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Pure: A Paranormal Romance

Page 8

by D. L. McKinsey

  Talon wasn’t aware of the change in Ana. He was too busy laughing and teasing her for being weak. I watched as she gracefully backflipped onto her feet.

  “Ready for some more, doll face?” Talon asked, amused.

  Ana smiled, showing her long fangs. In the vampire world, flashing your fangs was a sign for a challenge. Talon didn’t miss that. He, too, flashed his back, accepting it. Only, he was too stupid to see that Ana wasn’t the same. She stood taller, stronger, and the look in her eyes was deadly. A wind rushed into the room, blowing her hair back in an elegant dance. I didn’t have to look around to know there weren’t any windows in here. It only meant Ana was generating the wind.

  My mouth dropped open when I saw Ana levitate at least three feet above the ground. Holy shit! How was she doing that?! Talon’s face mirrored mine. We were both shell-shocked. Suddenly, a crack sounded in the room. Talon and I looked around anxiously, trying to locate the source. It couldn’t be Ana. Could it? I looked back at the hovering beauty, and this time, I was sure I saw lightning bolts flash in her eyes. Talon took a step towards her and blue lightning flashed through the room. I had never seen anything so beautiful yet terrifying in my life. I looked at Talon, and for the first time, I saw fear and uncertainty in the ruthless man’s eyes. Ana continued to hover above the floor while the wind and bolts increased.

  “What’s happening?” I yelled over the static-filled room.

  Talon took his frightened eyes off Ana for a second to look at me.

  “The bitch is kinetic!” Talon yelled back.

  Poor choice of words on his part.

  I didn’t know what kinetic meant, but I did know Ana was pissed. The wind whipped around her faster, and the bolts flashing through the room increased. She hissed loudly, and a bright sizzling bolt shot in the room, hitting Talon in the chest. It was so powerful that it caused the other vamp to crash completely through the thick wall and into the next room.

  The energy, however, was too much for Ana. After the last strike, the room went deafly silent. All the power left Ana, and she collapsed to the ground in an unmoving heap.

  I immediately rushed to her side, praying she was okay while wondering what the fuck just happened.

  Chapter 10

  The Bitch is Kinetic

  Marcos sat in his oversized office chair in a daze. He still couldn’t wrap his mind around the girl’s ability. Kinetic?! That shouldn’t be possible! There hadn’t been a vampire around that powerful for at least a thousand years. So, how was it possible that she existed in the here and now?

  Marcos’ thoughts were interrupted by Talon barging into his office. It had been two days since the girl almost killed him. Marcos still remembered the way Talon’s body shook as the blue lightning raked through him. Luckily, they were able to get to him on time and pumped large quantities of blood into him to speed up the healing. Even so, Talon didn’t wake for two days.

  “Nice to see you’re finally awake.” Marcos stated as Talon approached his desk with purposeful strides.

  “Where the hell is that bitch?!” Talon demanded. His voice was filled with so much anger, even Marcos was slightly surprised.

  “Calm down. The incident still has her unconscious, and I haven’t authorized anyone to give her blood.” Marcos stated as he went through some files on his brand new desk. There had to be something in these records that could clue him in on the unusual vampire he unwillingly created.

  Talon pounded his fist against the desk, cracking it. Marcos looked up at the unstable vampire, noting Talon’s black eyes staring at him in rage.

  “That’s not good enough! I’ll kill her!” Talon yelled viscously.

  Marcos had enough of this. He stood slowly, never taking his eyes off Talon, before flashing his own long fangs.

  “She belongs to me! And you will not touch her unless you want to die for good.” Marcos ended in a low growl, still showing his fangs.

  Talon had been his charge for a hundred years and he had grown fond of the vampire he turned, but he wouldn’t hesitate to rip his throat out if Talon undermined his authority. Gradually, the black left Talon’s eyes, and his fangs receded.

  Good boy, Marcos thought.

  “Now that you’re under control, we can discuss the incident,” Marcos said as he took his seat. Talon sat at the chair across the desk, pulling out a cigarette.

  “Nothing to tell. I pissed her off. She sent a bolt of electricity or something at me,” Talon said, taking a long drag of his cigarette. He was still beyond mad that the girl was able to get the upper hand. No one made a fool of him! He would find a way to make her suffer.

  Marcos continued to go through his files, but nothing gave him information on the origin of the last known kinetic vampires. All he could find was a mention of how rare and dangerous they were. Apparently, kinetic vamps’ powers were vast.

  This angered Marcos; the mere thought that this newly changed vampire could be more powerful than him had him fuming. He needed more answers, and he needed them now.

  “You know, you could just ask your brother.” Talon stated, simply blowing smoke rings around the room.

  Marcos immediately felt his eyes bleed black at the mention of his brother. The traitor was the reason he was exiled to this mediocre life! Marcos forcibly threw the papers across the desk.

  “Never mention him in my presence ever again!” Marcos’ roaring voice was laced with venom.

  Talon put his hands up in surrender. “Alright, relax, I won’t bring up your family issues again.”

  Talon knew Marcos hated his older brother for something that happened three hundred years ago when he still lived with the royal vampires. Talon himself hadn’t met any of the royals, but he didn’t care. He already had Marcos as his maker telling him what to do. He didn’t need another master. Besides, he had heard that the King was the cruelest and most powerful vampire to exist, so he was probably better off sticking with Marcos.

  “How about I question the girl about who she was before you killed her?” Talon suggested. What he really was after was an excuse to be near her to find out her weakness, so he can crush the little bitch.

  “Stay away from her.” Marcos stated offhandedly. But his thoughts drifted away as he was reminded of another vampire. He hadn’t seen her in forever. She knew everything about every vamp. Marcos just couldn’t stand her seductive ways. It was just too much. Still, she might have some answers on the mystery vampire he was keeping prisoner. With a final resolution, he stood, gathering some things from his drawer.

  “Talon, I’ll be gone for a few days. Keep an eye on things, and do not hurt the girl.” Marcos stated firmly.

  Talon nodded in agreement, trying to hide his smirk. Marcos pulled out his walkie, giving orders to the guards before disappearing from the room.

  Talon was overjoyed. With Marcos gone for the next few days, he would have doll face all to himself.

  The question was what did he plan on doing to her?



  My body felt heavy. So damn heavy. All I wanted to do was open my eyes, but they, too, were heavy. What was wrong with me now? My throat ached so badly. It was like hot sand was poured down my mouth. I needed something. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I needed it so desperately.

  “It’s been three days!”

  Voices. I could hear voices. The last one was soft and feminine but slightly upset. I knew that voice, but I just couldn’t place it. Crap! What was happening to me? Was I dead? Wait, no, I already died once, and this feeling wasn’t anywhere close to that one. So, I wondered why I couldn’t move, or better yet, why I was so freaking thirsty but not for water. Something else…

  “I know, Marie. What do you expect me to do?”

  Yes, Marie! That was the first voice I heard, and I also recognized the second one instantly. That deep husky voice made me want to swoon every time I heard it.

  Seb’s voice.

  What were they talking about? It sounded serious, and fr
om their tones, upsetting too. Argh! I wished I could open my eyes or something

  “She needs blood, Seb!”

  Blood… The moment the word left Marie’s mouth, it all made sense. The uncomfortable burning in my throat, my overly weak state—I needed blood. My newfound knowledge further increased my agony.

  “Watch the door.”

  I could hear Marie’s small feet shuffling away and Seb’s heavy steps growing near. He sat next to me, and the heat I felt from his body was so intense, if I was a normal person, I would have broken out in a sweat. He smelled so good too. I could hear his heart pumping sweet blood through him. If I could move, I was sure I would jump him at the moment.

  Seb drew closer and I felt his wrist pressed to my mouth. Instincts took over the second his skin touched my lips, my fangs descended swiftly, sinking into the bulging vein. The warm sweet liquid pouring down my throat made me feel alive. My body was rejoicing. Every part of me was awakened; stronger and aware like never before.

  I felt something snap inside me.

  Something primal.

  I needed more blood.

  I needed all his blood!

  My eyes snapped open. They landed on Seb’s who was watching me as I greedily drank his blood. He tried to tug his wrist away, but I was too strong. I wanted more! In a quick move, I flew over him and pinned him beneath me. His blood tasted so good, it made want more and more of it. And him…

  Unknowingly, I grinded my hips against him. Seb groaned or moaned, I couldn’t be sure. My mind was lost in blood lust. I was starting to feel sexually excited. I rolled my hips again, and judging from Seb’s stiff member between my thighs, he was feeling it too. Alarms went off in the back of my head. A feeling that was familiar started bubbling up inside me. Something was not right with me, but what was it? I moaned as more blood slid down my throat. When I looked at Seb’s flushed, aroused face, it hit me.

  Hype! Damn it! Hype had taken over, and I was losing control. If I didn’t stop myself, I’d end up having sex with Seb or drinking all his blood or both. I closed my eyes tightly and concentrated harder than I had in my whole life; even harder than I did for that calculus final last year. Gradually, I felt my need decreasing, and I was able to stop feeding on Seb. I gently pulled my fangs out of his wrist and I almost laughed at his shocked face. Clearly, he thought I had lost control. For fun, I grinded my hips one last time on his hard member before quickly jumping up to expose him. Marie gasped, and Seb tried to roll over so fast, he fell off the bed. Ha! Payback was fun.

  “I’m so glad you’re finally awake!” Marie exclaimed, crushing me in a hug. I hugged her back.

  “Finally? What do you mean? What happened?” I asked, confused

  “You don’t remember?” She asked instead of answering my questions.

  “Remember what exactly?” I asked again, even more confused.

  Seb finally adjusted his little situation and walked over to us. Maybe I shouldn’t say little because what I felt definitely wasn’t little.

  “What is the last thing you remember?” Seb asked, snapping me out of my inappropriate thoughts. I thought back to the time I was having my shower, Talon being in my room, and then the three of us in the empty gym.

  “We were at the gym with Talon. He was teaching me about vampires…” I trailed off when flashes of Talon punching me entered my mind. The jerk beat the shit out of me for no reason! Tossed me around like a rag doll! The next time I saw him, I’d beat his ass for that!

  “Talon kicked my ass, and I blacked out,” I said, still angry about the whole thing. I mean, who needed a lesson on how to get their ass kicked anyway?

  “That’s all you remember?” Seb probed.

  Was I missing something? I thought about the events again, and the last thing I saw was my face hitting a wall. After that, there was nothing.

  “Yes! That’s it, why?” I asked, growing irritated that they knew something I didn’t.

  “Ana, you have an ability. One that almost killed Talon.” Seb informed me slowly.

  That didn’t make sense to me. I had an ability? And why didn’t I kill Talon? My ability must not be that good if he lived through it. I started to question Seb about this ability and why I couldn’t remember it when my least favorite vampire sauntered in the room.

  Talon. Speak of the devil and he shall enter smirking.

  “Well, hello. I figured you’d be awake.” He greeted in a welcoming tone unlike his usual sarcastic one.

  I was not buying it. Seb said I almost killed him, and I didn’t know Talon that well, but I knew him well enough to know he was pissed about it. Shouldn’t he be trying to rip my throat out?

  “What’s the catch?” I asked, getting straight to the point.

  He grinned, pulled a black dress bag from behind his back, and handed it to me. Was this a trick?

  “It’s a peace offering. Let’s leave our little fight in the past, and as a token of good faith, I got this for you to wear when I take you to the pit tonight,” Talon said as he held out the bag.

  Slowly, I took it from him, a little curious to see the dress. I’d been fat most of my life, and I never got to wear a dress.

  “What’s the pit?” I asked absentmindedly as I unzipped the bag.

  “Seb will explain. Be ready in one hour.” Talon responded before leaving the room just as quickly as he entered it.

  The dress was blood red, strapless, and short. The bust was curved into a heart shape, and I instantly loved it. I had never been able to wear something like this before. Even if I had to endure Talon’s presence, it would be worth it for this dress. Marie was looking at the dress with the same excitement I had. I looked to Seb, and he looked the opposite; hard and angry.

  “A pit is vampire slang for club, only different.” Seb explained in a tight voice.

  Talon was taking me to club? Didn’t see that one coming.

  “Different how?” I wondered out loud.

  I had no experience with clubs, but on TV, everybody just drank and danced like whores. How much different could a vampire club be?

  “A pit is where vampires go to get drunk, feed, and have sex all in one place. Vampires can only get drunk if they feed from humans with high alcohol levels on their blood. At a pit, all the drinks are made with the intention of getting the human drunk from one glass,” he said.

  So vampires get drunk from drinking a drunken person’s blood. That was interesting, and in a weird way, made sense.

  “Why would a human willingly go to a pit?” I asked curiously. It didn’t seem logical to party with vampires in exchange for strong drinks.

  “Vampires are beautiful creatures. Humans are shallow and vain. Humans want to go in the pits because they’re exclusive and they see all the beautiful vampires entering. Of course, they don’t know it’s a vampire feeding frenzy, and those who get in will never know either. The blood loss leaves them unconscious, and when they wake up the next day, they would think they just had a crazy night and a hangover.” Seb explained in his still hard voice.

  All of a sudden, this pit wasn’t sounding so fun, even with the hot dress. I’d never been drunk for one, and two, I was having a hard enough time getting a handle on my hype, not to mention I had ability I didn’t remember using. If I was human, I was sure I would be having a panic attack right now. Then again, if I was human, none of this would be happening either.

  Seb’s eyebrows were furrowed together in deep thought. I was a little curious about what he was thinking.

  “Seb, are you worried about me going to the pit?” I asked, thinking maybe he was afraid I wouild lose myself to my hype and kill someone.

  “Yes, but I’m more concerned with Talon’s reason for taking you.” He answered, staring directly into my eyes.

  Once again, his mind was on the right track. I shouldn’t be focusing on going to this pit in a killer dress. What I should be focusing on was what that bastard Talon had up his sleeve. My guess would be something involving his fist and my face.
  Oh boy. Let the rematch begin

  Chapter 11

  The Pit

  Marcos sat impatiently on the gaudy leopard print sofa waiting for Cassandra to make her grand entrance. Yesterday, talking with Talon gave him the idea to contact his old acquaintance. Cassandra was the only vampire from his past he would even consider talking to. The problem was actually getting her focused enough to get the information he needed.

  “Mistress will be with you shortly.” One of the dozens of shirtless men in the living room informed him. This was one of the reasons he parted ways with her after their exile. Cassandra lost herself to hype. Now, the only thing she felt were bloodlust, sexual desires, and rage. It was her sexual appetite that annoyed him the most.

  The French double doors sprang open, and in true Cassandra fashion, she entered the room in a dramatic long silk black robe with two men following her. The humans’ muscles were bulging so much, Marcos knew only steroids could have provided those results.

  “Marcos, darling, it’s so good to see you!” Cassandra said, sweeping him in hug. “How long has it been? Ninety eight years?” She asked as if she didn’t remember the last time they crossed paths that almost resulted in Talon’s death.

  “Yes, always good to see you too, Cassandra.” Marcos responded in a forced polite tone. He tried to pull out of the embrace, but she held him in place. With her being older than him, she was also slightly stronger. Slowly, she licked the side of his face. Marcos tried not to cringe from her strange behavior as he still needed to ask her questions. If only she was the Cassandra he used to know; the sweet vampire girl who would do anything for love. But, unfortunately, when the King tortured and then banished her, everything changed.


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