those thoughts out of my head as I focused on my wife and what she was getting at here. The locals were having a get together. A party. A shindig. A hoedown.

  Whatever the hell it was they called parties in this quiet and rustic location that I was starting to appreciate more and more because it was the only source of men who’d been lusting after my wife for most of their lives.

  Basically the only placed where I could truly enjoy the variety of fantasy that’d lodged itself in my head recently and wasn’t letting go no matter how many times I tried to knock it loose.

  “So what’s the catch with this party thing?” I asked.

  “What would make you think there was a catch?” she asked, turning from the desk she’d set up in front of the TV complete with her big drawing tablet that let her do most of her freelancing.

  I never pretended to understand everything she did. I’d always been a numbers kind of guy and she’d always been the slightly wild artistic type.

  Though she’d been getting more wild lately, that was for damn sure!

  “Come on,” I said. “I know that look you get when you’re trying to get away with something, and you’re hitting me with that look now. So what’s the big deal, and why are you so worried about me turning you down for this party?”

  She bit her lip. Looked to her computer and back to me. I’m not sure what she expected to find there that would convince me to go to this thing. I honestly wasn’t sure why the hell she’d think I wasn’t interested in going to a party with her considering the very nice thing she’d done for me and Arnie the night before.

  I know it was mostly Arnie and
Stacy having the fun the night before, or at least to an outside observer it would probably look like my wife and her friend from middle school and high school were the ones who were mostly having the fun, but I knew it was all for me and I was damn lucky to have a wife who was willing to do that for me.

  “Well it’s just that there are going to be a lot of guys there who had the hots for me back in the old days,” she said, biting her lip as she hit me with the sexiest pair of “fuck me” eyes I think I’d seen in a good long while.

  That was really saying something considering some of the “fuck me” looks she’d been giving me the night before when she was having that aforementioned fun with another man!

  “I see what you’re doing here,” I said. “And if you must know it’s totally working.”

  “Is it now?” she asked. “Because you see the last time around when I was asking you about going to this party I really wasn’t sure how you felt about other guys looking at me, but now…”

  She let that hang in the air, and the meaning was clear enough. Everything had changed since we had a conversation about going out to a party with a bunch of her friends. There was a time when that would’ve been the last thing I ever would’ve wanted to go to.

  A bunch of rednecks and hicks who couldn’t get out of here gathering together to drink grandpappy’s special moonshine hooch recipe while they worked up the nerve to go cow tipping?


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