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Scheming with My Duke (Linked Across Time, #9)

Page 3

by Dawn Brower

  Resolved, he exited his room and headed toward the front of the castle. He would speak to the housekeeper and make sure she had things well in hand. If Serenity was leaving as he’d instructed, he’d have to make sure Sebastian was taken care of. He really should look into finding him a new governess. When he returned, it would be at the top of his list.

  Brandon made his way down the long hallway and took the stairs two at a time. He headed in the direction of the office Mrs. Simms used to do the household accounting. She usually could be found there at this time of day. He pushed open the door and entered to find the housekeeper steadily working.

  “Mrs. Simms,” he called out. The housekeeper turned at the sound of his voice. “A word please,” Brandon said. “I’m leaving soon, and so is Miss Drake. I will need you to assign a maid to Sebastian’s care while I’m gone.”

  “Yes, Your Grace,” she agreed. “Miss Drake has already spoken with me. Milly will take her place until your return. If it pleases you, I can start interviewing a replacement governess while you’re away.”

  Had Serenity suggested that too? She was really leaving... He’d told her to, but a part of him had hoped she wouldn’t listen to him. His heart beat rapidly in his chest and a pain stabbed him with each breath he took. It wouldn’t be the same without her.

  “Yes, narrow down a list of candidates and I’ll look them over when I return?”

  Mrs. Simms nodded. “Very well, Your Grace. I’ll send word to the agency to send a few applicants over. When you return from your trip I’ll have a shortlist waiting for you.”

  He hated the idea of hiring someone new to work with his son. “I should return in a sennight. Sebastian will be in good hands with you seeing to his care for now.” Whomever they hired to be the new governess had some lofty shoes to fill between Genevieve and Serenity. They had both done well with his son’s education.

  “Very well,” the housekeeper said. “Is there anything else?”

  He shook his head. “No. I trust you’ll keep the household running smoothly in my absence.”

  “Of course,” she agreed. “You may count on it.”

  Brandon nodded and went in search of his son. He was playing in the nursery with Serenity. His heart stopped at the sight of her there. If only things could be different... Maybe they could have been together and had children of their own. He frowned. Where had that come from? He didn’t want any more children. At least, he’d always believed that. With Serenity, it could’ve been anything, the possibilities were endless. Perhaps in another life he could have had a chance with her.

  “I have to go away,” Serenity glanced up and met Brandon’s gaze, then turned to Sebastian and said softly, “But don’t worry. You’ll have the best possible people here with you.”

  “No,” Sebastian said. “You stay.”

  She smiled and caressed his hair. “I wish I could, poppet. Sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to. One day you might understand that.”

  Sebastian pouted. “I want to come with you.”

  Serenity’s smile wavered. She truly did care for his son. Perhaps he should interrupt their conversation before Sebastian became too upset. “Another time,” she said. “Be a good boy for me, won’t you?”

  Another time? She shouldn’t be getting the boy’s hopes up. If she was going back to her time, there wouldn’t be other trips for her to take him on.

  “Sebastian,” Brandon said. “Come give me a hug.”

  The boy leapt to his feet and ran over to him. He wrapped his little arms around Brandon’s waist and held on tight. “Are you going too, Papa?”

  “I’m afraid so,” he said. “But don’t worry. I’ll be back before you have a chance to miss me.”

  He loved his little boy. Sebastian was the only good thing his wife had given him. Their marriage hadn’t been a love match, and they’d fought more than anything. When she died, he hadn’t felt anything but relief. That was something he’d never tell his son. As far as he would know, his mother was loved. Catherine hadn’t been a bad person. It wasn’t her fault he’d been unable to truly love her.

  “Promise,” Sebastian said.

  “Always,” Brandon assured him, tousling his hair.

  Brandon stepped away from his son. He made sure to keep his gaze averted from Serenity. He didn’t know how her gift worked exactly, but he didn’t want to unwittingly give her ammunition to use against him. If he had any chance of letting her go completely it had to be a clean break. He turned and walked out of the room and didn’t look back once. Pain settled into his gut, and he accepted it as his due. In time, he’d become accustomed to it too. As with all things in his life he would find a way to endure. He was the one to make the hard choices for a reason. Serenity would go home, and he’d go to Manchester.

  Maybe if he reminded himself often enough he’d believe it...


  Brandon opened the carriage door and stepped inside. He sat and rapped on the side to let the driver know he was ready. The wheels rocked forward as the horses pulled the carriage away from his home. He leaned back against the seat and closed his eyes. He’d been so close to making one of the biggest mistakes of his life. He wasn’t sure how he’d managed to remain strong as long as he had.

  It had taken a little longer than he had anticipated for everything to be prepared for his departure. A whole hour had passed after he left his son’s nursery. The entire time he’d itched to search for Serenity and kiss her one last time. When he returned, she would not be there and it hurt more than he thought it would. No matter how many times he reminded himself it was for the best, he couldn’t shake the feeling he’d lost something profound.

  There was no going back now. He’d pushed her away, and now he had to live with those consequences. What choice did he have? He couldn’t very well marry her and make her a duchess. She’d make a horrible lady in society. Hell, society would thumb their noses at her. Serenity wouldn’t give a damn what they thought, and she’d continue as she pleased. Admittedly, it was one of the traits he admired most about her. She was the most self-assured woman he’d ever met. Perhaps she wouldn’t have made a terrible duchess. It was more he’d have made a dreadful husband.

  “Hell,” he muttered. “I’m turning into a maudlin female.”

  He scrubbed his hands over his face and considered his options. If he turned the carriage around and went after her, he’d be delayed. What was more important? His feelings or his country’s stability? In another time, that wouldn’t have been a question. He would dismiss his personal life and do what he had to for king and country. Something inside of him changed irrevocably when he’d met Serenity though. The heart he’d believed dead had come to life.

  How long had the carriage been moving while he contemplated what he wanted? He stared out the window and took in his surroundings. He’d been lost in his own mind so long, they’d journeyed a good distance from his home. At least an hour had passed. Brandon sighed. There was no going back now. She might not even be at the castle. He wasn’t sure what she had to do to return home. Serenity might already be back in her own time.

  The carriage slowed down and stopped jerking Brandon from his thoughts. What was going on now? There was no reason for them to stop, and he sure as hell hadn’t given them any indication he wanted to. Were there highwaymen on the road? He reached underneath the carriage seat and pulled out a pistol and cocked it. The carriage door flew open, and he prepared for the worst, holding his weapon steady. He was ready to fire, and only his training held him back from doing so—and it was a good thing he had. To his surprise, a woman with mahogany red hair and cobalt blue eyes greeted him. She was dressed scandalously in men’s breeches and a waistcoat that hugged her breasts.

  “Serenity,” he said harshly. “What the bloody hell are you wearing?”

  She glanced down at her attire and then back at him. “That’s all you have to say?” She shook her head in bewilderment. “Not what are you doing here or it’s good t
o see you. The first thing that pops out of that mouth of yours is to berate me on my clothing?”

  Brandon opened and closed his mouth several times. She did have a valid point. He’d been so shocked to see her dressed in man’s clothing he hadn’t stopped to think about why she was there. She shouldn’t be, but he couldn’t find any reason to be mad about that. He’d been contemplating returning for her, and if he hadn’t wasted so much time in indecision, he’d have done so.

  “One exceedingly disastrous dilemma at a time,” he replied. “I can’t take you anywhere wearing that.” He waved his hand up and down, gesturing at her clothing. “Who do you think you’re fooling with it? Anyone with eyes will be able to tell you’re female.”

  She grinned. “I fooled you long enough to get this far.”

  “No,” he said evenly. “You didn’t. I saw through it immediately.” Hadn’t he?

  “If you had, we wouldn’t have made it this far,” she replied a little too proud of herself. “Since I was sitting next to the driver when you stepped into the carriage.”

  Had she? Brandon hadn’t taken a second to look at the driver’s box. He’d been too focused on escaping as fast as possible. It wasn’t until he was inside the carriage he’d reconsidered his actions. He couldn’t very well admit that to her now. She’d crow about it, and he’d have to do something to quiet her. That would lead to kissing, and well, kissing led to other things. Brandon closed his eyes and prayed for strength because suddenly he had ideas of how they could pass the time in the carriage. Serenity probably wouldn’t do anything to discourage those ideas either.

  “I was a tad preoccupied,” he replied dryly. “Or I would have most certainly noticed you.”

  “You’re probably right,” she said hopping into the carriage closing the door behind her. She rapped on the side and it started moving once again. “And I unashamedly took advantage of it. I’m not going to apologize, so don’t ask me to.”

  How could he when he was glad she was there? He had time to figure out exactly what he wanted now. She wasn’t returning to her time as he stupidly had suggested. Serenity schemed more than he did. Something he hadn’t thought possible. She was his match in more ways than one.

  “I’d expect nothing less from you,” he told her. “When have you ever apologized for anything?”

  His lips twitched as she stared at him. Her face was so open. Every emotion traveled across her features in succession. First her eyes widened in surprise, then they narrowed in puzzlement, followed by a nod of acquiescence.

  “You’re right,” she said. “I don’t make excuses for who I am. You either accept it or you don’t.” She leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees. He couldn’t get used to her in breeches. “Why are you so tolerant of my presence? I expected rage and orders to return. This quiet acceptance is unnerving.”

  He shrugged. “I can’t very well do anything to change our circumstances now. You’ve managed to maneuver us into a scandal. I suppose that won’t matter much once you return home.”

  She snorted. “There is no scandal, Your Grace.” Serenity leaned back against the seat. “At least not yet. We can rectify that at the first opportunity.”

  Wouldn’t she be surprised if he decided to accept her offer? He might decide to test those waters at a later date. At the moment, he was enjoying having her along for the ride. The journey to Manchester would be long and boring. They had several stops before they reached their destination. Changing horses, resting, and at some point, stopping entirely for the night. He didn’t plan on traveling once dark set in. There was no need to rush—yet. Now that Serenity was with him, he’d take a slower pace and figure out how he wanted to proceed with her. Instead of pushing her away as he often did, it was time to take a different tact.

  “Nothing you say shocks me anymore,” he said. “You can cease trying.”

  She laughed. “Believe it or not, every word I utter doesn’t have to do with you. I don’t utter statements with the pure desire to see how you react.” She bit her lip and then said, “That’s just a side benefit.”

  Brandon stared at her mouth, intrigued. He wanted to reach across the carriage and pull her into his lap. Then ravage her mouth with his until they were breathless with desire. His cock ached inside his breeches. He hadn’t been a randy youth who sampled a lot of different women. Perhaps if he had, he wouldn’t be in the state he currently found himself in: one breath away from losing control over a slip of a woman.

  “My dear,” he said without an ounce of emotion. “One day I’m going to do something that will shock you. Then we will see how much you enjoy—” He paused a moment. “What did you call it? A side benefit?” Brandon lifted a brow. “On that day, I’ll have the last laugh.”

  “Promises, promises, Your Grace.” Serenity grinned. “I look forward to your attempt.”

  He wanted to wipe that smug smile off her lovely face. There was one way he could do that. If he gave in to his need to kiss her, she wouldn’t be lifting her lips in self-satisfaction. No, she’d be using them in much more pleasurable ways. The idea was starting to sound rather enticing, and he almost gave into it.

  “There will be no attempt,” he said assuredly. “It will be nothing but success.”

  If there was one thing Brandon was good at, it was hatching schemes that ended in victory. He played to win and had the patience to see a plan through. At the conclusion of it, she’d fall in line and go down a path of his design. Then she wouldn’t be teasing him relentlessly. When he won, and he fully intended to, she’d realize he was capable of turning the tables on her.

  “As I said,” she told him. “I’m all aflutter waiting for you to pull one over on me.”

  “You do say the strangest things,” he replied. “Since you’re here, why don’t you tell me why you felt the need to sneak into the carriage.”

  “Would you have let me come along if I’d asked?”

  He frowned. “No, of course not.” She was safer at the castle. Bringing her along into danger was a bad idea. Surely she understood that. She’d implied there was danger in Manchester and refused to give him any information he could use. She, more than him, knew exactly what she was heading into. It still irritated him that she declined to share vital details with him. Whatever bad things were about to happen, he could prevent it, but not without her giving him facts to work with.

  She shook her head and sighed. “Then why are you wasting our time asking a question you already know the answer to?”

  “Fair point,” he agreed. “Explain to me why you disobeyed me?”

  He realized his mistake in his choice of words immediately. Her lips pursed into displeasure and her cheeks flushed a bright red. “I’m not yours to order around.” Serenity kicked him hard in the shin. “You’re lucky I like you or I’d do something worse.”

  Brandon rubbed his leg and hoped he never figured out what worse was. That had bloody well hurt. “Fine,” he said. “I will try not to order you around. I’m not making any promises though. It’s in my nature to do so.”

  She nodded. “I know,” Serenity said, resigned. “Still not going to allow you to get away with it on a regular basis. Why don’t we agree to disagree for now? We can discuss your stupid plans to go to Manchester and why it’s a bad decision later. I’m tired and plan on taking a nap until we reach our first stop.”

  Brandon opened his mouth to disagree with her, but held back. He had no desire to receive a kick to his other leg. She was right. They could table their discussion for now. If she was truly going to nap, it would give him time to think and plan. He couldn’t resist goading her one last time though. “Carriages aren’t the most comfortable places to rest.”

  “I can sleep anywhere,” she replied. To prove her point she curled up on the bench and closed her eyes. A few moments passed, and then her soft snores filled the carriage. He was almost jealous of that ability. She was lovely even in sleep. The male attire had to go though. As soon as they stopped, he was going to in
sist she change. If she even had anything to change into... He couldn’t be certain if she planned that far ahead. She’d thought to change into scandalous clothing, but probably failed to realize she might need proper garments later on.

  He couldn’t wait for them to reach the last stop for the night. Serenity didn’t know it yet, but she was going to be his. In every way possible... He was done fighting himself.

  If he needed a sign to claim her—this one glared brightly before him like a beacon of divine will. The thought of losing her forever opened his eyes. He’d been resigned to never seeing her again, but she didn’t listen to him and return home. Brandon would not let her go a second time. If she didn’t want to stay with him, she shouldn’t have stayed. Besides, it would be much easier to protect her if he kept her close to his side. He would even use that as an excuse if necessary for them to share a room. Somehow, he doubted she’d fight him on it though. Serenity had been baiting him for months to do the very thing he planned on. It would be a night neither one of them would forget.


  The carriage rolled to a stop in front of an inn. A sign swung over the door with the name “Stallion and Snapdragon” emblazoned on it. The building was in the central courtyard of the town. A tall arch sat in front of the road leading toward the coaching inn. A stagecoach pulled away, leaving dust in its wake. Serenity wrinkled her nose and fought a sneeze.

  “What town is this again?” Serenity asked. She was tired and couldn’t wait to stretch her legs. They’d stopped earlier in the day and he’d made her change into a dress. She hadn’t bothered to pack, well anything. There hadn’t been much time to change and stow away on the carriage, let alone pack a trunk.


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