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Maxim: Red Bratva Billionaires

Page 3

by Miller, Coco

  Then an image of Tasha flits into my mind, and I begin to truly question my sanity. My head snaps away from him, and I spin around. My heart pounds when I see the raw heat in his dark eyes.

  “No,” I whisper.

  He lifts his finger and traces it along my cheek. “Be honest. You’ve been thinking about my dick since last night.”

  I want to correct him and tell him I’ve been thinking about it since I first met him, but I don’t.

  “No,” I lie.

  “I’ve been thinking about it.” His sexy voice has me about to buckle at the knees.

  Unable to stop myself, I lean into his touch. “You’ve been thinking about your own dick?”

  “Yeah,” he yanks me into him. “I’ve been thinking about how hard it will be to slide inside of your tight pussy.”

  He captures my lips with his. With no resistance left in me, I open my mouth and let his tongue invade my mouth.

  His hard on presses against me. Only a towel separates his cock from my view. I want to touch it. Only once. That’s okay, right?

  My hand travels down his chest, dipping extremely close to the top of the towel. My fingers run through his happy trail, leading me straight to the promised land.

  His fingers cling to my scalp, clutching his fist around my hair. His lips pressed against mine feel so perfect, and I want it to last and last. My thoughts eventually wander back to how wrong this is, and I break the kiss.

  “No, Katrina. Let me feel you,” he breathes, pressing his body into mine.

  The towel slips a bit and I glance down. “My mother will be home soon.”

  “Let’s go upstairs then.”

  Our eyes meet, and for a moment I ponder his request. Can I have sex with him? Do I want to?

  The sound of keys in the back door of the kitchen leading to the garage has us both jumping back from one another. He takes off toward the stairs, clutching his fingers tightly around the towel. I wipe my lips as my mother enters with bags of groceries.

  “What are you doing in here?” she asks, eyeing the half-chopped carrots on the cutting board.

  “Oh, nothing. I’m just cooking a beef stew for tonight.”

  “That’s nice, dear.” She places the grocery bags on the counter, unpacking a few items. I walk across the kitchen to help her.

  “Mom, what do you think about Tasha and Maxim?”

  She pauses with a jar of mayonnaise in her hand. “I think they’re great.”

  “Mom, seriously?”

  She places the jar in the cupboard and turns to face me. “Well, it was all very sudden, but he seems very nice.”

  Very nice? I’m not so sure about that. He’s basically trying to fuck his wife’s sister, but I keep my thoughts to myself. Who am I to judge?

  “She was so devastated over Jamal and their divorce. I'm glad to see that she’s moving on.”

  Oh boy.

  “Yeah, I guess,” I mumble.

  I spend the remainder of the afternoon preparing the stew trying not to think about what happened. Maxim returns after a while, dressed in shorts and a black t-shirt. He helps my mother and I in the kitchen prepare the stew, and once we finish my mother retreats to her room to read.

  “What are you doing for the rest of the afternoon?” Maxim asks, leaning back against the counter.

  I grab a sponge and wipe down the countertop, trying not to notice how his shirt hugs his body just right. “I’m not really sure.”

  “What’s there to do around here?”

  I smile and toss the sponge in the sink. “Fishing. You could always go fishing.”

  “Fishing?” He appears lost, like the idea is a foreign concept to him.

  “Yeah, sure, ever gone fishing before?” I ask.

  He shakes his head and I laugh. Grabbing his hand, I lead him to the shed outside. I grab two poles and the tackle box.

  “You sure about this? I mean, what do we do with the fish once we catch them?”

  “We eat them.” I smile up at him.

  He smiles back and I marvel at it. All white, straight teeth against his full lips has me damn near


  “There’s no time for fishing in Russia.”

  “I bet you’re glad that you live here, huh?”

  “Russia is a great country,” he says defensively.

  “I never said it wasn’t.”

  We walk together quietly to the dock and sit at the edge, our feet dangling very close to the water. I show him how to attach the lure to the fishing rod. After a few times of practicing, he casts and the bobber floats along the water.

  “Now what?” he asks, glancing at me.

  “Now we wait.”

  “Ah, I see the appeal of fishing.”

  I catch the hint of sarcasm he’s shelling out.

  “Be patient,” I say.

  “I’m not a very patient person.” His deep voice almost growls out the last word.

  “Oh, I know. I mean, you married my sister after knowing her for what like two minutes?”

  “I knew her a little longer than that.”

  “Why did you kiss me?” I ask, unable to keep pretending it didn’t happen.

  “Because I wanted to.”

  “So, you just go around doing whatever you want without worrying about the consequences of your actions?” My face turns warm, heating a tinge with anger.


  His casual attitude is pissing me off. “You can’t just go around kissing people. You’re married now, specifically to my sister. Don’t you see how wrong it is? Don’t you care about her?”

  Is he blind? He has to know how wrong it is. Even I know how wrong it is.

  “Did you not like it?” He turns toward me.

  Glancing into his face makes it hard to answer. “That’s not the point. It’s wrong. It can’t happen again.”

  “Do you want it to happen again?” he asks.

  Hell yes, I do, but I refrain from jumping his bones right here on the dock. Keep it together, Katrina.

  “It can’t happen again.” I set my rod beside me.

  He contemplates for a moment, tapping his finger against his stubbled chin. “Ah, but you want it to happen again.”

  Closing my eyes, I rub my fingers along my forehead to ease the headache he’s giving me. After a moment, I take a deep breath and look over at him.

  “Maxim, you’re married to my sister. Remember her? Annoying chick who thinks she’s cute and right all the time?”

  “My little Tantsor, when are you going to stop fighting this attraction we have for one another?”

  I’m shocked by his words. He doesn’t get it. I stand up, brushing off my shorts and stomp off in the direction of the house. I’m frustrated with him, but I’m probably angrier with myself. How did I allow this to happen?

  He calls after me, “Wait, what do I do with this thing?”

  I glance back and expect him to be talking about his fishing rod in his hand, but instead, he’s got a smirk on his face while he’s holding another rod in his hand, the rod between his legs. For just a fleeting moment, I imagine him plunging it deep inside me.

  “I don’t know,” I yell back at him. “Maybe my sister can help you out with it.”

  I turn back around and smile, knowing I told him. Who does he think he is?

  “I want your help,” he shouts.

  I take a few steps and then think about the actual fishing rod. The rod my father bought me many years ago. I turn on my heel and stomp back to him, yanking the pole out of his hand.

  I turn the reel and leave the tackle and bobber hanging from the string. Picking up both poles, I head off again down the dock.

  He’s up and chasing after me to catch up.

  “Why are you doing this?” I ask as I stop and face him.

  “I’ve never wanted someone so bad as I want you.”

  I take a deep breath as chills skate through my system. “You can’t want me,” I say, softly.

es, I can,” he murmurs, stepping closer. “I do.”

  I almost give in until the sounds of a car parking in the distance drags both of our attention from each other. Tasha parks the car, leaping out and waving in our direction. She’s happy, and my mood instantly takes a nosedive. I glance at Maxim, wondering if his has as well.

  I can’t really tell. From how he looks, he appears happy to see his wife, and why wouldn’t he be? I want to reach out, grab him, and make him stay here with me. I want to fight for him? But of course I won’t do that because it’s wrong, it’s futile, and it’s actually kind of sad.

  I have to stop playing this game. It’s dangerous for the both of us.

  Chapter Six

  The tension is high as we eat stew on the back deck. Sexual tension. The dirty kind. The kind that makes you want to do nasty things to one another.

  Every bite Maxim takes makes me imagine being eaten by him. Licked and sucked. His teeth sinking into my skin. And how good it would feel. How I would come all over his face.

  Every movement he makes has me imagining his hands on my body. How they would glide over my legs, up past my knee, and along the inside of my inner thigh.

  This is wrong, so very wrong, but my mind is out of control. I can’t help myself. It’s his fault really. If he didn’t look like sex on a stick, I wouldn’t be tempted with these thoughts of him. If he hadn’t let me know that he’s attracted to me as well, I wouldn’t be tempted with even the possibility of him.

  But I know now.

  And that’s a problem.

  The stars shine bright in the night sky as my mother tells Maxim stories of us growing up here.

  He laughs along with my mother as she tells him about how often Tasha and I would fight once we hit our teenage years.

  His interest in everything my mother says is daunting. I want him to know my stories but not from my mother’s point of view. Maxim doesn’t seem to mind though. He’s enjoying himself while Tasha and I roll our eyes.

  “That’s enough of story hour, Mom,” Tasha says, rising from her chair and clearing her and Maxim’s plates from the table.

  “Oh, come on. I was learning so much,” Maxim says, leaning back in his chair.

  My mother winks to him, and he laughs as Tasha storms off. Whatever he sees in Tasha I just don’t get. Sure, she may be the prettier out of us two, but she isn’t pleasant and she damn sure isn’t fun.

  I excuse myself and follow her into the kitchen as my mother starts another story from our childhood years. Tasha is on her phone, texting, as I enter through the back door.

  “Mom’s always been this way,” I say.

  Tasha drops her phone into her pocket and smiles. A big, fake-ass smile.

  “Yes, she is. I just wish she wouldn’t subject Maxim to it all. He doesn’t need to know about our childhood mess.”

  “I’m sure he wants to know everything about you.” I move closer to her.

  “Yeah, whatever.”

  “Things are okay between you two, right?” I need to ask. I don’t even know why I’m asking. Wait, who am I kidding. I know exactly why.

  “Everything’s fine,” she scoffs.

  Maxim enters the kitchen, before I can question her further. He steps closer to Tasha, placing his arm around her shoulders and kissing her on the cheek.

  “Okay, I’m going for a walk. Have a nice night.” I leave the room and head for the front door. I can’t take much more of “them” tonight.

  I shouldn’t be thinking about Maxim. I have to stop. It’s unhealthy. It’s bad, wrong, and so many other things, but there’s something about him. Maybe it’s the way he stares right through me. Like he can see every indecent thought I have about him. It’s even worse because he’s family now. He’s my brother-in-law, and everything about this whole situation is fucked up.

  Late at night, I hear him on the phone bossing people around in Russian, and I wonder what he’s up to. I don’t question it or him though; I don’t even ask Tasha about it. It’s none of my business, right? He is none of my business.

  Enjoying the fresh summer air, I stroll along a dirt path not far from the house. I need to get my feelings under control. It’s so wrong on so many levels. I can't want my sister’s husband. Even if he is so yummy. Yummy enough to lick. Lick all over.

  Shit, my mind has wandered again. Deep into stupidity. I am thinking like a teenager. What the hell is wrong with me? I just can’t seem to stop. I’ve never had such a visceral attraction towards a man before. I know I sound like a crazy person, but I don’t know how to handle these feelings. Especially because they’re for a man who’s off limits. I don’t know what to do.

  I walk faster and faster until I’m power walking, and then I sprint. My heart pounds in my eardrums as I try to run away the growing feelings I have for Maxim. So the physical attraction is there, no question about that, but what’s even more disturbing is there seems to be more underneath all of that.

  He has a great sense of humor; I feel like I laugh every time I’m around him. He also seems to be kind and considerate. Eating my mother’s terrible food. Teaching me how to swim with confidence in the waves. All of that makes me want him so much more.

  I run until I can’t run anymore. My knees ache, my sides hurt, and I have no air in my lungs. They burn. I stand, heaving, before turning around to walk back. As I return to the cabin, Maxim stands on the front porch steps with a serious look on his face. Waiting.

  “What are you doing?” I ask.

  “Sit down,” he directs, pointing to the spot beside him. I mindlessly obey his command and take a seat. I’m thinking it’s one of his super powers. Getting me to do things I wouldn’t normally do. We sit in silence for a while before I decide to put an end to this.

  “I should head inside,” I say, rising from the steps.

  “Why do you keep running from me, Tantsor?”

  “Because you’re married,” I remind him. “To my sister.” I make sure to stress the word sister as if he doesn’t know who he’s sleeping with every night. Maybe I stress it to remind myself.

  He hauls himself from the steps, grabbing my hand in the process. He walks fast, away from the cabin, dragging me as I try to keep up. Woods off the road come into view, and he leads me to them.

  As soon as we are a good way out of view, he stops. He slams me against a tree and plunges his tongue into my mouth. All caution is thrown to the wind. My leg lifts, resting on his hip as his hand travels along my thigh. My fingers dig into his hair, pulling him closer. His rock hard dick presses against my soft spot which is completely soaked for him.

  “Maxim, what are we doing?” I practically whimper.

  “Shh, I want to feel you.”

  I don’t stop him. I don’t think about how wrong this all is. I just go with my desire and let him touch me. I kiss him so hard I think I may pass out. At this point I’m moaning and groaning against his hard lips pressed firmly against mine.

  God, I want him.

  More than anything.

  I never thought I’d want anyone so badly but apparently I do.

  I tug at his hair as he pushes me harder against the tree. I don’t even care about the bark pinching my skin where my shirt rides up. He palms my breast from under my shirt, his hand running along the top of my lace bra. It feels so good.

  “Don’t stop,” I plead with a moan.

  “I don’t plan on it.” He pinches my nipple, and a growl escapes his throat.

  I grind my hips against the bulge in his shorts, wanting to feel more. I am driven to ease this ache between my legs. My hands fly to his zipper as he trails kisses down my neck.

  “Feels so good,” I truthfully grit out.

  “I’ve wanted you since the first moment I saw you, sexy Tantsor.”

  His confession makes me smile. I’ve wanted him too. His sexy body feels good under my fingertips and as I work his zipper down, I’m rewarded by his boxers.

  I thrust my hand down them, feeling his massive dick harden
ing. It’s so big. Bigger than any man I’ve ever been with. I want to see it.

  The moon hangs in the sky, watching our every move, and I lower my gaze to peek at the brick hard treasure inside of his shorts. Solid wood. I grip his full length in my hand, sliding my hand along his hard shaft, pumping him.

  “Derr`mo,” he growls in a heavy, rich accent.

  I’m not sure what he’s saying, but it sounds dirty like an obscenity. The sound of his voice and its addictive accent turns me on. I want to taste him. I desperately want to suck his hard cock between my lips.

  He pins me harder against the large, oak tree and reaches to pull my shorts down. Oh, shit. This is really happening.

  He clears my shorts and panties from my legs and tosses them to the mulch-covered ground. I stand there, bare to him, in nothing but my tight, white cami.

  “Are you on pill?” he asks as his hand rubs along my wet opening. Wet just for him.


  “Why?” he asks almost angrily which I find amusing.

  “You ask me if I’m on the pill and now you’re angry because I say yes?”

  “I’ve been tested and I’m clean,” he says as he lifts me by my thighs totally ignoring my question.

  He holds me up, and pushes himself inside of me, both hands squeezing my ass as he pummels his thickness inside me.

  “Your bare little pussy is exactly what I’ve been wanting.” He continues thrusting inside me as I moan into the night.

  “Dammit, Maxim, don’t stop,” I beg.

  The things he does to me unwinds me, bringing me closer to coming. His lips suck against my neck as his hands tug my ass cheeks apart to slam deeper inside me. I feel full of him. Stuffed. He is huge but my body is savoring every bit of the adjustment to his girth.

  My shoulders press against the tree, and I’m sure I’ll have splinters everywhere, but it’s worth it. He fucks me harder, and I shut my eyes tight as he groans against my skin. The tingles begin, racing all over my body as I feel it coming. My orgasm. An orgasm from Maxim is all I want in this moment. It’s all I’ve been dreaming about since we’ve met.

  I grip his shoulders as my body shudders. It rips through me, and I come undone. My orgasm makes a grand appearance, and I cry out into the still night.


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