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The Boyfriend Series Box Set (Books 1-6): YA Contemporary Romance Novels

Page 103

by Christina Benjamin

  “I love you too, Beth.”

  She stared at him with the longing he knew was reflecting in his own eyes and then slowly, gently, she brought her lips to his. Her kiss was like oxygen to his lungs. It was the first true breath he’d taken since she left him on the lawn. She was his life, his heart, his everything, and he’d been fooling himself to think he could have survived for even a moment without her.

  “Will you stay with me?” she asked.

  “Always,” Parker answered.

  Beth timidly patted the hospital bed.

  He glanced at the small bed warily. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t.”

  She said it so confidently that Parker wondered if it had deeper meaning. But Beth was right. Parker would never hurt her. Never ever again. He looked down at his ruined clothes. “I’m sort of a mess.”

  Beth grinned. “That makes two of us.”

  Parker laughed. “I don’t think our saying’s ever been more true.” He peeled off his trashed dress shirt, revealing a slightly cleaner undershirt. Then he cautiously slid into the hospital bed, cradling Beth against him. She laid her head on his chest, exhaling a sigh of relief that echoed through him. In moments, she was asleep. Parker held her tight, afraid to let go for even a second. But as long as Beth was in his arms, he knew everything was going to be all right.



  Late the next day Beth was discharged from the hospital with a clean bill of health. Parker hadn’t left her side the entire time she was at Memorial South. And he held her hand in the back seat as her parents drove her back to Bellemora.

  Things had settled down by the time Beth returned. The wedding was over, Brenna and Eric had left for their honeymoon and most of her family had already departed. The only people left besides Parker, Beth and her parents, was her sister Brianna and her husband, Jaime. They were both waiting to greet Beth when they pulled up at Bellemora.

  Everyone helped her get settled into her old room at the hotel. Beth happily crawled into her bed and let her family fuss over her. She really felt fine. A little sore and tired, but it could’ve been so much worse.

  At the hospital, Beth had startled herself awake a few times, but each time Parker was there at her side to settle her. He was such a reassuring presence. She honestly didn’t know what she’d do without him. Not only had he rescued her from the car accident, but Parker had saved her from herself. Without him she didn’t know how she could’ve survived the pain and embarrassment Jared and Caroline had caused her. They had hurt her worse than the car accident.

  Word about Beth’s accident had already reached her classmates. She received a flurry of texts. Most of them were just fishing for gossip. And there were a ton of missed calls from Caroline. When Beth didn’t return any of Caroline’s calls, she’d sent a long text explaining how she thought she was helping Beth by protecting her from the heartbreak Jared would cause. Beth read every misguided word and then deleted the text along with Caroline’s contact. Maybe someday Beth would forgive Caroline, but it wouldn’t be today.

  Beth had a feeling she would be feeling the aftershocks of Jared and Caroline’s betrayal for quite some time. But what frightened her more than the accident, more than facing Jared and Caroline and the gossip already brewing back at Stanton, was the fact that Beth had almost lost Parker.

  It had been his face she’d seen last when she faded from consciousness after the wreck and in that moment she’d known it was him—it had always been him. She’d heard that sometimes it takes losing something to know what you had. And Beth thanked her lucky stars that hadn’t been the case for her. A near loss was close enough.

  She and Parker had been inseparable since that moment. Their bond coiled tighter by such a traumatic event. Even now, he was settled at the foot of her bed, his hand resting on her ankle, like he couldn’t bear to go without touching her. She was glad for it. Truthfully she craved his connection more than her pain killers. She’d awoken with the ache to grab hold of him and never let go.

  Beth smiled as she watched Parker’s fingers absently rubbing her ankle. She was glad he seemed to feel the same way. Whether he knew it or not, having constant contact with him made her feel better than any of the medication the doctors had prescribed.

  After a bit more visiting, Beth’s mother stood up. “Well, sweetie. I think we should let you get some rest now that you’re settled.”

  Panic crawled up Beth’s spine as Parker stood, too. She didn’t want him to leave, and the tight expression on his face said he didn’t either.

  “Can Parker stay with me?” Beth blurted.

  Seeming to sense Beth’s anxiety at being left alone, Parker spoke up. “I don’t mind staying for a bit longer. Maybe until Beth falls asleep?”

  Beth’s parents exchanged glances.

  “Please?” Beth begged.

  Beth’s mother smiled warmly. “I suppose that would be okay.” Then she turned to Parker. “As long as you promise to let her rest.”

  “Promise,” Parker pledged.

  Sensing her parents were in an agreeable mood, Beth decided to ask the question she’d been thinking of since she woke up in the hospital. “Mom, do you think it would be okay if I stayed here for the rest of spring break?”

  “You want to stay in Georgia?” her mother asked, looking surprised.

  “I think I just need a little down time before going back to Boston.”

  Beth knew Parker had filled her mother in about Jared being her boyfriend, as well as about Parker’s own feelings for Beth. And her mother took it mostly in stride until she saw a few unsettling messages on Beth’s cellphone, prompting Beth to come clean about everything that transpired with Jared and Caroline. It felt good to confide in her parents and get the twisted nightmare off her chest, but Beth still wasn’t in a rush to face the scandalous gossip back in Boston. She only hoped her parents would take pity on her.

  After a long pause, Beth’s mother nodded. “I suppose you can stay a few more days. The sunshine will be good for you.”

  “And I’ll get to spend more time with my baby sister,” Brianne added.

  “But how do you plan to get home?” Beth’s father asked.

  Parker piped up. “I’m happy to drive her.”

  Beth’s mother looked surprised. “You want to stay, too?”

  “If that’s okay with you,” Parker replied.

  “Of course.” Beth’s mother replied. “Thank you, Parker. I feel better knowing you’ll be here looking after her.”

  “Always,” he said giving Beth a wink.

  “But now that you two are together . . .” her father hedged. “I hope I can expect you to behave appropriately?”

  “Of course,” they chorused.

  “That means separate bedrooms,” her father added.

  Beth’s cheeks burned, but she nodded. “Definitely.”

  “Don’t worry,” Brianne said. “I’ll be here to babysit for a few more days.”

  Beth rolled her eyes playfully at her sister, but honestly, nothing could dampen her spirits. She’d survived her accident and she was with Parker. What more could she ask for?

  Beth’s parents said their goodnights, leaving Beth in the room with Parker, Brianne and Jaime .

  “Jaime, honey, why don’t you and Parker take in the view from the balcony for a minute?”

  Jaime gave Brianne a puzzled look. “It’s dark out, love. There’s not much to see.”

  “Find something,” Brianne hissed.

  Parker caught the hint first, taking Jaime’s arm. “I think that’s code for sister talk.”

  “Oh, right!” Jaime said smiling now that he understood. “The balcony it is!”

  Beth couldn’t help giggling as she watched Parker and Jaime stroll out to the balcony together. Jaime was short and stocky, built like a rugby player. Parker was long and lean, with the body of an Olympic swimmer. Their silhouettes looked so at odds with each other, yet they fit. They shared a camarad
erie—a brotherhood. And in that moment, Beth realized it was because Parker just fit with the Bennett clan. He always had.

  Parker had become a part of her family when he moved next door those many years ago. And perhaps that’s why Beth had never seen him coming. His love had snuck up on her—slowly weaving its way into the very fabric of her being so that it was almost impossible to spot. Parker was more than just someone Beth loved, he was a part of her.

  “You really love him, huh?” Brianne asked, interrupting Beth’s inner musings.

  “I wouldn’t know who I am without him,” Beth replied.

  Her sister grinned at her, sighing. “I just love, love.”

  “Is that why you kicked the boys out?” Beth teased. “To tell me you love, love?”

  “No, smart ass. I have something to give you.” Brianne handed Beth an envelope.

  “What is it?”

  Brianne shrugged. “It’s from Brenna. She wanted to say goodbye, but Eric’s leave isn’t very long so they left straight away for their honeymoon once they knew you were okay.”

  Beth smiled, tearing into the envelope. A small key slid out as she pulled the note from inside.

  Beth, follow your heart. It knows the way, even when you don’t. And consider this an early graduation present. It’s the key to the beach cottage. Eric and I rented it for a full week. I didn’t want the remaining days to go to waste and figured you might enjoy it. (With Parker, if you know what I mean? Wink. Wink.) – Love, Brenna

  Beth laughed and handed the note to Brianne. Her sister’s eyes scanned the paper with delight while Beth turned the skeleton key over and over in her hand. A turquoise ribbon trailed from the cool metal of the old-fashioned key, filling Beth with excitement.

  “Oh! Someone’s getting lucky!” Brianne teased.

  “Bri!” Beth shrieked snatching the note back.

  “Oh, please. It’s about time, Beth.”

  Beth’s cheeks heated, but she couldn’t deny she was thinking the same thing.

  Brianne sighed and flopped back on the bed, scooting closer to Beth. “I remember my first time,” she said wistfully.

  “Was it with Jaime ?” Beth asked.

  “No. But I wish it had been. Sex is so much better when you’re in love, Beth. Wait until then, okay?”

  “I will,” she promised, but as Beth gazed at Parker’s silhouette on the balcony she knew the wait was over.



  Parker stretched when he finally dragged himself from bed. Since Bellemora wasn’t packed with wedding guests, he’d been given a room next to Beth’s. Last night, he’d stayed up with her watching old movies until she fell asleep. Then he forced himself to go to his own room.

  It was torture peeling himself away from her. And he’d had trouble falling asleep without the steady rise and fall of her chest to reassure him that she was perfectly all right. But he wanted to be respectful of Beth’s parents.

  The next morning Parker peeked in on Beth as soon as he woke up. She was still fast asleep, so he tiptoed out of the room and ordered her breakfast to be delivered a bit later. Then he got dressed for a run.

  By the time Parker was showered and changed from his run, Beth was awake. She was sitting in bed finishing her breakfast while Brianne and Jaime kept her company with a game of Scrabble.

  Beth’s face lit up when Parker walked into the room. “Hey you,” she greeted.

  “Hey you,” he replied planting a swift kiss on her cheek.

  Beth leaned in to his kiss, whispering. “You smell good,” with a grin.

  “You guys are adorable,” Brianne crooned.

  “And that’s our queue to leave,” Jaime said hauling Brianne to her feet.

  “Aw, I wanna gawk at the love birds some more,” she teased.

  “Or we could go be love birds ourselves,” he suggested.

  Parker barely heard their witty banter as they left the room. He only had eyes for Beth. She was staring at him in a way that left him breathless and unable to think.

  When they were finally alone he sat down on the bed, giving her a real kiss. Her lips tasted like maple syrup and she sighed into him. “How was your breakfast?” he asked.

  “Perfect, but you knew that already because you ordered my favorites.”

  “How do you know it’s from me?” he teased.

  “Because there was maple syrup in my coffee. No one knows I like that but you.”

  “You caught me,” he said upending the Scrabble board as he moved to sit next to her. He took a sip of her coffee and shivered at the excessive amount of sugar. “How can you drink this?”

  Beth laughed. “All that sugar makes me sweeter.”

  Parker grinned at her brilliant smile. Maybe it was true, because he’d never seen a sweeter sight. “You might be right about that.”

  “I love that you know me so well,” she said snuggling into him.

  He shrugged, playfully. “What can I say? It’s a gift.”

  Beth’s face turned serious as she pressed a kiss to his lips. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “For what?”

  “For everything. For knowing all my weird habits and loving me anyway. For taking care of me. For still being here.”

  “Beth, there’s literally nowhere else on earth I’d rather be than by your side. And all that other stuff,” he said kissing her forehead. “It makes me love you even more.”

  She blinked up at him, longing glowing in her eyes. “My parents left for Boston an hour ago.”

  A sudden surge of desire flared inside Parker. They were finally alone. For the first time ever, they were in the same place, on the same page and they were free to do whatever they wanted. Excitement nearly overtook him as Beth traced a delicate finger down his chest.

  “Oh, and Brenna left us something,” she added.


  “Open the top drawer in the nightstand.”

  Parker peeled himself away from Beth long enough to open the drawer. “A key?” he asked pulling out the only item inside the drawer.

  Beth grinned. “To the beach cottage. It’s ours for the rest of the week if we want to stay there.”

  Parker blinked. “Are you kidding?”

  Beth shook her head.

  “Do you want to?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Do you?”

  “Of course I want to,” Parker replied.

  “Good. I do too.” Beth giggled and Parker was back in the bed in a flash, pulling her into his arms again.

  Their kissed carried them away and in seconds Parker was burning. Beth’s hands twined in his hair and down his back. The soft whimpers she made anytime his lips brushed a delicious new spot sent thrills through his body. Her hands slid under his shirt tugging his hem higher and higher. Parker yanked his shirt off in one fluid motion, easing Beth onto her back. She gasped as his chest pressed against hers. It was enough to make him still. “Are you okay?”

  “There’s something digging into my back.”

  Parker lifted her up, finding the culprit. Beth laughed when he held up a small wooden Scrabble tile and pulled him back in for a kiss. Things got hot and heavy quickly and Parker forced himself to slow down.

  “What’s wrong,” Beth asked.

  “Nothing. I just . . .” he paused.

  “Parker, you can tell me anything.”

  “I know,” he said kissing her lightly. “I just want to be sure that you really want to do this?”

  “I’m sure,” she whispered. “I’ve never been more sure of anything. I want this Parker. I want you.”

  Her eyes threatened to ignite his soul and it took every ounce of willpower he had to utter the next words. “Not like this.”

  “What?” Beth blinked up at him. “Why?”

  “Because I want it to be perfect.”

  “Parker, it is perfect. It’s us. I couldn’t want anything more.”

  “I want our first time to be perfect,” he whispered. “Not with Scrabble letters
poking us in all the wrong places.”

  Beth giggled.

  Parker sat up, pulling Beth with him. “Plus, I’ve sorta been planning something.”

  “Since when?”

  “Technically, since you said the words beach cottage . . . but I’ll admit that it’s something I’ve thought about on more than a few occasions.”

  “Well now I’m curious. What is it?”

  “It’s a surprise. Are you feeling up for an adventure?”

  “I was sorta feeling up for spending the day in bed with you.”

  Parker grinned, his heart soaring at Beth’s words. “Give me two hours,” he begged. “And can I borrow this?” he asked picking up the key from the nightstand.

  She nodded and he gave her a quick kiss. “Take a shower and pack an overnight bag. I’ll pick you up here in two hours.”



  True to his word, Parker was back at her door in two hours. He knocked and when she yelled, “Come in,” he only knocked again.

  Beth wondered for a moment if maybe it wasn’t Parker. But when she answered the door he was standing there in navy Bermuda shorts and a white linen shirt with a giant bouquet of daisies in his arms.

  “What’s this?” she asked.

  “It’s a date,” he replied brightly.

  “Parker, you didn’t have to do this.”

  “Yes I did. I told you I wanted to take you on a real date.”

  She blushed as he handed her the flowers and gave her a kiss on each cheek.

  “Beth Bennett,” Parker said, his voice serious and official. “Will you be my girlfriend?”

  She laughed. “Yes.”

  “And will you accompany me on a date today?”

  “I’d be honored,” she said slipping her arm through his.

  Suddenly, Beth did feel like she was going on a real date. No one had ever picked her up with flowers before. She and Jared had to keep their dating a secret from her parents. And she and Parker had done a million date-like things, but only as friends. This was uncharted territory.


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