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One Thousand and Two Lies (Reapers of Beauty Book 2)

Page 8

by Yumoyori Wilson

  Xander’s words brought peace to my heart and resonated with my soul.

  He’s right. I’m not alone. I have people who love me. It’s time for me to accept it.

  “You’re clear, Xia,” Amy said with a cheerful smile. “Now remember. If you feel exhausted, rest. No bumping your head or doing some sort of crazy ninja backflips until our next appointment in four weeks. Can you survive not being adventurous for four weeks?”

  “Yes, Amy,” I replied, feeling like I was in grade school.

  “Amy, she’s not going to do anything crazy,” Xander reassured her. Silas laughed, drawing our attention as he leaned against the white wall of the checkup office.

  “If Xia’s anything like Ace in training, it's happening. I give her three weeks to be nice.”

  “Ace?” I asked, wondering what he meant.

  “Ace got a concussion from one of his missions and was on the same ‘Don’t Hit Your Head’ ban, and what did he do? In less than a week, he was training with Dante and ran right into a wall, hitting his head, and was out for a full week. He was just allowed to drive again because he was seizure free for six months,” Xander explained.

  “Ouch...” I replied, not wanting to lose my license or have a seizure.

  Though NOT losing my license is far more important.

  “That’s right, so none of that! Also, I’ve got some results back,” Amy announced. We turned our attention to her 5’4” frame as she walked over to the door.

  She pressed her hand against the white wood and my body shivered at the wave of magic that laced the room.

  Her pink hair shifted to pure black, and when she turned back to face us, she had a serious look on her face; those once pink eyes were now purple.

  “Xia has to be very careful,” Amy warned.

  Silas frowned and Xander slid off the medical table he was sitting on to stand, his arms crossing over his chest as his black eyes narrowed.

  “What was detected?”

  “The serum successfully infused into Xia’s blood. Does it mean she’s not invincible? No. I honestly can’t say much because I don’t have enough information on the serum.”

  “I can hack into their database and get a copy,” Silas offered.

  Amy, Xander, and I all turned to him and he shrugged like it was no big deal. “No one asked me to get the deets on the actual serum. I could have retrieved it the first time I hacked into it.”

  “How fast can you get me that information?” Amy requested.

  “By the end of the day. I could get it to you in an hour, but I need permission and backup by the government, and the Boss of it all is probably in some silly meeting. I’ll shoot him a message and he’ll give me the approval before the end of the day.”

  “That’s fine.” Amy nodded in approval.

  “Does that mean I’m in danger or something?” I asked, wanting to know whether to keep my guard up on a higher level than my norm.

  Just because I wasn’t actively a Reaper, doesn’t mean I never let my guard down. It was simply a habit at this point, but if this serum thing was going to be a problem, I’d have to up my game.

  “In terms of the serum reacting weirdly inside you? I’m unsure. You haven’t shown any side effects, though I’d like you to try and eat more before you lose any more weight. Your current weight worries me,” she admitted.

  “I’m not that skinny,” I pointed out.

  “Yes, but you're an extremely active individual who hasn’t been eating properly. Your body is going to think it’s starving,” Amy replied.

  Silas pushed off the wall and walked over to stand on the right side of me, resting against the table.

  He reached out and patted my head gently. “Xia. If you’re going to be building back your muscle and overall strength, you really need to eat and gain a bit back. You look fine, but do you want all your pretty expensive clothes to go to waste?”

  Damn! I forgot about that. I wonder if any of my pretty dresses fit me right anymore.

  Xander began to chuckle and he shook his head. “The horror on Xia’s face right now is priceless.”

  “Can’t play around with a girl’s wardrobe,” Silas added with a wink and smooth grin.

  “Evil,” I mumbled and looked at Amy. “All right, I’ll eat more… or, well, regularly.”

  “That’s the spirit.” Amy smiled and took a deep breath.

  “What we can do in the meantime. Continue making sure you eat, are drinking plenty of water, and resting. As for training, I will give you permission to train again, but light activity. Jogging, Yoga, beginner level sword training. The basics. Be careful of higher altitudes because you can become dizzy. And if you have a bloody nose, inform me. It happened with Ace, so I’m assuming it may happen to you.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  Xander jumped in with the answer. “Ace was using a lot of magic and was apparently adding pressure to his brain. He was getting nose bleeds and the reason he’d run straight into the wall during that training session was because he used a strong magic spell that pressed against his brain. It causes the pressure to spike and he got dizzy and confused, but he couldn’t slow his speed and so he ran into the wall.”

  “Correct.” Amy nodded. “That’s why Xia needs extra precaution. Your magic is already powerful, and the serum seems to have enhanced that.”

  “I don’t feel any different,” I pointed out.

  “When did you last use magic?” Amy questioned.

  I pushed my lips out in a pout and looked away. Amy sighed. “Exactly,”

  “Are you worried those who were after the serum will look for Xia?” Xander asked.

  “Maybe. It’s only a matter of time until they do their own investigation of Minju’s results and notice there wasn’t enough of an amount in her blood. It would be smart if Xia changed her appearance a bit, but for now, I think they believe she’s dead.”

  “Wait, but if they find out about Minju, wouldn’t they realize she was using magic as a decoy? That only proves Xia’s alive,” Silas revealed.

  “You have a point, but it may take them some time. As quick as these people are when it comes to doing trades and business deals, they’re a little slow in the detective department. There’s a huge chance they’ll try to hunt you four down first.”

  “Wait, us?” Xander asked.

  “Why?” Silas furrowed his brow in confusion.

  I thought about it out loud. “You guys were at the scene. Yes, you guys are neutral but that doesn’t mean they can’t be underhanded and attack you. They can get rid of any of you and cover their tracks. People never follow the rules, and if they’re anything like many of the groups I’ve been sent to apprehend, they’ll do anything to get information, power, and money. Only NPO is careless with their need for information.”

  “They’re not careless,” Xander defended.

  I looked at him. “They could have interrogated me for information on my Master or on the Reapers. They wouldn’t get anything out of me, but the point is they COULD have. Instead, they gave me asylum without knowing anything about my background. What if I was sent to do just that? I’d just been accepted peacefully into neutral territory and could easily be a double agent. What would NPO have to say if I turned against them and killed their best agents and gathered as much information as possible that can be used against them?”

  The three of them were silent and I sighed.

  “Obviously, it’s just an example, but NPO is soft. Your team is strong and you’re only kind to me because we have a connection, but I can tell that you wouldn’t show such kindness to everyone. NPO, however, needs to step it up. Their neutrality that they boast and speak so highly of can turn against them in a flash and they’ll have no one else to blame.”

  Silas crossed his arms. “She has a point.”

  “I’ll talk with Boss when you guys are on your date,” Xander concluded.

  I smiled, hoping my analysis was helpful, but I was more excited about my date with Silas.
br />   Amy looked between the three of us and grinned. “Anyways, that’s enough scary talk.”

  Her eyes returned to their pink glory and her hair began to transition back to the vibrant shade.

  “Xia, you’re also clear in the love department, so feel free to choose any cock in the room to enjoy.”

  The three of us gawked at her, and I noticed Xander’s and Silas’ cheeks grew red. I spoke before I could think. “I have to choose?”

  Amy burst into laughter and now Xander and Silas were both blushing so hard it was reaching their ears.

  “Oh, hell no. Why choose? Feel free to have fun. In fact, I’ll leave you three alone and you can do whatever you like. Just clean up after. There are tissue boxes in the drawers, and an assorted bowl of condoms and different brands of lube in the top desk drawer. Have fun!”

  I was speechless as the three of us watched Amy leave, shutting and locking the door behind her.

  Slowly, I glanced between the two men who were both looking elsewhere, their faces still beet red.

  “So… um… the weather was rather nice this morning,” I muttered, failing at breaking the awkward silence.

  “This is why I like the other physician. Amy’s a sex addict,” Silas grumbled.

  “I'll remember for next time,” Xander replied.

  “What does her being a sex addict have anything to do with what just happened?”

  “He’s a promoter,” Silas grumbled and ruffled his loose tresses while his mismatched orange and turquoise eyes met mine.

  “He? You mean SHE,” I corrected.

  “Nope, he meant HE. Amy’s a guy,” Xander replied. “He actually used to date Dante and was the one who introduced us.”

  “Come again? Wait… you guys aren’t shitting me?” I asked, my head darting between the two of them. They both shook their heads.

  “We're serious,” Xander replied.

  “Amy was born with a penis. A lengthy one at that. Hey, did he even get that sorted?” Silas diverted his question to Xander like he’d just remembered.

  “Are you asking if he still has a cock? Yup. He’s debating if he wants to fully take the leap,” Xander replied.

  “This… is intriguing,” I admitted.

  “Oh… maybe we should have told Xia that earlier?” Silas suggested.

  “Why?” Xander replied.

  “Ya, why?” I asked, also curious.

  “Aren’t you upset that a guy did your exam?” Silas asked.

  “No,” I replied and shrugged. “I wouldn’t have known if you guys hadn’t said anything. I mean… it’s a bit of a shock, but not a big deal. I’m sure if he’s a she now, she must have seen enough pussy in her medical career at this point.”

  The both of them grinned.

  “Keeper,” they said in unison, and I blushed at the compliment.

  “Um… so… are we taking advantage of the situation?” I shyly clarified. Their eyes both zeroed in on me, and I straightened my back while keeping my expression calm, even though my heart was racing against my chest while my stomach flipped in a bunch of nerves.

  Can’t possibly ignore the thought of fucking two hot guys in public. Oh, I should have asked Amy if this room can be soundproof. Magic can fix that.

  “You’re serious.” Silas lifted an eyebrow and looked extremely pleased. Those orange-blue eyes of his darkened while they slowly assessed my body. “You’re not in pain?”

  “I’m serious and no… I feel okay. Amy healed all my wounds this round and encouraged me to nap when I’m tired. Seeing as I’m not tired, I think I can handle a duo before our date.” After I summarized, I turned my focus on Xander.

  “Unless you don’t want to go that fast?” I questioned.

  It’s not like we’d discussed me being intimate with the others. I don’t think we’d even had an official discussion about the whole ‘dating my three roommates’ scenario.

  Xander and Silas exchanged a look and Silas moved to face me. His hands rested on my thighs, causing me to shiver.

  His eyes locked onto mine and he smirked. “I don’t know. I did want to give you the ideal perfect kiss after a lovely romantic date.” Silas pulled off his glasses that I’d almost forgotten were present on his face. He placed them next to my right thigh and leaned in, our lips just brushing.

  “I’ve outgrown the date me before mating me phase,” I teased as I closed the distance to give him a rich kiss. He pressed back, his dominance overpowering mine as we deepened the kiss.

  Shit, Silas can kiss!

  By the time those delightful lips unlatched from mine, I was breathless, whereas Silas maintained a seductive grin.

  He noticed my shocked expression and that grin only widened to give me a white-toothed smile.

  “You thought I wasn’t good at kissing, didn’t you?”

  “You like to deceive people with the glasses, don’t you?” I countered, wondering if it was an addition to his wardrobe rather than prescribed lenses.

  It was a silly stereotype, but with his glasses on, it made him look shy and inexperienced.

  Xander chuckled and placed his hand on my left side, leaning in to gently tug at my ear, a breathy moan escaping my lips before he whispered.

  “He uses them to maintain his magic.”

  I bit my lip to hold in the next moan that threatened to escape; Xander’s lips moved to the sensitive spot at the nape of my neck, while Silas looked pleased with my struggle.

  When my eyes returned to watching him, I felt the wave of magic pulsing between us, urging for our union.

  Within three seconds, we were kissing again, Silas’ hands gripping the top part of my thighs while Xander slipped his left hand underneath my t-shirt, his delicate touch made me groan in desire.

  Silas took every advantage of my audible enjoyment, slipping his tongue into my mouth and leading a fierce battle between our tongues and lips.

  “Your magic is so addicting, Xia,” Silas mumbled, giving me a moment to catch my breath before he lowered his lips to my chest.

  I turned my head to my left, and Xander sealed my lips with his, while his hand expertly lifted the right side of my bra, releasing my breast and beginning to fondle it at a massage-like pace.

  When we couldn’t take any more heated kisses, the both of them pulled back and gave me a moment to breathe and try to think straight.

  “You’d think a medical office would have a bed.” Xander chuckled, his hands working on unbuttoning his dark blue jeans.

  “Who needs a bed.” Silas winked, already lowering his pants and boxers, revealing his length that made me lick my lips and promptly unbutton my jeans.

  Sliding off the table, I slipped my jeans and black lacy underwear down. After stepping out of them, I pulled my shirt off and unclipped the back of my bra. Once I had placed it on the medical table next to Silas’ glasses, Xander reached out and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a back embrace.

  “I don’t think I’d last another night without fucking you.” He moaned, biting the left side of my neck.

  I sighed at his touch and grinned. “The shower doesn’t count?” I purred and looked at Silas who took a step forward to press my naked body against his.

  “Apparently, the quickie you guys had doesn’t count,” Silas added to the teasing.

  “I wasn’t satisfied,” Xander mumbled. “But thanks for the opportunity, instigator.”

  “You're very welcome,” Silas replied, and I smirked.

  “You two clearly work well as a tag team.”

  Silas kissed me, and Xander chuckled while he slapped my ass once, then rubbed the area. That only sent shots of pleasure through me while my pussy clenched in longing.

  “Wait till we add Ace to the picture. He’s dangerous,” Silas whispered between kisses.

  Xander kissed the back of my neck, squeezing my ass slightly before he moved away.

  My magic told me he wasn't going far, and I took every advantage to wrap my arms around Silas' neck and kiss him li
ke it was our last.

  Pressing my breasts against his muscular chest made him moan, and he spread his legs in a wide stance position while one hand rested on my hips and the other directed his cock to tease my wet pussy.

  “Do we have to go slow?” Silas asked.

  I felt Xander’s presence behind me, his hands softly trailing down the sides of my body, his way of physically telling me he was back.

  “Don’t think so,” Xander replied. “Unless Xia wants it slow.”

  “Fast and hard. I’m horny as fuck,” I replied and was rewarded with Silas’ grin.

  “Why can’t all women be like you?”

  “Well, if they were all like me, we wouldn’t be standing here, about to enjoy a quick threesome in a medical office, now would we?” I purred and pulled him down for a kiss.

  “True,” he replied and kissed me greedily.

  I pulled back and turned my head, wanting to kiss Xander; his cock that was doused with what felt like a generous amount of lube began to tease my ass.

  Xander met my lips with his, while Silas kept himself busy by fondling my breasts and flicking my nipples with his tongue.

  “No more stalling.” I moaned, my body burning for the fulfilling pleasure these two men would provide me.

  “Fine by us.” Xander spoke for the both of them. I inhaled a sharp breath when Silas slid his cock inside me first.

  Silas bit his lip, but his groan vibrated in his throat, and I could see the fulfilling satisfaction flicker on his face as he closed his eyes for a moment.

  “Fuck, Xia. You’re tight, baby,” Silas quietly complimented. I watched as he opened his eyes, their beautiful colored appearances filled with love and anticipation.

  “Xia, have you had a threesome before?” Xander asked. It was more out of curiosity, with no hints of judgment.

  “Yes, but it wasn’t the best,” I admitted. I could handle it both ways, but it was a disappointment when two men couldn’t bang long enough to make me cum.

  Dual action with no result? Pathetic.

  “Don’t tell me they didn’t last?” Silas looked amused now, and I could mentally see the gears in his mind working while his eyes twinkled with mirth.

  “Couldn’t make me cum,” I admitted, blushing slightly.


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