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Highlander's Dark Seduction

Page 21

by Fiona Faris

  “The reason is that he bullies Ronald into doing whatever he wants. Frank and John are just weak headed and they follow mindlessly. Unquestioningly. Toby has been working on them for some time.” Onesmus said.

  “So you’re saying he’s been planning this for some time?” Chris asked.

  “I am saying that it is likely now that we have hindsight.” Onesmus clarified.

  Chris sighed. “I do not understand what could have made him so discontent.”

  Julius leaned forward. “You blame yourself because you think of him like a son. But Toby has always had his demons. I remember when I joined you for the Carter job just before the roundheads got us, you had gone down to London to track down Onesmus and the recruiters came around. He really put himself forward as our leader, authorized to make decisions for all of us. He said some things about you that I was surprised about.”

  Chris stared at him. “And nobody thought to tell me all this?”

  Julius shrugged. “It didn’t seem like a big thing. Some people like to boast, its harmless.”

  “Sometimes.” Chris narrowed his eyes at all of them, “From now on, we’re going to have monthly meetings and you will bring these concerns to me. If we’re going to have a home here, we have to be ready to act as if we belong here. Like leaders, do you understand?”

  Everyone made noises of agreement.

  “Good. We’re going to have groups of two; one of us, one of Alexander’s men. We’re going to find Toby and his men and we’re going to deal with them, once and for all.”

  “You mean kill them?” Sebastian asked.

  Chris looked around at them all. “Not unless they make us.”

  Chris entered his room and stopped short, surprised to see Rebecca sitting on the bed.

  “Hello,” he said, which was his way of asking what she was doing there. Rebecca smiled ruefully, looking up at him.

  She took a deep breath. “We should talk.”

  Chris came up to the bed and sat next to her. He turned to look her, assessing. “And here I thought you ran off to the village yesterday simply to avoid talking to me.”

  She had the grace to blush, her long lashes coming down to hide her eyes. “Ye would have been right about that.”

  “What has changed?”

  Rebecca sighed deeply, before lifting her lashes to meet his gaze. “I had a talk with my brother and he told me that not only did ye help Emily to birth their daughter but ye also dinna shoot him.”

  “I told you so.”

  She wore an earnest expression, “But ye see why I dinna believe ye, right?”

  Chris sighed. “I admit I have done things that are self-serving in the past.”

  Rebecca nodded. “So ye do understand?”

  “I do. But I also think that I am entitled to an apology.”


  “You misjudged me, you dismissed me and you used me for my body and then ran away. I demand an apology.”

  Rebecca gaped at him. “Ye’re not serious.”

  Chris simply crossed his arms, widening his eyes at her without saying a word. Rebecca blinked at him several times, unable to believe her eyes. “Ye’re serious?”

  “I am.”

  “Ye want me to apologize?”

  “I do.”

  Rebecca sighed, looking away and shaking her head in disbelief. She turned to look at him again as if to call his bluff but he still sat with his arms crossed, waiting.

  “Alright then. Christopher Ellis, I apologize for doubting ye. D’ye forgive me?”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  They were at an impasse. Chris blinked at her, surprised that she had even offered to tender the apology. He appreciated it although he doubted her sincerity. His eyes dropped to her mouth and he wondered what she would do if he kissed her. Nothing heavy; just a small peck to feel the warmth of her skin on his. He felt tired, the weight of everything that had happened seeming to come down on him all at once. He just wanted a respite from it all; a reprieve from being constantly on alert. He wanted to be able to sit in his room, with his wife, and let his guard down.


  He looked up to see her regarding him anxiously. He had probably been quiet for longer than expected.

  “Yes, I forgive you. I cannot ask for something I’m not willing to give, now can I?” his reply was as tired as he felt, and he looked away from her so she wouldn’t see the weariness in his eyes. He heard her light step come closer. For such a sturdy woman, she moved very quietly – it was sometimes disconcerting. Other times, like now, it turned him on.

  “What’s the matter?” her voice was low and seemingly concerned as she asked. He appreciated it, although he did not yet trust her enough to say.

  “Nothing’s the matter. A lot of things have gone awry, however.”

  Her sigh was loud and long and he stole a glance at her to see what her face was doing. She seemed…sympathetic. “I ken what ye mean. What shall we be a-doing aboot the rebel?”

  A surprised eyebrow arched as he turned to face her. “We?”

  “A course, we. I am yer wife am I not?”

  “I don’t know. Are you? Because you seem to decide that you are only when it’s convenient for you.”

  She sighed again, and shook her head as if it was he who was being absurd. “I am yer wife but I am not yer doormat. I shall get angry at ye and make a stramash sometimes, I’ll lose my temper, I’ll be confused aboot us now and then. Ye dinna exactly woo and wed me ye ken. We must find our way but it isna gang to be easy.”

  He took a step towards her, regarding her intently. “I do understand. But are you willing to walk this journey with me? Do you commit yourself to me?”

  It was her turn to lift an eyebrow. “I thought I already did.”

  Chris nodded. “Yes, you did. But you were forced into it by circumstances. Now I ask you, Rebecca MacTavish, if we shall live together as man and wife from this day forth or shall we go our separate ways and forget we ever met?”

  Rebecca frowned. “I thought yer plan was to get yer hands on my hoose and my lands.”

  “It was indeed…” Chris just stared, unable to explain even to himself what compelled him to seek her loyalty in such a way. His men would not just let him ride off from here, even if that was what he chose to do. They meant to make a stand and fight for a home for themselves. And he meant to stand with them. He wanted a home too. But his definition of what constituted a home seemed to have changed without his being aware. This buxom woman in front of him with her honest blue eyes and her disheveled hair, her work-worn hands and sharp tongue…she was his home. After a lifetime of searching, he had found it. And he would risk it all, for her.

  “That’s all ye’ll say to me? It was indeed?” she took a step closer, her eyes intent on him.

  He shrugged. “I want more than that now.”

  She smirked at him. “What? Ye’ll take the whole kingdom then?”

  “I’ll take your commitment and your loyalty and in return, I shall pledge you my life. Will you have it?”

  He really could not blame her for gaping at him as if he had lost his mind. He felt as if he had.

  “I canna answer ye this minute.” She said.

  Chris nodded and swallowed. “I understand.”

  She took another step closer. “Only because I must think on it further. To make a vow like that, one must be sure, ye ken?”

  “I do ken,” he smiled even as he imitated her speech patterns. She would not give him an empty promise. He appreciated that. She moved suddenly, startling him and before he knew it, his arms were full of soft Scottish flesh, her arms around his neck as she held on tight. It was over before he could get a solid grip on her, she was already stepping away from him.

  “Meanwhile, we’ve a fugitive to catch, no?” she said.

  He nodded slowly, “Indeed we do.”

  “Good then. Let us do tha’.” She turned from him and marched out of the room as he stared after her in stupefaction.<
br />
  “Yes ma’am.” He murmured to the empty room.

  Alexander was sitting on the window seat, watching his wife breastfeed, the sun’s rays creating a halo around them, as if they were as otherworldly- as he sometimes thought they were. His wife and child. No matter how many times he repeated it to himself, it was difficult to believe. It had been he and Rebecca, alone for such a long time. And now their family was expanded.

  “We must come up with a name for her,” he said to Emily. She smiled at him, happiness making her skin glow.

  “I was thinking that perhaps we could name her after your mother. Do you remember her name?”

  Alexander shook his head. “It was a long time ago and we havena’ any kin to ask.”

  Emily looked down, shaking her head. “Well then do you want to pick a name?”

  Alexander sighed, “I’ve always liked the name Caitríona.”

  Emily smiled, “It’s a beautiful name.”

  “Perhaps for her middle name, we can name her after yer mither.”

  She shrugged, “Oh I don’t know. Perhaps we should name her after father.”

  Alexander laughed. “Is there a feminine form of Pritchard I dinna ken aboot?”

  Emily gave him a sidelong glance, “We could call her Pritty.”

  That made Alexander laugh harder.

  “What? You don’t like it?” Emily protested.

  “Oh I like it fine mo chridhe, I like it just fine.”

  “Really?” Emily was sincerely surprised.

  “Aye, really. Tis a good name. Catriona Pritty MacTavish.”

  Emily leaned down and kissed the baby on her forehead. “Hello Catriona,” she said softly, “Welcome to the world.”

  Chris stopped at the bottom of the stairwell as he caught sight of Alexander limping his way down. In truth, the man was not well enough to be out of bed but Chris dared anyone to tell him that and live to tell the tale. Instead, he waited for his brother-in-law at the bottom of the stairs, in case Alexander keeled over and needed somebody to catch him.

  The other man gave him a blue glance as he limped by, inclining his head towards the study.

  “We should speak,” he said.

  Chris nodded and fell into step beside Alexander. Whatever the other man wanted to talk to him about, it was clearly serious. He waited until Alexander had lowered himself carefully onto the chair in the office before taking the other. They faced each other, on the same side of the desk as Chris waited for Alexander to have his say.

  Alexander sighed. “As you know, I am a busy man, the Caldwell holdings number quite a few and I am in need of trustworthy men to manage my property. Manage mind you, because the property is not mine to give.”

  Chris inclined his head in acknowledgement but said nothing.

  “I would be willing to test ye out as manager of Dun Alba for the remainder of this year. Should ye prove competent, I would be able to make yer position permanent.”

  Chris gave him a look. “And what exactly would this ‘position’ entail?”

  “Dun Alba has run down in the past decade and currently it takes resources from other properties. It needs tae become self-sufficient in terms of paying for labor and upkeep. If ye can start it on the road to that, and eventually make it profitable, I would be willing to let ye keep 90% of any profits ye made.”

  Chris pursed his lips. “That is indeed a generous offer, MacTavish. What do you want in return?”

  “In return ye shall act as landlord for the area, ye shall oversee the town and its people, look after their welfare and settle any issues that arise in a peaceful manner. Ye shall no longer terrorize the people or seek to do them any harm.” Alexander gave him a look, “Ye shall take care of yer bride in the manner that she deserves.”

  Chris gave a small nod and a smile. “It is nothing more than everything I want.”

  Alexander simply blinked at him. They regarded each other in silence for a good long while. Chris took a deep breath. “I will endeavor to serve Dun Alba and its people to the best of my ability and to that end, I will begin by eliminating the immediate threat. My former colleague, Toby McGuire needs to be dealt with forthwith.”

  “Indeed he does. Have the men made any progress in locating him?”

  Chris regretfully shook his head. “Not so far. But we shall not rest until it is done.”

  Alexander gave him a sharp nod. “Good. Perhaps a dram to toast this agreement?”

  Chris stood up with alacrity and went to the tray in the corner that held a bottle or two of whisky. “That is an excellent idea.”

  Benjie woke up in the morning just missing his mother for some reason. He got up and thought about going to visit her. A lot was going on in the manor house with the disappearance of one of the brigands and subsequent manhunt but after he’d milked the cows and put them out to pasture, he had some time to himself. He decided to use it to dash to the village and say hello to her, see how she was faring. With the birth of the new baby and the general air of excitement at having a new life in the family, his desire to see his own family had risen to the surface. He was sure Miss. Rebecca would not mind for she was kind-hearted and understanding.

  He sighed as he put his towel aside and trudged down the still dark stairs. He could pretty much make his way about without a lantern, he knew the place so well. Grabbing up his milking pail, he set off for the stables, whistling to himself. The cold wind whipped his thin shirt against his body, slipping through the gaps between his buttons and cooling his skin even more. He shivered, glad to duck into the musty warmth of the cow pen. He quietly greeted the cows before setting his stool down for the milking. Whistling to himself, he decided that he was definitely going to pay his mama a visit.

  Connell, Alistair and Julius were searching the forests around Dun Alba while Aaron, Boyd, Sebastian and Lachlan went from house to house in the village asking for news. Monroe, Onesmus and Julius meanwhile patrolled Dun Alba, on the lookout for any sign of attack. After his talk with Alexander, Chris refused to sit on his laurels. Rebecca was coming to a decision as to whether she would commit to him or not. He had not told Alexander that he and his sister might just be parting ways in the near future. It did not change the fact that Alexander needed a manager, and Chris intended to be that.

  He had come to know the other man a little bit over their time together and Chris knew that Alexander was an honorable man. A man who would not go back on his word. However, he needed to think seriously about what his men might do should Rebecca do him the ‘dishonor’ of leaving him. He could not take it for granted any longer that they would follow his lead but he did not want to lie to them.

  However, he could postpone any conversations that needed to be had until after Rebecca had decided…and he had gotten her to safety. There was still some possibility that she would choose to stay with him. At least she had not indicated to her brother that she would not. There was no way he would have offered Chris management of Dun Alba if he thought Rebecca would leave him.

  In any case, it was time for Chris to call in some favors and get Toby and his men before they got all of them. He stepped into the kitchen, in search of Frances.

  “Young lady, have you seen the lady of the house?”

  She stared at him as if stupefied and Chris wondered if he had blood on his chin or something. “I..uh…”

  Chris sighed. “If you do see her, would you tell her that I had to leave for a few days and that I will be back?”

  Her eyes widened. “Wha-? Wait!” she flung out her hands as if she physically meant to restrain him and he turned back to her with a raised eyebrow.

  “She…she’s in the pig pen. Feeding the pig, I believe.”

  Chris smirked. “Well then, I shall tell her myself.”

  She bobbed her head rather excessively. “Yes m’lud.”

  He gave her a cold stare. She knew full well he was no lord. He would not have false platitudes used against him. “You can call me Mr. Ellis.” He said.

She bobbed her head again. “Yes Mr. Ellis, sir.”

  Sighing inwardly, he walked out of the back door and towards the pig pen. He was quite looking forward to seeing Rebecca wrestle with a pig. He was surprised when he got closer to hear her speaking quite gently to the pig.

  “There’s my bonnie mama. Ye like these cabbage scraps don’t ye? Yes ye do. I shall bring ye more in the morn but only if ye finish all these that I’ve brought.”

  He cleared his throat loudly, not wanting to startle her when she noticed him. She screamed, falling forward into the mud of the pig pen. He hastened forward to help her out of it, manfully suppressing his laughter.


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