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All Hail the King (Celestra Forever After Book 6)

Page 36

by Addison Moore

  Logan takes up my hand and kisses the back of it. “And I will only have one date to memorize. It sounds perfect to me.”

  “December?” Mom squawks. “That’s just nine months away! That’s a blip on the screen as far as wedding planning goes. I’ll have to start purchasing items for the reception right away.”

  Tad gags. “Oh no, you don’t! You’re not spending a dime of my hard-won money. I’ve got yachts to buy, and I need a new set of wheels. One of those fancy cars like Demetri drives. That Phantasm.”

  Drake snorts from the couch. “The Rolls Royce Phantom? Dude, you didn’t win big enough to sit in one.”

  It’s about time someone sets Tad straight on his winnings. The way his spending sprees have been going, you’d think he won billions. Personally, I’m shocked he has anything left.

  Logan lifts a hand his way. “I’ll save you the trouble. Lizbeth, let me know what you need. I’m footing the bill for everything. And I have plenty.”

  Ellis hoots, “Damn straight you do. No thanks to me.” He slaps Logan five before pointing at Coop. “And this dude, right here, is heading into business with me next.”

  Laken looks mildly alarmed, as she should. Ellis happens to be building a very lucrative cannabis empire with Drake and I’m pretty sure Ethan, too.

  “What kind of business?” I ask for Laken and she nods my way appreciatively.

  “Roach coach,” he snarls at Gage. “This idiot wouldn’t take a chance. I guess eating out of the back of a truck is too good for royalty these days.”

  I’m more concerned over the fact Ellis just called Gage an idiot. I wonder what punishment the royal one will dream up for him.

  Chloe grabs Ellis by the T-shirt and pulls him in. “Nobody calls my husband an idiot.”

  Well, there’s that. Chloe is not only Gage’s punishment, she’s everyone else’s, too.

  “Let him go,” he orders, and Chloe does as she’s told.

  I take a deep breath. “How does it feel being on a leash, Chloe?”

  A dull huff emanates from her. “As long as Gage Oliver is holding the reins, I’m all for it. I’m a fool for love, Skyla. And Gage and I are just that, madly, deeply, most abundantly in love.”

  “You got the fool part right.” I couldn’t help it.

  Laken bubbles with a laugh. “You walked into that one, Chloe.”

  Bree inhales with a sudden rage. “Nobody makes fun of my bestie.”

  Laken scoffs. “Then I believe you would be very upset with Skyla.”

  “All right.” Gage holds both hands up in surrender. “I think it’s time we bow out.” He looks my way, a stern expression on his face. “Mind your people, Skyla.”

  “What people?” Ellis steps between us. “You shook down the last of them when you handed those Celestra to the feds.” He looks to me and offers a cocky nod. “But don’t worry, dude. Skyla is about to rock your world. We’ve got a few things cookin’. And there won’t be a roach in this coach.” He looks across the room. “Come on, G. We’ve got someplace to be.”

  Ellis and G storm out of the room with Giselle waving wildly to her brother and shouting out her enthusiasm for tomorrow.

  I step over to Gage as the room picks back up to life with the kids shouting, my mother and Tad arguing about my impending wedding, Drake and Ethan howling about something on TV.

  “I am minding my people, Gage. I don’t know how or when, but I will restore my people and recover all you have stolen from me. Yes, I will be at your coronation and I will watch you slide further into wickedness.”

  Logan grunts, “I’m pretty sure that will complete the descent.” He picks up my hand and it comforts my weary soul. “I’m assuming you’ve invited your parents, the ones that raised you?”

  “Yes.” Gage takes a breath and his chest expands. “Both my mother and father will be there. My dad isn’t enthused, but my mom more than makes up for it.”

  “I bet she does.” I couldn’t help it. Emma is notoriously pro-wickedness. In all of this madness, I truly believe she wants to create a position for herself. It turns out, Emma has been power-hungry from the beginning.

  Gage looks my way, cold and unfeeling, as if this entire charade were somehow my fault. “Be ready by noon. Have the boys ready as well. Stay indoors. Demetri is doing the transports. He’s not taking anyone in a public environment.”

  “Nice,” I quip. “It looks as if he’s leaving the destruction of our people to you. He does keep his hands clean like a pro.”

  Gage chuckles as he draws Chloe close to him and they leave with a celebratory goodbye to everyone. Gage pecks a kiss over both Nathan and Barron on his way out the door.

  “It all feels so final,” I whisper to Logan as we both stare off in the direction he disappeared. “Do you really think there’s a way to save Gage from himself?”

  “I don’t know anymore.” Logan exhales as if he’s been holding that breath all along. “I’m willing to bet your mother will be there tomorrow. I think we need to have a chat with her.”

  “Good. At least that will distract me from the fact Gage Oliver is about to brand himself the king of the wicked.”

  “The Good Book says that evil doesn’t win.”

  Laken comes over and shakes her head. “How can he be wicked? He’s the same as Wes and Wes is not wicked. He’s an angel.”

  I look to my old friend, filled with sorrow. “Don’t you know? Devils often parade around as angels of light. I think that’s what we’re seeing here–with the both of them.”

  Just as Gage suggested, the very next day, Demetri zaps us straight into Shaddai—or as Sage curtly informed us upon our arrival—Eversor.

  Sage looks particularly stunning, yes, stunning even though she seems to be about five in human years. Her dark hair drips in perfect glossy ringlets, and she’s wearing a navy velvet gown intricately embroidered in gold. She’s entertaining Nathan and Barron as I take in the equally stunning surroundings. Everywhere you look, this spacious castle—the size of a small country—is brimming with crimson roses, clusters and clusters of the fragrant flower, although they’re not set in your traditional vases or wreathes. These are amassed in magnificent topiaries that spiral up toward the heavenly expanse.

  I’ll admit, I haven’t been here often, but it’s the first time I’ve noted there is no ceiling, at least not today. Instead, we’re met with a lavender sky bejeweled with glittering stars, clearly visible even though it’s daylight out.

  There are throngs of beings cluttering up the interior. My mother and Demetri are near the opulent gold throne. To its left is where the infamous bed once stood where Gage and I were to seal our covenant, but it was Chloe he decided to make it official with. Yes, I’m right back at the scene of the crime, and it all feels far too soon. I don’t think I could ever accept anything about this hellscape, not after what I’ve been through here, not after what he did to me.

  Logan leans in. “Just a word of warning. Chloe is at six o’clock with Bree and Em. Let’s just say she looks—interesting.”

  I turn and find the queen of mean with her hair adorned in a wreath of roses, and her dress looks more like a tarp, bright red and beaded with every color imaginable in long, vertical stripes.

  “My God, she looks like a walking circus tent.” The room dims a notch and the floor shakes beneath our feet before restoring itself to its former glory.

  Marshall pops up, looking unimaginably divine.

  A breath hitches in my throat at the sight of him. “My G—”

  He lifts a finger. “That was your first error. There is no tolerance for taking the Lord’s name in vain. Despite popular belief, we are in rarefied holy air.”

  I make a face. “I’ll contest that until the day I die.”

  “Speaking of which.” He narrows those cutting crimson eyes over mine. “Once the procession begins, do refrain from stepping outside of the boundary set for those still in a coat of flesh. There will be an all-consuming fire present, and it won’t hes
itate to reduce those who have little respect for it to ashes. It would be a shame to bring you back to Paragon in a jar.”

  I glance back to Chloe, and ironically, she’s now standing next to the ringleader of this circus, Demetri.

  “Yes. It would be a shame if someone tripped and fell into the flames.” I pick up the Eye of Refuge and sizzle it along the chain it’s attached to. “I’ll be fine. I know my boundaries.”

  Ezrina and Nev crop up behind me. “Speaking of which.”

  We turn and I take a quick breath at the sight of them. Ezrina has her bright red hair pulled back into a neat bun, her makeup is impeccable, and she’s head to toe in gunmetal satin. Nev looks particularly dapper in a matching suit, and little Alice is a dream in a taffeta pink dress.

  “Amazing.” It’s all I can muster. Ironically, I’m speaking Ezrina’s simple language, and she acknowledges it with a quick thank you.

  Nev leans in. “Your vomit is spectacular.” He kisses the tips of his fingers as if it were magnificent.

  Ezrina offers a long blink my way. “It is done, Skyla. I have five Spectators that are fully restored. They’ve been in a holding pattern for longer than seventy-two hours. I’m hopeful this will last.”

  “Oh my goodness! Was it the same recipe? My puke plus the soil from the Transfer?”

  “Is.” Ezrina sets Alice down and her little feet make a beeline for the boys who are milling around my mother. “Holden and Serena were of little use to me. Their frames no longer mortal. Your mother has transformed them to their rightful state as feathered creatures. I’ve started human trials to hide the markers.” There’s a hint of malice in her eyes, something that says if you don’t like it, you can shove it. She’s moved on without me, and I have no choice but to live with it.


  “Cooper and Ellis. Brody will come later.”

  “Okay.” I look to Marshall. “This can’t end badly. I can’t lose either of them.”

  A couple of girls I vaguely recognize from the East cheer team during my own time at West bustle on by and scream hysterically as they look to the throne.

  The blonde clutches onto the brunette. “I can’t believe we’re going to see Gage Fucking Oliver!”

  The brunette howls as if she were in pain. “Gage Fucking Oliver!”

  All of Eversor darkens as the expansive room shakes, a crown of lightning ignites above the golden throne, and just like that, both girls up and disappear in a puff of black smoke.

  Marshall takes a breath. “Let that be a lesson to you all. Foul language will not be tolerated. He is holy and you are His children. Let us be holy.” He growls as he looks to me, “Humans.”

  “Partial humans,” I correct. “I guess I should be thankful I haven’t been blipped out of this infernal plane just yet.”

  Chloe pops up beside me like an apparition. Her hair is jet-black, no chestnut highlights for her today, her makeup is flawless, lips blood red, and she’s sporting the perfect cat’s eyes with lashes long enough to touch her brows.

  “Oh Skyla,” she gives a dark laugh. “You will be blipped out soon enough. The after party is strictly family.”

  “If I’m not there, the boys won’t be either.” My heart aches at the thought of being cut out in every manner.

  “They’re not wanted. Gage agreed that the ceremony would be enough. They’re so young. They’d rather be at your mother’s picking Beau Geste’s nose, or whatever they like to do for fun.” She cups her belly as if she’s afraid it might actually fall off, twisting her arms around it as she were sizing it.

  “What are you doing? And why are you dressed in a canopy?”

  She blows a quick breath, her cheeks flapping from the effort. “I needed a very special dress, something that would make me stand out and look very, very pregnant. It’s important that the gentry see I’m carrying his child. Not only am I his wife, his lover”—her lips curl at the sides as she takes a moment to gloat—“his favorite lover, but I’m about to bear a royal child.”

  “Sorry, Chloe, I beat you to it. In fact, I’m three up on you.”

  “Not true. One is dead, and the boys will not be heirs to the throne. This child is special. Not only is it Gage Oliver’s child, but he or she is being born into royalty.”

  “Chloe, Gage is never going to die. I can wish all I want, but that won’t make it happen. That means your child will never take the throne. And to be clear, my children are royalty. They are Celestra, and that is royalty enough for me.”

  Marshall takes a breath. “It’s quite true. Not to offend the other Factions, but Celestra has always been the crème de la crème. And Skyla is the purest of them all.” He nods before taking off into the crowd.

  Logan rumbles with a laugh as he pulls me close to his side. “And that, Chloe, is why our child trumps your child as far as royal bloodlines go.”

  “It’s true,” I add. “So, you see, Chloe, that circus tent you’ve donned was totally unnecessary. On the bright side, your side hobby of procreating with Fems is going strong—especially considering you can’t stand children.”

  “I’ll give Gage twelve children if he wants them.” Her eyes widen as she looks to the empty throne. Chloe is hungry for Gage Oliver’s sperm.

  “I have a brilliant idea. Why don’t you and Gage move to Eversor full-time, and Logan and I can pretend the two of you never existed?”

  A dark laugh bumps through her. “And ruin all the fun we’re having? Please, Skyla. Being married to Gage is heaven, but knowing you’re forced to watch on the sidelines is the icing on this sinfully delicious cake. You’re welcome to hide out in my closet while the two of us are going at it. Trust me when I say, there is no better sight than to see Gage Oliver’s dimpled, devilish grin nestled between my thighs. And the rapture that ensues is to die for.”

  I balk at the thought, “You? Die? The world should be so lucky.”

  Logan walks us off without so much as a goodbye, and we find Marshall speaking with a luminescent being that bears my likeness, my mother, Candace Messenger. My blood is still boiling as visions of Gage Oliver’s dirty grin popping up from that witch's legs pollute my thoughts.

  My mother winces and taps me on the forehead. Not only do her feel-good vibratronics pulsate through me at the speed of light, but a visual of a white sandy beach and ice blue water infiltrates my mind.

  “What a rush.” I shudder as if I just had a hit off the best drug on the planet.

  “I hear congratulations are in order.”

  I mock bow. “And I’m surprised you waited this long, but thank you. Logan and I are ecstatic.”

  Logan takes a breath. “Beyond ecstatic. And we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our daughter.”

  My mother lifts a brow. “Good. As you should be. I’ve heard rumors of wedding dates.”

  “Same one,” I assert. “December thirteenth. The baby will be there and I’m hoping you’ll be there, too.”

  “It will be held at Whitehorse,” Logan adds. “If I can put in a request for good weather, I would be most grateful.”

  “Oh, my dear Logan”—my mother reaches over and lovingly palms his cheek—“anything for you, my love. Anything in the world.”

  Before I can prompt Logan to make an outrageous request, like blipping this version of Gage Oliver out of existence and bringing back the old one, my other mother, Lizbeth, pops over, and standing beside her is the very first love of my life, my father.

  I don’t waste a second wrapping my body around his and convulsing with something in between laughter and tears.

  “Can you believe it?” my mother beams. “We’re going to be grandparents again!” She lunges for Candace and shakes her by the shoulders, and suddenly I’m fearing my poor mother, Lizbeth, will be the next to be dismissed in a ball of black smoke. “And we get a wedding out of it, too! It’s like we’ve hit the jackpot. The Landon luck has never been better. This is truly a banner year. It’s as if we’re unstoppable. Dare I ask if you’re the one w
ho’s blessed us with the Midas touch?”

  Candace gently removes my mother’s uncharitable grasp and flexes a dry smile. “First and foremost, Skyla is not nor will she ever be a Landon. Secondly, I have nothing to do with your newfound fortune, but I would advise you to refresh yourself with Midas’ tale. It was cautionary for a reason.” She looks to my father. “Our daughter has finally landed in the arms of the one she’s destined for.”

  Marshall is quick to wrap an arm around me. “That she has. And once again, I will adore the child she is carrying as if it were my own.”

  I can’t help but smile up at the sweet Sector. “I do love you, Marshall.”

  “As I, you. And rest assured, when we set our wedding date, it will not fall on Friday the thirteenth.”

  My father gives a warm chuckle. “We don’t believe in luck, now do we? Congratulations, you two.” He grins from me to Logan. “Fate permitting, I would be honored to show up at the wedding.”

  “Oh my goodness!” I gasp as I look to my mother. “I beg of you to let him walk me down the aisle.”

  Candace’s entire body flickers with light as if her luminescence were about to expire. “We shall see when the time arrives. I’m not making any promises to anyone. Look where we are today.”

  Mom’s shoulders swim as if she were cozying. “Right here next to Paradise to see the king receive his crown. Aside from the fact he and Skyla are no longer together, I am ecstatic for Gage to receive the honor. I just know this will be a blessing to us all.”

  Candace’s eyes ignite like flames. “In what way? You have no idea of what you speak. You have no clue as to what is happening here or on earth.” She groans as she looks to my father, “How in the world do you tolerate her?”

  Marshall steps in and links his arm through my celestial mother’s. “I hear the gentry are placing wagers on whether or not we’ll see the serpent manifest before the ceremony is through.”

  Candace chortles as they head toward the elite crowd of glowing beings, all of whom turn to welcome her with warm greetings.

  I look to my mother. “She didn’t mean it.”


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