When Worlds Collide: Solarian Chronicles I

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When Worlds Collide: Solarian Chronicles I Page 11

by Mallory Anderson

  It took several minutes before he felt her pulling away, tears still streaming from her eyes, but they were fierce, glittering like sapphires. “I’m going to kill her, and I’m going to enjoy every minute of it.”

  There was a soft tap on the door, and Sathe helped her to her feet, and she held her head high. “Come in.”

  It was the Healer, and his eyes were red rimmed from his own tears. “Your Majesty…”

  Her heart clenched at the sudden change of address. “Yes?”

  “I have your discharge papers,” he said, his voice full of sorrow, and she signed them angrily, the pen almost stabbing through the papers. “Angel? I’m so sorry. I know she was our queen, but she was your mother foremost. On behalf of all of us here at the hospital, we’re truly sorry for your loss.”

  Her gaze softened slightly. “Thank you, Healer Jones. Is that everything?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he replied, giving her a low bow.

  Sathe got her bag, and they left the room. “Your car’s around the side,” he said. As they walked through the halls, everyone bowed or kneeled, even the Elagonians, and her grip on his hand tightened, but her head and shoulders stayed straight and proud. Once they were outside, they ran to the car through the rain.

  “I have to get home,” she whispered. “Donay…”

  Sathe nodded, racing home. He punched in the gate code, and they flew up the driveway. Angel felt the Delling’s grief as cold and crushing as her own, jumping out of the car before it was even stopped and running to the barn. She heard the white stallion battering the stall to pieces, the other horses neighing in alarm before she’d even gotten inside.

  His blue eyes were rolling wildly, his teeth bared, and his ears pressed flat against his skull as he bucked, reared and kicked furiously. She went right past Sepherino and Freya, heading straight for him. Once she got inside his stall, she sidestepped a kick, then ducked under his front hooves as he reared, lashing out. She grabbed his head by his halter, pulling him down to eye level. Donay, Donay, she called repeatedly, stroking his long neck and his warm cheek. Easy.

  Finally, the stallion calmed down, but his every line echoed his grief. His tail, usually carried so proudly, hung limply. If she didn’t have his head, it would touch the top of the bed of hay. Angel hugged his neck, burying her face in his silky mane. I’m going to miss her, too, love, she whispered, stroking his neck, tears filling her eyes again. We have to keep fighting, keep going for her. You know she wouldn’t want you acting all crazy, tearing the place up.

  He nickered softly, raising his head and pressing his nose into her chest, his large blue eyes full of sadness. You’re right, of course. I’m sorry, Angel.

  She shook her head, then kissed his forehead. “None needed, old friend. I feel like I’m going to go crazy, too.”

  Sathe rubbed Seph’s neck as they watched Angel consoling Selene’s Delling. Finally, the stallion gave her a gentle shove, then nuzzled her neck gently. I’m okay now. Thanks, Angel. She smiled, and the storm outside slowly faded, but it continued to rain steadily. She spent a few minutes with Sepherino, then fed and watered the rest of the regular horses in the main barn and in the two other smaller barns. Once she saw they were all content, she and Sathe headed back to the house.

  * * *

  Damian, Diamonique, Neo and Michael were all there, expressing their condolences, but she shook her head. “It was Yazmina,” she said, then explained both conversations she’d had.

  Damien reluctantly handed her a large manila envelope with a sigh. “This is a copy of her Will, the deed to the house, and copies of bank statements, accounts, everything she owned. It’s switched been to your name already. Both cars, the stable, everything. She had all the papers drawn up weeks ago, not long after Michael and Sathe came from England.” He ran his hand through his hair, shaking his head. “You know she had a slight touch of Foresight. She must have known she wouldn’t have much longer. Her swearing me to secrecy makes sense now.”

  She collapsed into the chair closet to her, and Michael laid a hand on her shoulder. “You know you’re more than welcome to stay with us for a few days,” he said.

  “Thank you, but I’ll be fine.”

  “In this big house, alone? I understand a few days at a time, but now…”

  She nodded, smiling at his concern, and she laid her hand over his. “I’ll be fine. Does anyone want any coffee or anything?” No one did, and they sat in silence for a few minutes, then she began glancing over the papers from the envelope. Selene had made sure Angel was secure financially. Besides the four bank accounts, one of which was just for the stable, she also discovered a trust fund she could access when she turned eighteen, which was less than two weeks away.

  Eventually, the others left, leaving only Sathe and Michael. She couldn’t help but think about how much everything had changed in less than two months. For the first time, she realized what time of the year it was, and Thanksgiving was coming quickly. Tears formed in her eyes, no matter how fast she blinked them back, and Michael came to kneel next to her, taking her hand. Sathe went into the kitchen to give them some privacy. He knew the two had been close on Elagon and Solaris, that Michael had loved her just like a daughter, and they had grown just as close here.

  He took her in his arms, and she laid her head on his shoulder. “It’s just everything’s happening so fast now. I can barely recover from one thing, then boom, we’re hit with something else. My head feels like it’s going to explode.”

  He put his hands on either side of her forehead, a gentle smile on his face. “We’ll help keep it together for you. It’s such a pretty head.” She managed a laugh, and he grinned. “There’s that smile, the one my son fell in love with in two lifetimes.” He sighed, his eyes closing for a second. “I know it’s a lot to take in, a lot to get used to, then with you getting hurt, and now Selene…” he trailed off, then sighed himself. “I know it’s a lot, and I know you’re hurting, but you’re such a powerful woman. Believe it or not, the pain you’re feeling goes away, a little at a time. Selene was so proud of you, Angel. Not just as a princess or a fighter, but as her daughter. She got to watch you become everything she could have imagined and more. You have the strength and the power to destroy Ciera and the others. You just have to tap into it.”

  “You really think so?” she asked quietly.

  “I know you do. I can feel your power below the surface. You’re stronger than you were on Solaris, stronger than your mother, even. All you need to do is figure out how to unleash it, and you’ll know what to do when the time comes. I have all the faith of Elagon, Solaris and of this world.”

  She smiled faintly. “That’s a lot of faith, sir,” she replied.

  He laughed. “I know you can do it.” He kissed her forehead. “I know it’s hard right now, with everything still so raw, but time truly heals everything. Even if it doesn’t feel like it now.”

  She sat up, wiping her eyes. “Thank you, Michael.”

  “Anytime, Angel. That’s what we’re all here for, to help guide you and to give you advice and encouragement.”

  “And you do it so well.” She smiled, cutting her eyes toward the kitchen. “You can come back in now.”

  Sathe had a sheepish grin when he came in from the kitchen. “Better?”

  “A little.”

  “Good,” he said, sitting on the arm on the other side and taking her hand. He and Michael kept her talking, and after a couple of hours, they even had her laughing.

  “You think you’re strong enough to survive the night now?” Michael asked, grinning. She nodded, saying she thought so, and he squeezed her hand. “Good, then our mission was a success.”

  Sathe looked at her. “You want me to stay?”

  She smiled, shaking her head. “You’ve been by my side almost twenty-four hours a day ever since I went to the hospital. I know you miss you own bed. I promise, I’ll be fine.”

  “All right,” he said. “And I’ll call you as soon as I get home.�
� She said okay, and he kissed her. “I love you, Angel.”

  She took his hand. “I know, and I love you, too. Right now, that’s the only thing keeping me sane.”

  * * *

  They left a little later, and Angel went through the house, making sure everything was off. Finally, she went upstairs to take a shower, and she let loose another torrent of tears that left her feeling totally drained. Once she got out, she blow-dried her hair, put on some night clothes and crawled into bed, waiting for Sathe’s call.

  He called, and they talked until almost midnight before they finally fell asleep. She woke up, however, around three a.m., thinking she’d heard something at her front door. Sathe was snoring lightly on his end of the phone, and she smiled faintly. She heard the sound again, and she instantly rolled to her feet, feeling wide awake.

  She crept down the hall and through the living room, a small energy ball in her outstretched hand. It cast a dim light through the dark room. She went to the door, but there wasn’t anything there when she looked through the small peephole. She only saw a brief flash of white when she looked through the doorbell’s monitor.

  Opening the door a crack, something large, white, and heavy hit the door hard, knocking her onto her back. It’s about time, Angel. I didn’t think you would ever answer the door, the large white wolf thought to her, his blue eyes full of intelligence, his huge paws planted on her shoulders, and his tongue lolling out in a wolfy grin.

  An Old Friend

  “Taylon?!” she exclaimed, and he jumped off her, his busy tail curled around his feet. When Angel climbed to her feet, his head was above her waist, and she threw her arms around his warm neck, burying her face in his dense fur.

  He licked the side of her face, and she laughed. Taylon pushed his head into her chest. I’m so sorry about Selene. I’ve been trying to get to you for days.

  She ruffled his fur. There’s nothing for you to be sorry about, Taylon. I’m going to make them pay. Are you hungry?

  Starving! he said, jumping to his feet, his large, fluffy tail wagging.

  All I’ve got is some leftovers. Will you be okay with that? Tomorrow, I’ll go to the store, she said.

  That’s fine. Mainly all I’ve been able to find are mice, and an occasional rabbit, he explained.

  Angel laughed at the disgust in his voice, then went to the kitchen and pulled out some leftover spaghetti and chicken from the refrigerator. She put it in a large bowl and set it down for him along with a large bowl of water before sitting in a chair. She stroked the fur along his back, his tail wagging lazily. When he finished, he picked the empty bowl up, stood against the counter on his hind legs and dropped it gently in the sink, then did the same with the water bowl. She smiled. Show off.

  He barked quietly, then padded silently by her side as they went to her room. As soon as she turned the light off and got under the covers, he jumped up on the bed, stretching out by her side. Both heaved a deep sigh as they settled into sleep.

  She woke up early the next morning, and Damien was there even before the coffee finished, ready to help her anyway he could. He’d been acting as Selene’s assistant, and he smoothly transitioned into being Angel’s, knowing she wanted to get the funeral arrangements completed by the end of the day. Selene had most of the plans already laid out, and all Angel had to do was start the wheels in motion. She kept herself together as she ran across town, attempting to get everything taken care of. That was until she’d come back home to find something for her mother to wear at her funeral. When thirty minutes had gone by, and she hadn’t come back down, Damian went to go check on her.

  He found her sitting on her knees in the middle of the floor in Selene’s room, tears streaking down her face. He crossed the room and knelt beside her, gently removing Selene’s favorite blue dress from her clenched, shaking hands. “Go rest, Angel,” he said, putting a hand on her shoulder. “You’ve been up since dawn, on the phone, going all across town and back again, all while still recovering from almost dying. I’m here to help you, just like I was your mother, so let me do my job.”

  It took a few more minutes of convincing, but she finally laid down to take a quick 30-minute nap. It seemed to help clear her head a little, and she and Damien locked themselves in Selene’s office, double-checking the finances while Damien finished up the burial arrangements.

  She couldn’t believe it when she realized Selene had already paid for all the major expenses for the stable: the trainers, the jockeys, along with the entrance fees for every race Sepherino had entered so far. She had taken care of even the hay and feed into the next year. Selene had done everything possible to make sure Angel wouldn’t have anything to worry about.

  The large numbers were nothing new to Angel. Selene had made sure she was familiar with every aspect of the horseracing world, not just the training, workouts, and how to pick the races, but also the financial side. She didn’t have the words to say how grateful she was for Selene’s attention to detail, as she knew exactly what she was looking for. Finally, she had everything squared away to her satisfaction.

  * * *

  It was almost 2:30 when the two of them thought they had put everything put together. Damian had gone to get them something for lunch, so she went down to the barn. She called everyone who worked for the stables together in the large barn and waited for them to get situated on hay bales, pails, ladders, wherever they could find a seat. Once she had their full attention, she explained in a quiet voice how someone had killed Selene in a hit-and-run accident. Everyone expressed their sympathy, and a man named Jose raised his hand slightly. “You won’t be shutting down the stable, will you, Miss. Angel?” he asked, and she heard the worry in his voice, could read it in his eyes.

  She understood his obvious concern. The man was a two-time felon, and she knew it would be almost impossible for him to find a decent job anywhere else. It was something Selene had taken great pride in, being able to hire those who most employers wouldn’t take a second look at. Selene knew, nine times out of ten, those ‘high risk’ people would work harder than any other, and she made sure she paid them extremely well.

  She shook her head. “Of course not. I have every intention of taking over in her stead, but I wanted to give you all a choice. I know many people wouldn’t really consider working for a seventeen-year-old girl, and if any of you wish to leave and find employment elsewhere, I understand completely. If that’s what you choose, I’ll be more than happy to give any kind of referral or references needed.”

  Their oldest trainer, Dan, had been with Selene since she and Daniel had started the stable with Donay as a Triple Crown contender, and eventual champion, along with a Breeder’s Cup title. He stood up, a piece of straw between his teeth, his hands in his pockets, but his dark brown eyes were sharp. “You don’t have to worry about me going anywhere, Miss. Angel. I know your mother’s been teaching you this game your whole life. Hell, I led Donay the first time you ever sat on his back as a baby. You know everything there is to know about running this place, and I ain’t got no problem calling you ‘boss’.”

  Everyone else voiced their agreement, and she smiled. “Thank you all for your vote of confidence. You really don’t know how much it means to me.” Most of them gave her a hug or a headshake before they went back to work, and she went back to the house. Sathe knocked on the door about twenty minutes later, and as soon as he turned from closing it, Taylon took him down. The wolf and the prince greeted each other enthusiastically before he turned his attention to Angel, noting the dark circles under her eyes.

  She gave him a weary smile. “It’s been a long day, but Damian and I got almost all the details for Mom’s funeral hammered out. The viewing will be day after tomorrow, then the funeral will be the morning after. I just finished talking to the trainers and exercise riders, and they’ll all be staying.”

  “Good.” He grinned. “I think Dad’s down there now.” She nodded, having seen his faint nod earlier. “Is there anything you want me to do?”
he asked.

  She sighed, glancing upstairs. “You feel like helping me move into her room?”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure you’re ready for that?”

  She shrugged. “I might as well get it over with. It won’t be any easier later.”

  He took her hand, kissing the back of it. “Of course, I’ll help.”

  They started by going through the closets and drawers, separating everything into a ‘raid’ pile and a ‘get rid of’ pile. He looked at her. “Why are you calling it a raid pile?”

  She laughed, but it was a little sad. “I was always raiding her closet when I couldn’t find anything I wanted in mine. We were about the same size, so we were constantly trading clothes.” He went back downstairs to get several trash bags, and they folded everything and put it in the garage until she could get to the various thrift stores she’d wanted to donate to. Then, they started in on the shoes, and she laughed at the look on his face. “As you can see, we both love shoes.”

  After they had sorted out her mother’s room, they moved on to hers, and he looked at her as she began taking everything out of her closet. “I’ve got an idea. After we finish this, why don’t you take a shower and we can go out to dinner? I mean, we’ve only gone on a couple of dates, and I figure you could use the distraction.”

  She smiled, wiping her forehead. “Actually, that sounds great.” Once they finished sorting everything, Sathe helped her carry all her belongings down the hall and up the stairs. It didn’t take nearly as long as she thought it would, and soon, her room was as bare as any other guest room. She leaned against the doorframe and sighed. “This feels so strange.” She looked up at him with a faint smile. “I’ve slept in this room since I was born.”

  He put his arms around her waist, kissing the back of her neck. “It’ll be okay, Angel. It’s always going to hurt, and you’ll always miss her, but it’ll lessen. Eventually.”


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