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Scheming with My Duke (Linked Across Time, #9)

Page 5

by Dawn Brower

  “Your Grace,” Killian said. “I believe the problem is that she has you under her spell. If you give me a wee bit more detail, perhaps I might be able to assist you in breaking it.”

  Did he want to? He rather liked Serenity and wanted to explore what drew them together. Instead of telling his new friend that, he said, “She has dark red hair and eyes bluer than the sea.” He sighed. “I’m afraid spending the rest of my life with her will be a trial I may not survive.” Brandon was resigned to his fate. Serenity would be his wife in truth once they were done with their current escapade. He was certain she’d lead him on a merry chase forever, and he rather liked the idea of it.

  “A wife has that effect on a man,” he said gravely. Killian frowned and then took a drink of his ale. His dark eyes narrowed as he stared across the room. “Is she, perhaps, the woman talking to my nuisance?”

  Brandon turned and looked for Serenity across the room. She was in an animated conversation with a woman. The other lady had rose-gold hair that fell in waves down her back. Serenity had her arms folded across her chest and her lips were pursed in displeasure. “She has a dark green traveling dress on,” Brandon said gesturing toward her. “And if your lady is the one with a light blue dress waving at her like a mad woman, then I’d say yes.”

  The two women appeared to be arguing about something. He could be wrong, but they seemed awfully familiar with each other. As far as he was aware, Serenity wasn’t acquainted with anyone other than him. Her family was in the twenty-first century. She hadn’t had a reason to leave his estate and only associated with the people that resided there. At some point, she would meet others when they started to socialize. As his wife, she’d be required to be part of society and meet more of his acquaintances.

  Brandon turned back to Killian and asked,” What are the chances they know each other?”

  He frowned. “Aubriella said she didn’t have family or anyone to lean on. If she’s lied to me, I think its best I find out now.”

  Bloody hell. This was going to be a mess.


  “Brie,” Serenity said. “Shut up before you draw more attention to yourself.”

  The last person she’d expected to see was her stepsister in the Stallion and Snapdragon. She’d been aware that Aubriella had gone through the mirror on some mission that only made sense to her. Trenton had explained it to her when they’d traveled back in time to save Genevieve. What she hadn’t realized was that she’d gone back to the same time as they had. If Serenity had, she would have tried to figure out where she’d gone.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Aubriella hissed under her breath. “You’re going to ruin everything.”

  Serenity closed her eyes and silently counted to ten. They hadn’t had the best relationship growing up, and it hadn’t softened now that they were adults. She couldn’t really blame Aubriella. Serenity’s mother had treated her abysmally. “I’m not here trying to ruin whatever you have going on,” Serenity said. “It’s an unfortunate coincidence.”

  “That explains absolutely nothing,” Aubriella said irritated. “If Killian realizes we know each other, he will insist I go off with you. I’m starting to make progress, damn it. You can’t let him figure it out.”

  Serenity didn’t give a damn about this Killian person. Her duke was all that mattered to her. “If I promise not to tell him we’re related through marriage, will you stop throwing a temper tantrum?”

  Aubriella glared at her. “I can feel every emotion you’re throwing my way.” She gritted her teeth. “Can you roll some of it back before I punch you?”

  “I dare you to,” Serenity said. “It’s been a while since I’ve had the opportunity to hit someone.” Her stepsister was driving her mad. “I’m not the only one throwing heat. You’re a bright red, and its glowing so bright it’s pouring into me. Calm the fuck down.”

  Aubriella blew out a breath and Serenity mirrored it. Their gifts tended to feed off of each other. It was one of the reasons they’d not gotten along growing up. Every emotion was amplified tenfold. Now that Aubriella was calming down, Serenity could breathe easier.

  “I’m sorry,” Aubriella said. “I’m overreacting.”

  “You think?” Serenity spat out. “It’s not like I intended...”

  “To do?” Brandon asked.

  Shit. How much had he overheard? The damn duke was too stealthy for his own good. She couldn’t let him realize that she and Aubriella were acquainted. Whatever she had going on required ignorance on her part.

  “She spilled her damn tea all over me,” Aubriella said.

  That actually had happened. When she turned to find her stepsister behind her, she’d fumbled the cup and spilled the darn tea down the front of her dress. Her light blue skirt was stained from it. She had been at a loss on what to tell Brandon when he approached. The tea stain was a good enough excuse. Nice save on Aubriella’s part too. Serenity was afraid she’d have kept opening and closing her mouth like a fish out of water. She couldn’t recall the last time she’d been at a loss for words. Finding Aubriella at the inn had ruined her composure.

  “I didn’t mean to,” Serenity said. “She startled me. I didn’t realize anyone was behind me.”

  Brandon frowned. A man stood directly behind him. His scowl matched her duke’s as he stared at Aubriella. Was he the Killian her stepsister had been talking about? He was gorgeous; no wonder Brie wanted to stay. Serenity couldn’t blame her either. Hopefully their ruse fooled both men. After a moment, the duke let out a breath and sighed. “The dress can be replaced. There is no reason to argue about it.”

  “Easy enough for you to say,” Aubriella scoffed. “I don’t have many dresses as it is. How am I going to find the means to replace this one?”

  Several ladies and a few men on the other side of the room had stopped to stare at them. Serenity made out several shades of curiosity glowing from them. They were probably hoping for a spot of entertainment, and lucky them, they were the evening’s show.

  “Lass,” the other man said with irritation. “Stop making a bloody scene. I will buy you a new dress.”

  “No,” Aubriella said defiantly. “I’m already a burden to you. Something you remind me of every day.”

  Damn, her stepsister was good. Aubriella normally didn’t do the damsel in distress thing, but she played it to a hilt. What game was she playing with her guy? Serenity grinned and unclasped the necklace around her neck. It was a simple emerald pendant on a gold chain, a gift from her mother when she’d been in a generous mood. She didn’t need it and it would help Aubriella. Serenity handed it to her. “Here, sell this and buy a few dresses.”

  “Oh, I couldn’t,” Aubriella said bringing her hand to her chest. “It must be dear to you.”

  Aubriella was aware where the necklace had come from. She must be reluctant to take it because of that. “I insist,” Serenity said. “It will go to a good cause. I don’t need it and you do.”

  Her stepsister took it reluctantly and closed her hand around it. “Thank you,” she said softly. “I apologize for losing my temper with you.” Her stepsister was truly sorry, but not for what the men believed. Serenity saw the truth in her aura. Brie was letting her know that her earlier outburst had been impetuous and begged forgiveness. Her stepsister turned toward the man beside the duke and asked, “Were you able to secure a room, Lord Thornbury?”

  He nodded. “Aye,” he replied. “A serving wench was supposed to show you to your room already.” Lord Thornbury frowned and searched the room. “Where did she disappear to?”

  “I wouldn’t know, my lord,” Aubriella said demurely.

  Serenity covered her mouth in an attempt to hide her amusement. Aubriella had this man completely fooled. What would he do when he realized she wasn’t this meek woman? She’d pay good money to see that unfold. It would be better than a soap opera cat fight.

  Brandon crossed to her side and leaned down to whisper, “What exactly do you find entertaining, my dear?”
  She hoped he didn’t suspect anything, but somehow doubted she’d be so fortunate. Until he said otherwise, she’d assume he was clueless. Serenity reined in her need to laugh. “Nothing,” she said. “Perhaps it’s time to retire for the evening.”

  Lord Thornbury glanced in their direction at her statement. “Please don’t let us keep you,” he said. “Miss Byrne, give Her Grace back the necklace. I will provide what you need.”

  Aubriella glanced at her and lifted a brow as if to question Killian’s statement. Serenity wasn’t sure if it was to give the necklace back or his assumption she was married to the duke. Either way, she had to stop her stepsister before she gave up her own charade to correct him. Serenity glanced at the duke, who had narrowed his gaze on her and then glanced toward Aubriella. What was he trying to figure out by staring at them?

  “That’s not necessary,” Serenity told Lord Thornbury. “She needs it more than I do. I gave it to her, and I refuse to take it back.”

  “You’re too kind,” Aubriella said evenly. “Perhaps his lordship is correct though and I should return it.”

  What game was she playing now? Serenity glared at her stepsister, sick and tired of it all. “I don’t have the patience for this,” she blurted out. “Keep the damn necklace, Miss Byrne.” Then she turned toward Lord Thornbury, and said earnestly, “I wish you luck, my lord. I fear you’ll need it.”

  Then she spun on her heels and left her stepsister to her fate. She was exhausted, and all she wanted was to lay her head down to rest. The excitement of finally seeing the duke naked was even fading. She didn’t bother to find out if he was following behind her. If he wanted her, he knew where to find her. Her interaction with Aubriella drained her, and she had to recharge. The duke could wait a little longer...


  Brandon followed behind Serenity as she headed toward their room at the inn. He wasn’t entirely sure if she knew where she was going or had stormed off in a fit of rage. He couldn’t wait to get her alone and interrogate her. There was more going on in that little scene they’d left behind them then the minx wanted him to be aware of. He’d suspected as much when he’d approached them, but the more the two women spoke he became even more certain of it. He’d been working clandestine meetings long enough to puzzle through them without much aid.

  Serenity pushed open a door and rushed inside their room. When had she figured out where they were sleeping? Probably when he’d been engrossed in his brandy and conversation with Killian. He’d ask her about it later. There were more important things he wanted answers too at the moment. She stopped in the middle of the room and screamed.

  “Couldn’t hold it in any longer?” he asked sardonically.

  She spun around and met his gaze. Her mouth fell open with surprise. She sighed and then said, “I didn’t realize you were there.”

  “I gathered as much,” he said, closing the door behind him as he entered the room. “You should learn to be a bit more circumspect, my dear. Always be aware of your surroundings and definitely make sure the door is secured before letting your indiscretions out.”

  “I’ve nothing to hide,” she declared flippantly. “No need for caution of any kind on my part.”

  She sounded—sincere. Brandon studied her for a moment, deciding how to proceed. Serenity was hiding something; he’d bet his life on it. Something about her encounter with Killian’s Miss Byrne wasn’t right. He’d bet they were very familiar with each other. Serenity didn’t realize the thin ice she treaded on. When Brandon was done with her, he’d have the truth of the matter. Slowly, he untied his cravat and stalked forward. If she wanted to play, who was he to deny her? This had been a long time coming, and fighting it had come to an end.

  “My dear,” he said as he pulled his cravat away from his neck and twisted it in his hands. “I fear I must disagree with you on that.”

  Serenity took a step back. She licked her lips and glanced down at his cravat. He almost laughed in triumph at her harried gaze as she took another cautious step backward. She’d pushed him for far too long, and he’d decided to let his inner beast out. He couldn’t wait to have her at his mercy.

  “Whatever you’re planning,” she told him, taking another step backward, “isn’t happening. I won’t allow it.”

  Brandon grinned wickedly. He couldn’t recall the last time he’d been this excited or had fun of any kind. Hell, he couldn’t recall ever being this carefree. His entire life had been one serious moment bleeding into the next. This woman before him gave him something he’d never had and probably wouldn’t find with anyone else. The chance to be free and enjoy life—it was a gift he never dreamed he’d have.

  “You’ll allow it,” he said. “And you’ll love every minute of it too.”

  She lifted her chin defiantly. “You can’t make me do anything.”

  “I wouldn’t even try,” he replied. He almost laughed at her defiance, but held it back. Every step they’d taken led them to this point. There was no turning back now. “But you can’t deny you want me any more than I want you.”

  Serenity hit the bed as she stepped back, falling backward. She flailed her arms wildly as she tried to regain her balance and failed. Even fate agreed she belonged in his bed. If he was hoping for a sign, he’d not find a more glaring one. He moved forward and stopped at the edge of the bed, his knees brushing against her legs. She glanced up at him, her lips tilted upward enticingly.

  “You’re right,” she said. “It’s about time you tumbled over the edge with me.” Serenity sat up and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Do your worst,” she demanded. “I’m ready for the onslaught of decadent torture you’re promising.”

  He groaned and leaned down, capturing her lips with his. This woman was his in every manner. When the night was over there would be no denying it for him or her. They belonged together, and he’d fight anyone who stood in his way of claiming her. He deepened the kiss, their tongues dancing together as a consuming fire erupted between them. Serenity moaned against his kiss, urging him to give her more of him.

  They had way too much clothes on, and he’d have to do something to resolve that issue immediately. As much as he hated the idea, he took a step back so he could remove her dress. She was ahead of him yanking the bodice down and pushing it past her waist. God above, she wasn’t wearing a damn thing underneath it. If he’d known that, they might not have made it inside the inn. He’d have had her in the carriage over and over again...

  Brandon swallowed down a lump in his throat as she stood, pushing her skirts to the floor. She was gloriously naked. Her skin flushed to a delicate pink and he wanted to taste her all over. There wouldn’t be much sleeping tonight if he had his way. The need to kiss every inch of her filled him. He reached for her, but she pushed him away.

  “Not until you’re naked too,” she said and then demanded, “Strip now.”

  His nostrils flared at her command. He wanted to order her around and see how she took to it. It was a good thing he wanted to lose his clothes as much as she wanted him to; otherwise, he might’ve argued on principle. He yanked his shirt free from his breeches and pulled it over his head, tossing it on the floor. Serenity moved toward him and brought her hands up to his chest. She rubbed his taut muscles beneath her palms, making him groan with each stroke.

  “You’re killing me,” he said.

  “Not yet,” she replied. “But maybe before the night is done...”

  He reached up and stilled her movement. “I thought you wanted me to undress.”

  She glanced up and met his gaze. Heat radiated from her in waves and washed over him. Whatever he’d done to deserve this woman, he hoped he lived up to it. Serenity Drake was perfect for him in every way. Slowly, he stepped back and removed the rest of his clothing. He felt the absence of her heat immediately and craved it in ways he never would have believed possible. His cock jutted out in anticipation of filling her.

  Serenity moved toward him and wrapped her small hand aroun
d his length. He groaned loudly as she stroked him between her nimble fingers. She’d be the death of him yet. “Please,” he moaned.

  “You like this,” she said. “I bet you’d like my mouth even more.”

  Shock filled him at her words. Would she really do as she suggested? He didn’t beg her or she might not do as she implied. He wanted to feel her lips wrapped around his hard cock. Brandon had dreamed too often of her doing it and didn’t dare believe it would ever happen. This was all so damn good and more enjoyable than he could have imagined. He waited patiently for her to kiss him as she promised. Anticipation was almost as pleasurable as the real thing... At least he’d thought that until her tongue brushed across the head of his cock. He almost climaxed from that alone but somehow managed to hold it in. Brandon didn’t want to find release until he was buried inside of her.

  Serenity dragged her tongue down his length and palmed his sack in her other hand. He was losing his mind to her ministrations. She brought her hot mouth down his length, driving him to the brink of exploding. He had to stop her now before he couldn’t. He halted her movements and pulled away from her.

  “That’s enough,” he said hoarsely. “It’s my turn now.”

  Serenity grinned. “You don’t like being at my mercy.”

  He liked it entirely too much. That was the problem. “Darling.” He smiled down at her. “One day I’ll let you finish me that way, but I’ve been waiting too long to have you underneath me. I’m not going to deny myself that particular pleasure.”

  Brandon lifted her up and set her fully on the bed. He hadn’t lied to her earlier. He was going to drive her to the brink of insanity. There were answers to be had, and she was going to give them. That didn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy the process and have her screaming with pleasure along the way. He grabbed his cravat and tied her hands to the headboard. She yanked at them and glared in his direction.

  “Is this necessary?”

  “Yes,” he said. “I can’t have you running off until I’m through with you.”


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