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When Worlds Collide: Solarian Chronicles I

Page 4

by Mallory Anderson

  She gasped, feeling his fingers grasping at her skin under her shirt, and his lips left hers for her throat before trailing across her collarbone. He leaned her back against the couch arm, and her eyes opened to see him looking at her, his own shining like emeralds in the lowlight. He kissed her again, and it was just as hungry as the first one, if not even more so.

  * * *

  She was just as eager as he was, and it only took a second before she had his shirt off, her fingers trailing across his chest and stomach, and she marveled at how muscled he was. Her arms went around his waist, pressing every inch of her body against his she could, then she pushed him back slightly so she could sit up and jerk her own blouse over her head. “Jesus, Angel,” he breathed, his low voice sending shivers down her spine. She cut off any chance at more conversation by pressing her lips to his, and she laid back on the couch again, her hair spread out under her. She bent one leg to wrap around him, holding him closer to her, and she gasped, feeling his mouth sliding from hers again, planting scorching kisses along her jaw, down her throat.

  He hesitated before he reached her chest, casting questioning eyes up at her, and she laughed softly, brushing her fingers through his hair before trailing them down his cheek and jaw. “I’m fine, Garin. I don’t think I’ve ever been better, actually.”

  He kissed her mouth again, then gently slid her bra straps from her shoulders. His mouth closed on a nipple, and she bit her lip to keep from crying out and waking her mother. He was sucking and nibbling gently, and her eyes were rolling wildly as he moved to the other side, and she couldn’t help the low whimper that escaped her. After several minutes, he slid down even lower, kissing down her stomach, his hands hard on her waist. Her hands fisted in his hair as he reached the waistband of her jeans before slowly making his way back up, lingering on her breasts again. He gave a low curse as she dug her nails into his back, then gently bit her bottom lip before kissing her again. She whispered his name, catching herself from calling him ‘Sathe’ at the last instant. Her back arched up against him, and he slid an arm under her, holding up against him, his other hand on the couch arm, propping himself up.

  He pushed himself up, his hair over his eyes, his chest heaving, his hands on her stomach. “Angel, are you-? I mean, maybe I should-?”

  She leaned up, placing a finger across his lips. “Yes, I’m sure, and no, you shouldn’t.” She sat up on her knees, kissing him, and she felt his warm arms wrapping around her, and her lips parted under his, her eyes closing again. Her fingers trailed down his chest to his own jeans, unbuttoning them, and she swore softly, feeling him pressing against her hand. His own fingers quickly unbuttoned hers.

  Before he could do anything more, she got up, then grabbed their shirts off the floor. He looked confused, and his mouth opened to ask what she was doing, but she laid a finger across his lips again, then reached and grabbed his hand. “Come with me.”

  * * *

  Angel pulled him to his feet, then led him down a short hall, on the opposite side of the house from her mother’s room, and she opened one of two doors, and they were in what had to be her room. She turned from shutting the door quietly, and he was on her, pressing her up against the door. The differences in their height were obvious now. She had to stand on her tiptoes; her face still turned up to his, but he easily picked her up, her back still against the door, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, her arms around his shoulders, then he lifted her even higher, and her eyes closed, her head going back as his mouth fastened on her chest again. She gave a low cry, his arms strong under her, her thighs wrapped around him even tighter, her fingers in his hair. He lowered her slightly, claiming her mouth again before walking toward her bed.

  Garin set her down gently before unfastening her bra, tossing it to the side, then pushed her onto her back, his hand trailing lightly down her chest before reaching her jeans again. He pulled them off, casting them aside. All she had on was her thong. He knelt down after he pulled it off as well, his fingers grazing her. Her eyes closed again, and she gasped loudly, feeling his tongue on her opening. “Jesus, Garin,” she said in a low breathy whisper, her back arching up against him. She felt more than heard his low laugh, then he slid a finger inside her, then another. She whimpered softly as he stood, then leaned over and kissed her.

  Her body jerked once, then again, and she slid up on the bed, pulling him up to her, then flipped him onto his back. He chuckled. “Impatient, are we?” he asked, and she wrinkled her nose at him, then pulled his jeans off and tossed them onto the floor. His boxers followed, and it was his turn to swear as she took him in her mouth, his hand into a fist in her hair. “Bloody hell, woman,” he said in a hiss, and his head fell back as she laughed around him. A few minutes later, he pulled her up to him, his mouth hard on hers. They rolled again, and she thanked God she had a California-king sized bed, and her eyes closed as she felt him slide into her. Their edges seemed to meet perfectly, and he kissed her to keep her from crying out as he began moving in and out of her. Her body seemed to move on its own, rising and falling in their own rhythm.

  He kissed her again as he went all the way inside her, and her hips immediately jerked, her back arching up. Garin took his time, waiting for her to relax around him before speeding up his pace, and she went with him willingly, biting on her lip and even her hand when she felt she was getting too loud. He laughed softly, slowly withdrawing from her, and he flipped her onto her hands and knees before sliding back inside of her. Again, he started slowly, but he felt her rocking back to meet him, and he went harder and faster. Her eyes closed, her head going back, and one hand wrapped in her long hair before grabbing her shoulder and pulling her back harder against him.

  * * *

  After several minutes, he pushed her shoulders down gently, then went even harder. She looked back at him over her shoulder as he pulled out of her again, only to insert two of his fingers deep inside her. After several minutes, he went back inside her, but he pulled her back against him, getting her up on her knees, and he wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight against him, his mouth on her neck. She shook violently again, but he hadn’t finished with her yet.

  He pulled her down on her side, getting in behind her, and his mouth claimed hers as he pulled her back against him, sliding back inside her. His arms wrapped around her, her arms over his. Her leg on top rested on his as he thrust in and out of her, and this time, it was only a matter of time before he finished as well. They both collapsed, struggling to catch their breath, and he pulled her over against his chest, and she heard his heart racing in her ear. Neither of them spoke for several minutes. Then she finally looked up at him, and he kissed her softly. “I really should say sorry, but I just can’t,” he eventually said.

  “Sorry? For what?”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever done that before, but there’s just something about you that’s different from anyone I’ve ever met,” he said.

  She laughed. “Don’t feel bad. I’ve never quite done that before either, so I understand what you mean.”

  He leaned his head up to kiss her, then it fell back on the pillow, his eyes closed. “God, I’ve got to get home. Your mum’s been very understanding, but I think this might be a bit much for her.”

  She giggled. “You’d be amazed, but yeah, you should probably get home. I don’t want your dad to get worried about you.”

  A few moments later, he rolled out of bed and got his clothes together, and she got up and wrapped her robe around her before walking with him to the front door. He kissed her, and she felt her breath catch in her throat. “You’d better go before we get started again,” she said in a low whisper, and he just laughed, kissing the back of her hand before running out and jumping in his car. He waited for her to shut the door before starting his car up, and she watched him head back down her driveway from her bedroom window. She sighed, leaning her head back against the wall, her eyes closed. “Oh, Sathe,” she breathed, then went to take a shower before diving
under her covers, and she was out almost as soon as her eyes closed.

  Dreaming of Starlight

  The next morning, she woke up, and it felt like the night before had been an amazing dream, and she couldn’t help but smile as she stretched. There was a light tap on the door, and Selene came in a few seconds later. “Morning, dear,” she said with a grin. She was already ready for her flight, and she sat on the edge of her bed. “Did you and Sathe have fun watching movies last night?”

  Angel grinned, nodding. “We had a ball. Mom, it’s so amazing. It’s like, all the potential he had on Elagon and Solaris is unlocked and unleashed here. He laughs so much more, and that sense of humor is incredible. When we were out riding, he had me laughing so hard, and it seems like everything that made him so amazing before has only been amplified here. He’s still the kind, caring man I fell in love with, but there’s so much more to him now. And he absolutely still loves his brother and father.”

  “That’s great. I always knew there was more beneath the surface before, and I’m glad he doesn’t have that heavy mantle of seriousness which weighed him down,” Selene said, then sighed, yawning. “Good grief, I’m still sleepy. Guess I know what I’ll be doing on the way to California,” she said with a laugh. “Anyway, I’m heading to the airport, but I wanted to check with you before I left. Damien and Diamonique will join you at school today, along with Neo, if I remember correctly. I don’t foresee any troubles while I’m gone, but if they need you, you and Michael will have to break Sathe’s seal. I trust you’ll remember the rules, which haven’t changed.”

  Angel laughed, nodding. “Yes, ma’am. No wild parties, only three or four people over. Only girls allowed overnight, but boys can be over. Even though there’s only the one I’m interested in.”

  Selene grinned. “That’s my girl.” She leaned over and kissed her cheek. “I left instructions with the staff to feed the horses while I’m gone. I just don’t think you’d have time to do it by yourself without having to get up at like two in the morning.”

  Her eyes widened. “You mean, I actually get to sleep in?”

  Selene laughed. “Yes, you get a couple extra hours of sleep.” She sighed and stood, stretching herself. “Well, I guess that’s my little talk for the week.”

  Angel got up, wrapping her robe around her, and she went downstairs and hugged her mom. “Be careful, Mom.”

  “I will be, and I’ll text you when I land, okay? I love you, and be careful, Angel.”

  “I will be, and I love you, too, Mom.” Angel hugged her tightly, and she waved as she got in her car and beeped the horn before leaving the driveway. As soon as her mother’s car disappeared, she closed the door and headed upstairs to get dressed for school, unused to having the extra free time in the morning. She got her bag together, went downstairs and started warming her car up before running back inside and throwing a couple pieces of bread in the toaster, then popped a pod in the Keurig maker. When her toast and coffee finished, she grabbed them and went back to the car.

  * * *

  Adea was waiting for her in her own car when she got to school, and she hopped out as soon as Angel parked. “So, how’d it go yesterday?” she asked immediately, giving her best friend a huge hug.

  Angel laughed. “It was incredible. In just a day, I fell in love with him all over again. It’s so scary how quick it happened, too. Then, he stayed for dinner, and we spent the night watching movies and stuff.”

  Adea pounced. “‘Stuff’? And just what kind of stuff are we talking about?” Angel’s face reddened, and she laughed, smacking her arm. “You didn’t? No, you definitely did. You had sex with him?”

  She laughed. “Yes, and hush. Hell, I had hormones from two lifetimes raging, and Mom went to bed early because she had to fly out to California today. We were watching TV, and things kind of just went from there. He left at about one or two this morning, I think.”

  Adea’s mouth dropped. “You slut,” she said with a giggle. “Well?”

  “Well, what?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Girl, if you don’t stop playing. Was it worth the wait?”

  Angel blushed again. “Most definitely.”

  She laughed again. “Okay, okay. You can give me the details later.” Her grin widened as they saw Garin’s Camaro pull up beside their cars, and he got out.

  He hesitated as he saw Adea’s grin. “Uh-oh.” They both laughed, and he sighed. “Girls and gossip. No matter where I’m at in the world, that’s one thing that never changes. I take it you already know?”

  “You would take it right,” Adea said with a grin, her arms crossed on her chest. “Now, let me get the ‘best friend in the entire universe’ speech out of the way. Angel right here, that’s my girl, that’s my ride or die, and I’ll break the knees of anybody that breaks her heart.” Her hands went to her hips. “Now, I like you and all, and you seem like a good dude, but you mess with that one right there, and you’re going to wish you’d never met me. You got me?”

  Garin laughed, holding his hands up. “I got you, I got you. But, I also happen to know that I really like Angel, like a hell of a lot, and the last thing I ever want to do is hurt her. I don’t know how it happened so fast, but it did, and I’m not one of those ‘hit it and quit it’ blokes.” He grinned suddenly, grabbing Angel, bending her backward over his arm and kissing her. It was a couple of seconds before he straightened, and he grinned. “And good morning to you, beautiful.”

  She laughed breathlessly. “Good morning.”

  Adea was laughing as they went in, Garin’s arm firmly around Angel’s waist, and after their lockers, they went to their first class. The day passed by much as the same as before, and she got the text in her second class from her mom, saying her flight had landed, and she called her before she went into the lunchroom. Angel had noticed during gym how Ciera’s eyes had been following Garin constantly, struggling to get close to him, and she sighed, knowing it was already starting again. Sathe’s rejection of her for Angel had been the catalyst which eventually led to the destruction of both of their worlds, and it would be over her dead body before she let the same story repeat itself here.

  * * *

  After school, Garin knew his dad would be at Angel’s, so he followed her home. They went out for another ride, but the sun from the day before hid behind thick grey clouds, and there was a hint of early winter chill in the air, so they cut the trip short, eager to get back to the barn. He helped her check on the rest of the horses before they retreated into the house for dinner, which Michael joined them for. He looked at Garin, an eyebrow raised. “Will you be home before two in the morning this time?” he asked, a faint smile on his face.

  Garin laughed. “Yes, sir. We’re just doing homework, and I’ll be home before ten. I promise.”

  Garin went to get their things set up, and Michael looked at Angel. “Don’t be shy, dear. It was never a good look for you,” he said with a quiet laugh. “I’m well aware of what he feels for you, even without his memories, and with you having yours, I can only imagine. Just remember, you’re not on Solaris and Elagon anymore. You’re two teenagers in the 21st century.” He reached over and gave her hand a squeeze. “Are you going to be all right with Selene gone?”

  She nodded. “I’ll be fine. Mom’s left for a few days at a time before.”

  “All right. I’m fixing to head home, but if you need me for anything, just call me, okay?”

  “I will, and thank you, Michael,” she said, smiling up at him.

  “Hey, you guys are teenagers, like I said. I understand how it is,” he said, quickly kissing her head, and she followed him into the living room before he left.

  They got started on their homework, which didn’t take half as long as he thought it would, but with the math, he was more than a little confused, considering he was on an entirely different system of measurement. More than once, she heard him cursing ‘America and their bloody Standard Measurement systems’ under his breath. She couldn’t help but giggl
e at his frustration, and he looked up with a grin. “Sorry, it’s just, it’s so bloody complicated, and it doesn’t have to be.”

  “Yeah, well, therein lies just one problem with the schooling systems today, but that’s a whole soapbox I’m not daring to get on,” she said with an eye roll.

  He laughed, eventually closing his book, shaking his head. “I can’t do it anymore. My brain hurts, and I don’t like it. I was what they call a ‘straight-A’ student, and your math and your English is going to be the death of me.”

  She giggled, closing her own books, and she moved to sit in his lap, and he wrapped his arms around her waist. She looked at him. “I really hope you don’t mind April knowing.”

  He laughed. “Are you kidding? The way girls are, and you and she especially, are? I’m surprised you waited until this morning. I fully expected you to call her as soon as I left.”

  She wrinkled her nose at him. “I probably would have, if it hadn’t been almost two in the morning.”

  “So, you’re okay, still, right?”

  She laughed, brushing his hair out of his eyes. “Are you kidding me? Last night was amazing, and I definitely don’t regret it happening.”

  He sighed. “Good. I know you didn’t look like it this morning, but sometimes, after thinking about it, I know regrets can happen.”

  She sighed, rolling her eyes, then kissed him. His arms tightened around her as he kissed down her throat, her head going back. She turned to face him, straddling his lap, and he pulled her shirt over her head. “God, you’re bloody beautiful,” he said in a low whisper before kissing her again, his hands going under her and raising her hips against him. She’d worn a skirt to school, and one of his hands went under it, and she gasped, feeling his fingers brushing against her. He slid one inside her, looking up to see her looking down at him, her eyes dark, and she kissed him, rocking her body against his, and he slowly inserted a second one inside her, his other arm around her waist.


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