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His Rise to Power: Book 1

Page 11

by Fawkes, Tasha

  It wasn’t a call from David but a text from someone that I hadn’t heard from in almost two years.

  Saw your reelection, lover. Just wanted to say congratulations. I’ll be in Miami for a little bit. Let’s have dinner and catch up.

  Sherry Carin. What the hell was that all about? I hadn’t been her lover in a long time, and that wasn’t a phrase she tossed around like an endearment.

  “Is everything okay?” Blythe asked from the bed. “You look upset.”

  “Yeah.” Closing out the text, I set the phone on my nightstand and climbed back into bed. “I thought it might be David. I’ll be in Jacksonville this weekend to talk about the Clean Water Act.”

  “But it wasn’t David?”

  I hesitated. It was on the tip of my tongue to brush off her question. Sherry wasn’t presently in my life, and I didn’t want her to worry about things, but since I didn’t have anything to hide, I figured I’d just come out with it. “No, it wasn’t. It was actually an ex-girlfriend congratulating me on the reelection. I haven’t seen her since she moved back to Savannah two years ago.”

  As soon as I said it, I knew it was a mistake. Even though I was being honest, bringing an ex-girlfriend into conversation with the woman who was currently naked in my bed was a terrible idea.

  “Blythe,” I started.

  “It’s okay,” she said quickly as she forced a smile. “I appreciate your honesty, but you don’t have to explain anything to me. We’re not really at the place where we talk about our exes, right? So, no worries.”

  We weren’t at the place where we talked about our exes? What the fuck was that supposed to mean? “So, what place are we at?”

  “We’re at the place where we do everything in bed.” With a slow seductive smile, she put down the champagne glass and crawled toward me. “And I believe your fingers started a job that they need to finish.”

  Shit. I wanted to push the issue, but her luscious tits were swaying with every move, and her mouth was open in invitation. With a hiss, I let her push me on my back, and I reached down and sank my fingers back in her wet heat.

  If this was all she could give me for now, I’d take it, but I was far from growing tired of Blythe, and soon she was going to have to face the fact that I wasn’t going anywhere.

  * * *

  At dawn, I reluctantly left the warm bed still cocooning a naked Blythe and got ready for work. Washing off the sweat and sex, I dressed, made some coffee and prepped the maker so she could have a cup when she got up, and headed to the office.

  David was waiting for me in the hall when I entered our wing of the building. I was about to ask what he was doing outside of my office when I spotted the familiar figure sitting at my desk.

  Apparently, something I’d done warranted a visit from my father first thing in the morning.

  “He just got here,” David drawled. “I thought I’d warn you before you go inside.”

  “Thanks,” I sighed. “Jacksonville?”

  “I’ve added the meetings to your calendar, although it looks like it might stretch into three days instead of two. Your secretary has adjusted the hotel room accordingly.”

  Great. That meant three nights away from Blythe. Nodding to him, I opened the door to my office and set my briefcase on the desk. “Good morning, Dad. Coffee?”

  “I’ve already had a cup, but I can wait if you need one.”

  I already had an idea of why he’d wanted to see me. I had left my own party without telling him or anyone else and avoided his calls all week. “No need. I’ve got a lot on the docket today, so be quick.”

  “Blythe Hemsey.”

  “Jesus Christ, Dad,” I growled. “I’m too old for you to be getting involved in my love life.”

  “So, you’re admitting that you have a relationship with her?”

  “Did you not just hear me?”

  An angry look crossed my father’s face, and it was followed by something else. Something I hadn’t seen in a long time. “In any case, I have an interest in her because you have an interest in her. Since I assumed that you wouldn’t, I ran a background check on her.”

  My eyes nearly bulged out of my head. “You fucking did what? Where the hell do you get the nerve?”

  “Some women are drawn to money and power,” Hale said with a casual lift of his shoulders. “She comes out of nowhere with a pretty face and a bleeding heart. Of course I looked into her. Look at my face and tell me that you aren’t interested in what I found.”

  Clenching my jaw, I glared at him. “I’m not interested in what you found,” I hissed. “Now get the hell out of my office.”

  “She comes from a middle-class family,” my father said as he ignored me. “Parents are both teachers, which probably explains her interest in youth. Republicans, but she doesn’t seem to have an interest in politics, so we can forgive her for that. She got into some trouble in college, which involved a drunken mission to free lab rabbits and an interesting relationship with Hirsh, but other than that, she’s as clean as they come.”

  As much as I hated to admit it, I was relieved. What would I have done if Hale had found a black mark against her? “I hope that means that you’ll drop this.”

  “Who is she to Hirsh? In the past week, I’ve gotten two phone calls from him inquiring whether I plan to donate to her charity. Oh, he buried the lead in business blathering and congratulations on your win, but I can see through the bullshit.”

  Blythe had told me her story in confidence, and I certainly wasn’t going to feed the ridiculous rumor that she fucked for money, especially when the opposite was true. “She and I have discussed Hirsh, and I’m satisfied that it’s nothing shady. That’s all you need to know.”

  “Son, there are rumors circulating—”

  “I’m aware, and if Hirsh calls you again, you can tell him to mind his own fucking business. He withdrew his support, so he doesn’t get to know a goddamn thing about her.” There was a fire in my voice that surprised me, and even my father blinked in surprise.

  “All right,” he said slowly. “She’s not who I would have chosen for you.”

  Sighing, I sat back in the chair and regarded him closely. It was just so difficult to peg him. Was he trying to help me because he was my father or use me because I was a congressman? He was a shark when it came to business. Despite the twinkle in his eye and easy demeanor, I knew that he was cold and shrewd.

  Since my mother left, we’ve been circling around each other uncertainly, but it wasn’t always the case. There was a time when he was just my father, and I loved him. He gave me a hug every evening when he came home, tousled my hair, and found time to spend with me.

  I was too old for that now.

  “We’re not even at the point where I would consider us dating,” I said finally. “So there’s no need to print the wedding invitations yet. She’s an interesting woman. I’ve taken an interest.”

  “At least she’s not Sherry,” he muttered as he stood. At the mention of my ex so soon after I’d gotten the text, I straightened and frowned.

  “Why would you say that?”

  “She’s the last woman that you dated seriously, although I thought you were seeing her just to piss me off. Thank God you came to your senses before you started your campaign,” he said gruffly. “I always felt that she was more leech than woman.”

  I grunted and watched him leave. I never got that vibe from Sherry, but the truth was that I never had much interest in her. She warmed my bed at night, and because we’d been spotted together out in public a few too many times, I got swept along with the media. Suddenly, she was my girlfriend, and after a few months, there were rumors that I was going to propose soon.

  Every bit of it was bullshit, but she knew it, so it was fine. When I told her that I was going to announce my campaign, she admitted that she wasn’t prepared to be a politician’s wife. She moved back to Savannah, and I’d barely thought of her since.

  Things were different with Blythe, but I was desperate
to keep her away from the media. I didn’t want to feel the added pressure, and I didn’t think she could handle it, but I wasn’t ready to give her up.

  Eventually, they were going to find out. Before that happened, I needed to figure out just what I wanted from her.



  There were shouts of laughter and applause as Lydia, a feisty six-year-old, completed a cartwheel with the look of utter determination before she hopped up to the springboard and did a little flip over the foam block. She looked a little surprised that she’d completed the routine, but she hammed it up and bowed several times before scurrying to the back of the line of kids waiting to have their fun.

  The older crowd lounged by the tables of food, and the parents walked around and chatted with the kids and volunteers. Everything was a success for the most part, although I couldn’t help scanning the crowd for two particular faces.

  Susan and Elizabeth had sounded so excited to come, but they’d texted me the last minute to say that they were running late. I tried not to feel disappointed and reminded myself that if they weren’t going to show up, Jack would never have introduced me to them.

  “Smile,” Rachel hissed as she jabbed at me. “People will think that you aren’t having fun.”

  “I am having fun,” I said as I tried to relax. “I really thought that more donors would show up since it’s the first event we’ve had after the influx of money that’s come in.”

  “Unfortunately, some people are more comfortable throwing money at a problem rather than getting hands on, but since we need the money, I’m not going to complain.”

  Not everyone was like that. Since Jack’s initial visit at the complex, I’ve learned that he’s been around twice more. He plays and jokes around with the guys. He even had someone come out and fix the refrigerator. It melted my heart, even though I knew I should have been focusing more on keeping my melting heart and my charity work separate. And hadn’t I just told him a couple of days ago that I was okay keeping things casual?

  Casual sex did not include melting hearts.

  It certainly didn’t include jealousy about an ex texting him.

  As much as I wanted to pretend that I was cool with it, there was something about his face when he read the text that worried me. I was probably jumping to conclusions, but I threw myself into the event planning to distract myself.

  “Oh, oh! I think those are the two women you’ve been waiting on!”

  At the excitement in Rachel’s voice, I whipped my head around. Sure enough, Susan and Elizabeth were making their way to the crowd toward me. Their jeans and casual tops threw me. While I didn’t expect to see them in their gowns, I had thought they’d show up in suits.

  After greeting them and making introductions to Rachel, I tried to tamper down my child-like happiness. “Have you two been here long? It’s kind of a madhouse. I’d say that it’s just for the event, but it can be chaotic all the time.”

  “We have. We sort of went on a tour while we were looking for you,” Susan admitted. “A couple of the older gentlemen pointed us your way. They said they were going back for more pizza.”

  “Oh, geez. There won’t be any pizza left by the time they’re done,” I groaned. “I know that I’m looking for support for the art school, but this is still my baby, so I’d like to know what you think.”

  Elizabeth grinned. “Your enthusiasm is adorable, Blythe. Jack said that we would like your passion, and he was right. I remember when the previous youth center was here, and I expected something like that. Hand-me-down equipment and a building sorely in need of repair, but this could rival the expensive sports complex in Orlando. Do you have issues with outsiders trying to use the facilities?”

  “No. I think it’s because of the neighborhood. We talked about having a membership system just so we could keep better track of the kids and their parents, but after some research, we realized that it might turn away the kids who need it the most. They still have to sign in, which isn’t much of a tracker, but the wealthier class does shy away.”

  That was good. Not that I had anything against the wealthier kids, but I didn’t want a situation where taunts and fights could break out.

  “We want to mingle a little bit and talk to the parents, but do you think you could make a little time for us after the event?” Susan asked.

  Rachel practically vibrated with excitement next to me, and I was right there with her.

  No, wait. That was my phone.

  “That sounds great. Please, help yourself to the food and drinks. After the floor exercises, we’ll be setting up the balance beams and letting down the ropes. Some of the older kids have actual routines that they’re excited to show us.”

  Nervously watching the two women weave into the crowd, I pulled out my phone and answered it without thinking.

  “Blythe! My goodness, I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for days!” my mom blistered in my ear.

  Wincing, I shot an apologetic look at Rachel and wove through the gym to exit and find a quiet corner in the hall out front. “Sorry, Mom. I’ve been super busy.”

  “Too busy to even answer a text?” she demanded. Dawn Hemsey was a sweet and wonderful woman until you pissed her off, and then she could torment you with the wrath of God. After weeks of ducking her calls and text, I knew the guilt trip was coming.

  We’d always been a tight family. My parents were teachers, so they were up every morning to see me off to school and home every night to have dinner around the table. They kept a close eye on my grades and my friends. It wasn’t that I felt suffocated by them but rather that I felt loved. When I went off to college, I missed them. When I decided to open a charity foundation rather than getting a 9-5 job, they supported me. My silence was unusual and had probably worried them.

  “I know, Mom, I’m so sorry. Hirsh pulled out of the art center project, so I’ve been scrambling to find donors.”

  She huffed. “Your father was about ready to call the police. He thought something had happened to you.”

  That was a little over-the-top considering that they lived in Miami and could just drive by my apartment, but I didn’t point that out. “Sorry,” I apologized again. “Mom, I don’t mean to make this short, but I’m right in the middle of—”

  “I saw on the website that you’ve made your first milestone,” she interrupted me. “That’s good. Who’s spearheading the fundraising for you? It all happened rather quickly.”

  I’d never lied to my parents, but I did hesitate. To my father, politics was religion, and he hated it when Jack won the first election and riled against social media when he won the second term. I didn’t even mention that he was on my list of possible donors. “Congressman Jack Drayson,” I said finally. They were going to figure it out anyway.

  “So, it’s true,” she said in a soft voice. “Your father won’t be happy.”

  No, Peter Hemsey would not. “It doesn’t matter, Mom. This isn’t about politics. This is about helping the kids, and I’ll deal with the devil himself if it means getting things funded. Jack’s been incredible. He’s already connected me with two government agencies who are taking an active interest, and because of him, I can put a down payment on the building.”

  “So it’s Jack, huh?” she asked quickly.

  Crap. I did not have time to get into this. “Look, Mom, I’m right in the middle of an event here at Humane Miami Sports, and I need to get back to it. I’m not going to have this conversation again if you guys plan to criticize where my money is coming from.”

  “Fine,” she said stiffly. “But don’t ignore us again, my dear. We worry about you, and we miss you.”

  That, I believed. Softening toward her, I apologized and promised that we would get together soon. Hanging up, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. They were pissed that he was involved in my charity. How were they going to feel when they realized that he was involved in my love life as well?

  That was a problem for another day. Right
now, I had an altogether different kind of seduction in mind.

  After a successful meeting with Susan and Elizabeth, I dragged myself home, both exhausted and elated. Things were moving in the right direction. Sitting in my car, I stared up at my apartment. I’d spent the last few nights with Jack at his penthouse, but I didn’t want to be that woman who just moved herself in, and we hadn’t made any plans to spend the night together.

  Actually, I hadn’t heard from him all day. He was probably busy. God knows I was.

  Walking up the steps, I let myself into the apartment and went straight for the shower. After the kids had finished with their routines, they all demanded that Rachel and I try to put on a show for them. I was fairly certain we’d embarrassed ourselves, and I’d been forced to meet with Susan and Elizabeth still covered in sweat.

  Turning off the shower, I wrapped a towel around myself and opened the door to let out some of the steam. From my bathroom, I had a direct view of my bed.

  It wasn’t empty.

  “How…” I gasped in surprise, even as happiness bloomed in my chest. “How did you even get in here?”

  “Door was unlocked,” Jack said, grinning like a fool.

  “Lies. I never leave my door unlocked.” Letting the towel drop, I sauntered naked and wet over toward him. “You better tell me the truth, or I’m going to call the police. Did you steal my key?”

  “No.” His voice dropped an octave with a tinge of lust. “But you’re welcome to frisk me if you don’t believe me.”

  “Jack!” I laughed. “Tell me!”

  Holding out his arm, he crooked a finger toward me. “Why don’t you come here, and maybe you can get the answer out of me.”

  Straddling him, I settled over his hard cock as it strained against his pants. Water still dripped down my body, and I unbuttoned his shirt so I could press my body against his naked skin. Finally, I spread his shirt and leaned against him as I kissed him slow and deep. His hands wrapped around my back, and he moved his hips against me.


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