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One Thousand and Two Lies (Reapers of Beauty Book 2)

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by Yumoyori Wilson

  "The serum is harsh on the body. She may not show any signs because she's unconscious and her magic is sealed, but when she wakes up… that's what I'm concerned about. Ace has been doing some more digging on the drug. All their previous experiments have failed. This serum was supposed to be a successful dose, which had been tested on a human who survived the first few days of having it."

  "What happened?" I asked, knowing from the tone of Silas' voice that this didn't have a happy ending.

  "He was found dead two weeks ago. The serum burned through his veins and led to him bleeding internally. His increase in magic power, strength, and the ability to enhance other individuals’ magic through sex did work, but the enhancements were short-lived due to having no connection with the individuals."

  "Doesn't that mean the people who created the serum have to go back to the drawing board?"

  Silas crossed his arms, looking deep in thought.

  "Yes, but Ace thinks it may have a different effect on Xia. The individual they tested was a fifty-year-old male with very little magic. Swap that with a twenty-five-year-old female with enhanced magic capabilities and healthy young veins. Xia's magic is also protective of her. If it seems like that serum will start affecting her negatively, her magic will respond."

  "If Xia does have the serum pumping through her, she will most likely survive," I confirmed.

  "Yes, and I think that's why my hypothesis still stands. Minju could have thought about all that and decided to take the risk. If the serum can enhance the individual’s magic, it could have given Xia enough of a boost to stay alive and is now hibernating within her body. It's only a matter of time before her body will adapt to the foreign liquid. That means, Xia could be the 'first' to survive this serum."

  "And become a target if they find out," I finished.

  "Yes, or if their next serum trials fail miserably and their buyers get impatient and want to forgo the entire project, that could be worth billions," Silas added.

  "Request a test to be done on Xia. Keep it private. Use our technician."

  "Understood," Silas replied.

  * * *

  Now that Dante and I were discussing the results, Silas’ hypothesis seemed likely.

  "Silas believes that Minju had injected most of the serum into Xia in hopes of it keeping her alive. From the amount of blood Xia lost and her multiple wounds, she should have died. Even with her magic potential. Now that we have an extensive report from our technician, it is the only logical conclusion."

  "Could that be the reason for Xia's coma?" Dante inquired. I frowned and looked away, not wanting to show my vulnerability.

  "Maybe. Her body could be trying to adapt to the serum, or it could be hibernating until Xia wakes up and her magic becomes active again. I'm not sure," I confessed, my eyes on the medical report with Xia's picture attached at the top left corner.

  I stared at those bright red eyes and swallowed the lump forming in my throat. Those magnificent red jewels that practically bore into my soul had the same effect on me even in picture form.

  My nerves weren't just due to my own concerns, my magic was urging me to return to her side and wait for her to wake up.

  I wanted to be there to make sure she was okay, and sitting here working on reports was adding to that growing anxiety. At least the medical bills had been paid and reviewing her health reports revolved around her. The incident with the serum wasn't my major concern.

  It was, in fact, the reason why we are in this current predicament and that just irritates me.


  It took me a few seconds to realize Dante had called my name, and it wasn't the typical way he usually said it. It’s filled with worry, and I don’t want his sympathy right now. Not in this state of mind and with my body craving to act on past feelings.

  I lifted my gaze from Xia's picture to see his serious expression, but I did catch the flash of disappointment in those blue eyes of his.


  "Why don't you call it a night? I can finish those reports."

  "You don't have to. I'm fine."

  "That was the third time I called out your name," Dante stressed.

  From the look on his face, I wasn't going to win this debate. I was a tad tired, and if I did go back to the safe house, I could sleep in the spare bed in Xia's room.

  Or the chair… or anywhere really.

  "Dante," I whispered.

  "Xander, please. I'm urging you to just take the rest of the night off. I can handle the paperwork. You can go get some air or check on Xia. Just give yourself a breather."

  I stared into his blue eyes, and my gaze trailed down to his lips. He always had that ability to make me do what he wanted, even if I stubbornly tried not to.

  Something about those sinful lips...


  My response held no emotion, and I knew it would hurt Dante, but I wouldn't succumb to these emotions. They were random and would only damage the potential I had with Xia.

  Never had I felt this way before, like I wanted to commit so hard to something, especially when it came to relationships.

  There was just something about Xia that tugged at my very being and I craved to be around that energy. My magic knew who I belonged with, and right now, Dante wasn't an option.

  I have to keep telling myself that.

  I signed the last set of medical documents, with the intention of submitting them to the nurse to put through the payments, and rose up.

  My body felt stiff from hours of planning and my excessive running routine I'd been following twice a day.

  Excessive was an understatement with my current running regimen.

  Obsessive is the better word, or that's what Silas pointed out when I told him I was going for a run for the third time yesterday.

  Walking away from my desk, I grabbed my coat and began to head to the door, but Dante strode into my path. I didn't show my annoyance at his purposeful interference, but it took everything in me not to be sucked into the scent of that gentle cologne wafting from him, threatening to overwhelm my senses.

  "Seriously, Xander. Get some rest. You don't look good and I may not know much about Xia, but I don't think she'd like seeing you like this. I'm saying this as a friend and your bodyguard. Nothing more."

  I lowered my gaze to our feet, but gave him a nod of understanding. He stepped out of my way and I headed to the door. I paused as my hand wrapped around the cool metal of the doorknob, and I couldn't help but glance over my shoulder. Dante had already started sifting through the next pile of reports I was going to review before he'd arrived.

  With a deep breath, I turned back to face the door. "Thanks, Dante."

  "You're welcome, Xander. Get back safely and sleep." His focus remained glued to the papers laid out in front of him as he replied.

  I opened the door and walked out. Closing the door as lightly as I could, I pressed my head against the smooth black surface and cursed.

  "Fuck me."

  Before I did something stupid, I headed down the hall towards the exit. I took a deep breath of fresh, cool air and sat in the comfort of my Mercedes to calm myself.

  I still care for him...

  Without a second thought, I pressed the Auto Start button and put my seat belt on. Opening the window, I began to pull out of the almost empty parking lot and drove onto the main street with the intention of heading straight to the safe house.

  The safe house wasn't far from the office grounds, but I’d guess that was due to my over-the-limit speeding. I'd be able to sense a cop car a mile away, and right now the freeway was quiet, making it easy for me to speed and be lost within my thoughts.

  The closer I got to my destination, the stronger the tingling of my magic spread along my skin, igniting goosebumps as it passed. I knew it wasn't from the cool breeze that helped me calm my racing heart.

  Focus Xander, Xia needs you.

  I repeated that over and over in my head like a mantra, as I finally reached the safe house
. With quick greetings to the four guards in front of the house, I entered and immediately went to the second floor, where Xia's room was located.

  We had a few safe houses, but this one was specifically for our team and was the closest between the office, our house, and training sites.

  When I reached the door to Xia's room, I took a few deep breaths and ran my fingers through my hair.

  Have to look presentable, just in case Xia's awake.

  After opening the door and glancing around the room, I noticed the male sitting in the single chair that was next to Xia's bed. His white hair was up in a ponytail, and his pink eyes were concentrated on the book he was reading.

  I closed the door quietly, not wanting to disturb him, but my arrival pulled Ace out of his daze; he lifted his head to look at me with a blank expression.

  Totally normal for Ace.

  "Evening, Ace," I greeted.


  He turned back to his book, appearing unbothered by my presence. I wasn't offended in the least by his closed off nature. That was simply Ace's behavior, and no one was going to change it.

  Not yet, anyway.

  I took off my coat and pulled up a chair to the other side of Xia's bed.

  "Hey, Xia," I whispered, reaching out to move a strand of her black hair from her face, not wanting it to disturb the oxygen mask on her face.

  I leaned down to place my lips softly on her forehead and took a long glance at her sleeping face.

  She looked much better from when she'd first been admitted to private care under our organization. It was one of the benefits I’d gained for being one of the top leaders of the Neutral Peace Organization we worked for.

  By bringing peace to Japan, little by little, we were granted access to the many privileges and services available from the Japanese government. Thanks to our team, we'd helped capture many criminals across Japan and a few abroad.

  We’d yet to travel to all the areas of Japan, such as Homatomashi, but with time, we wanted to broaden our services across the globe.

  It would be a long process, but I was ready to devote myself to it.

  If we could save women trapped in this underhanded system like the Reapers of Beauty and decrease the violence happening in our country, our time and magic could be devoted to helping build the nation up.

  After checking the vitals machine to ascertain that everything looked normal, I sat down and noticed Ace's stare.

  "What?" I asked.

  "Silas wasn't kidding. You're seriously in love with her." His voice was relaxed, like this was a normal conversation, without a hint of disbelief in his tone of voice.

  I expected him to at least have some emotion in his statement. Then again, that's Ace for you.

  "I'll take that as a compliment," I replied.

  "You also look like you haven't slept in days."

  "I’ll also take that as a compliment."

  "Where's Dante?" Ace asked.

  "Office. I had a load of reports left to review. He sent me away to rest. He'll be here later. Probably..." I trailed off with a yawn and then reached out to hold Xia's hand.

  I caressed the silky smooth skin as a fresh vanilla scent invaded my senses and tickled my nose.

  "Did you put lotion on Xia?" I questioned.

  Ace's pink eyes lowered back to his book. "They were dry."

  A broad grin formed on my lips and I whispered. "Thanks, Ace."

  “Nothing to thank me for. If it wasn't for her, I'd be full of bullets," he bluntly replied. "The nurse said she's healing well, by the way."

  "That's good." I sighed in relief at the news. "How're the twins? Did they come by today?"

  "Yup. They were here when I arrived with Elijah and Isaiah. They won't do Minju's funeral until Xia's awake. They cremated her remains… what was left after the autopsy."

  I bit my lip and stared at Xia's hand, wrapping my fingers around hers to give her a supportive squeeze.

  I didn't know if she felt it or not, but if she did, at least she'd know I was here.

  We wouldn't know what to expect when she woke up. From the multiple bullet wounds to the crack in her skull she'd obtained during her escape, she should have been killed her within seconds. The entire thing was captured on hidden surveillance cameras and was the reason why we were able to prosecute all those involved who were captured.

  If it wasn't for Dante forcing me off the case, I'd be watching the playback over and over again.

  I would catch every single person involved in that shootout and murder them slowly.

  It made sense why I was put on “report” duty. I clearly didn't have the control to interview a person in an enclosed space who I knew was involved in hurting people I cared about.

  Killing them, on the other hand, was easy.

  "Good to know," I replied and yawned again.

  "You can go to sleep,” Ace suggested.

  "How long have you been here?" I countered.

  "Few hours. Nothing to do right now."

  I knew that was a lie. Ace always had something to do, whether it was taking quick cases or training his stealth skills. This time around, I was mentally exhausted, especially with the long day of reports and my brief moment with Dante.

  "Mind if I take a quick snooze?"

  "Go ahead. I'm reading." Ace shrugged and returned to his book.

  I smiled, knowing if I said thank you again, he'd simply ignore me. Keeping my hand in Xia's, I used my free arm like a little platform to rest my head on, staring up at Xia and listening to the soft buzzing of oxygen flowing through the mask.

  My eyes began to close, but I kept squeezing Xia's hand, the connection soothing my body and mind.

  It could have been my imagination, but I felt her fingers wrap around mine, and the slight squeeze made me smile.

  I would have opened my eyes if I could, but I was too far gone. I fell asleep in hopes of seeing Xia's vibrant red eyes and beautiful smile.

  Wake up soon, Xia. I'll be right here, waiting.


  * * *

  I stood on the rooftop, taking in the full moon illuminated in the starry sky. My long black locks danced freely in the warm breeze as it drifted past.

  I felt like I was present, but at the same time, I sensed my body was elsewhere. Lying down? Asleep somewhere else?

  At times I listened to voices. They spoke to me, greeted me, and on occasion I could feel the warmth of their strong arms or the tenderness of lips pressed against mine.

  Yet, I was standing here. I had been for a long time.

  So long, I couldn't keep up with the hours, minutes, and seconds that had passed.

  But, I was confident in one important factor.

  This world isn't real.

  I'd acknowledged that this place where I stood in a simple black dress, wasn't real. But it was a place that helped me feel calm.

  Safe and sheltered from the world below.

  One thing that I'd loved about being a Reaper were the nights where we'd put our ninja skills to the test. Where I could run on the rooftops and enjoy the purity of the night above, compared to the violence below in the dark streets.

  I must have been standing here for a reason.

  Prolonging the moment where I'd have no choice but to accept reality.

  "They miss you."

  My eyes closed at the gentle voice. "Why?"

  "You know why."

  "That wasn't what I was referring to," I replied. Gathering enough courage, I opened my eyes and turned to face the person who'd been keeping me company this entire time.

  Glistening pink orbs met my blank gaze and her lips curled into a smile. "We're sisters, Xia."

  "I never would have allowed you to sacrifice yourself for me."

  "I know you wouldn't. Circumstances gave me the chance to choose. What did you think would be the better option? Allowing you to die and returning to Master, who was only taking advantage of me? OR taking the fall and giving you a shot at the life you deserve?"
  "You deserved to live… just like me, or Minsu, or Minso! You deserved to breathe the same air I breathe and procure the freedom we've spent years wishing to obtain!" My lips trembled, and tears formed in my eyes.

  "You aren't wrong," Minju whispered as she walked towards me.

  I kept my eyes solely on hers, not wanting to look at the white wings protruding from her back, taunting my stubborn mind to accept the truth.

  Minju is gone. It wasn't a dream.

  "You should have let me die."

  "If I’d allowed you to die, my sisters and I would be dead as well. We wouldn't have gone back to Master, Xia."

  I bit my lip, wanting to argue, but Minju shook her head.

  "When you return, you can ask Minsu and Minso yourself. We made a vow that if you didn't make it, we wouldn't go back with the serum."

  "What do you mean you wouldn't go back?"

  "We would have split the serum and committed suicide, Xia." Minju shrugged, as if it wasn't a big deal, but I just stared at her in utter horror.

  "Why would you possibly want to do that?!" I snapped.

  "Xia. Our lives as Reapers of Beauty were only worth it because you were there. We wanted to give up, long ago. To let go of our dreams of one day being free from Master's shackles. Yet, we couldn't abandon you. We saw what Yang's death did to you. The pure shock in your eyes and how much you struggled for months after her death. Just because we're Reapers, doesn't mean we're heartless. You're the best actor when it comes to hiding how things affect you. Everyone falls for it, except for us. We knew if we went with our plan to end it all, you'd be left behind with the burden. You'd assume it was your fault, when in reality… we were just tired of that life. We'd never get a happy ending, Xia, but you'd have a chance. As much as Master tried to hide it, he cares for you. A fatherly love his evil heart can't tuck away."


  "Not true? Xia, Master makes sure to give us missions that wouldn't be considered suicide. He’d rather let one of his many enemies free than put you at risk. We survived this long because we work well as a team, and he knows that for the majority of our missions, if we go, you go too. Is Master a good person? No, but will he really dispose of his only child, a child that bears the same blood and magic as him? He wouldn't dare."


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