Book Read Free


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by Nikki Landis

  Copyright © 2020 Nikki Landis

  All Rights Reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Edited by Kathy Denver, iPublishGlobal

  Cover by Mibl Art

  Table of Contents:

  Author’s Note


  Chapter 1 – Tarek

  Chapter 2 – Synna

  Chapter 3 – Tarek

  Chapter 4 – Tarek

  Chapter 5 – Synna

  Chapter 6 – Tarek

  Chapter 7 – Tarek

  Chapter 8 – Tarek

  Chapter 9 – Tarek

  Chapter 10 – Synna

  Chapter 11 – Tarek

  Chapter 12 – Synna

  Chapter 13 – Tarek

  Chapter 14 – Synna

  Chapter 15 – Tarek

  Epilogue – Hyde

  Navajo Translation

  SNEAK PEEK Ridin’ for Hell, Royal Bastards MC

  Also by Nikki Landis

  About the Author


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  A worthless half breed.

  Drunken troublemaker.

  Ex con.

  Vengeful Prick.


  I've been called all those names and much worse.

  Hell, at one point or another I've lived up to them all.

  My only real home, my only real family is the MC.

  I'd die for my brothers. I'd kill for my family . . .

  and I'd sell my soul to keep my place in the pack.

  Loyalty is everything.

  Maybe that's why I didn't see the betrayal until it was too late.

  Now I'll seek vengeance with my last breath and I'm not alone.

  Justice is swift . . . especially when you ride with the hounds of Hell.


  The first in the Lords of Wrath MC series of hell-raisers that fiercely protect their brothers in arms, their women, and . . . their secrets.

  Author’s Note

  The legend of the skin-walker has lived among the Navajo people for generations. Cursed humans who can transform into other creatures, mostly wolves, bears, and birds of prey are said to roam the earth. Many believe these evil forces are so strong that skin-walkers are tempted to remain in their animal form for too long and lose their humanity, leaving them a dangerous, bloodthirsty hybrid.

  As shapeshifters, skin-walkers can transform themselves into any person they want, stealing the faces and identities of others to win the confidence of their victims. The Navajo legends say that one cannot fight evil with evil. The only way to stop a skin-walker is to learn the true identity and then to call the monster by its full name.

  To this day many Navajos still believe in the legends.

  And some are reluctant to face the night outdoors alone . . .


  To the Navajo people and the rich Dine' culture, traditions, and legends that inspired this story.


  The mythological ability of human beings to metamorphose into other animals by means of shapeshifting.

  Any mythical being which is part human, part animal.

  Chapter 1 – Tarek

  A Little Bit Off (Five Finger Death Punch)

  “He’s gonna run!” Hyde shouted as I bolted toward the back of the house.

  Ronin was already on the front porch with Cale and neither of them would be fast enough to catch our bond – Willard Scott – before he escaped. J.D. was behind me as I shouted for him to follow. The back door slammed shut with a bang and I knew Willard was already on his way out of the backyard before I got there. He was hopping the fence and flipping me off with a wicked grin as I ground my teeth in frustration.

  “Go right!” I shouted to J.D. as I veered to the left and climbed the fence, dropping down into the alley next to the house.

  “Got it!” he acknowledged with a brief salute. Kid was a smartass.

  I swear that was how all of our bonds seemed to go lately. Nobody ever came along willingly. I guess it wasn’t all that surprising considering they missed their court dates and were usually in trouble for something big. Thing was, they were only screwing the person who put up bail. Somebody had to pay and it sure wasn’t gonna be the bail bondsman.

  That was where we came in. The certified bail agents that carefully and methodically stalked the defendant until we could take them down. It wasn’t always violent. Sometimes people knew they were caught and there was nothing to do about it. A lot of others just kept on the run, moving from place to place, or hiding out in the woods. Not a way I would ever want to live.

  For about ten minutes we chased Willard through the neighborhood and then we lost him. Pissed, I stopped for a moment and decided to let my animal instincts take over. Might as well let the coyote use his sense of smell to track the bounty for me. The only downside was that I had to shift, and it was the middle of the day.

  I felt the presence of Cale, Ronin, and J.D. only a few seconds later.

  The four of us shed our clothes as we hid in a dense area hidden from the rows of houses lined up and down the street. The forest edge here was thick with pine, oak, and aspen trees. Juniper was scattered about too.

  It wasn’t long before I was on all four paws and tracking Willard. J.D. was lagging behind as I sensed something was off with him. Letting Ronin and Cale take the lead, I found J.D. naked on the ground, back in human form. He was holding his gut and mumbling under his breath.

  I had no choice but to shift back too. Our clothes weren’t far, so I went back and picked them up with my teeth first and then dropped the bundle on the ground next to his side when I returned. I shifted and dressed, frowning as he looked up at me with an odd expression, then laughed.

  “Are you sick or something?”

  “Nah, just messing with you.”

  “It’s not the right time, bro. We’re in the middle of trying to catch this bond.”

  J.D. shrugged. “Ronin and Cale will catch him.”

  I didn’t doubt that, but something was off. The weirdest feeling of foreboding settled over my skin and I had to shake it off. J.D. had been acting strange lately, but I figured he was just a little high strung. An odd smell lingered in the air and I couldn’t quite place it.

  J.D. grinned wider and laughed again.

  “Would you knock it off?” He was really started to irritate me. “I’m gonna go find Ronin and Cale. Meet us back at the Rock.”

  J.D. nodded. “Sure.”

  Ronin and Cale had Willard in custody by the time I joined them. I had to explain the situation to Ronin who seemed more than a little pissed that J.D. was causing problems and messing around on the job. I knew he would take it to Hyde. It was out of my hands now.

  I walked to my truck and slid inside, thankful that was the last bounty for the day. I was in a foul mood by the time I made it back to the agency office. J.D. was on my last nerve and I broke a pair of handcuffs I’d just bought last week. My pepper spray busted in the heat and now my truck smelled rancid.

  Sighing, I entered through the back door of Booker Daniels Bail Bonds, LLC. I just wanted
to drop off some paperwork and have a quick chat with Hyde before I went home to shower and change. We had church later and I was definitely planning on slamming back a few beers afterward.

  It was quiet as I approached Hyde’s office. I didn’t think much of it until I saw the young woman standing in the center of the room, her eyes wide and her expression full of surprise as she realized she wasn’t alone.

  Shocked, I stepped a few paces closer, unable to believe she was actually here.

  She was just as beautiful as I remembered. Every part of my body was instantly tuned in to her soft curves, long tan legs, and seductive smile that could lure a man to his death. Popping out her hip, her hand planted in the curve of her waist as she sent a glare in my direction.

  I guess she wasn’t over the past.

  “Synna,” I breathed out, completely overwhelmed by the knowledge that she was not only the one that got away but was now back in town. How long, I wasn’t sure.

  “Excuse me,” she replied curtly as she ran from the office and I couldn’t help but stare at the sexy ass that conjured a hundred memories and brought them to the surface. Longing, regret, and frustration warred for dominance in my head. I wondered briefly if Ronin knew his sister was coming back. He sure didn’t say a word about it.

  Hands clenched at my sides with irritation as she brushed me off, I knew I wasn’t going to last the night before I tried to speak to her again. She would be at the bar later. Ronin would want her there.

  I would make my move then. She wasn’t walking away from me twice.

  Synna Daniels was in for a rude awakening.

  Chapter 2 – Synna

  The Rush (JJ Wilde)

  “Girl, are you sure you want to do this? Ronin isn’t expecting you for another month.”

  Dani’s whine was almost comical.

  “I know but I miss my brother. It’s time I went back.”

  She sighed. “We’ve been roommates for over four years. It’s gonna be weird.”

  “Yeah, I know, but you can come to Flagstaff whenever you want. I’ve always got a place for you to crash.”

  Dani’s lower lip stuck out. “It won’t be the same.”

  Maybe, but I was ready to go home.

  Once my clunker of a car was packed, I hugged Dani and promised to stay in contact. The drive was nearly four hours long from Tucson and I enjoyed the trip, stopping only once for snacks and a quick bathroom break. It had been a long time since I’d been back. The distance and my old car didn’t make it easy to come home often. I smiled when I entered the city. Flagstaff was as busy as ever, the summer heat and bright sunshine familiar and welcome.

  My brother Ronin didn’t have a clue that I was on my way home. I decided to surprise him, knowing that he would be thrilled. Last time we saw one another he asked me to come home early, but my financial aid had paid the apartment I shared with Dani until September, so I refused. Little did he know, I did so intentionally.

  Bright black paint boasted Booker Daniels Bail Bonds, LLC as I parked in one of the empty spaces outside the front entrance. I knew it was highly unlikely that my brother or any of the bail agents would be around at nearly four in the afternoon, but I figured it was worth a try. Ronin wasn’t the type to sit behind a desk and push paperwork. He liked to be in the field with his bail agents.

  My brother Ronin and his best friend Hyde Booker co-owned the business. They were the only two bail bondsmen. Everyone else was a CBA or Certified Bail Agent which meant they were the bounty hunters, always out to catch the next idiot who failed to appear in court on their scheduled day. That usually left Hyde in the office part time and their secretary if they were using one. Someone had to answer the phones and follow up with leads. I used to help with that until I left for the University of Arizona over four years ago.

  My older brother never understood my decision to attend college so far away. He wasn’t able to see beyond his own problems and the agency which demanded all of his time. Not that I blamed Ronin. His responsibilities were numerous, and I didn’t fault him for doing what had to be done. Hyde and Ronin spent years building their contacts and growing their business. I was proud of my brother.

  Add in the fact that they were also the president and V.P. of the most notorious motorcycle club in Arizona, and it made sense that I needed to get away. I’d grown up around that club and as much as I loved the members and the brotherhood it was also stifling. All of those protective alpha male personalities made it hard to date anyone much less have any kind of freedom. I always had a shadow.

  The agency was quiet when I entered, not a soul in sight. Shaking my head, I headed toward the office in the back. Poking my head around the doorway, I caught Hyde at his desk, frowning over a stack of papers.

  “Synna?” His smile was a mile wide as he stood up. “You gonna give me a hug or what, Shortstack?”

  Laughing, I couldn’t help the big grin that spread across my face. “Maybe.”

  He crossed the room and slung his powerful arms around my back, patting with big meaty fists. Hyde was a mammoth of a man. It was almost comical when you compared us side by side. He was well over six feet with shoulders so wide he had to turn sideways through most doorways. I was a modest five-foot-three. This was precisely why he gave me the nickname Shortstack.

  One that had stuck over the years.

  “When did you get back?”

  “Just now,” I admitted. “I wanted to surprise Ronin.”

  “He’ll be thrilled. He’s missed you, even though he hasn’t said much.”

  “I missed you all. I’m glad to be home.”

  “He’s out on a bond right now with Digger and Cale. Probably won’t see him until we meet up later at the Rock.”

  That was no surprise.

  The bell above the front door dinged as someone entered and Hyde squeezed once, letting me go. “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be right back.”

  Customers always came first. I knew that and didn’t have a problem with Hyde needing to work first before we caught up. My gaze swept over the back office as I perused the familiar charts, sticky notes, maps, and other information tacked up on the walls and scattered on the desk. Hyde was a bit messy, but he knew where everything was located down to the last paperclip. I tried to organize his office once and nearly ruined a bond recovery when he couldn’t find what he needed. Since then, I left Hyde and his clutter alone.

  Shuffling feet caught my attention as I spun around, the words dying on my lips as I realized that it wasn’t Hyde standing in the hall outside the door. “Do you think Ronin –”

  Surprise flickered briefly over the dark and handsome features of the man dressed in all black, hands clenching around his gear as our eyes met. “Synna.” He took a few steps forward into the room and stopped.

  Over four years had lapsed, and he still had the ability to make my heart skip a beat when he entered the room. Swallowing hard, I lifted my chin in a desperate attempt to hide my own shock. I didn’t expect to see Tarek so soon. Foolishly, I thought he would be out in the field and I would have more time to gather my thoughts before we were forced into conversation.


  “Excuse me,” I managed to reply before catching his dark Navajo features that crinkled into a frown, entering the main area where Hyde was discussing a bond with a potential client. I didn’t say a word as I practically ran across the main office and outside, not stopping until I was inside my car and the door slammed shut. Gripping the steering wheel, I had to inhale several deep breaths before I could manage to start the ignition.

  The entire trip from Tucson to Flagstaff I made a point not to dwell on my past with Tarek Jones. His handsome features, thick long hair that fell to his waist, and all that rippling muscle did wicked things to my lady bits. At least, they used to but that was before I left.

  Before he completely shattered my heart and ruined me for any other guy.

  My heart did a funny lurch in my chest and I shook my head, backing out of the parking lo
t and merging into traffic. Coming home was supposed to be a happy event. I just graduated with honors and was more than excited to start using my degree. My parents would have been proud to know that I was planning on using what I knew about business and commerce to help with Ronin and Hyde’s company.

  Neither one knew I full intended to use my knowledge to grow their client base.

  That was why I hadn’t told anyone I was coming home yet. Ronin and Hyde had come to my graduation, but they didn’t expect my return for another month. I wanted to offer a proposal and my services. The truth was, I didn’t want Tarek to know I was coming home until I was ready.

  Too late to change that now.

  When I pulled up to the house that Ronin and I both owned together, I couldn’t resist a small smile. The house held a lot of memories, mostly good ones. What little I remembered of my parents was concentrated inside along with the family photos and mementos that had been lovingly saved over the years.

  I slid from my car and began unloading all my bags, suitcases, and other boxes. It wasn’t until I was nearly finished that I noticed the bright pink note posted on the windshield and held down by the wiper blade. Distracted by my thoughts and bumping into Tarek, I missed it entirely. Once I read the contents, I crumpled the paper into a ball and shoved it into the pocket of my jean shorts. The message was cryptic at best.

  Leave town or else.

  That was odd. Shaking my head, I didn’t give it much thought. The guys in the MC were a bunch of pranksters and it wasn’t far fetched to think someone found out I was here and was already messing with me. Shrugging it off, I finished unpacking the car and went inside to shower and change. I always felt grimy after a long car ride and I needed to relax and unwind.

  Ronin wasn’t home and I didn’t think he would arrive before the club met later. Flopping down on my bed, I yawned as my eyes began to close. If I was going to see Tarek again later, I definitely wanted a nap first.


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