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Pure: A Paranormal Romance

Page 6

by D. L. McKinsey

  Ana gasped. “Seb, what are you do…”

  She couldn't finish the sentence because, swiftly, Seb sliced the blade over his wrist. Ana watched in shock as his blood began to surface. She opened her mouth to reprimand him when she smelled it.

  The blood.

  The sweet rich smell of Seb’s blood instantly made her mouth water. Seb knew she was heavily torn. He saw how her eyes lost color until they were completely black. Long white fangs poured from her mouth, touching her bottom lip. She didn't make a move toward the blood, surprising Seb even more with her restraint. She just sat frozen as she stared at the blood.

  “It’s ok, Ana. You won't hurt me”, Seb said gently. He scooted closer to her as she watched him with shiny black fearful eyes. He offered a small smile to ease her tension while slowly placing his wrist to her mouth.

  Her whole form stiffened when his skin touched her lips. But it didn’t last long.

  A need snapped inside her, forcing her to act. She quickly dove her teeth into his soft skin. The blood was so sweet, it made her taste buds come to life, along with the rest of her body. Ana fell back into Seb’s chest and she pressed his arm tighter against her mouth. She couldn't get enough of his delicious taste.

  Seb, on the other hand, was in heaven. Having Ana’s back on his chest and her feeding from him took him to a place of ecstasy. Ana feeding was causing the most pleasurable sensations he’d ever felt run through him. He’d never had a vampire feed from him before, but something told him he wasn’t supposed to enjoy it this much. She let out a small moan, and desire fled into him like a raging storm. He put an arm around her waist, pressing her impossibly closer to him as she fed. He closed his eyes and had to suppress a moan himself. He wanted to stay like this forever. So, when Ana stopped feeding, his disappointment shocked him.

  She turned to face him, and his heart somehow got caught in his throat. She was breathtakingly beautiful. The blood instantly healed her and gave her a glow more amazing than the sun. Ana’s blue vibrant eyes burned with the same desire reflected in Seb’s.

  Seb moved closer to her until they were nose to nose. Ana’s breath hitched, and Seb’s heart quickened.

  The need was back within her, but it was different than that for blood. It was lust. Her stomach tightened with this new feeling, and she didn't know what to do.

  Seb wanted her bad. At this point, he didn't care what she was. He just wanted to feel those plump rosy lips on his.

  Ana inched closer, becoming almost desperate for his touch.

  Seb stared into her eyes as she moved, enjoying the thumping of his heart against his chest. It made him feel… well, just feel.

  For so many years, he had been numb.

  Their lips were so close, he could almost taste her sweet-smelling breath.

  Ana puckered her lips and closed her eyes in anticipation.

  Chapter 8



  Tap, tap, tap.

  A soft knock on the door broke the trance they were in. Seb immediately jumped off the bed, backing away from me like I was hot flame.

  I couldn't help but feel disappointed that he was so eager to be away from me. The new need I just felt vanished when he left my side. Irritation replaced it.

  He opened the door. A small woman walked in with some clothes in her hands. She was really skinny and unbathed. Her clothes were old and too big for such a small frame, and her hair looked like it hadn’t been washed in weeks. Yet, I could still see the beautiful girl underneath it all. She nodded at Seb before hesitantly walking over to me.

  “I-I brought you some clean clothes and towels,” she said in a mousey voice. The poor girl looked so afraid. She couldn't be any more than nineteen or twenty.

  “Thank you,” I said with a bright smile.

  She looked at me, stunned, before turning to Seb who refused to look anywhere near me.

  What a jerk. Seconds ago, he wanted me, and now, he was avoiding eye contact. Well, screw him! Maybe it was some weird side effect of the blood. Yes! That was it! It was just the blood that made us want each other. Well, I could forget that moment too since he clearly already had.

  The girl was still standing there, unsure of herself, so I stood up and held out my hand.

  “My name is Ana. What's yours?”

  Her jaw dropped to the floor. She looked shocked beyond words.

  I mean, does no one around here have manners? With the way she was looking, you would think I grew a second head. Still, I held my hand out and smiled encouragingly. Timidly, she took it.

  “I'm M-Marie.” She whispered.

  Something in her sad eyes drew me in, and I yanked her to me, engulfing her in a hug. She let out a little yelp but continued to let me hold her.

  “You look like you need a friend, Marie, and so do I.” I told her once I already let go. She studied me for a moment as if she was debating if she should trust me. I just stared her in the eyes, hoping she could see the truth in mine. I just had a feeling this girl needed me, and I needed her.

  Man, this vampire stuff was making me weird. Marie's face changed dramatically when she accepted my words and then she gave me a full-blown smile. She shocked me even more when she grabbed me into a bear hug. I laughed at her eagerness, happy to have made somewhat of a friend.

  “I've never had a friend before. What do we do?” Marie asked with a more passionate voice. I wasn't really expecting that question, but I was afraid that if I didn’t answer, her new-found spark would dim.

  “Uh, well, since I'm a prisoner, we could, uh, have a slumber party in here, I guess,” I said, looking around the room and noticing for the first time there wasn’t a TV.

  What the hell. I mean, who didn't have TV?

  Marie, however, didn't mind as she bounced up and down with excitement, transforming her from the timid girl I just met five minutes ago.

  “What is a slumber party?” She asked.

  My head whipped back to her happy face, and I studied her for a moment. She couldn't be serious. Every girl knew about slumber parties. Even I did, but I was just never invited anymore since my sister made me public enemy number one. I studied her clueless expression for another moment before concluding she really didn't know what I was talking about.

  “Let's just get a bunch of junk food, pig out, do nails, and talk about girl stuff,” I said, trying to keep it simple.

  She nodded eagerly before dashing out of the room. Seb’s gaze followed her out the door before he slowly turned it to me. When I looked into his eyes, I couldn't help but flinch back a little. There, in his depths, was disgust and possibly hatred. Did he feel that way about me? We just met. What could have I done this soon? I thought about our encounters today and then a realization hit me.

  “You hate vampires.” It was not a question, but he nodded nonetheless.

  So that was why he didn't kiss me and was now looking at me like the gum beneath his shoe. I wanted to know why he hated them so much, yet spend a lot of time with them, but I didn't dare ask. Mr. Mood Swing just might hit me if I did. Our stare match ended as he turned to leave the room. Just before exiting, he called back over his shoulder.

  “Marie is a good girl—the only person I care about. So, don't hurt her or else…”

  His voice was hard and serious. I opened my mouth to retort, but he didn't give me chance as he slammed the door behind him. I was left standing in an empty room, stunned, confused, upset, and I dare say, a little jealous.

  Once I regained my focus, I stripped my night gown, deciding a shower was long overdue. As I passed the built-in mirror, I froze. I turned slowly to fully view the new girl in the reflection. I stripped off the oversized bra and panties, and for the first time in my life, looked at myself naked. This was me now.

  I studied the girl’s perfect body—the body I always dreamed of. Now, it was mine. I trailed my hands over the creamy skin covering my flat stomach. I couldn’t help but smile when I didn’t feel the usual fat rolls. My hair was soft and
bouncy. My lips were full. My body and skin were just so remarkably beautiful. It was amazing!

  “I’m finally pretty.” I whispered.

  I took a step closer and really looked into my face. I could still see her. The old Ana. The fat insecure Ana that allowed people to use and abuse her. Yes, that Ana was still beneath the surface, but the new Ana didn’t want to live that way. This was my chance to start new; be strong and be a winner. This was the chance I wished for every night, and now, I had it. My bright blues shone even more at my newfound spirit. I smiled at my reflection, and slowly, my canines elongated into fangs. I jumped back a little, shocked at seeing my strikingly white fangs for the first time.

  Oh, yeah, how could I have forgotten that this beauty came with a price?

  “I’m a freaking vampire!” I shouted. Holy shit! Vampires were real and I was one. What did that even mean? I just drank someone’s blood, and it was delicious! Would I become a killer now? Could I go out in the sun? What about garlic? I had so many questions about being a vampire, but for some reason, knowing what I was now didn’t scare me. I looked different, but I still felt like me.

  Most normal people would probably have a major breakdown the moment they realized they weren’t human anymore. What could I say? I never was normal. For some reason, my mind already accepted the fact that I was a vampire. It felt so natural. And I liked it a lot.

  I spun around in a gleeful circle, loving the feel of my soft silky long hair caressing my back. I wondered how Simon would react if he saw me now. Better yet, what would Kim think of me now? The mean bitch would probably still think she was hotter than me. Ha! That would be a lie. Not trying to sound conceited, but new Ana was smoking!

  I laughed to myself, thinking of all the ways I could throw this in Kim’s face when her image in my mind was replaced by Jace’s. His beautiful smile and light eyes instantly saddened me. I couldn’t believe I actually missed him. It was crazy because we never talked in school, but I still felt drawn to him. In my own messed up world, him and I belonged together. I wondered if he’d talk to me now that I looked like this.

  My thoughts were cut short by the door suddenly banging open. My vampire reactions were fast, and in seconds, I had a sheet wrapped around my naked body. Marcos and Talon were in the entryway, staring at me with hungry eyes.

  “What do you want?” I asked, pulling the sheet tighter around myself. Talon did that irritating smirk of his again.

  I promised, one day, I was going to rip it off.

  “Leave us now.” Marcos ordered without taking his eyes off me.

  Talon winked then left, shutting the door behind him as he did. Now, it was just me and my maker. Well, I hope he was ready for round two because I would beat his ass, even naked if I had to. I started to question him, but I barely got the chance to open my mouth because, in a beat, he had me pressed against the wall.

  Damn! And I thought I was fast. I was nothing compared to his speed. His large frame easily covered mine. The whites of his eyes were gone. Blackness replaced it. He kept me pinned against the wall while his eyes devoured my body. I wanted to open my mouth to say something; anything, but I couldn't. Suddenly, he ripped the sheet from between my fingers and tossed it aside. I gasped and hurriedly tried to cover my exposed body. Marcos yanked my wrists and pinned them above my head. With his body pressed to mine, I felt his arousal against my stomach. And, dare I say, I kind of liked it. What was wrong with me?

  “Such beauty…” He whispered against the crook of my neck.

  His hot breath on my skin shot desire throughout my body. I was helpless to stop it. He let go of my wrist and slowly slid one of his hands on my face all the way to my chest. A small moan accidentally left my lips when his large hand cupped my breast. I felt my nipple bud in excitement. A voice was screaming in the back of my head to fight him off, but this heat I felt was clouding it. Marcos dragged his tongue down the curve of my neck then across my shoulder. A shudder ran through me. Why did this feel so good when it should feel bad? I hated him, right? He silenced my internal questions when he expertly teased my nipple with his fingers. He pinched the bud hard, but damn, it felt so good. My eyes nearly rolled in my head as I enjoyed the stimulation. I could feel myself becoming wet. That was something I never felt before. I wondered how it would feel if he touched me down there instead. Marcos must have been thinking the same thing because his hand left my breast and glided gently down my torso. I could barely contain my excitement as he got closer to my core.

  Of course, just before he reached for me down there, the door opened. The interruption angered me, and before I could stop it, I opened my fang-filled mouth and growled fiercely at the intruder.

  “Oh-oh, I-I’m so sorry.” Marie’s timid voice broke through my haze. She and Seb came in carrying trays of food. She instantly dropped her head and tried to back out of the room.

  “Slave! How dare you enter without knocking!” Marcos questioned in a dangerous tone. His eyes were still black, but I knew it wasn’t the lust that was making it such. It was rage. I pushed him off me and swiftly ran to the other side of the room to wrap the sheet back around me.

  “It wasn’t her fault. I told her to,” I said quickly, jumping to her defense.

  She lifted her head to look at me, and I offered her a small smile. I couldn’t believe I growled at her. What got into me?

  Marcos turned his hard gaze to me, and I fought not to cower from it. I wouldn’t let him intimidate me.

  “You are a prisoner. Would it help you understand your place if I have you chained in a cellar?” He asked, looking at me like he actually expected me to answer.

  I couldn’t believe I let this asshole touch me! I was going to plead temporary insanity on that one.

  “Master, I was under the impression you and Talon left. Was there a problem?” Seb said finally, diverting the attention to himself.

  I hadn’t really looked at Seb but now I wished I kept it that way. His face was stone. Even so, I could see the flaming anger in his eyes. He still held the tray but he was gripping it so hard, his knuckles turned white. Why was he so mad?

  “No, there wasn’t a problem. Talon thought a sample of her blood would be useful.” Marcos answered while he still glared at me.

  He approached me in slow strides and stopped when he was only inches away. Marcos pulled a small test tube from the inside of his creepy trench coat and held it out towards me.

  I raised a brow at him.

  “Don’t push me. This can be easy or hard, your choice.” He stated coldly.

  I snatched the tube from his hand, preferring to do this myself. How do I make myself bleed? The easiest way would be a finger prick. Too bad, I didn’t have a needle. But, I had something better. I concentrated on my teeth, willing my fangs to show themselves. In seconds, they sprang from my mouth. I pricked my finger with a fang; the sharp tooth smoothly piercing the skin. After a few drops went into the vile, the wound completely closed up. That was cool. Then, I gave Marcos his sample.

  “Be a good girl while I’m gone, fat one,” he said, placing the tube back into his pocket.

  “Bite me!” I spat

  “Already did.” He shot back and then fled the room with immortal speed.

  Argh! I hated that vampire. I was going to kill him one day. But what was the voodoo spell he had me under a minute ago?

  The tray slamming down brought my thoughts to the present. Marie was timidly watching a pissed off Seb slam the trays on the dresser. Seb didn’t even spare me a glance as he, too, left the room. What the hell?

  “Marie, wait here a minute, okay?” I gently said with a smile. She nodded and smiled back softly.

  With only a sheet as my clothing for the moment, I exited the room to confront Seb. For a human, he was pretty fast. Already halfway down the long corridor while gripping the bottom of the sheet so I don’t trip, I raced to catch up, and I stopped right in front of him, blocking his next step.

  “What’s your problem?” I asked, a lit
tle irritated by his moody behavior.

  He stepped back from me, and the facial expression he wore could have only meant that he thought I was stupid.

  “What’s my problem? The question is what’s yours?” He asked. This time, he didn’t try to hide his anger and disappointment.

  I stared at him, not sure of what to say.

  “Marcos is a cold blooded murderer. You should know. He did kill you after all. Yet there you were, naked and eager to bed him.”

  I know what happened back there was wrong, but I couldn’t stop it for some reason. That still didn’t give him the right to judge me so harshly. He barely knew me.

  “Why do you care, anyway?” I snapped a little defensively as I crossed my arms.

  “I don’t.” He replied coldly, shouldering past me.

  His words actually hurt, strange as it was. But I knew without question Seb wasn’t one of the bad guys here. And I’d rather have him with me than against me. And he was right. Marcos was a very bad and dangerous creature. I knew that, too! What I didn’t know was why I wanted him the way I did. It didn’t make sense. The desire I felt for Seb and Marcos was the same yet different. With Seb earlier, it was want, but with Marcos, I felt like I needed it. It was almost instinctive like I wasn’t in control.

  I listened to Seb’s footsteps getting farther away.

  “I couldn’t stop it!” I said, turning around and throwing one hand up, defeated.

  He stopped, but he didn’t turn to face me.

  “I knew it was wrong. A part of me wanted it to stop, but it was like I wasn’t in control; like my body was just responding to him in ways I don’t understand. I mean, I’m a virgin for crying out loud! All of this, along with the vampire stuff, is just too much!”

  I stopped before I got anymore hysterical. Geez, my emotions were on haywire. Maybe I needed a good sleep. Argh! I didn’t even know if vampires slept! Vampires should really come with a how-to manual.


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