Book Read Free

Conflict Unending

Page 27

by Raymond L. Weil

  “This isn’t going well,” said Kevin, looking over at Jeremy. “We need more ships, combat robots, and Marines.”

  Jeremy knew Kevin was right. “Aaliss, why aren’t the Dyson Sphere’s internal weapons firing on the Eternals?”

  Aaliss turned toward Jeremy. “They’re too low. Once they reach a height of seven hundred kilometers, our weapons system can fire on them.”

  On one of the viewscreens, several Eternal energy beams penetrated the screen of a nearby battlecruiser. The ship seemed to shudder as several large pieces of the hull were blown away. Then an Eternal antimatter missile slipped through the weakened screen detonating above Engineering. The ship vanished in a massive fireball.

  “We have numerous ships reporting damage,” said Lieutenant Lantz. “Some of it is severe.”

  “Have all ships suffering severe damage to fall back to Rear Admiral Tolsen’s formation,” ordered Jeremy. “Replace each ship that pulls back with one of her battlecruisers.”

  “We may need to move her battlecruisers forward,” suggested Ariel. “I estimate it would double the firepower we can pour into the emerging Eternal ships.”

  Jeremy shook his head. “Not yet. We’re going to need them but we need to wait until the right moment.” Jeremy had a plan in mind for Tolsen’s fleet. If it worked, he just might be able to stop this attack by the Eternals.


  More Eternal ships continued to exit the large hatch moving to reinforce those already inside. The fighting grew more intense as the Eternals fired their powerful energy beams and the new antimatter missiles in ever-increasing numbers at the defending fleet. Occasionally an Originator dreadnaught or battlecruiser would blow apart as its energy shield was battered down. Other ships were being damaged from energy beams penetrating weakened shields and tearing huge gashes in the ships’ hulls.

  The Eternals were still losing ships at a faster rate than the Originator fleet. The Eternals were diverting as much power as possible to their energy shields so the ships could survive long enough to give protection to the ones emerging from the massive open hatch. Once enough Eternal vessels were inside the Shrieel, they would surge upward and destroy the Originator fleet.

  From the defending fleet, numerous dark energy cannons were drilling through Eternal energy shields and then penetrating deep inside the battlecruisers setting off secondary explosions. It was taking longer to destroy an Eternal vessel as normally when an energy shield began to develop holes in it a dark matter missile would arrive obliterating the warship. That was not happening in this battle. Instead, it was taking multiple hits from energy weapons to destroy the Eternal battlecruisers.


  Fleet Commander Parnon listened to the reports coming in. He now had over one thousand battlecruisers intact inside the Shrieel. The inside surface around the vortex crater had been bombarded with energy beams until all fighting ceased. The same had occurred on the outside of the Shrieel. Recent reports confirmed that Eternal shock troops had located six entrance hatches to the Shrieel and successfully blasted them open. Shock troops and warrior robots were pouring inside and encountering heavy resistance. The inside of the Shrieel was crawling with the Simulins’ combat robots.

  “Our strategy is working,” reported Second Commander Bernon. “Once we have enough ships inside we should be able to annihilate the defending fleets.”

  “We must use caution,” warned Fleet Commander Parnon. “The interior of the Shrieel will be protected by powerful defenses. We must secure at least one of the primary Control Centers so we can shut them off.”

  Second Commander Bernon nodded. “We have special teams of our shock troops prepared to do that. This Shrieel will lead us to total victory over the Originators.”

  “We are the Eternals,” replied Fleet Commander Parnon. “It is our right to rule. The Originators should never have challenged us.”

  “They are weak,” said Second Commander Bernon. “It is only the Humans that have allowed them to have limited victories over our fleets.”

  Fleet Commander Parnon agreed with Bernon’s assessment. “Soon the Humans will be no more. Once we have control of the Shrieels, we will wipe the Humans out so they can never threaten us again.”

  “In another two hours we will have our entire fleet inside the Shrieel,” said Second Commander Bernon. “Shortly after that, victory will be ours.”


  Captain Werner dropped to the floor of the corridor as several explosive rounds from Simulin troops blew apart two combat robots directly in front of him. Since entering the corridors, they had immediately encountered heavy resistance from both Conqueror Drones and Simulin soldiers. In numerous locations, the corridors were blocked with barricades and heavily armed Simulin soldiers behind them. The Simulins were using both explosive rounds and energy weapons to try to halt the Human advance.

  “Communications is getting more difficult with General Wesley the farther inside we go,” reported Sergeant Hitch. “It won’t be much longer and we won’t have any contact at all.”

  “There is a second Marine unit two kilometers from us,” commented Rakell. “I have communication with several of the AIs that are accompanying them. If we can reach them and then take the vortex Control Center, I can use the gold command key to shut the main hatch preventing the Eternals from entering the Shrieel.”

  Werner stepped back into a side corridor where they would be protected from incoming fire. “Can we reach them?” They were cut off from reinforcements. The only way to increase their numbers was to join up with other units.

  Rakell nodded. “There is a side corridor we can take that will get us quite close. The Simulins are bound to be guarding it, but it seems to be our best option. If we agree to try, they will attempt to meet us halfway.”

  “Let’s do it,” said Werner. “We don’t have the forces with us to reach the vortex Control Center. Not against the resistance we’re encountering.”

  Sergeant Hitch took a deep breath and then spoke. “I would recommend we pull in all the Marines and combat robots we’ve left behind to secure our rear. We’re going to need all of them if we want to survive.”

  Captain Werner nodded. “Going back to the surface is not a viable option anyway. Go ahead and have them join us and we’ll make a concentrated effort to join up with the other unit.”

  “That will effectively trap us inside,” warned Rakell. “If we can’t reach the other unit or if they can’t reach us we’ll be cut off from pulling back and will be surrounded by the Simulins and their drones.”

  “It’s a risk we’ll have to take,” Werner replied. “Sergeant Hitch, let’s get moving.”

  “I’ll inform the other unit’s AIs that we’re on our way,” said Rakell.

  “Sergeant Hitch, I want demolition charges set to blow the corridors behind us as we clear them out.” Special explosives had been provided by the Originators that could bring the corridors down. “That will buy us some time. The Simulins will have to clear the wreckage before they can attack our rear.”

  Sergeant Hitch nodded. “I’ll take care of it.”

  “Then let’s move out,” ordered Captain Werner. “The sooner we reach the Control Center, the sooner this will be over.”

  Sergeant Hitch hurried away calling out orders over his comm unit to various squads of Marines. The fighting was about to get a lot more intense.


  High Commander Vetrex listened to the latest reports coming in from the region of the Great Sphere the Simulins controlled.

  “The new aliens have destroyed all of our forces on the surface both inside and outside the Great Sphere,” reported Second Commander Trador. “They have attacked the Humans as well annihilating their forces on the inside of the sphere that were engaging ours. We have received reports that a large number of Humans and their combat robots have made it inside and are attempting to fight their way to this Control Center. The new aliens have entered into the sphere from a number of hatches they blew open. They a
lso have some type of combat robot.”

  “What about the fleet of the Ancients that recently appeared inside the sphere?” asked High Commander Vetrex.

  “The new aliens are jumping their ships into the tunnel entrance and are emerging inside the Great Sphere. Their ships are engaging the ships of the Ancients in a great battle. Both sides are losing warships.”

  This news greatly concerned High Commander Vetrex. The Simulins had no warships that could destroy an Ancient vessel but it appeared these new aliens did.

  “Should we close the hatch?” asked Trador. “We still have control over it from here.”

  High Commander Vetrex shook his head. “No, perhaps the two fleets will destroy each other. We’ll let them fight while we focus on keeping possession of this Control Center. The Humans and these new aliens must not reach here.”

  “They will not,” replied Second Commander Trador. “We have emplaced numerous barricades between this Control Center and the advancing Humans and aliens. In several areas they may encounter each other.”

  “Excellent,” replied Vetrex. “Perhaps they will destroy one another as well.” Looking around the Control Center, there were a number of Conqueror Drones near the open entry hatch as well as a large number of Simulin soldiers. “Do what you can to lure the two toward one another. Perhaps this fight will be much easier than we expect.”


  Jeremy held onto his command chair tightly as the Avenger shook violently. Several red lights flared up on the damage control console.

  Jeremy looked quickly around the Command Center to see if everyone was okay.

  “We took an energy beam to the bow,” reported Commander Malen as she listened to the damage reports. “We have three compartments open to space. Repair robots are enroute. Doctor Rule reports a few broken bones but no serious injuries.”

  Jeremy looked over at Kevin. “How many Eternal vessels are currently inside the Dyson Sphere?”

  “Nearly three thousand,” replied Kevin. “We’ve destroyed about twelve hundred.”

  “I think that’s enough.” Jeremy activated the command channel on his comm system so he could speak directly to Rear Admiral Tolsen. “Massie, I need your fleet to join mine. We’re going to make a concentrated attack against the Eternal vessels currently inside the Dyson Sphere. I want to destroy this force and then position my dreadnaughts and battlecruisers inside the hatch exit to prevent any more Eternal vessels from emerging. I’m hoping by destroying the ships inside, the rest of the Eternal fleet will give up trying to gain entry. If not I intend to advance through the tunnel and exit outside of the Dyson Sphere. Perhaps I can force the Eternals to exit hyperspace farther from the Dyson Sphere where the surface weapons can be brought into play.” Also, once outside, Jeremy’s fleet could use its dark matter missiles.

  “Ready when you are, Admiral,” Massie replied. “What are my orders after your fleet enters the tunnel?”

  “Use your fleet and all of the defense globes to block it. Don’t let any Eternal vessels through.”

  “Understood,” replied Massie.

  “All ships are ready,” reported Ariel.

  “Commander Malen, take us in,” ordered Jeremy as he leaned forward in his command chair. This was not going to be an easy battle.


  Jeremy’s fleet dropped rapidly down toward the Eternal warships followed close behind by Rear Admiral Tolsen’s. Weapons fire became more intense but the two Originator fleets heavily outnumbered the Eternals. Massive explosions began lighting up the sky of the Dyson Sphere as ships on both sides were annihilated in massive fireballs of released energy. The Eternals were launching thousands of 100-megaton antimatter missiles, which were knocking down the shields of the inbound Originator battlecruisers and dreadnaughts. Ship after ship died as antimatter missiles blew them apart.

  Jeremy’s dreadnaughts were firing their dark energy cannons and every other beam weapon they had. The incoming weapons fire was so heavy numerous Eternal vessels were being riddled by the beams setting off internal explosions causing the ships to tear themselves apart.

  The two descending fleets continued to close with the Eternals until they were scant kilometers apart. Flying debris slammed into the energy shields of ships on both sides. Some of the debris was so large it was causing substantial damage. The sky above the Dyson Sphere was now full of falling wreckage and massive explosions. Across the region of the Dyson Sphere around the vortex crater pieces of wreckage plummeted to the ground. Some of the wreckage fell into the crater itself. Dark smoke covered the sky and towering flames hid much of the burning wreckage from view.


  Jeremy’s eyes were glued to the main viewscreens showing the destruction around the Avenger. Dreadnaughts and battlecruisers were falling out of the sky wrecked by Eternal weapons fire. However, the Eternals were suffering heavily as the superior numbers of Jeremy and Rear Admiral Tolsen’s fleets blew them out of the sky over the Dyson Sphere. On one of the screens, Jeremy watched as the last Eternal battlecruiser plummeted to the ground exploding in a towering pillar of flame.

  “Get us inside the tunnel,” ordered Jeremy, wanting to prevent any more Eternal ships from exiting. “Get me a status on all fleet ships and the condition of their crews. I want to know the causality figures.”

  “Jeremy there are more Eternal ships coming down the tunnel,” warned Ariel.

  Taking a deep breath, Jeremy knew what had to be done. “Commander Malen, advance the fleet. We will destroy the Eternal vessels in the tunnel and then take up a defensive formation just outside the outer hatch. Rear Admiral Tolsen, I am taking my fleet outside. Keep this hatch blocked.”

  “Yes, Admiral,” Massie replied. “We won’t let them through.”


  The battle inside the tunnel was fierce but over quickly as Jeremy’s fleet ignored its losses and pushed on through the tunnel to exit into the space beyond. Suddenly the stars were visible.

  “We’ve lost two hundred and twelve dreadnaughts, and nine hundred battlecruisers,” reported Commander Malen. “I’m still trying to get a firm number on crew losses.”

  Jeremy knew they were in trouble. That only left him with an effective force of nearly eight hundred dreadnaughts and eleven hundred of the enhanced battlecruisers. Facing him was a fleet of over fifteen thousand Eternal warships. For a moment he thought about calling Rear Admiral Tolsen’s’ fleet forward then he tossed that idea aside. She needed to stay where she was blocking the entrance to the interior of the Dyson Sphere.


  Fleet Commander Parnon gazed in anger at the large viewscreen showing the emerging Originator fleet. They were blocking the open hatch preventing him from jumping more ships in. It also meant he could not reinforce the Eternal shock troops and warrior robots that had entered the Shrieel. That fleet had to be destroyed and quickly. “Prepare to jump the fleet over the Shrieel. Put us two thousand kilometers above the Originator ships.”

  “That might put us in range of the Shrieel’s weapons,” warned Second Commander Bernon. “The blue energy spheres are deadly to our ships.”

  Parnon gazed at the tactical display, his mind calculating the odds of success. “We jump in and advance. We try to overwhelm the Originator fleet and force our way into the entrance tunnel. If we do this the battle will be ours as well as the Shrieel.”

  Second Commander Bernon understood. They were the Eternals, and this battle could well decide if the Shrieels could be conquered. “Fleet will jump in two minutes.”


  “Form up in standard disk formation,” ordered Jeremy as he watched the Eternal fleet.

  “All offensive weapons on the Shrieel are ready to fire,” reported Aaliss. “We just need to keep the Eternals far enough out so the weapons can lock on. If they get within seven hundred kilometers of the surface most of our weapons will not be able to hit them.”

  Kevin looked over at Jeremy. “Eternal fleet is jumping.”

  “Our fleet is in
formation,” reported Ariel. She had been helping the individual ships to maneuver quickly to get in position.

  “Stand by to fire,” ordered Jeremy. “Use of dark matter missiles is authorized.”

  Jeremy’s eyes were focused on the viewscreens waiting for the first spatial vortexes to form. It would take the Eternals less than a minute to travel from their former location to the Dyson Sphere. Jeremy could sense the tension in the Command Center. They were going to be heavily outnumbered, and this was a battle they could very easily lose.

  “Contacts!” yelled Kevin as hyperspace vortexes began to form. There were thousands of them and from each an Eternal battlecruiser appeared.

  “Two thousand kilometers,” reported Aaliss. “Shrieel weapons are locking on and preparing to fire.”

  “Eternal fleet is advancing,” warned Kevin, looking over at Aaliss. “If the Dyson Sphere’s weapons are going to fire it needs to be now.”

  Suddenly several thousand blue energy spheres appeared striking the advancing Eternal ships. More spheres arrived going through the Eternal’s energy screens and striking ship hulls. Dark energy cannons, gravitonic cannons, and ion beams reached out from the surface adding their destructive force to the mix. Eternal battlecruisers were being torn apart under the heavy barrage of the Dyson Sphere’s weapons. Brilliant flashes of light indicated the destruction of hundreds of Eternal warships.

  “Eternals are at nine hundred kilometers,” warned Aaliss. “They’ll be out of range of the Shrieel’s weapons shortly.”

  “Fire,” ordered Jeremy. He needed to hit them hard while they were still engaged against the Dyson Sphere’s weapons.


  From all the dreadnaughts and enhanced battlecruisers thousands of dark matter missiles launched. The space in front of the fleet suddenly lit up in monstrous explosions. For a moment all the viewscreens dimmed as the bright light overwhelmed them. Then Eternal ships appeared breaking through the missile barrage and turning their weapons on the Originator fleet.


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