His Rise to Power: Book 1

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His Rise to Power: Book 1 Page 15

by Fawkes, Tasha

  “Are you serious?” she asked, clearly stunned that I’d so easily rejected her. “With your reelection, you’ve all but secured your next step as a senator, and you’re turning me down for Blythe Hemsey?”

  “I’ve never said that I wanted to run for Senate,” I said slowly. Sherry was already born into a family of wealth and prestige. She had no need to marry into it. “Where are you getting that?”

  “You’re going to regret this, Jack,” she said as she walked toward me. There was no heat in her voice. Just an ice-cold promise. Reaching up, she straightened my tie. “Maybe when you see what happens next, you’ll change your mind.”

  Furious, I watched her walk away. Did she just threaten me? What the fuck was going on?

  Before I could change my mind, I called the one person I knew might be trying to secure a senator position for me. “Dad,” I growled as I closed the partition. Damn it, all I wanted to do was eat and drink my wine in peace. “What have you done?”

  “Now, kid,” Hale started. “I didn’t mean to get involved, but I was curious about her. I’ve never seen you act that way with anyone else before. Can you blame me?”

  “Act like what? I hadn’t spoken to her in years? You didn’t even like her, and now you’ve encouraged her to worm her way back into my life? Is this all to get me to forget about Blythe? You son-of-a-bitch. If Blythe gets hurt because of this little stunt that you’ve pulled, I will never forgive you.”

  “Jackson Hale Drayson,” he hissed. He never used my full name. “I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, but I don’t appreciate you accusing me of hurting anyone. I happen to like Miss Hemsey.”

  “Like her?” I paced in the small room like a caged animal. I wanted to break free and race to Blythe’s side and assure her that I would protect her. “You spent all of five minutes talking to her.”

  He chuckled. “Well, we’ve extended our relationship by ten minutes, and she somehow talked me into coaching a football team for the younger tykes.”

  “What the hell?” I stopped, the words sinking in. “You went to see her.”

  “Today, as a matter of fact, and it’s a good thing that I did because someone has been whispering in her ear and feeding her fears.”

  Still simmering in rage, I listened as my father told me what Hirsh had said to Blythe. No wonder she was pushing me away. She was afraid for the one thing she cared about most, and like an idiot, I’d practically pushed her out the car rather than assure her that I would never let that happen.

  “Sherry followed me to Jacksonville,” I told him. “Someone has been whispering in her ear as well. She seems to think I’m running for Senate, and she wants to be along for the ride.”

  “Sherry? I never took her for the type to lust after power. She certainly doesn’t need to.”

  “I don’t know, but whatever someone said to her, it had her scurrying down from Savannah.”

  “Savannah?” Hale sounded confused. “You think she went home?”

  “Yeah. After we broke up, she told me that she went home to lick her wounds. She told me that she was just now moving back.”

  “Kid, when I was afraid that you were going to put a ring on that viper’s finger, I looked into her. She didn’t return to Savannah. Sherry never left Florida. I’ll look into it to confirm, but to my knowledge, she’s been in Palm Beach, and she certainly wasn’t licking her wounds. More like licking the richest cock she could get her mouth around. She’s been seen on the arm of businessmen, celebrities, and politicians.”

  What the fuck was going on? Hissing through my teeth, I ran my hand through my hair. “Dad, I need to know what she’s been doing. She’s not happy that I rejected her, and I’m afraid of what she might do next. She knows about Blythe.”

  “I’ll send someone to keep an eye on Blythe, kid. You don’t need to worry about her. I’ll do some research on Sherry and get back to you.”

  The thought of anything happening to Blythe filled me with fear. “I should cancel my meetings here.”

  “Don’t do that just yet, Jack. Let me help you. I’ll take care of her. I promise.”

  There was a strange plea in his voice. He was my father. He wanted to be my father.

  “Okay. Thanks, Dad.” Hanging up, I stared at the phone. I couldn’t let anything happen to Blythe. She’d pushed me away because she was afraid that she might get hurt, and now it looked like that was exactly what was going to happen.



  “I don’t know what to tell you, Rachel. I’ve seen the guy at three different places today. He’s got to be following me,” I muttered on the phone as I peered out the blinds of my apartment. “He’s been at the sports complex and outside my office and outside the sandwich deli. I’m not crazy. He’s big. He’s kind of hard to miss.”

  I hadn’t been able to shake the idea that someone had been watching me all day. I caught sight of him first when I left my office to spend the morning at the sports complex. He immediately matched my stalker fears. Tall. Broad. Sunglasses. Buzzcut. I mean, it wasn’t rare to see a big guy in sunglasses in freaking Miami, so I dismissed it.

  But then one of the kids mentioned seeing him hanging out in the parking lot at the sports complex. And then I saw him again when I was getting my sandwich.

  “You think he’s some dirty paparazzi guy trying to get a picture of you and Jack doing the dirty?”

  “If he is, he didn’t do his homework. Jack isn’t even in town.”

  “Oh, then I bet he’s hoping you’ll do the dirty with someone else.”

  “Jack?” I asked as I sucked in my bottom lip and nibbled on it.

  “No, the dirty paparazzi guy,” Rachel said in exasperation. “He wants to get pictures of you cheating on Jack.”

  “Okay, we’ve used the word dirty way too many times in this conversation, and now I just feel dirty.” I sighed as I backed away from the window. “I didn’t see him with a camera, but maybe you’re right. I’m being paranoid.”

  “You should call Jack and tell him.”

  “No.” I sighed. “Then it sounds like I’m just making up excuses to see him.”

  Rachel groaned loud and dramatically. “You over think everything.”

  “Says the girl who bought a jacket and returned it. Three times.” Still on edge, I looked out my blinds again. “Besides, he’s doing important work, and I don’t want to be one of those women who bugs him. We’ll talk when we get back, and dirty paparazzi guy will get nothing but pictures of me doing my job.”

  “At least wear a low-cut shirt while you’re doing it. Dirty paparazzi guy needs to put food on the table too,” she reminded me.

  With a laugh, I hung up and flopped down on my lumpy couch. I’d been on my feet all day, although I had been deliberately trying to keep busy. In my head, I’d carefully composed at least three different speeches for Jack. One that told him that I loved him. One that told him I was too much of an idiot to be with him. And one that told him to get naked.

  At the rate I was going, I’d probably be safe going with speech two. And then maybe speech three. Of course, that would probably lead to speech one. It was all a mess.

  Pulling out the paperwork I brought home, I turned on the news and started flipping through the budget for December. I’d set up a present drive for the kids, and I wanted to make sure there was enough money in case some of the kids weren’t picked, or their presents were things other than what was on the list. I still needed to find a Santa, but I had time.

  “Humane Miami, the up and coming charity foundation in Miami, is under fire after evidence has come out that CEO Blythe Hemsey is seducing her donors out of more than just money.”

  In horror, I snapped my head up as the male newscaster spoke dryly in front of a picture taken of Jack and me.

  “Recently seen on the arm of newly reelected Florida Congressman Jackson Drayson, Hemsey has been accused of sleeping with wealthy sheikh Al-Latif for his generous donation toward her spo
rts complex. Many donors pulled out after the scandal, and she’s been struggling to find funding for her next project. Many are wondering if Drayson is her new target.” There was a pause as the camera shifted. “Are your dog treats killing your dog? Tune in right after the break.”

  Immediately, my phone started ringing, but I was rooted to the spot. “How…what?” I murmured. Lies. My favorite news anchor had just spouted lies about me. Evidence? What evidence?

  My phone kept ringing, and I picked it up and stared down at it. Missed calls from Rachel. My parents. Christ, that was Elizabeth calling me now.

  Ruined. I was absolutely ruined. Slowly moving the binder off my lap, I grabbed the television remote and clicked it off.

  Hot tears slid down my face as I switched my phone on silent.

  * * *

  I spent fifteen hours ignoring the phone. For a few hours, I wallowed. For a few hours, I wondered if Hirsh was right and this was payback, but I dismissed that idea. Jack and I hadn’t been together long enough to worry anyone, right? For a few minutes, I wondered if Jack himself had leaked the information, and then I immediately knew I was wrong. Jack would never hurt me.

  Then I started planning on what I would do next. As far as I knew, no one was investigating me, and there couldn’t be evidence that I’d slept with Al-Latif, because I hadn’t. I was going to sue someone for slander.

  Finally, I called Rachel back. She was the one I suspected would break my door down first, and I needed her to help me figure out what to do next. “Finally,” she shrieked. “Have you seen the news?”

  “Yes,” I said calmly. “I have. I fell apart. Now I’m going to get a lawyer?”

  “A lawyer? What are you talking about?”

  “Channel Six…”

  “Has already issued an apology. Blythe, turn on the television.”

  An apology? I lunged for the remote and turned it on. “What am I looking for?” I flipped through the news channels, but the news was off.

  “Crap. It’s gone. Look it up on the computer.”

  “Rachel,” I groaned. “I don’t need to see what people are saying about my whoring myself out.”

  “You are driving me insane,” she half-screamed. “Just get on the computer and search for Jack Drayson.” With a growl, she hung up.

  Annoyed at the headache I was getting from her antics, I opened my laptop and did a quick search. “Press conference?” I muttered as I played the video.

  Jack’s handsome face filled the screen. “I am responding to the allegations against Blythe Hemsey. I can assure you that the incident never took place. While there was a proposition that did take place, Miss Hemsey refused to entertain the idea, and because of that, her donors were blackmailed into pulling out for revenge. If the news outlets do not immediately retract the story and issue an apology, they’ll have to come forward with this so-called evidence of an investigation, or we will sue.”

  There was a scrambling of questions as the camera panned back, and I peered closer at the screen. Behind him stood at least a dozen young faces that I knew all too well. In front of them, Jack pointed to someone, and a reporter stepped forward. “What is your relationship with Blythe Hemsey?”

  “I will not entertain any questions about my personal relationship at this time,” he said calmly. “Miss Blythe approached me about supporting Humane Miami, and after thoroughly vetting her charity, I’ve whole-heartedly thrown my support behind her. She’s doing wonders for the kids of Miami.”

  A woman stepped forward. “How do you know about the proposition and what kind of details can you give us?”

  “I will not divulge any details about an inconsequential moment that has both embarrassed and haunted Miss Hemsey. I will say that she was upfront with the information, and I’ve known from the very beginning.”

  Before another reporter could say anything, a familiar face stepped forward. My mouth dropped open when I saw Jay. “Man, you are all a bunch of jokes,” he scowled as he stood next to Jack. “Miss B spends all of her time trying to help us, and instead of telling people about that, you’re all spreading lies and rumors about her. How do you people even sleep at night? A couple of years ago, I lost my big brother in a gang shooting. Where the beep were your people then? Huh? Miss B stepped forward. I was gonna follow in my brother’s footsteps because what other choice did I have? She’s pushing me to go to college, and I’m thinking of doing it too. She’s feeding my little sister. She’s making a difference, and all you people care about is a story that never even happened. No way would Miss B do something like that.”

  A strange quiet fell over the crowd, and Jack put a hand on the boy’s shoulder. “I don’t believe we’ll be answering any more questions.”

  The video stopped, and another one immediately started. It was from Channel 8 News.

  “We are retracting a story aired last night about an investigation into Blythe Hemsey’s charitable foundation, Humane Miami. We’ve made a grievous error in running a story without substantial evidence, and while we are not able to come forward with the name of our informant, we would like to apologize to Miss Hemsey for any inconvenience we might have caused her.”


  I wanted to screen at the screen.

  There were several other videos that were all the same. The story hadn’t hit national level yet, but it was probably only a matter of time. Each apology said the same thing. They were not able to come forward with the name of their informant.

  Unable to help myself, I went back to the press conference and watched again. Jack was supposed to be in Tallahassee, but I recognized the front steps of his office building. In just over twelve hours, he’d driven back down to Miami, got in touch with Jay and some of the other kids from the sports complex, and arranged a press meeting all to come to my aid.

  My congressman in shining armor.

  I watched the video a few more times. Tears gathered in my eyes, and I pressed my hand against my heart. It was fluttering madly, and I knew that I’d been an idiot to ever doubt him.

  A sharp knock on the door interrupted, and I wiped the tears from my face. Expecting it to be Rachel, I opened it, ready to tell her that I was gearing up to tear a warpath straight to Hirsh, but it wasn’t my assistant on the other side.

  “Blythe,” Jack whispered. “Baby, don’t cry. Please don’t cry.” In an instant, he was in my apartment and wrapping his arms around me.



  Her eyes were red and swollen, and her cheeks were damp with tears. Anguish twisted inside of me, and I quickly stepped inside and gathered her in my arms. “Don’t cry, baby. Don’t cry.” Shutting the door with my foot, I picked Blythe up and carried her to the couch.

  Settling back on the cushions, I pulled her up on my lap and cuddled her against my chest. Stroking her hair, I kissed the top of her head. “I’m taking care of this, Blythe. I’ve already called a press conference in your defense, and the stations that aired the ludicrous story are already issuing retractions and apologies. I’ve also spoken to Susan and Elizabeth. This won’t affect their work with you.”

  My father paid several interns at different news stations to apprise him of major stories before they hit so he could either get ahead of situations or take advantage of them. It was a shady practice I didn’t approve of, but it was definitely one that I was grateful for yesterday.

  I couldn’t act fast enough to get the stories pulled, but I could force a retraction within twenty-four hours, which was exactly what I did. Certain that the Tallahassee meetings weren’t going anywhere, I sent David to represent me for the last couple of days while I lit a fire under the rest of my staff to fix this. By the time I arrived back in Miami, the press was assembled, and the kids from the sports complex were more than happy to come to their beloved Miss B’s defense.

  “I know,” she whispered as she looked up at me. There was something shimmering beneath the dying tears in her eyes that pulled at my heartstrings. For a momen
t, it looked like love, but I was too afraid to ask. “I didn’t know about Susan and Elizabeth, but it doesn’t surprise me. I did see the press conference, though, and I’ve already watched the retractions.”

  “Then why are you crying, sweetheart?”

  Reaching up, she traced my lips with her fingers. With a small groan, I opened my mouth and flicked my tongue over her silky skin. “I’m crying because I’ve been an idiot. I’ve spent this whole time worried that I might ruin you or that your politics would ruin me. I’ve been so afraid that you would break my heart, but you’re my hero, Jack. How could I have ever doubted that?”

  Thinking about the last things that I’d said to her, I knew exactly how she could have doubted that. “You weren’t the idiot, Blythe. I was. I asked you to give me everything, and I didn’t give you anything in return.”

  “That’s not true,” she objected.

  Quickly, I bent my head down to silence her with a kiss. The salt of her tears mingled with her sweetness, and I took my time until she was sighing in pleasure and clutching at my shirt. “I love you, Blythe. I should have told you. I love you, and I understand if you want to take things slow. I’m not great at being patient, but with you, I will be. I want you to be sure of us and…”

  This time it was her kiss that interrupted me. Without breaking contact, she shifted and straddled me. With a groan, I ran my hands under her shirt and around the warm and supple skin of her waist. Her hair was tangled on top of her head, and her nose was red from crying. She was a mess, but she was still beautiful, and my body reacted swiftly as she moved against me.

  “I am so sure of you,” she muttered against my mouth as she started unbuttoning my shirt. “I am sure of us. God, I love you, Jack. It scares me a little how much I love you.”


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