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All Hail the King (Celestra Forever After Book 6)

Page 24

by Addison Moore

  A circle of gasps surrounds us. A crowd has amassed, but I don’t dare take my eyes off his. I want to see the hurt in his eyes, see the rage brewing beneath the surface, but there’s nothing hiding behind those empty blue flames. Gage himself has become the unknowable hellish pit.

  “Let’s get inside.” Logan wraps an arm around me like a vice and Chloe steps in our path before we can make a single move.

  “How dare you insult my husband that way.” Her entire being seethes with anger. “Gage gave you everything. And thank God he woke up and realized what a good-for-nothing, lazy bitch you really are. Thank God his eyes were opened to the fact that he was doing nothing but wasting time with you, spinning his wheels with a woman he didn’t really want in the first place. I’m so very glad you spoke up tonight.” A dark chortle escapes her. “I’m so glad everyone is here to listen to your madness. Thank you for making it evident that I was right about you all along. You are a user. You never loved Gage. You wish he had stayed dead. You hate him as much as you hate me, and now you want both of us off the planet. Well, guess what, buttercup? It’s not happening. Welcome to reality, Skyla. The world does not revolve around you. Gage and I have found our way home. We have each other, our family is growing, and we are living the dream. Do you know what he told me in bed after he finished making love to me the other night? He said I’m so glad that hell on earth with Skyla is over and now I’m in heaven with you.” She pulls his arms around her like a seatbelt and bleeds a wicked smile.

  I look up at Gage, his lids are lowered, his expression set to stone. He’s either bruised and battered or expending pure hatred for me right now. I can’t read him anymore. I’ll go with hatred.

  “I’ve spent months wondering what you saw in her.” I shake my head. “And now it’s obvious she is indeed the right one for you.”

  I head into the gym, my head pounding and my heart malfunctioning with every other beat. Purple and green lights flash in an alternating manner, ready and willing to give every alumnus here a seizure. The music is so loud it pulsates through me in thick, heavy vibrations.

  Logan spins me into him and that pained look in his eyes says it all. “Not what you had planned, I’m guessing. But I certainly don’t blame you. Next time, just give me a heads-up and I’ll drown them both in a well and spare you the trouble of lying through your teeth.”

  A wry smile comes and goes. “You can’t kill Gage.”

  “I’ll find a way to keep him under. I’m going to run back and do some damage control. You might have cracked the armor, and, who knows, his head might explode like a piñata. I don’t think we want to see what’s on the inside.”

  “Do what you need to.”

  Logan takes off and I spot a heavy crowd of women clustered around a tall, handsome as hell Sector, so I make a beeline over. Marshall is in the thick of the dance floor and I pluck him from his harem without giving it a second thought. Those intense vibratronic waves move through me like a deadly current of orgasmic proportions and yet, my body refuses to take it to completion and it only frustrates me all that much more.

  “Have you ever thought about turning down the testosterone?” I can’t seem to quantify it with a smile, and God knows I don’t really mean it. In this sexual desert I’ve found myself trapped in, my dirty dreams are the only thing offering me an iota of relief these days.

  Marshall gives my hand a squeeze, assuring me he’s heard it all. “My dear, my love—though I am loath to do this, might I suggest a flesh-on-flesh tryst that takes place in the waking hours?”

  “God yes!” I practically scream above the music. “You don’t know how much I appreciate this, Marshall. I have had one mean itch and no one to scratch it with. I mean, I could have Logan scratch it, but that would take us straight to the deep end. With you at least I can fool myself into believing there are no strings, but with him it would be a net that neither of us could ever get out of. And, honestly, I was just the world’s biggest witch to the dynamic dipshit duo outside—pardon my French—but I think even that can be traced back to my lack of sexual healing.” I cock my head toward the mouth of the exit. “On second thought, it was completely justified and they totally deserved it.” A dark corridor that leads to the boys’ locker room catches my eye. “So where do you want to do it? I vote for right in front of Gage Oliver’s old locker. That will be the ultimate FU while I’m getting the ultimate FU in the process.” I give a flirty smile, rather proud of my euphemism.

  But Marshall’s features harden, and I’m hoping other parts are hardening as well, because I couldn’t think of a better way to escape this West Paragon, Chloe-Gage hell I’ve locked myself into.

  “Skyla,” he roars it out like a reprimand. “I can hear your every thought.”

  “And I hate it,” I hiss. “Look, Marshall. I’m going to cut to the chase. I have unleashed all of my good senses outside of that gym tonight. I have stepped far outside of sanity’s bounds and I want what I want.” I pull him in by the tie. “And what I want is a nasty, bumpy, all-out aggressive ride on the Sector Express. I want you to knock my head so hard into that locker that I leave an impression in it. I want to see stars. I want to pass out from the ecstasy and the agony of it all. I want blood, sweat, and tears. And I secretly want someone to film the entire thing and upload it to YouTube. I want to go freaking viral. I want the staff and the student body, past and present, to say, Holy shit, we knew it. She’s been screwing him this entire time. And then I want every man and woman who ogles that dirty sex tape to note the size and girth of that vulgar cucumber you’re harboring in your pants—and I want Gage Oliver to cry a river of tears because your baseball bat truly is bigger than his.” At least it is in my dirty, dirty dreams.

  And then reality sets in like an unwelcomed slap in the face.

  Okay, so all of that might have been the second series of lies I’ve sputtered tonight because I really am ready to step into my time with Logan, but my hormones, my rage, and my insanity have all gotten the best of me tonight. Just seeing Gage with Chloe makes me jumpy and unpredictable.

  Marshall lifts a brow, amused by my tirade before, removing his tie from my death grip and offering me a platonic pat to the hand.

  “The time has come,” he pushes the words out with a sigh.

  “Oh, thank God.” My entire body sags with relief. “I thought you’d shoot me down. We totally don’t have to do that whole locker room revenge thing. A quickie in the woods will do just fine.” My God, it’s as if I don’t have any say over what comes out of my mouth anymore. And like with all things lately, I blame Gage.

  “Ms. Messenger, get ahold of yourself.”

  “I can’t! The music, the lights, the assholes from West. It feels as if I fell into the portal of some psychedelic nightmare.”

  Marshall grabs me by the shoulders and gives me a gentle shake, his crimson eyes latching onto mine. “Listen to me. I’m only going to say this once.”

  My entire body thumps in rhythm to those vibratronics and, my God, if his aggressive shake, rattle, and roll routine isn’t making my desire to get laid climb even higher. Just one hostile word from him and I might just climax right here on the dance floor.

  “Talk dirty to me, Marshall,” I pant.

  And just like that, the vibratronics start to fizzle.

  “Oh, no, no, no! What are you doing?”

  “I’ve turned down the volume as you suggested.”

  “Not with me! Turn it up! This is a direct order from your superior!” Am I Marshall’s superior? God, I have no idea.

  “No on both accounts,” he flatlines. The expression on his face lets me know he is not amused. “Skyla”—he expels a heavy sigh—“I don’t know what sort of exchange you had outside these walls to rattle you so thoroughly, but might I suggest you grow a thick skin—crocodile skin. If Ms. Bishop and Jock Strap could achieve this on a regular basis, you are going to come undone. You are a queen among peasants. Do not let the outcasts destroy you. Pick yourself up, look aroun
d at what you have, salvage what you can, and move on. When I suggested you alleviate your sexual desires—I didn’t mean with me.”

  “What? Really?” It comes out like a whimper.

  “Your time has come with Logan. There, I said it as plain as possible.”

  And just like that, it’s as if I’ve hit a wall going a hundred miles an hour.

  Logan. And here tonight was about taking back my life, returning to the beginning. I shake my head at how impossibly far off track I flew after one brief exchange with a couple of devils. Although, in my defense, it was the most brutal exchange thus far.

  “Logan and I aren’t there yet. Are we?” I ask the question mostly to myself. “I mean, I am in love with him. I guess that means I really am diving back into Oliver waters. Only this time there won’t be a Bishop shark waiting to devour me. My God, I hope not. Logan has always been true north. My heart is already there.” But every word I shouted to Gage and Chloe was a lie. Gage was never second best. I was trying to wound without a weapon. It looks as if the shrapnel hit me as well. “I apologize, Marshall. And you’re right. As a leader, I need a thicker skin. Chloe and Gage are going to try to rattle me at every turn. I need to compartmentalize, live my life in such a way that they become something less than white noise.” I pull him in gently and look into those fiery eyes. “It was childish of me to want to have revenge sex with you. And I certainly will have no such thing with Logan.”

  “No, you won’t.” He brushes the hair from my eyes. “What you’ll share with him is something true, and right, and pure. I’m afraid the human side of you longs to tie a nice neat bow on your relationship with Jock Strap. Spoiler alert as you might say—that won’t happen.”

  My heart sinks, but a part of me knew that. “So he doesn’t come to his senses?” I’m hoping and praying that Marshall is up for giving me another one of those spoiler alerts.

  “I don’t know.” He offers a mournful smile. “What I am certain of is that you may cherish the past, but don’t idolize it to the point it ruins your future. And you have one. First with Logan.”

  “And then with you.” I swallow hard. “I don’t like death or separation. And is Logan going to lose his mind, slaughter my people, and leave me for Chloe one day in the future? I’ll be honest, the prospect terrifies me. If you’re at all privy to that tidbit, I beg of you to confess it right here, right now.” Ironically, those are Logan’s famous words.

  Marshall glances past me and nods as if he were listening to someone. “I can assure you with complete authority, Ms. Bishop’s dance card has been filled.”

  “Well, at least there’s that.” The music shifts to something slower and I wrap my arms around him as we sway to the rhythm. “I guess this is the end of the line for you and me.” I shrug.

  “You don’t listen well.”

  I give a slight nod. “I listened.” A cleansing breath expires from me. “Okay. I accept everything you’ve said. Thick skin, check. Although, just between you and me, it felt amazing to get out all that hostile aggression even if it was purely childish and hateful. But moving on, today is ironically the day I’ve chosen to take back my life, pull back the curtain of time, and meet myself at the destiny point I was at the second I stepped off the ferry for the very first time—only questionably wiser and seasoned by life. I’m the leader I’ve always wanted to be, Marshall. And as far as Logan goes, I’m willing to start anew with him, but for some reason I thought we’d move at a glacial pace. However, now that you’ve mentioned it, diving in fast and furious with my favorite Oliver seems like a much better proposition. And I will throw out the proposition.” I give a flirtatious wink and he winces.

  “Yes, well, destiny is calling. I’m glad you’re answering the proverbial phone. Know this, you are now well capable of accomplishing the task at hand, and no, I am not talking about that incessant itch you have.” He leans in. “Do realize that the itch at hand was biologically programmed within you. There is a Caelestis in heaven who gets something out of the deal as well.”

  I roll my eyes to the ceiling. “I should have figured as much. Why do I even bother thinking things through? If I operate on instinct, I can rest assured that her will wins out in spades.”

  “True, but I prefer your acumen to win out over sheer instinct. And it’s time for both to work in concert. Take back that seat of authority, Skyla. Knock the paper crown right off of Jock Strap’s head.” He nods to someone behind me. “Melody Winters just strode in with Marlena.” He shakes his head, incredulous. “She’s become obsessed with gaining a body in this time and space. Ms. Graham—Ms. Winter’s true soul had filled Marlena’s poor heart with such hope. If there is a lesson to be learned, it is that life is fleeting and every moment should be savored.”

  I glance back and scowl at the OG version of Chloe. “Life is truly a prize. If it were not, the Savior would not have died to give it to us in spades. Too bad some people aren’t patient enough to sit it out until the last day. Typical Bishop always wanting what was never really meant for them.”

  Marshall and I continue to glare at the two whorish throwbacks.

  I didn’t buy a thing Chloe was slinging my way out there. But I sure didn’t hesitate slinging my own load of bull right back at her.

  I wonder what Gage made of it? The old Gage genuinely loved me. I will never doubt that. But perhaps this new unimproved version really does believe I was just a prize to be fought over with Logan? And if he believes that, then I pray he believes he was second best, if even that, in my life.

  Ironic that on the night I vowed to take back my life it falls to shit spectacularly. But in yet another irony that entire exchange made me feel better.

  A thought comes to me.

  “You know, years ago I stole some cutlery from you and I believe I had my arm hacked off.” I bat my lashes up at the psychotic Sector. “Of course, you had Ezrina do the privilege. I suspect that kept your hands clean to a certain extent.”

  “Not at all. Ezrina begged for the opportunity. And what a prized memory.” His chest thumps with a silent laugh and I can’t help but glare at him.

  “You chopped my arm off—let’s not get too jolly about it.” I shudder at the memory. “Need I remind you that it is, in fact, how I ended up with Chloe’s arm stitched to my body, and it’s also the crazy train that eventually brought the Bastardized Bishop back to life?” I shudder even harder than I did just a moment ago. “Anyhow, my point being, I do believe a certain wicked witch stole an antique bed warmer from either you or Ezrina, and honestly, I don’t really care about the incidentals as much as I do the incident. I’m not sure why you’re so slow to pull the trigger on the limb chopping retribution, but I say let the good times roll. As your fearless leader, I command you to initiate all the holy terror you can muster. So what’s it going to be?” I give his arm a quick squeeze and nary a vibratronic is juiced from this wall of muscles. “An arm and a leg? I say a double amputation is the only way to go. Think about it. A bed warmer is much bigger than a couple of forks and knives. Don’t you agree? Per stolen ounce her punishment demands to be that much more severe.”

  His lips purse as he looks her way and my stomach explodes in a ball of acid when I note the two of them are dancing. How dare Gage turn his life into a demonic public spectacle. Who would have thought I would have preferred Gage Oliver dead and in the grave, awaiting his second skin patiently with the rest of the great majority?

  “She’s with child.” He groans as if he weren’t impressed with their breeding practices either. “Bleeding out would put her into shock and she would inevitably lose the baby. And before a spark of excitement ignites within you—no, I shan’t be responsible for the taking of that life.”

  I suck in a quick breath. “You said that life. So I guess you’re not opposed to taking Chloe’s. You’ll have to remove the supernatural protective hedge my mother has doled out. But my God, if you brought me Chloe Bishop’s head on a platter, I would reward you dearly.” I run my tongue over
my lips in order to sweeten the prize. Honestly, even if I were in full Logan mode by then, I think even he would give me a pass to make all of Marshall’s naked Celestra dreams come true. Hell, he would cheer us on. Okay, so maybe not, but I’m practically jumping out of my skin with glee just thinking of a dead Bishop.

  Marshall’s lids lower as he looks to someone near the entrance. “We shall see about those things, Ms. Messenger. You are correct in noting that retribution is long past due. As you are regarding the protective hedge. But for now we have an abundance of heads to decapitate in order to land both you and me back in our proper heavenly positions. If you’ll excuse me, I see Rina and Heathcliff.” He bows down and looks directly into my eyes as if he were examining them. “Find the Pretty One. Do what you must. It is, I’m afraid, a vital part of the plan. I’m thankful, however, that your heart is where it needs to be. I adore you far more than I thought I would and your happiness is paramount to me.” He takes off and I’m left choking in his wake.


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