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Another Homecoming

Page 4

by Lexi Archer

Stacy giggled. She actually blushed and giggled, then reached out and pressed a hand to Stan’s chest. Which probably gave her a nice feel for the muscle definition under there.

  Stan wasn’t built like, say, Arnie, but he was still a guy who clearly kept in shape. Like he wasn’t huge, but he had some nice definition and everything. I could see why my wife was suddenly acting like she wouldn’t mind spreading her legs for him, though from the way he blushed and looked down at the spot where her hand made contact with his chest he was having trouble adjusting to a reality where she wanted to spread her legs for him.

  Though he seemed like the kind of guy who probably didn’t have trouble getting girls to spread their legs for him. Especially around here.

  “Well I hope the two of you have a good time,” he said, chuckling and reaching up to take Stacy’s hand. Though I noticed that his hand lingered on hers for just a moment. Just a little longer than would be entirely appropriate for someone simply pushing someone else’s hand away.

  I also noticed that Amy girl, pretty little blonde fireball that she seemed to be, didn’t seem all that happy about the lingering contact. She glanced at Stacy, but then smiled. She’d be something to watch out for.

  I never knew there could be so much intrigue out here in the middle of nowhere where I would’ve figured cow tipping was the most exciting thing that ever happened. Though Stacy had told me that wasn’t actually even a thing that happened. Something about not being able to actually push over an animal that weighed that much, and how dangerous it could be to fuck with cows considering the size difference between them and humans.

  Apparently the boys and girls out here in the country knew not to fuck with the livestock, and it was something I was learning for the first time which was pretty fucking wild.

  I turned to Stacy once he was gone.

  “He hopes we have a good time?” I asked. “What was that all about?”

  “Well he owns the place, duh,” she said.

  I glanced around again, and suddenly some stuff started to make more sense. She talked about this guy like he had money. I’d assumed that meant he had money for around here. Like “grandpa sold the farm and I got a five figure check when he kicked the bucket back in the day” sort of money.

  This guy looked like he had “made an initial public offering that set me up for life and then retired back home where I could live off that money for several lifetimes” money.

  “Damn,” I said. “This place makes a hell of a lot more sense now.”

  “You’d be surprised,” she said. “There are some people out here who have money. Mostly hospital administrators and families who’ve owned farms forever, but they’re still out here.”

  “Right,” I said. “And you’d better be careful young lady, because if ever I saw a woman who looked like she wanted to rip someone’s lungs out it was that Amy chick looking at you hitting on her man.”

  “Oh Amy?” she said with a laugh. “We were friends going way back. She always had a thing for him, and it always frustrated her that he had a thing for me before he had a thing for her.”

  “Um, so I’m not seeing how this makes her any less likely to want to rip your lungs out if you keep moving in on her man,” I said. “Care to explain that one to me?”

  “That’s simple,” she said. “She’s not going to do that because she knows I’m not going to move in on him while I’m married.”

  “Except you’re totally in a marriage where you could move in on him if you wanted to,” I said.


  Naughty Minx

  Stacy looked up at me and smiled a smile that was so sweet and innocent that it made my cock positively throb as I thought about some of the things she might be considering doing.

  “Is he married to that Amy chick?”

  “Nope,” she said. “But that doesn’t mean anything. Besides, I’m sure if we decided to have a little fun tonight you might be able to have a little fun of your own.”

  That was good for another couple of twitches in the old cock department. After all, that Amy chick had been fucking hot. We’re talking I wouldn’t mind seeing what she looked like under that sheer blouse she’d been wearing, and it was already sheer enough that I’d been able to see what looked like the clear pink outline of a bra going on under there.

  “This night is getting more and more interesting,” I said.

  “Well remember that I never said we were actually going to do anything,” Stacy said. “We’re just having a little bit of fun right now considering the possibilities, is all.”

  “Yeah, and I know what you get like when you’ve considered all the possibilities, baby,” I said.

  But I decided to let it rest for just a little while. After all, if I pressed the issue too much then she might decide she was going to shut down just to annoy me. Better to let her have a good night and see where that night might lead.

  So we hung out with some of her old friends. I was introduced to people she went to school with. To people she babysat who were all grown up. To people who’d babysat her. Some of them were insanely hot and clearly took good care of themselves for all that they lived out in the middle of nowhere. Others had obviously let small town life get the best of them.

  Either way it was a good time, and there was a lot of alcohol. Which meant that my wife was getting more and more liquored up as the night went on. Sure we were just drinking beer for the most part, but taking shots also appeared to be a part of the drinking culture out here.

  The practical upshot was both of us were feeling pretty good by the time it was well after midnight and we were leaning together on one of the logs enjoying the heat of the bonfire that had burned down from the roaring fire it’d been when they first set the thing off earlier.

  “This was a pretty fun night, all things considered,” I said. “I take back everything I ever said about the people around here being a bunch of country bumpkins who don’t know how to have fun.”

  Of course I said that bit low enough that I didn’t have to worry about anyone overhearing me. If there was one thing that I knew about the world, it was that people didn’t like hearing the truth about themselves. So the country bumpkins probably wouldn’t like someone calling them a bunch of country bumpkins.

  “Yeah, well I’d be willing to bet that the reason they know how to have so much fun is precisely because they’re a bunch of ‘country bumpkins,’ as you put it,” she said with a smile of her own.

  Stacy leaned up and kissed me. It was a kiss that was lingering. A kiss that tasted like alcohol. Though some of the best sloppy kisses I’d ever gotten in my life had been kisses that tasted like alcohol. They were the kind of kisses that always led to something more, so I wasn’t complaining if my wife was getting so tipsy that she smelled like a cross between whatever beer and hard liquor she’d been downing tonight.

  “Someone’s feeling pretty good,” I said.

  “Oh you have no idea how good I’m feeling,” she said, reaching down to run her hand along the length of my cock that was still pretty hard in my shorts for all that I’d had a few to drink tonight too.

  Maybe it was that my dick was finally back in business after being out of commission for so long because of the stress of work, but even whiskey dick wasn’t enough to overcome how turned on I was watching my wife.

  Because watching my wife tonight had been something to behold. She’d been the life of the fucking party as she moved from group to group talking with people. Chatting. Having a good time. Generally being a ray of light that lit up whatever group she went to have a chat with.

  It’d been amazing to behold. I’d seen her as the life of the party back in college, of course, but that was nothing like tonight when she was back with people she’d known her whole life.

  Even that wasn’t the reason why my cock was so hard thinking about everything she’d done tonight, though. No, that hard on was more for everything everyone else had done while they saw her being the life of the party than it was for
her being the life of the party.

  Because there’d been so many eyes on her tonight. Every time she walked up to a group the guys had their eyes on her. Even the guys on the other side of the party had their eyes on her.

  I’d been watching. It was something I’d done at parties back in college, but it was really something I’d been doing at the party tonight. It was something where I’d finally realized, perhaps for the first time, exactly why it was that I enjoyed watching guys watching my wife.

  They were watching her and thinking about what they’d like to do to her. They were watching her and thinking about how great it was to have one of the hottest girls who’d ever lived around here back in their midst. More than a few of them had gone in for hugs that’d lasted just a little too long, and there’d been so many comments about how she hadn’t changed a bit as their eyes ran up and down her body.

  And she’d let them do those lingering hugs. There’d been a couple of times when she’d turned and stared at me as they did it. Like she knew what they were doing, she knew what it was doing to me, and she was loving every moment of it.

  The naughty little minx was being a little slut right in front of everybody and she could deny it all if she wanted to later because it would look like she was just being friendly. My cock had been rock hard from the moment I realized exactly what she was doing right under everyone’s noses, and it’d stayed hard all night long no matter what I ended up drinking through that night.



  “So someone was having a lot of fun tonight,” I said.

  “What ever are you talking about?” she asked, continuing to trace her fingers up and down the length of my cock.

  I glanced around the bonfire. I don’t know why I was so worried about other people talking now, but I guess the conversation we had earlier about people talking had me worried on behalf of my wife.

  “You were flirting with people right under their noses and being a naughty little girl,” I said.

  I saw other people who were doing something very similar to us. Some people were actually making out. Other people were just getting a little heavy. I was also pretty sure I heard the distinct sound of some people getting it on in the woods.

  That seemed like a dangerous game. Stacy had pointed out Poison Ivy to me a couple of times. The actual plant and not the Batman villain which had been my only conception of the stuff until tonight. It seemed like rolling around in the woods came with the distinct risk of getting one hell of an awkward rash in a very awkward place if you weren’t careful, and drunk and in the middle of the night when you couldn’t see what you were rolling around in was the height of not being very careful.

  “You know it’s almost a pity that the night is winding down,” she said.

  “Oh yeah?” I asked, my cock twitching both for what I thought she was insinuating and for what her finger was doing as it danced up and down the length of my cock.

  “Oh yeah,” she said. “I’m feeling good enough that I almost don’t care what people would say if…”

  I glanced around the party again. I’d seen Arnie a couple of times, and my eyes finally fell on him in the distance. He was pressed up against a tree and had a couple of girls in either arm as he took turns making out with both of them.

  Good for him getting his game on, but at the same time I couldn’t help but be just a little frustrated that the one outlet we had for the dangerous little game we played wasn’t going to be available right now.

  It also made me think that we were going to have to be a little more careful about little surprises that didn’t involve getting pregnant if he was making out with other women like that.

  “Looks like Arnie is out of commission for the night,” I muttered, moving a hand down her shoulder and then along the top of her breast.

  Hey, I figured when in Rome. If everyone else around this bonfire was going to be making out like this was an impromptu orgy then I was going to avail myself of the opportunity to have a little fun too.

  Besides, we were married, which was more than could be said for some of the people in the dying light of the bonfire sucking face.

  “Looks like the two of you are having a good time,” a voice said.

  I pulled my hand out of my wife’s shirt like we were at a fucking middle school dance or something and one of the teachers had just caught me with my hand on some girl’s ass. I immediately felt like an idiot for reacting like that, I was a grown fucking man who could do whatever the fuck he wanted to his wife within the boundaries of his marriage thank you very much, but Stacy laughed.

  “That was so fucking funny!” she said. “You pulled your hand out like you thought a fucking nun was going to come along and slap it away or something!”

  A couple of other people turned to face us and smile just a little, but they didn’t face us for long. No, everyone who was still here had a little companionship for the night, and clearly getting back to that companionship was far more important than watching me getting embarrassed.

  “Thanks,” I muttered.

  “Sorry,” Stacy said, wiping a tear from her eye. “That was just so funny.”

  “Sorry myself,” Stan said, smiling down at us. “I wouldn’t have interrupted if I’d known the two of you were that into it.”

  “No, you’re fine,” Stacy said, turning and looking him up and down with the kind of appreciation that had my cock standing up and taking notice all over again.

  Then again my cock seemed to be perpetually hard these days. Like it was making up for all the time it lost when it was hiding for whatever reason.

  “I just figured I’d see if the two of you wanted to come and join some of us in the hot tub,” Stan said. “Did you remember to bring suits along?”


  The Fun Begins

  I glanced at Stacy. She hadn’t said anything about bringing a suit along, or about a hot tub for that matter. What the fuck was going on here?

  “Um, I guess I wasn’t aware this was the kind of party that would wind up in a hot tub,” I said.

  “I mean usually all of these parties end up like that at some point,” Stan said. “At least that’s what it was like back in the day, right Stacy?”

  There was something about the way he looked at her that had me wondering if there was something more going on here. There was an intensity there. There was also something to his tone that said he was having a little fun with my wife.

  Even more surprising, of course, was the way she suddenly looked down and blushed. It wasn’t an embarrassed blush, though. Not exactly. No, there was a small smile to her face as she blushed that had me thinking there was something more going on here.

  Basically there was one hell of a story that I figured she wasn’t telling me here, and you bet your ass I was going to figure out what that story was by the time this was all said and done!

  “Is there something you want to tell me baby?” I asked, low enough that no one else would be able to hear us.

  There was just the crackle of the bonfire a few feet away from us for a long moment. That and the sound of people sucking face and getting it on all around us. I really was surprised at how quickly this whole thing had turned into an excuse for a bunch of drunk people who’d been going to the same party for most of their adult lives to pair off and go fuck and suck each other.

  I figured that was the kind of thing that would happen at a party with a bunch of teenagers, but weren’t adults the kind of people who went off and had their fun in the privacy of their own homes because they didn’t have to sneak around?

  “It’s something that happens at these parties sometimes,” she said. “I didn’t realize this was how it was going to go now, though. It’s been years since I’ve been to one of these things, after all.”

  I stared at her long and hard. To say that I doubted her story that she didn’t know any of this would be happening was a hell of an understatement, but I also figured I should give her the benefit of the doubt for
the moment.

  “Yeah, well we’ve got another problem,” I said, even as my cock was throbbing and telling me it was so far from being a problem that it wasn’t even funny. “We didn’t bring along any suits as far as I know.”

  Stacy looked up at me, and there was something so intense, so primal to that look that I couldn’t help but almost come in my pants staring at her staring at me. That was the kind of look that told me I was being a stupid fucking idiot by not realizing what was really going on here.

  The question was, what the fuck was really going on here?

  “That’s not a problem for me if it’s not a problem for you,” she said.

  I licked my lips. And here we finally were. She had enough liquor in her system that she was willing to make a few decisions, and I guess one of those decisions was that she was horny enough that she was ready to have a little bit of fun.

  Which is exactly what I’d been hoping for ever since we came to this fucking party, so why the ever loving fuck was I sitting here wondering whether or not this was something we should do when I was getting everything I’d ever fucking wanted?

  “Yeah,” I said, my voice just a little hoarse. “Yeah, I think that could be a good idea.”

  Stacy didn’t say anything in response. No, she just stood and took my hand. I took hers and followed her, staring at her incredible ass the entire time, as she led me off to what was promising to be one hell of an interesting end to the evening.

  Or maybe it wasn’t an end to the evening. Maybe it was a beginning to the real fun!


  Getting Ready

  “So where’s everyone else?” I asked once I got a good look at the place.

  “Just the four of us here tonight man,” Stan said, hitting me with a grin that said that’d been the pan the entire time and he was having fun with me being a little confused by everything.


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