When Worlds Collide: Solarian Chronicles I

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When Worlds Collide: Solarian Chronicles I Page 12

by Mallory Anderson

  With his arms still around her, she turned to face him. “I don’t know what I would do if it wasn’t for you.”

  “You’re stronger than you give yourself credit for,” he said.

  He looked down at her, and it was amazing how much they’d reminded him of sapphires, and he kissed her. He had intended it to be short and sweet, but it didn’t stay that way for long, and when they broke apart, they were both breathing heavily. She stepped back, her hand at her chest. “I should really go take my shower now.”

  * * *

  She was in there for about thirty minutes, then she heard a knock on the bathroom door. Sathe stuck his head in, then came to stand at the opening to the glass brick shower. “I just wanted to let you know I was running home to take my own shower and change clothes. I’ll be back, though.”

  “All right. I should be ready by the time you get back. This hair of mine takes forever, anyway.” She curled her finger at him, and when he came closer, she pulled him to her, kissing him thoroughly.

  He stepped away, clearing his throat. “Um, I’ll be back soon.”

  She laughed. “Always the gentleman.”

  “I try, but…” he trailed off, his eyes taking in every inch of her, “but God, you’re making it so bloody difficult.” She just laughed as he backed out of the room.

  A few minutes later, she got out and started on blow-drying her hair, then straightening it. By the time she finished, her arms were aching, and she had to shake them out before getting dressed. She’d put on a little white dress to just above her knees with a super low back, and a plunging cowl neckline in the front. It had long sleeves that belled out from her elbows. She started going through her mom’s jewelry box, and she found a diamond bracelet, then slid a diamond ring on her right hand, a sapphire and diamond choker, and a pair of small dangle diamond earring. She swept the left side of her hair back and held it in place with sapphire and diamond combs. With the way she did her make-up, she couldn’t even see the circles under her eyes. Her mother’s wedding set, along with her father’s wedding ring, went on a silver chain around her neck.

  She was just strapping on a pair of silver heels when there was a tap at the door. “Come on in, Sathe,” she said.

  He came in, his hair still slightly damp, and he was in a pair of black slacks and shoes, with a blood red button up, and his jacket draped over his arm. “My God, you’re beautiful.”

  She smiled, straightening his collar, her hands trailing lightly over his chest. She could feel his muscles under the thin fabric. “You’re looking pretty good yourself.”

  He handed her a rose he’d had tucked under his jacket, and she carefully tucked it behind her ear. “Are you ready?”


  She grabbed her clutch, then took his extended arm, and they made their way downstairs. Damien was in the living room with Taylon, and his eyes widened when he saw them. He stood and bowed formally. “Your Majesty, your Highness.” He saw her wince, and he smiled in understanding. “It is your title now, Angel.”

  “I know. I’m still just not used to it.”

  “You will be. Just give it some time.”

  They went out to his car, and he opened the door for her, then got in on his side. For any other driver, it would have taken them almost four and a half hours to get to New York City, but Sathe made the trip in two hours, and before long, they were sitting down at a small, expensive restaurant. They both ordered wine, and Sathe stared hard at their server, willing her to believe they were twenty-one, and she wrote it down, albeit with a slightly dazed look in her eyes. Angel laughed quietly as she walked away. “That’s a useful skill.”

  He grinned as they looked through the menus, and they both ordered steak with baked potatoes and salads, and she ordered some extra shrimp with hers. For almost three hours, she could almost forget her pain as they laughed and joked, trading stories and experiences from Earth. The bottle of wine diminished slowly, and he suggested they go for a walk. “That would be amazing. It’s been a long time since I’ve been to the city.” He raised his eyebrows, and she laughed. “It has. I’ve never really a reason.”

  Sathe paid for the dinner, and they made the most of their drive, going for a long walk through Times Square. They even popped into a couple of stores when they saw something that caught their eyes. He saw all the admiring glances thrown their way, and he hid a smile as he wrapped an arm around her waist. Angel had a glow about her as she laughed, and it had nothing to do with the wine she’d drank.

  * * *

  In either this life or the last, he couldn’t remember her looking so beautiful, except for maybe the first time he’d laid eyes on her while he’d been on a diplomatic mission to Solaris in his teens. As he looked at her now, he knew, no matter how much she might think to the contrary, she seemed to have been made for Earth. On Solaris, she’d often felt constrained by all the rules they had forced her to live by, but now? She was free to be the woman she’d always been.

  Eventually, they headed back to the car and began the long drive back to the mountains. It was almost 4:00 in the morning by the time he pulled up in front of her house. Damian was long gone, and Taylon was out hunting. “You want to come in?” she asked, and he could tell by the tone in her voice, and the look in her eyes she only had one thing in mind.

  She opened the door, and she took his hand. He saw her hesitate once they got inside, looking down the hall that had led to her room for seventeen years, but he saw her shoulders straighten, and she turned and led him up the stairs.

  He closed the double doors behind him, and as soon as he turned around, she pinned him up against them, using the extra height from her heels to put herself on his level. She kissed him, grasping his jacket and pulling her to him. His arms went around her, pressing into the skin of her back, and her leg hooked around his. He gently removed the combs from her hair, running his fingers through the long lengths of it, and her head tilted back, his lips trailing down her slender throat. She pushed his jacket off his shoulders, her fingers quickly unbuttoning his shirt, her lips on his chest.

  He took his shift off, then grabbed her and picked her up easily, her legs locking around his waist, their mouths still connected. He crossed the distance to the bed and laid her back on it, then stood and slowly began removing her shoes, his fingers and lips gentle on her legs, then he pulled her back to her feet and spun her around, his mouth on her shoulders as he pulled down the zipper, taking his time and drawing out the moment.

  Twists and Turns

  He swore softly in Elagonian, and she laughed deep in her throat when she turned to face him, her fingers already undoing his pants, and they hit the floor beside her dress. She slid up on the bed, and he laid her back, his long, lean body completely covering hers. She noticed he was being a little careful than usual, and she knew he didn’t want to hurt her from where her side was still healing.

  Angel laughed, rolling them over until she was straddling him, and he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her down to him, his hand around her waist and the back of her neck. When she shifted her weight slightly, he swore again, his eyes closing. She sat up, tossing her hair back over her shoulder as she moved against him, his hands on her hips.

  Just a little later, he rolled them again, and he bent a leg up over his shoulder as he drove in and out of her. It had been a while since they’d been able to be together like this, and it didn’t take him long to finish. They both just lay together, her head on his chest, his fingers combing gently through her hair. Her arm was around his waist, and he felt her breath a heavy sigh, and within seconds, they were both asleep.

  She’d forgotten to turn off her school alarm, and they both jumped as it went off. He reluctantly got up with a sigh. “I’ve got to get home and change clothes.” She gave a sleepy laugh, then stretched fluidly before relaxing and hugging up to a pillow. “God, I wish for nothing more than being able to crawl back into bed with you.”

  She grinned, but she was already
almost asleep. He covered her with a blanket against the chill, kissing her lightly. “I’ll be back soon,” he said, taking her hand, and she squeezed it, whispering she loved him. He smiled, his fingers trailing down the side of her face. “More than my own life,” he said. She was asleep before he slipped out of the door, and Taylon came trotting in, jumping up onto the bed and curling up. He could have sworn he saw amusement in the wolf’s eyes before they closed. Somehow, he got home, showered, changed, and in his seat before the bell rang.

  * * *

  When Angel woke up, she took a long, hot bath until the water was cold, her hair piled high on her head, and her eyes were closed as she leaned back against the tub, the jets bubbling gently around her. Once she got out, she changed into old riding clothes and went out to the barn. First, she took Donay out for a quick ride, musing gently about Selene, and by the time the ride was over, they both were feeling better. She quickly rubbed him down before Michael let him back to his stall, then handed her the reins to Sepherino, whom he’d already had saddled.

  “Did you two have a good time last night?” he asked.

  She nodded. “I definitely needed it after yesterday. I would’ve made sure he got home, but by the time we got back from the city, it was already almost four in the morning, and I didn’t want him driving sleepy.”

  Michael laughed, not fooled by her explanation. “And I’m sure the two of you did absolutely nothing afterwards to tire yourself out even more.”

  Angel just laughed, trying to ignore the heat she felt on her fact. “Maybe,” was all she would allow. Michael just laughed again as she mounted Sepherino, and the other trainers watched as she led the colt to the half-mile track Selene had built onto the property the year before, then loaded him into the four-horse gate.

  Angel leaned low over his neck, gathering the reins. Remember, you need to keep to a regular horse’s pace, Seph my love. When everyone leaves, we’ll really run. The gate clanged open, and he shot out of it like a bullet from a gun. He reluctantly did as Angel asked, but the pace was still blistering as she rode him twice, then three times around the track, his smooth gait never faltering. When she finally pulled him to a stop, everyone was talking about how he was going to be the second Triple Crown champion for the stable. The colt pranced about, arching his glossy neck proudly, tossing his head. Show off, she said, laughing, and he was laughing as well, not even winded.

  She heard Sathe’s Camaro pull up as she turned all three Dellings out to the field, and she ran around the front of the house. Sathe just barely saw her coming out of the corner of his eye, and he caught her as she jumped into his arms, her long legs wrapping around his waist. He laughed, kissing her, holding her tight against him. “You didn’t miss me, did you?”

  “Maybe just a little,” she said with a grin, then kissed him again, and they went inside. “Everything okay at school?” she asked.

  He nodded. “Yeah. You were out until Monday, anyway. Laren sends her deepest sympathies.”

  He stayed for a little while, then he had to get home and try to catch up on his homework. Later that afternoon, she took Sepherino for the hard gallop she’d promised, then had him in the barn, grooming him when she suddenly felt someone behind her.

  * * *

  Sepherino gave a loud, shrill whistle, rearing and lashing out with his hooves. Angel’s eyes narrowed, knowing there were only four people who could get that reaction out of a Delling, and an energy ball formed in her hand. “Wait, Angel, please. I just want to talk, that’s all.” The voice belonged to Malik, the youngest of the family. She spun around, her lips pulled back in a silent snarl, her eyes narrowed to slits. “Please,” he said. “I didn’t come to fight. I remember all too well what happened last time.”

  “What do you want?” she demanded, not relaxing an inch.

  He sighed, his hands up and palms out in a peace offering. The gold Delling stared at him defiantly, his every muscle tense, the long silver tail switching from side to side violently. Th next words he spoke, however, took them by surprise.

  “I came to apologize.” Angel snorted, sounding just like her Delling. “Truly, I did. Kane and Yazmina forgot everything but the past when they remembered Solaris. I didn’t. I remember how you and Selene treated us like your own family. At least, until Ciera began going crazy. Hell, I thought of you like a big sister, Angel. I didn’t want any of this. I was the first to remember, and I hoped and prayed I would be the only one. As for what Yazmina did, killing Selene, I tried to talk her out of it, but they wouldn’t listen. All I got out of it was a broken rib for talking back to Kane. They’re waiting on the edge of their seats for Ciera to remember, waiting for the killing to begin again, nevermind the innocents that would die. They know the two of them are no match for all of you. Kane had hoped the Wabaku had killed you. I don’t think Kane’s finished swearing yet.”

  Angel didn’t relax. “Why are you telling me all of this?”

  “Honestly? I don’t want to die again,” he said with a shrug. “But also, you and Selene were more my family than my brother and my sisters ever were. Sometimes, I think they would kill me as soon as look at me.”

  “Wait…a second,” Angel said, holding her hand up, and the energy ball slowly faded. “You’re talking about…joining us?”

  “I want no part of Kane, Yazmina, and Ciera’s madness.”

  Angel and Sepherino exchanged long looks, and she spoke very carefully. “This isn’t just my call to make, you know that.”

  He nodded. “I understand completely. I know this isn’t a small favor I’m asking. If you decide to say no, I’ll understand, but I still won’t be fighting with them.” He gave a brief bow. “Thank you for the audience, your Majesty.” She nodded her head in reply.

  As soon as he left, she turned to Sepherino. The Delling had an uncanny ability to know if he was being lied to. What do you think?

  He was silent for several seconds. The sad part is? He was telling you the truth. Every bit was honest.

  She sighed, putting away the combs and brushes. “I guess I’ll talk it over with the others this evening, then.”

  As soon as she could, she got everyone together at the barn, including Michael and Neo, then explained to them about Malik’s visit and his astounding request. Sathe’s immediate response was a resounding ‘no’, along with Diamonique. Neo and Damian were skeptical, but allowed they would agree to a meeting with Malik in person. Angel and Michael wanted to give him a chance.

  “How do you know he wasn’t just feeding you a bunch of bull?” Sathe asked. “He would know you have a soft heart.”

  She jerked her head toward the colt, who was watching them from his stall with wise eyes. “You all know Seph is a lie detector on four legs.” They all agreed. All right, big guy. Tell them.

  The Delling could project directly into their minds. Angel didn’t believe him at first, either, but he wasn’t lying. Malik has no desire to fight you all. He doesn’t want any part of the Stone name.

  That caused all of them to pause. The Delling had never been wrong on Solaris, and there was no reason to doubt his ability would be any less accurate on Earth. Sathe threw his hands up. “Okay. If the Delling says he’s telling the truth, then fine. I’ll go along with it. I swear, the least little thing happens…” he trailed off, his eyes narrowed.

  “I said it would be a couple of days before we decided anything,” she sighed. “Has anything been going on I need to know about?”

  Damien shrugged. “Just a few groups of Wabaku. Nothing we can’t handle, and nothing for you to worry about.”

  She nodded. “The viewing is tomorrow. Do you think they’ll try anything?”

  “Maybe not the viewing itself, but the funeral is a definite cause of concern,” Diamonique replied quietly. “Almost every Solarian and Elagonian in this hemisphere will be there. Plus, many humans she’s known from racing, charity work, etc. We’re keeping an eye out for anything unusual. We’re going to make sure everyone’s safe, Angel. Pleas
e, try not to worry.”

  * * *

  They talked for a little while longer, then the others left. Adea called to check on her and to say she would see them all the next day. “If you need anything, Angel, let me know, okay?”

  “I promise.” She fed Taylon, and the wolf took off running through the forests. Angel and Sathe curled up on the couch in the living room with the fireplace blazing, the TV on but neither of them really paying it any mind.

  “I told Dad I was taking off from school tomorrow so I can be with you,” he said after a little while. “You know, for moral support.”

  She smiled up at him, then kissed him. The kiss grew serious quickly, and she brushed his black hair out of his eyes as he gazed down at her. “What exactly did I do to deserve a woman like you?”

  She chuckled. “The same thing I did to deserve a man like you. We were born for each other, we’re each other’s other half,” she said, then pulled him down to hers. She tugged his shirt off as he slid his pants down, then her jeans followed. He raised the hem of her shirt up, his mouth on her tanned stomach, and she cradled his head to her, her eyes closed.

  She sat up, straddling his lap, her long, loose hair a golden curtain around them. His thumb skimmed her bottom lip gently, and she bent to kiss him as he peeled her shirt off. The firelight warmed the skin of her back, and he closed his eyes, murmuring something in old Elagonian she didn’t understand. His head was back, the veins in his neck raised slightly as his hands encircled her waist, his strong fingers digging into her back. She grabbed the back of the couch for leverage, kissing his neck and shoulders before he reclaimed her mouth hungrily, then watched her body move on his, almost mesmerized by its fluidity, its gracefulness.

  When he felt as if he couldn’t take it anymore, he flipped her over onto her back, and she muffled her screams in his shoulder as he strove to finish. Her eyes rolled back as her hips jerked uncontrollably, then he collapsed on her chest, his own eyes closed as he tried to catch his breath. Eventually, they both got shakily to their feet and made it upstairs to clean up, and they collapsed on the bed with barely enough energy to get under the covers before they fell asleep.


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