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Highlander's Dark Seduction

Page 18

by Fiona Faris

  Rebecca had punctuated the argument by exclaiming “Fine. This is done – do whatever ye want!”

  She had then proceeded to try and break the chamber door.

  Chris, shaking, picked up the nearest object near him- a book lying on his bedside table- and threw it across the room. It smashed loudly against one of the light sconces. He was lucky it wasn’t lit.

  Not that he cared.

  He wanted to break something- to rip it to pieces and stamp on it until it was annihilated. Alexander’s face would do, to begin with…Toby’s too. His fists were clenched so tightly that his fingernails dug into his palms, likely breaking the skin as he remembered that he was yet to deal with his recalcitrant lieutenant. The pain almost felt good.

  “Stupid MacTavish upstart, what a little goose,” Chris muttered to himself, now pacing furiously in a tight circle in his bedroom, “A fucking child, thinks she owns me…” Chris sat on his bed, his legs hanging off the edge, with his head in his hands.

  Minutes seemed to pass by and the brigand’s heart was still racing in his chest, anger, and adrenaline humming in his veins. Somewhere down the hall, a door slammed and he jerked up from his hunched position to listen intently. The sound of footsteps drew nearer, stomping adamantly without a single pause. Not long after, Rebecca stood at his chamber door.

  Chris was on his feet beside the bed, his full attention on the door, surprised and yet not, to see her.

  What the devil do you want? Chris almost asked.

  Then he Chris saw the look in Rebecca’s eye; the little shine which appeared when she let her feelings conquer her reason. Inevitably, the look was accompanied by a sour glare. She did not like when this happened. Chris didn’t really understand why. If she was feeling amorous, what did it matter? They were married, were they not? Chris didn’t take a single second to wonder why she was feeling this way after such a sustained argument. He did take a moment to smirk because when they chose something to have their first fight about, it had to be a peach.

  They paused, each waiting for the other to move before both moved at once, heaving breaths and shaking hands reaching for each other. Chris and Rebecca collided, bodies pressing together in one, fluid motion. Their lips aggressively mashed together, moving against each other in violent anger, hands furiously grabbing what they could. Chris quickly slipped his tongue inside Rebecca’s mouth and swirled it around hers, eliciting a disgruntled moan from her soon after.

  Rebecca was apparently tired of being upright and moved them inexorably backward toward the bed. She shoved him onto it, and Chris scooched to the headboard at once. Rebecca wasted no time in crawling on top of him and straddling his lap.

  They were back to mauling each other’s lips without a second thought, hands pulling and tugging each other’s hair. Rebecca’s hands roamed down Chris’ body and found the brigand’s crotch, squeezing the area beneath him. Chris moaned against Rebecca’s mouth, and Rebecca sneered in response. This only made the brigand angrier.

  “You couldn’t wait five minutes, huh?” Chris muttered bitterly as he sucked on her earlobe. He couldn’t see her face, but he could tell she was scowling. “You couldn’t keep your word and just leave? You missed the way I made you mine, hm?”

  “De’il take ye,” Rebecca spat, pulling from him and then re-attaching herself to Chris’ neck, biting down and sucking hard. Tangling his furious fingers in her dark brown hair, he tugged harshly, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction at the whine it evoked even as it vibrated against his skin, provoking a visceral response.

  “You cannot make up your fucking mind,” Chris growled as Rebecca continued to mark the brigand, “you cannot leave me. You need this.”

  Rebecca finally detached from Chris’ neck and, after quickly examining the dark blotch on the man’s neck, returned to Chris’ lips, opening her mouth to invite in the brigand’s tongue. Chris took this opportunity and once again slid his tongue into Rebecca’s mouth, and she promptly wrapped her lips around his tongue and sucked down on it.

  In response, Chris hissed - surprised at how bold Rebecca was being – and then thrust his tongue in deeper, giving Rebecca more access. Rebecca took it as the cue it was and sucked harder, even bobbing her head in effort. Chris was helpless to do anything but watch and groan.

  At some point, still being clothed was too much of a burden. Chris broke from his wife and began to unbutton her corset before sliding it off her body and tossing it across the room. Rebecca attacked Chris’ shirt, and once the barrier was gone, Chris pushed her down on the bed hovering above her.

  “Ye need this too, ye Jessie,” Rebecca hissed, still scowling at the brigand. “Dinna pretend like ye don’t. Ye need a young, ignorant lassie to prey on-”

  Chris cut her off by sharply slapping her- clothed- thigh. Rebecca’s skirts acted as a cushion, but he was strong enough that Rebecca yelped sharply. Chris’ expression was of pure hatred- not toward Rebecca but toward Rebecca’s words. His eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched; he was so angry that he felt like he could breathe fire.

  Her mouth hung open- the brigand had never hit her before- and Chris, after silently making it clear to Rebecca with his eyes that he never wanted to hear those words again, dipped down and began sucking and nibbling Rebecca’s nipple, his fingers twisting the other. Rebecca inhaled sharply and threw her head back, her eyes wide with shock. Sure, he’d sucked Rebecca’s nipples before, but never this hard.

  Chris repeated her words over and over again in his head, and it only made him angrier. How dare she make Chris out to sound like some kind… some kind of predator? His anger caused him to pinch her nipple even harder and Rebecca nearly screamed this time- it must have hurt like hell. Serves the little shit right.

  Chris felt Rebecca swat at the side of his head when the pain became too sharp. Chris ceased his action and met Rebecca’s glaring eyes. For some reason, the way Chris’ heart raced, the way she infuriated him, it dragged out the same lust that had been in her eyes earlier. Suddenly, Rebecca smirked.

  “Ye’re hard,” she chuckled bitterly, “ye’re hard, pressing against me. D’ye get some sort of sick pleasure from hurting me?”

  He didn’t. But he was so angry that Rebecca’s pain drew out a twisted satisfaction inside of him. This had been the first time.

  “Don’t pretend like you aren’t excited either,” Chris growled in response. He could still see the excitement in her eyes, in her harsh breathing, in the way her nipples were erect... she wanted him too. “Tell me, do you get some kind of sick pleasure from being hurt?” It felt so good to throw her words back at her.

  “De’il take ye,” Rebecca snapped again, but as Chris began to palm her through her petticoats, her head slowly tilted back, her jaw hanging open once more.

  Even incensed as he was, Chris still wanted to give her what she wanted. He wanted to make her whimper and quiver beneath him; he cursed emotion – a thing he had succeeded in avoiding for so many years – which now ruthlessly suffused him. He felt regret at his willingness to hurt her before, but once he recalled that Rebecca had enjoyed his violence, he shook it off.

  Divesting Rebecca of her skirts and petticoats, Chris quickly peeled them off her body and tossed them somewhere, leaving her exposed to his hungry gaze. Rebecca was now completely naked beneath him.

  He kneeled before her, pausing a moment to stare at her soft, warm-looking body. His mouth nearly watered; he had seen her like this before, but he could not but be affected by it every time. Her bare body was a siren song to his.

  She spread her legs very slightly as if begging him without words to touch her. He wasn’t one to refuse such an invitation and promptly stuck his finger inside her, listening to her whine with satisfaction. He searched for that sensitive nub with which he could make her cry if he chose, rubbing experimentally as he watched her face.

  “Shite, God, just… just do it…” She hissed between her teeth, her voice very strained. Chris decided to continue teasing her, however.

  “This is for the times you tell me that I don’t care about you,” Chris replied in a low voice, gently licking Rebecca’s slit with the tip of his tongue, then blowing cool air on it. Rebecca mewled in a shrill tone, her hips rolling and rising impatiently.

  “Please, Chris, please,” she begged in a guttural tone, “please, just do it, please!”

  Chris paused, considering it, and then decided to give Rebecca what she wanted.

  His lips lowered and his tongue flicked out, working diligently at licking and sucking at her sensitive nub.

  Rebecca’s moans were long, drawn out, and throaty. Chris paused then swirled his tongue around her wet, hot entrance before sucking lightly against her. Rebecca hissed sharply and pleaded with him to “Do that again, God.”

  Chris obeyed, sucking harder this time, and plunged his fingers into her, rubbing along with his thumbs as he sucked.

  Chris pulled off of her with a “pop” and gazed as she leaked some more, nearly dripping down her sides. Chris extended his tongue and slowly licked up the fluid, staring dead into Rebecca’s wide eyes at the same time. She opened her mouth in a soundless moan before throwing her head back.

  Her anger and bitterness seemed to have left, and all she was reduced to was a whining and whimpering mess. Chris decided not to sneer at it; his emotions were beginning to get the better of him.

  He plunged his whole face between her legs, bobbing his head and sucking the best he could, while his hands roamed across her abdomen, and his thumb stroked her pelvis.

  Rebecca whimpered, aloud.

  “Ah! ah! ah!”

  It made Chris’ heart pound inside his chest.

  When Rebecca began panting loudly, Chris knew that she was close. However, he didn’t want Rebecca to finish just yet.

  He slid his mouth away and Rebecca’s eyes reflected panic as she silently asked Chris, “What the hell are you doing?”

  Chris pressed a finger to his lips and smirked, whispering “Not yet.”

  Chris finally undid the ties on his breeches and stripped them off, freeing himself from the confines of his clothing. He thrust his finger inside her, spreading her open for his much larger member. She closed her eyes, breathing hard, a slight shake in her legs.

  Chris felt drunk off of her expression as he slid his fingers all the way in slowly. Rebecca was already leaking a lot and he didn’t want her to finish before he even got inside of her. Chris paused momentarily looking over at his lover for permission. Rebecca nodded without opening her eyes.

  Chris pushed his fingers in and out of Rebecca taking his time but making it count, ensuring that every inch of her was slick and stretched well enough. Rebecca’s walls quivered around Chris’ fingers, and the brigand chuckled lightly.

  “You are so tight,” Chris whispered feeling his body straining toward hers, and Rebecca smiled a little bit but did not respond. She was gasping with the desperation to have him inside of her and Chris could not but comply.

  He finally slid his fingers out of her, leaned back, and raised himself on his knees, as he stared at Rebecca’s flushed body. Rebecca’s eyes were on his erection, , and once Chris decided Rebecca was ready, he grabbed her leg and lifted it onto his shoulder.

  He positioned himself against her entrance, watching Rebecca’s face like a hawk for any sign that he was unwelcome. He pushed slightly into her and she widened her legs to give him access. He sighed in relief, that she still wanted this.

  The feeling wracked his body with shivers but also caused his heart to sink. He found that he was thinking not about the heat and the pleasure and the tightness but instead, he was reliving the fight they’d just had.

  If he did not find the third shooter, he knew that despite her desire for him, there would be no future for them. She evidently did not believe anything he said and at this point, she could not blame him. He had done a lot of wrong to her and this was no way to start a marriage. He was doing to her what Killian had done to him. The sudden realization caused him to completely freeze, his entire body going cold.

  Rebecca sensed Chris’ panic. “What is it? Why did ye stop?”

  Chris searched for the words to say. “I-I know you d-don’t want this. I’m s-sorry for f-f-forcing you. I am. Can we just…please start over?” He couldn’t seem to form the words he wanted. Chris, of all people, was stuttering.

  Rebecca stared wide-eyed at him as if she was trying to divine his true motives for saying such a thing and now of all times. “One thing at a time,” she said quietly, “Can we just finish this first and then we can talk like two human beings?”

  Chris heard enough to decide that no, he wasn’t forcing her to lie with him and mayhap she wanted to be here too. The blood seemed to return to his body, his eyes closed and he exhaled in relief.

  It was at that point where Rebecca impatiently squeezed Chris inside of her and he nearly doubled over- the pleasure was so great and so unexpected. Want and desire returned to him, and Chris leaned over slightly to press his hand on the mattress next to Rebecca, and to get a firm grip on Rebecca’s waist. At that point, Chris began slowly sliding into Rebecca once more, sheathing himself completely inside of her, before sliding out again and thrusting in faster.

  The force of the movement pushed Rebecca upwards and she gave a low grunt before murmuring something that sounded like, “Faster”.

  Chris was happy to oblige.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chris’ thrusts got deep and heavy rather than shallow and quick, wanting to feel every single inch of her; every single dip and curve and slope of her body. He wanted Rebecca.

  The timbre of her voice when she breathed, “Faster!” egged him on and he let himself possess her as completely as he wanted to, keeping nothing back.

  He moved the hand on her hip to slap her behind before grabbing and squeezing it. Rebecca practically purred and Chris made a note of that for later. If she liked having her behind groped, he could do that.

  He left off the games, hunching over Rebecca’s form instead, his head lowered and his hair falling like a curtain over his face. Beads of sweat rolled down Chris’ temple, as well as Rebecca’s, as he snapped his hips against her. He was thrusting so fast and so desperately that he wasn’t even looking at her anymore; he was lost in his own pleasure, chasing satisfaction like a drug.

  He needed to finish.

  He needed to finish inside of Rebecca.

  When Rebecca’s walls began quivering and tightening around Chris, his heart pounded so hard that he thought it might burst through his chest.

  “Jings! Chris!” Rebecca cried, grabbing at him desperately. Chris screamed- a low, guttural sound- as he finally felt himself rising to the peak of his orgasm. It hit him just as it seemed to have hit Rebecca; they cried out together, united in completion.

  Chris rode his orgasm as wave after wave seemed to take over his body; he convulsed, panting as pleasure blinded him. All he could see was Rebecca shining like a beacon in a dark tunnel. He reached for her and she closed her hands tight around his.

  Chris and Rebecca laid there, panting in the dark room slowly letting reality seep into the surreal sense that encompassed them both that surrounded them. Chris wanted to get up and open a window to cool them off, but he decided that leaving Rebecca wasn’t worth it. Once they finally stopped panting and entered a quiet calm, Chris raised his head from Rebecca’s shoulder to examine her face.

  She appeared to be asleep. Her eyes were shut; her mouth open slightly- he had noticed that she slept with her mouth open – the hot blush that had been on her cheeks not long ago had faded. Her long lashes brushed against her cheeks and those inviting lips were ravaged just as his kissing had intended. Tendrils of her brunette hair touched her forehead, still curling with sweat, and it showed signs of being tugged and grabbed at.

  Even if she wasn’t asleep, Chris was soon to be. His entire body felt sore and tired in a very good way. He leaned in and softly brushed his lips against Rebecca’s pale cheek. He lowere
d his head back to its position in the curve of Rebecca’s shoulder, shutting his eyes.

  “I love you,” Rebecca whispered to Chris, her young voice so quiet that the brigand barely heard it.

  “I love you too,” Chris replied, and then fell asleep.

  Rebecca’s eyes opened wide and she was instantly awake and aware. She looked down in horror at her husband, recalling the last things they had said to each other.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  She laughed tiredly, covering her eyes with her hand. This was no fairy tale with neat little endings. The man was a brigand. Worse, he’d tried to kill her brother. How could she love him? Even worse, how could he profess to love her after everything he had done?

  Slowly, she crept out of bed, feeling the need to get away. Between her thighs, she could feel the evidence of his presence and winced, going at once to the wash basin to clean up before putting on her gown. She would go downstairs and assign work to the men and then she and Frances would take the carriage and take themselves to the village.


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