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The Peterkin papers

Page 12

by Lucretia P. Hale


  TWAS important to have a tea-party, as they had all been invited byeverybody,--the Bromwicks, the Tremletts, and the Gibbonses. It would besuch a good chance to pay off some of their old debts, now that the ladyfrom Philadelphia was back again, and her two daughters, who would besure to make it all go off well.

  But as soon as they began to make out the list, they saw there were toomany to have at once, for there were but twelve cups and saucers in thebest set.

  "There are seven of us, to begin with," said Mr. Peterkin.

  "We need not all drink tea," said Mrs. Peterkin.

  "I never do," said Solomon John. The little boys never did.

  "And we could have coffee, too," suggested Elizabeth Eliza.

  "That would take as many cups," objected Agamemnon.

  "We could use the every-day set for the coffee," answered ElizabethEliza; "they are the right shape. Besides," she went on, "they would notall come. Mr. and Mrs. Bromwick, for instance; they never go out."

  "There are but six cups in the every-day set," said Mrs. Peterkin.

  The little boys said there were plenty of saucers; and Mr. Peterkinagreed with Elizabeth Eliza that all would not come. Old Mr. Jeffersnever went out.

  "There are three of the Tremletts," said Elizabeth Eliza; "they nevergo out together. One of them, if not two, will be sure to have theheadache. Ann Maria Bromwick would come, and the three Gibbons boys, andtheir sister Juliana; but the other sisters are out West, and there isbut one Osborne."

  It really did seem safe to ask "everybody." They would be sorry, afterit was over, that they had not asked more.

  "We have the cow," said Mrs. Peterkin, "so there will be as much creamand milk as we shall need."

  "And our own pig," said Agamemnon. "I am glad we had it salted; so wecan have plenty of sandwiches."

  "I will buy a chest of tea," exclaimed Mr. Peterkin. "I have beenthinking of a chest for some time."

  Mrs. Peterkin thought a whole chest would not be needed: it was as wellto buy the tea and coffee by the pound. But Mr. Peterkin determined on achest of tea and a bag of coffee.

  So they decided to give the invitations to all. It might be a stormyevening and some would be prevented.

  The lady from Philadelphia and her daughters accepted.

  And it turned out a fair day, and more came than were expected. AnnMaria Bromwick had a friend staying with her, and brought her over, forthe Bromwicks were opposite neighbors. And the Tremletts had a niece,and Mary Osborne an aunt, that they took the liberty to bring.

  The little boys were at the door, to show in the guests, and as eachset came to the front gate, they ran back to tell their mother that morewere coming.

  Mrs. Peterkin had grown dizzy with counting those who had come, andtrying to calculate how many were to come, and wondering why there werealways more and never less, and whether the cups would go round.

  The three Tremletts all came, with their niece. They all had had theirheadaches the day before, and were having that banged feeling you alwayshave after a headache; so they all sat at the same side of the room onthe long sofa.

  All the Jefferses came, though they had sent uncertain answers. Old Mr.Jeffers had to be helped in, with his cane, by Mr. Peterkin.

  The Gibbons boys came, and would stand just outside the parlor door.And Juliana appeared afterward, with the two other sisters, unexpectedlyhome from the West.

  "Got home this morning!" they said. "And so glad to be in time tosee everybody,--a little tired, to be sure, after forty-eight hours in asleeping-car!"

  "Forty-eight!" repeated Mrs. Peterkin; and wondered if there wereforty-eight people, and why they were all so glad to come, and whetherall could sit down.

  Old Mr. and Mrs. Bromwick came. They thought it would not be neighborlyto stay away. They insisted on getting into the most uncomfortableseats.

  Yet there seemed to be seats enough while the Gibbons boys preferred tostand.

  But they never could sit round a tea-table. Elizabeth Eliza had thoughtthey all might have room at the table, and Solomon John and the littleboys could help in the waiting.

  It was a great moment when the lady from Philadelphia arrived with herdaughters. Mr. Peterkin was talking to Mr. Bromwick, who was a littledeaf. The Gibbons boys retreated a little farther behind the parlordoor. Mrs. Peterkin hastened forward to shake hands with the lady fromPhiladelphia, saying:--"Four Gibbons girls and Mary Osborne's aunt,--thatmakes nineteen; and now"--It made no difference what she said; for therewas such a murmuring of talk that any words suited. And the lady fromPhiladelphia wanted to be introduced to the Bromwicks.

  It was delightful for the little boys. They came to Elizabeth Eliza, andasked:--

  "Can't we go and ask more? Can't we fetch the Larkins?"

  "Oh, dear, no!" answered Elizabeth Eliza. "I can't even count them."

  Mrs. Peterkin found time to meet Elizabeth Eliza in the side entry, toask if there were going to be cups enough.

  "I have set Agamemnon in the front entry to count," said ElizabethEliza, putting her hand to her head.

  The little boys came to say that the Maberlys were coming.

  "The Maberlys!" exclaimed Elizabeth Eliza. "I never asked them."

  "It is your father's doing," cried Mrs. Peterkin. "I do believe he askedeverybody he saw!" And she hurried back to her guests.

  "What if father really has asked everybody?" Elizabeth Eliza said toherself, pressing her head again with her hand.

  There were the cow and the pig. But if they all took tea or coffee, orboth, the cups could not go round.

  Agamemnon returned in the midst of her agony.

  He had not been able to count the guests, they moved about so, theytalked so; and it would not look well to appear to count.

  "What shall we do?" exclaimed Elizabeth Eliza.

  "We are not a family for an emergency," said Agamemnon.

  "What do you suppose they did in Philadelphia at the Exhibition, whenthere were more people than cups and saucers?" asked Elizabeth Eliza."Could not you go and inquire? I know the lady from Philadelphia istalking about the Exhibition, and telling how she stayed at home toreceive friends. And they must have had trouble there! Could not you goin and ask, just as if you wanted to know?"

  Agamemnon looked into the room, but there were too many talking with thelady from Philadelphia.

  "If we could only look into some book," he said,--"the encyclopaedia orthe dictionary, they are such a help sometimes!"

  At this moment he thought of his "Great Triumphs of Great Men," that hewas reading just now. He had not reached the lives of the Stephensons,or any of the men of modern times. He might skip over to them,--he knewthey were men for emergencies.

  He ran up to his room, and met Solomon John coming down with chairs.

  "That is a good thought," said Agamemnon. "I will bring down moreupstairs chairs."

  "No," said Solomon John; "here are all that can come down; the rest ofthe bedroom chairs match bureaus, and they never will do!"

  Agamemnon kept on to his own room, to consult his books. If only hecould invent something on the spur of the moment,--a set of bedroomfurniture, that in an emergency could be turned into parlor chairs! Itseemed an idea; and he sat himself down to his table and pencils,when he was interrupted by the little boys, who came to tell him thatElizabeth Eliza wanted him.

  The little boys had been busy thinking. They proposed that thetea-table, with all the things on, should be pushed into the front room,where the company were; and those could take cups who could find cups.

  But Elizabeth Eliza feared it would not be safe to push so large atable; it might upset, and break what china they had.

  Agamemnon came down to find her pouring out tea, in the back room. Shecalled to him:--"Agamemnon, you must bring Mary Osborne to help, andperhaps one of the Gibbons boys would carry round some of the cups."

  And so she began to pour out and to send round the sandwiches, and thetea, and the coffee.
Let things go as far as they would!

  The little boys took the sugar and cream.

  "As soon as they have done drinking bring back the cups and saucers tobe washed," she said to the Gibbons boys and the little boys.

  This was an idea of Mary Osborne's.

  But what was their surprise, that the more they poured out, the morecups they seemed to have! Elizabeth Eliza took the coffee, and MaryOsborne the tea.

  Amanda brought fresh cups from the kitchen.

  "I can't understand it," Elizabeth Eliza said to Amanda. "Do they comeback to you, round through the piazza? Surely there are more cups thanthere were!"

  Her surprise was greater when some of them proved to be coffee-cups thatmatched the set! And they never had had coffee-cups.

  Solomon John came in at this moment, breathless with triumph.

  "Solomon John!" Elizabeth Eliza exclaimed; "I cannot understand thecups!"

  "It is my doing," said Solomon John, with an elevated air. "I went tothe lady from Philadelphia, in the midst of her talk. 'What do you do inPhiladelphia, when you haven't enough cups?' 'Borrow of my neighbors,'she answered, as quick as she could."

  "She must have guessed," interrupted Elizabeth Eliza.

  "That may be," said Solomon John. "But I whispered to Ann MariaBromwick,--she was standing by,--and she took me straight over intotheir closet, and old Mr. Bromwick bought this set just where we boughtours. And they had a coffee-set, too"--"You mean where our father andmother bought them. We were not born," said Elizabeth Eliza.

  "It is all the same," said Solomon John. "They match exactly."

  So they did, and more and more came in.

  Elizabeth Eliza exclaimed:

  "And Agamemnon says we are not a family for emergencies!"

  "Ann Maria was very good about it," said Solomon John; "and quick, too.And old Mrs. Bromwick has kept all her set of two dozen coffee and teacups!"

  Elizabeth Eliza was ready to faint with delight and relief. She told theGibbons boys, by mistake, instead of Agamemnon, and the little boys. Shealmost let fall the cups and saucers she took in her hand.

  "No trouble now!"

  She thought of the cow, and she thought of the pig, and she poured on.

  No trouble, except about the chairs. She looked into the room; allseemed to be sitting down, even her mother. No, her father was standing,talking to Mr.

  Jeffers. But he was drinking coffee, and the Gibbons boys were handingthings around.

  The daughters of the lady from Philadelphia were sitting on shawls onthe edge of the window that opened upon the piazza. It was a soft, warmevening, and some of the young people were on the piazza. Everybody wastalking and laughing, except those who were listening.

  Mr. Peterkin broke away, to bring back his cup and another for morecoffee.

  "It's a great success, Elizabeth Eliza," he whispered. "The coffee isadmirable, and plenty of cups. We asked none too many. I should not mindhaving a tea-party every week."

  Elizabeth Eliza sighed with relief as she filled his cup. It was goingoff well.

  There were cups enough, but she was not sure she could live over anothersuch hour of anxiety; and what was to be done after tea?


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