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Risqué: Mafia Romance (Beautiful Sinner Series Book 5)

Page 30

by Elena M. Reyes

  I’m surrounded by crazy people. I laugh at that, full-on giggles, but it quickly turns into a grimace as wetness rushes down my leg and feet. So gross. “Yeah, that was definitely my water breaking. I’m going to need a change of clothes.”

  “We have some in the car.”

  “Which one?” I ask, but Callum just shrugs and mouths all of them.

  “You’re that prepared?” Carefully, he picks me up, not caring about his clothes, and walks us down the stairs and across the room to a side exit. “When did you even have time to do all this?”

  “While you sleep.”

  While I sleep. It’s things like this that make me a believer in the possibility of a long and happy life with the person you love. Because only someone who cares will plan while you’re asleep to make life easier. They’ll sacrifice their rest and comforts so that when the moment comes, you never go without.

  This man loves me for me.

  With the good, bad, and ugly. Through sickness and health.

  He holds me when I cry.

  He understood my need to never discuss my family again, including Jorge being my brother and not the cousin I was led to believe all my life.

  He respects, loves, and protects.

  Callum is why I’m not afraid to become a mother. To take this step, because I know no matter what life throws our way, he’d never allow what happened to me to happen to our children.

  He’s caring and loving and so patient.

  My brothers already lean on him. Look up to him.

  And when its time to push a few hours later, it’s his eyes I focus on. All I see and understand is his hand in mine, fingers intertwined, while my body handles the rest. The entire delivery lasts a few hours; there was one moment where my blood pressure was high and a concern, but then she cried, and I lost my heart to the Jameson charm all over again.

  * * *

  Paisley Camila Jameson

  Sex: Female

  Weight: 6lbs 9oz

  Height: 19 inches

  One year later…

  * * *

  “Are you sure about this?” Malcolm asks, sitting back while watching the scene in front of him unfold. But then again, so is every other man I consider to be family. We’re congregated atop a large deck with a table at the center just a few steps from me, but for this occasion, we stand. The veranda is all that separates us from falling into the den of my two favorite pets: one has lived with me since he was a cub, while the other I took in when the original owner couldn’t keep up with its care.

  My Hera and Zeus.

  They’re large and hungry.

  Vicious and loyal.

  To me. Only me.

  And I treat them as if they are my babies, more so than the other animals that reside on my more than two-hundred-acre lot. There are various snakes, both poisonous and constrictors, while I also keep a few wolves. However, my Siberian tigers are who we watch today.

  For over a year, I’ve babysat Flavio and Santis. Kept them in the same room, provided food and entertainment, while giving them a false sense of security that today won’t be their downfall.

  I never lied, but the more you make your prey wait, the easier it is to strike when the time comes. Complacency is a truly vile behavior, makes a person vulnerable—weak—but I did warn them.

  A day. A week. Twelve months to the date.

  None of that mattered in the long run, because they were always set to die.

  The puppet master just hadn’t chosen the when.

  “Aye.” Bringing the glass to my lips, I take a sip of my gift. The De Leon family has bought into the liquor industry, taking over a distillery in Cuba known for world-renowned rum. The amber glow alone is sexy while the taste is smoky with subtle tones of fresh pear and coconut, and while I’m not a rum drinker, this one I’m a fan of. “The information given to Aliana is accurate, and those are the codes that lead to their underground vault. One for each bank. Ezra verified it all, and he’s never wrong.”

  “What you propose could change everything, my brother.” Thiago smirks, and I know he’s in. We’ve talked about this; Luna and Aliana have become close since our last trip to Miami, both women bonding over their growing up Latina. “The way we operate, live—how the world moves.”

  “The world.” Malcolm shakes his head, but he’s smiling. Santis and Flavio have been brought out to the enclosed space; they’re sweating and complaining—waving their arms around and frowning. They’re still blind to their reality. “We would be above the law.”

  “Yes. We would.” My eyes look over to Casper, and he nods. He wants to make the move. “Aliana’s father wasn’t fully aware of either artifact’s worth. The jade statue in Brazil, that one holds a heavy price tag, yes, but etched at the bottom is a set of numbers that belong to that government’s missiles. Then, there’s the vase in London. That beauty is the only way in and out of the underground vault, the same one where Spain and the United Kingdom have their secrets and crimes stashed away deep underneath their largest bank. We are talking about war, civilian, and every worldwide transgression committed, which isn’t public knowledge between the two.”

  Javier chuckles, fixing his cufflinks. “It’s a good start, but the US will hold some leverage. Our hit has to have ramifications for them as well.”

  “That’s the beauty of it.” A whistle rends the air then, and we all turn our heads. My animal’s handler holds a large red flag high above his head, and I pick up the matching one, waving it twice. He knows to exit swiftly, and he does, backing away slowly so as to not startle my pets. “With treaties come favors. With alliances come expectations, and the US has skeletons in both closets.”

  Malcolm raises his glass, his eyes ahead while the others follow suit. “To immunity.”

  “Aye.” Every family present agrees. This would change the world’s dynamic, our stronghold in every bloody thing a government does or prosecutes.

  Flavio and Santis look at the keeper, then at us and wave back.

  Somehow, they’ve come to think we’re friends.

  We’re not. They’re nothing more than overgrown catnip.

  And while they watch me, walking a little closer to the high, above-ground terrace we stand on, the keeper walks out and locks the exit. A whirring sound fills the air, a loud rattling of metal, and then white and orange paws come into our line of sight.

  The Gaspar siblings startle and take a few steps back. They scream, nothing of what they say making sense, and it won’t matter for long anyways.

  Zeus and Hera stalk their prey slowly, lowering their bodies to the ground and inching forward. The Gaspar siblings freeze, but their eyes are on me, on the megaphone in my hand that Casper was so kind as to grab from the table.

  It clicks on, an annoying whine that settles into a low static until I speak. “I warned you.” Their heads shake, bodies moving closer to the enclosure’s gate. “You had multiple opportunities to walk away, to stay clean, but you didn’t listen. Here you will reap what you sow—just like your cunt of a father who aligned himself with people he shouldn’t have—interfering with my family and the Boston organization.”

  Their family name will end here.

  You don’t make moves against this family.

  You touch one—you bloody deal with all.

  Flavio is angry, but scared. Santis is close to pissing himself, and yet, he’s saying something I can’t make out. He could be blessing or cursing me, I have no clue, nor do I give a bloody fuck.

  However, the noises he’s making Hera doesn’t like, and hisses. Her nails dig into the ground, but both cats haven’t lunged yet. These animals are hunters by nature; they wait and wait until the right opportunity arises. Or in this case, fucks up.

  “I slit his throat.” They both swallow hard at that, hands clenching. “Now, I’m going to make this fun. I’ll have the keeper unlock the door and give you thirty seconds to make it out. You win, you walk out. You lose, my pets will pick their teeth with your bones.”
r />   I don’t wait for their agreement and give the okay to unlock.


  Eyeing my tigers, they move a few steps and Hera remains low while Zeus rises midway, poised, yet he makes no move to attack. At the ten-second mark, though, both brothers turn around and run, pushing their bodies as far as they can, but it takes three full strides from each cat to reach them.

  They pounce, forcing the men to the ground while locking their jaws at the back of their necks, shaking them from side to side. Horrified screams reach me, and I’m impressed by how far the sound travels when a true panic-induced cry for help is unleashed.

  Zeus tosses Flavio aside like a rag doll, his body bouncing a bit on the ground, before pinning his chest with a front paw. Blood and spit dribble from the animal’s muzzle and onto his prey, the latter of which is pushing with all his might but the beast remains unmovable.

  For her part, Hera is already enjoying a chunk of flesh, taken from the still-alive idiot. It’s from his leg, the thigh area to be precise.

  Yet, this is nothing compared to what they deserve.

  Yes, Flavio wanted to wed my Venus, but she would’ve become property of the family and would’ve been used as such. They spoke about it a week after their capture, unaware of Ezra recording this conversation. Back then, they had hope. Thought their organization—father—would come to save them, and they made plans.

  The brothers wanted to share her. Lend her out. And eventually, when she’d become older and loose—their words—they’d whore her out to their seedier clientele with no limits to their depravity.

  For that, I could never forgive them.

  I’m being merciful by letting my pets feed on their rotten flesh.

  Which they do. Piece by piece.

  An alarm beeps from my mobile and I put my glass down, walking away without looking back, the others slightly behind me. I’m fixing my jacket and tie as I go. The stupid handkerchief on my breast pocket looks a little wonky, and I hope Aliana doesn’t notice or she just might kill me at my own wedding.

  Guests are beginning to shuffle in, each of the fifty chairs filling fast while Casper takes his place beside me. Our brothers find their seats in the first row on the bride’s side, their wives all wearing cheesy grins while Luna smirks, camera poised to shoot.

  They want my honest reaction to seeing my bride photographed.

  I understand why a minute later when the traditional wedding march begins to play and my Venus pauses at the other end of the aisle. Everything stops for me. The air in my chest ceases to exist while the world fades away until she’s all that’s left.

  My Aliana. My wife. Mine.

  She smiles at me, and my heart beats inside my chest with the cadence of a war drum.

  She takes her first step, and I’m able to breathe again.

  She places her hand in mine a few seconds later, and I’m home.

  Everything starts and ends with her.

  Aliana Camila Jameson is the future I don’t deserve but will fight every day to keep.

  * * *


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  Turn the page for news on the next Beautiful Sinner #6

  The Beautiful Sinner #6 is coming early 2022!!!

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  That’s right, my loves. We are going back to Miami, and it is time for Ivan to claim his woman. Who is she? Do you remember?

  * * *

  I left clues in Mine…

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  Keep up to date on News and add it to Goodreads!

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  Little Lies is HERE! This book was a passion project that overtook my world and I’m so proud to share with everyone. Happy Reading! #deathisonlythebeginning #darkromance #PNR

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  A truth imprinted onto my skin--its sharp vines digging into my flesh as our bond strengthens with each shallow intake of breath my love takes. Her life is intertwined with the devil, a man who hungers for depravity and death, and yet, I bend my knee for her.

  Only her. Always her.

  She is mine and I will kill to protect. Kill to own her.

  Gabriella Moore will never leave me. Not by choice or circumstance.


  Each book is a standalone.

  * * *

  Now Live!

  SIN (#1)

  COVET (#2):

  MINE (#3):

  YOURS (#4):


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  Beautiful Sinner Spin-Off:


  About the Author

  Elena M. Reyes was born and raised in Miami, Florida. She is the epitome of a Floridian and if she could live in her beloved flip-flops, she would.

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  As a small child, she was always intrigued with all forms of art—whether it was dancing to island rhythms, or painting with any medium she could get her hands on. Her first taste of writing came to her during her fifth-grade year when her class was prompted to participate in the D. A. R. E. Program and write an essay on what they’d learned.

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  Her passion for reading over the years has amassed her with hours of pleasure. It wasn’t until she stumbled upon fanfiction that her thirst to write overtook her world. She now resides in Central Florida with her husband and son, spending all her down time letting her creativity flow and characters grow.

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  Find My Books Here:

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  Elena’s Marked Girls.

  Come join the naughty fun.


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  (Marked Series)

  Marking Her #1

  Marking Him #2

  Scars #2.5

  Marked #3

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  (I Saw You)

  I Saw You

  I Love You #1.5

  Unseen Heart: Part One

  Unseen Heart: Part Two (Coming Summer 2022)

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  (Teasing Hands) Re-Released

  FREE Teasing Hands #1

  Teasing Hands #2

  Teasing Hands #3

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  Taste Of You

  Doctor’s Orders

  Back To You

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  Craving Sugar

  Stolen Kisses




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