His Rise to Power: Book 1

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His Rise to Power: Book 1 Page 16

by Fawkes, Tasha

  I knew exactly how she felt.

  “Stand up,” I ordered.

  Obedient, she stood unsteadily on the couch cushions, and I pulled down her sweat pants and dragged the sexy black panties down with it. As she lifted her leg to step out, I leaned forward and lapped at her pussy. As my tongue touched at her sensitive nub, she whimpered and collapsed. Quickly, I caught her and unzipped my pants, freeing my cock. As I eased myself inside of her, I stripped off her shirt. I kneaded her breasts in my hands. I wanted her to feel every inch of my pleasure.

  “I love you,” I moaned as she sank down on me. “God, Blythe, I love you with every breath I take.”

  Whispering incoherently in my ear, she nuzzled my neck as we made love. Nice and slow. Inch-by-inch. There was a kind of freedom between us now. She was soft and supple and giving. There was no urgency. No desperation. Just the two of us trying to show the other how much we loved them.

  She loved me. She loved me. Kissing her shoulder, I moaned as she moved over me.

  “Jack. Don’t stop. Don’t stop,” she whimpered even as her muscles clenched around me and the orgasm rolled through her. I felt the shiver ease down her spine, and her arms tremble around me. I was right there with her, slow and easy as I filled her.

  We’d made a mess. I could feel the juices mingling between us, and she pushed back and kissed me slowly. Sated and happy, I stroked my fingers over my back as I returned her kisses and cuddled her against me.

  “I know I have to answer some phone calls and emails at some point today and make a statement about the story, but I want to just lock myself in with you all day,” she murmured against my chest.

  That’s exactly what I wanted as well. “We are definitely going to make that work.”

  Pushing herself up, she gasped when she caught a look at herself in the mirror. “Jesus. I’m a mess. I’m going to take a shower, and you are not going to join me.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because you get handsy in the shower, and I want to be able to shampoo my hair in hot water.” Leaning down, she quickly smacked her lips against mine. “I’m also starving. Think you can order us a pizza while I’m showering? I’ve got some coupons in the drawer.”

  “Blythe,” I said patiently. “It’s ten o’clock in the morning.”

  “Oh.” She scowled and then brightened. “Diego’s Pizza takes orders online. I bet we could order from them and have it here around eleven. I can wait that long.”

  “Pizza for practice.” Shaking my head, I stroked her nipple. “You’re going to have to make sure that I work up an appetite.”

  “I think I can do that.” Laughing, she hopped off my lap before I could sink my fingers somewhere else. “But for now, shower.”

  I watched her skip into the shower and felt a little torn at the pride and amusement that this insane woman was mine.

  Grabbing my own phone to shoot off some texts letting everyone know that Blythe was okay, I froze when I saw that I’d received one from Sherry.

  Leaking your little whore’s story to the press was just the first step. You keep ignoring me, and I will fucking burn her little foundation to the ground. Meet me tonight at our picnic table in the park. We need to talk.



  He was still asleep. It was a rare moment for me. Normally, he was up at the horrid crack of dawn, but this morning, I was up before him, and I could revel in the way his naked body looked in the early light of the sun.


  I’d never experienced anything like last night. Sex with Jack had always been good, even if it was in anger, but I’d never made love to anyone like that before. I felt completely unrestrained and thoroughly worshipped. It was better than our first night together, and I didn’t think anything could top that.

  Catching my breath, I pushed myself up on my elbow and traced a finger over the hard lines of his abdomen. It still surprised me to know that the buttoned-up politician was rock-hard beneath his clothes.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked softly.

  “That you’re the hottest politician I know, and definitely the most talented with your mouth and cock.” Teasingly, I slid my fingers a little south.

  He groaned. “Just how many politician mouths and cocks have you experienced?”

  “Ooh, good point. I’ll have to test my theory.”

  “Not a chance,” Jack growled and pushed me onto my back. Settling between my legs, I took his weight as he kissed me. “I don’t share.”

  “Good. Neither do I.” Loving how his body felt pressed against mine, I slowly danced my fingers up and down his back. Shuffling down my body, he nuzzled my breasts and rested his head on my abdomen. “We’re going to have to face the real world at some point,” I murmured idly.

  He stiffened. “Blythe.” Kissing my skin, he looked up at me. “I need to tell you something.”

  Why didn’t the good moments ever last?

  “Okay,” I said slowly. “If it’s bad news, I’m going to need you to say it fast, like ripping off a band-aid.”

  “My ex, Sherry, showed up in Tallahassee. Now that I’m successful, she sees herself decorating my arm as my wife.”

  It was rage, not jealousy, that surged up inside of me. “Over my dead body,” I spat. Who was this bitch who thought that Jack was nothing more than a stepping stone in life? I would tear her to pieces if she laid a finger on him.

  “As much as I love your wrath,” he said dryly, “I think it would be best if you took a step back and let me handle it. I turned her down in Tallahassee. I think she knew about you and Al-Latif. I think she’s the one who went to the press with the story. If you try to put yourself between me and her, I’m afraid of what she’ll do.”

  Did he think that was supposed to mollify me? That bitch took a shot at the two things that mattered the most to me. “You think I can’t take her?” I demanded.

  “Not at all,” he chuckled. “I think that Sherry is my problem, and I can handle her.”

  “She’s attacking me personally,” I pointed out and chose my next words carefully. “I know that you want to protect me, Jack, but we’re naïve to think that this is the only hurdle we face. I want to know that we can handle these problems together. I’m not the kind of woman who will stand behind you and let you fight my battles for me.”

  With a sigh, he dipped his head and slowly took my nipple in his mouth. After teasing it almost lazily with his tongue, he scraped his teeth over the rigid peak, and I moaned and arched into his mouth. “Jack! If you think this is going to distract me…oh god…” His hands were moving lower and lower.

  “Not at all. You want to do this together, then we’ll do it together,” he promised as he pulled my knees up and slid his hard cock over my clit. “I just adore you. I love you. I need to be inside you.”

  Pleasure ricocheted through me, and I immediately opened myself to him. “Take me.”

  “You’re mine?” He whispered his lips down my throat and touched his tongue at the base of my throat.

  “I’m yours.”

  “For how long?”


  With a groan, he sank inside of me, and I took him. Each stroke chased away the bad. The nightmare with the press faded away as his body pressed deeper into mine. I purred. The news of his ex trying to wedge herself back into his life and use him became a distant memory. I mewled.

  “Take what you need,” I urged him. “I can give it to you.” I would. I’d give him whatever he needed because I knew that he would do the same.

  Muttering my name, he moved powerfully over me, sinking even deeper, with slow and deliberate thrusts. Our bodies fused together for seconds, and then released only to yearn for more. Desire curled in my belly and tightened with each hard stroke.

  “You. Fuck, Blythe, all I need is you.”

  He had me. There was no discounting that. He owned every part of my body and my whole heart. Crying out, I bowed my back under him and sank my
fingers into his ass cheeks as I attempted to pull him even deeper inside of me and keep him there.

  “Jack, I’m going to come,” I whispered. I wasn’t ready. I didn’t want this moment to ever end.

  “Let go,” he urged. “Let go, baby. We’ve got forever. I’m never letting you go.”

  I twisted, clenched, surged upward, and my pleasure hit me hard just as he groaned hoarsely, then anchored and jerked against me. Tightening my legs around him, I cried out as we came together and spiraled into chaos.



  The next morning, I reluctantly buttoned my shirt and watched Blythe dress. It was difficult to leave her bed, but I was proud of the look of determination on her face. She was ready to face the world and make a statement about the story. I knew that contacting Hirsh was the top of her list of things to do today.

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay?” I asked her. “You did say that we would tackle the problems together.”

  “Sherry is a private and personal problem. Hirsh is a public problem. Until you’re ready to come out to the media and announce that we’re together, we handle public problems separately,” she said with a sigh. “And before you say that we can go public right now, I don’t want to have to tell the world that I love you right after I have to tell the world that I don’t fuck for money.”

  I was ready to tell the world that I loved her, but I could understand her fears. She didn’t want our relationship shaded by scandal. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that we could wait years to announce our relationship, and someone would still make the connection.

  I wasn’t about to wait years.

  “Hirsh and Al-Latif are probably sweating bullets about how you’re going to handle this. I’m sending Carl with you.”

  “Carl? The bodyguard who hates me?” she asked with a cocked eyebrow.

  “Yes, and you’re not arguing with me. Al-Latif would probably want you dead before he wants you to admit to the world that he offered you a million dollars to fuck him, and you shot him down. There’s not a lot that can touch his reputation, but that story would definitely punch a few holes in it.” It terrified me to think that Blythe could be in danger, and I wasn’t about to let anything happen to her.

  “All right,” she relented. “I’ll let Carl follow me around, but if he freaks out the kids, we’re done.”

  “Carl loves kids.”

  “Carl looks like he eats kids for breakfast.”

  Chuckling, I slipped on my shoes and walked over to kiss her. “Come to my place tonight? We’ll have some vegetables for dinner and drink wine that didn’t come from the gas station.”

  “You know, I’m really starting to think that you’re a snob.”

  “I want to live a long life with you, Blythe. That means veggies and drinking wine that’s not mostly arsenic.” She tasted so damn good that I kissed her again before finally pulling myself away and grabbing my keys.

  I needed to go home and change my clothes before going into the office. I didn’t intend to make the pit stop, but as soon as I saw the jewelry shop, I found myself pulling over into the parking lot. It was just opening, and the sales associate was delighted when I walked in.

  After getting her assurances of anonymity, I perused the selection. While I wanted the best for Blythe, the largest and most expensive were too big, and she would never feel comfortable wearing a flashy diamond on her finger.

  I went with something more modest but still large enough to catch the light and dazzle like the way she’d caught me. I ordered it to be set in a simple silver band and engraved with a vow.

  I had no idea when we would be at the point where I could give it to her, but I would be ready. Blythe was the only woman for me. Of that, I had no doubt. Whether I slipped it on her finger next week or in a year, she was already mine.

  As I walked out, I called Hale to fill him in. “Did you meet her at the park?” he demanded when I told him of the text.

  “No. I don’t plan on ever being alone with that woman,” I said bitterly. “Besides, I told Blythe about her, and she wants us to talk to Sherry together. I don’t like the idea of involving her, but I also don’t want her to think I’m doing anything with Sherry behind her back.”

  “Why the hell would she choose the park? She could have met you at your condo or even her hotel room if she was still trying to keep a low profile.”

  “I know the reason,” I admitted in annoyance. “We spent what I’m sure she thinks is a particularly memorable evening at the park. I’m sure she thought to remind me that she is more than eager to suck me off in public and it would sway me to her way of thinking.”

  Hale snorted. “Christ kid, the woman knows how to play dirty. I’ll give her that. Are you willing to let Blythe see Sherry? God knows what Sherry will say, but I can guarantee that it’s going to upset Blythe.”

  “I don’t want there to be any secrets between us. I’ll inform Blythe of everything she needs to know before we meet Sherry. Transparency takes away her blackmail.”

  I’d given it a lot of thought and almost told her everything last night, but it had been a special moment between us, and I didn’t want to ruin it by bringing up Sherry, even if it was just a memory of the conniving bitch.

  Turning off the street, I pulled into the condo’s parking garage and parked in my reserved spot. The reception was already breaking up. “I’ll call you when I get to the office.” I had to repeat myself several times before I could hang up.

  Taking the private elevator up to my penthouse, I fired off a quick text to Carl, letting him know that his assignment had changed. He might be pissed about it, but he would do his job.

  When I stepped into my home, there was a message waiting for me from the front desk. Curious, I was about the check it when the intercom buzzed. “Drayson,” I answered.

  “I’m sorry to bother you, Congressman Drayson, but there are two detectives from the twelfth precinct here to ask you a few questions.”

  Panic froze my blood, but I relaxed. It couldn’t be Blythe. I’d only left her side not long ago. “Send them up.”

  A few minutes later, my elevator opened, and two detectives stepped out. They both looked like veterans of the job with graying hair. The tall one was Latino with bronzed weathered skin, and the other was Caucasian, standing a few inches shorter than his partner. Producing their IDs, they nodded curtly at me.

  “Congressman Drayson. I’m Detective Garcia, and this is my partner, Detective Winkler. We’re sorry for the intrusion, but we need to ask you a couple of questions.”

  After studying their badges, I nodded and handed them back. “Sure. I was just changing my clothes and heading to the office. What can I do for you?”

  “Changing your clothes? Does that mean that you were out all night?” Winkler asked sharply.

  I stiffened. “Are these questions meant to intrude on my personal life?”

  “We need your whereabouts between the hours of eight and ten last night,” Garcia explained.

  “I was with a woman. Blythe Hemsey,” I said after hesitating for a moment. “We arrived there in the morning, and I didn’t leave her place until almost an hour ago.”

  “Are you in a personal relationship with Miss Hemsey?”

  Gritting my teeth, I narrowed my eyes. “What is this about?”

  “We’re trying to establish an alibi for you, Congressman. It’ll be helpful if someone other than your girlfriend could vouch for you,” Winkler explained.

  “If you know that she’s my girlfriend, then you already know that we’re in a personal relationship. One of her neighbors may have seen me arrive and leave, but like I said, we didn’t leave the apartment,” I snapped. “Why the hell do I need an alibi?”

  Garcia ignored my question. “Were you with Miss Hemsey because of the recent scandal involving her charity foundation?”

  “There’s no scandal. That story has already been retracted. I’m not answering any more questions until
you tell me what the hell is going on.” I had every ounce of respect for the police, but I could tell that I was being interrogated.

  The two detectives exchanged a look, and Winkler finally cleared his throat. “I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but Sherry Carin was found shot to death in Greenspan Park earlier this morning. We know that she’s been recently trying to reconnect with you. We know that she was waiting for you last night.”

  Sherry was dead. Murdered. Slowly, I reached out and grasped the kitchen counter, feeling all the blood draining from my face. “Sherry is dead.”

  “She is.” Garcia’s eyes hardened. “Congressman, we’re keeping this quiet for now because we’re still gathering all the evidence, but right now, you’re a suspect. So we need to ask again. Is there anyone other than Blythe Hemsey who can account for your whereabouts?”

  Jesus Christ. “No.”

  I hope you enjoyed His Rise to Power - Book 1. See what happens next with Jack and Blythe in Book 2 (coming soon).

  * * *

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  Other books from Safira Publishing

  By Tasha Fawkes

  Please visit Tasha’s website for a complete list of her books.


  About Tasha Fawkes

  I’m originally from a small southern town where everyone knew everyone and their business. I was so happy to leave and move to California for college where I was originally going to be a veterinarian.

  Well, I met a guy – yeah, it’s that kind of story – and dropped out of school to have my oldest daughter. We soon divorced, and as a kind of therapy, I started to write books. I loved the fantasy world of fiction and never did go back to college, and have been writing ever since.


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