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Scheming with My Duke (Linked Across Time, #9)

Page 7

by Dawn Brower

  He found them exactly where Bogsworth indicated. Though the innkeeper’s wife was nowhere to be found, Serenity and Aubriella were deep in conversation and didn’t notice him. Slowly, he walked over to their side while neither one of them glanced up.

  “No,” Aubriella said. “It’s not like that.”

  “I’m sure it isn’t,” Serenity said. “It never is.”

  Aubriella crossed her arms across her chest and stared at Serenity mulishly. “Have I ever told you I hate you?”

  “Only a thousand times,” Serenity deadpanned. “No need to elaborate now.”

  Brandon’s lips twitched as he listened to them. They certainly argued like they were sisters. He cleared his throat, gathering their attention. “I hate to interrupt,” he paused. “No, I actually mean to do just that.” Brandon glanced at Serenity. “Care to make the introductions?”

  She lifted a brow. “You have no patience, do you?”

  “Not when I wake up alone,” he said. “I had plans and you ruined them.”

  “Oh?” The corner of her mouth twitched upward. She seemed to be fighting a smile. “Fascinating...”

  He wanted to pull her into his arms and kiss her senseless. If her stepsister wasn’t watching them with interest, he might have given into the urge. He could restrain himself a little while longer.

  “If you two are done flirting,” Aubriella said, “I have more important things to see to.”

  “Miss Byrne,” Brandon said, stopping her from leaving.

  “Doctor,” she replied.

  What the hell did she say? He was a little unnerved by her if he was being honest with himself. She had an ethereal quality to her. Actually looking at her, he could see why Killian thought she was fragile. Something about her made him want to wrap her up and make sure she was taken care of.

  “Not you too,” Serenity said irritated. “Don’t stare at her that way.”

  He frowned. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  Aubriella laughed. “He managed to shake it off,” she told Serenity. “Only a man truly in love can do that.” She held her hand out to him. “I’m Dr. Aubriella Byrne.”

  That was what she’d said earlier. He’d referred to her as Miss and she’d corrected him. Apparently that was a common occurrence in the future. Women had no trouble becoming doctors. The Duke of Weston’s wife, Alys, was a medical doctor, but she didn’t make a habit of making people aware of that fact. Brandon kept tabs on Weston because of his former agent, Dominic Rossington.

  “Right,” he said. “What kind of doctor are you?”

  He had to ask. There apparently were different kinds in the future, and he didn’t want to make assumptions. Especially not with a relation of his future wife. He fully intended to marry Serenity as soon as he possibly could. He refused to let her go.

  “Nothing that would be of any use to you,” she grumbled.

  “Don’t be so fast to assume,” Serenity replied. “He’s here for the same reason you are.”

  She lifted a brow. “Not the massacre...”

  What bloody massacre? They were talking over his head again. What did the two of them know that he didn’t? He was supposed to be the premier spy, and these two were scheming under his nose. That settled it, he was losing his touch, and it was all Serenity’s fault.

  “He didn’t know that part, you fool,” Serenity hissed. “You of all people must realize we can’t mess with history.”

  Brandon was ready to strangle both of them. “Start talking now,” he demanded.

  Aubriella sighed. “She’s right. I can’t tell you everything and neither can she. You might feel compelled to stop it, and it has to happen.”

  The more they talked, the more irritated he was becoming. He hated when people withheld information from him. Nothing wound him up faster and made him want to pummel something. He couldn’t very well hit a lady though, so he clenched his fists at his side and refrained from punching anything. It was a hard-fought, internal battle, but he ultimately won in the end. He turned toward Serenity and said, “What happened to no secrets between us.”

  “This isn’t the same thing,” she said. “It’s not my secret to tell, and it really will be what brings your country down the path it is supposed to head in. Even if I wasn’t here, or if Aubriella didn’t study history until she knew every last detail, it would happen. This isn’t something we did or will do. Knowledge of events from the past doesn’t give us the right to alter them, and in this case allowing them to happen will lead England down a path it must go.”

  He was sick and tired of hearing that. In the twenty-first century, he’d long since stopped breathing, and this all might be history to them, but it was his present. If she hadn’t followed Trenton Quinn back in time, he’d never have met her. She wouldn’t have given him something to live for. He’d thought he didn’t have a heart once? Well, wasn’t it a surprise to realize it was because somehow he’d already given it to her. She owned him body and soul, and a part of him hated her for it. Because now every part of him was on the brink of ruin.

  “That’s nonsense,” he said. “If you trusted me, you’d tell me and let me decide for myself.”

  “It’s not that simple,” Aubriella said. “What if we told you and we changed history for the worse.”

  “What if it was for the better,” he countered. “Tell me what you know.”

  Serenity blew out a breath. “It doesn’t matter now. He doesn’t have the means of arriving at St. Peter’s field in time to stop it. What’s going to happen still will. Tell him everything.”

  Aubriella frowned. “There is a gathering today. On August 16, 1819, today if you will, they hope to meet peacefully. There is a faction that doesn’t believe that is possible and make an effort to curb the masses. They panic and people lost, or will lose, their lives—even more are injured. When the clock strikes two it will be over.”

  “Why wouldn’t you tell me this?” He spun to meet Serenity’s gaze. He was horrified she’d kept this to herself. He could have done something to stop the tragedy from happening. “Why would you willingly let people die if you could prevent it?”

  She chewed on her lip. “I hate that people have to die. History is filled with people that do for no reason. Am I to travel everywhere and stop it all? Is that even possible?”

  “No,” he said. “Don’t be ridiculous. You’re not responsible for the lives of everyone throughout history.” Why did she have to be so damn reasonable? He couldn’t argue with her when she had a valid point. He hated it, but he had to look at it from her position.

  “Exactly,” she said. “This happened before I was even born. I had nothing to do with it. The only thing I’m responsible for is myself and the actions I take. You look at it as doing nothing, but look at it from my perspective.” She crossed over to him and placed her hand on his cheek. “I have to live with this knowledge every day. Sadly, a lot of people die throughout history. We can’t stop it all from happening and you shouldn’t expect us to.” Serenity threw her hands up in the air and paced back and forth. She stopped and faced him. “Because, otherwise, the future of my family and those I care about might be irrevocably altered. There’s always the chance that stopping something now will prevent me from ever being born.” She paused and nibbled on her bottom lip and then explained, “There is a butterfly effect and nothing goes untouched. My being here could change things in ways none of us could ever imagine.”

  He hadn’t considered that side of things. He was being a selfish ass, but it was hard knowing people would die and they couldn’t do anything to stop it. Even understanding all of what she said, he wanted to rush to stop the massacre from happening. It was difficult for him to stand there helpless. How could they stand knowing so much without going insane? “Is this why you wanted me to stay at Branterberry?”

  “Yes,” she replied. “I honestly didn’t know Brie was here. She’s been stalling Thornbury for days. He was hoping to go in support of the changes the working class want
. She’s been doing the damsel in distress act to slow him.”

  “I can’t help people see me as fragile,” she said. “I use the gifts I was born with however I need to.” What exactly were her gifts? He frowned and shook the thought away. It was perhaps best he didn’t know. He sympathized with Killian though. It sounded as if she was leading him on a merry chase.

  “Quit projecting feelings on me,” Serenity told her in annoyance. “I don’t need an amplification.”

  Brandon had no idea what Serenity was talking about. He pushed his eyebrows together and stared at her. “What?”

  “She’s an empath,” Serenity explained as she motioned toward Aubriella. “And a nuisance.”

  Ah... That actually made sense. Aubriella read emotions the way Serenity did auras. Spending time with the two of them made him appreciate his plebian status. He’d hate to live with any kind of psychic ability.

  Aubriella blew her a kiss. “But you love me.”

  Serenity laughed. “I’m starting to like you. Don’t push it.”

  Brandon wrapped his arms around Serenity. “Invite her to our wedding.”

  He couldn’t wait to marry her and live the rest of his life with her by his side. She gave him something he’d never thought to have—love and happiness. He kissed her forehead and failed to notice her bewilderment.

  “Oh,” Aubriella clapped her hands. “I do love a wedding. When is the big day?”

  Serenity pushed Brandon away. “Never, since I haven’t been asked.”

  She stormed away, leaving Brandon stunned. What the hell had gone wrong? He thought they were on the same page. He mentioned marriage last night... Brandon blinked several times, and as his mind cleared, he realized his mistake. He’d ordered her to marry him. He was a bloody idiot. Of course she’d be mad at him. He’d assumed she wanted to marry him and forged ahead without asking her what she wanted. What if she didn’t want to be his wife? God, he hoped she didn’t plan on leaving him. The idea—terrified him. He had no idea how to chase after her through time. What would he do if she decided to go back to the twenty-first century? How would he live without her? He had to go find her and make this right before it was too late.

  He turned toward Aubriella and asked, “How do I fix this?”

  His soon to be sister-in-law grinned. “Grovel. You done fucked up.”

  He’d never get used to the way they talked. Eve had said strange things all the time, so adapt to Serenity too much, but they all had unique phrases they’d spout that would throw him off from time to time. Maybe after a while he’d become more accustomed to it.

  Brandon nodded. “I’m going to do just that. Do me a favor and don’t disappear yet. I do want to make sure you attend our wedding.”

  With those words, he stalked after the love of his life. He was prepared to do whatever was necessary to make her realize how much she meant to him.


  Serenity stormed into the room she shared with Brandon. How could he have not realized he was being so damn selfish? Ohhh—she wanted to hit something. If she didn’t love the jerk, she’d hit him. Heck, maybe she still would when she saw him next. She picked up a vase and threw it across the room. It splintered into thousands of pieces on impact.

  A whistle echoed through the room. She spun on her heels and met Brandon’s gaze. He slowly shut the door behind him and approached her cautiously. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I should have asked if you wanted to marry me. I assumed, and I shouldn’t have.”

  That was a nice start but she wasn’t ready to forgive him. That was not the only thing he’d been wrong about. He’d assumed she was heartless and wanted people to die because she didn’t tell him about the massacre at St. Peter’s field. It killed her on the inside that there were people there probably even now getting hurt.

  “Not good enough,” she said angrily. “Do you think pretty words make everything all better?”

  “Even if I give you all my love, it would never be enough,” he said quietly. “I’m only human and I make mistakes, but I refuse to give up on us. I love you, and I can’t imagine my life without you.”

  Her heart melted at his words. Maybe she could lighten up a little bit. She did love him too... “I never believed I’d marry anyone.”

  His face fell a little at her words. “You don’t want to marry me?”

  That was the thing. She’d come so far with him. He made her different—better even. “I’m not ready to give up on us, but maybe it is for the best,” she said quietly.

  “I don’t accept that,” he said. “If we love each other we can get through anything. Please don’t walk away from me. I might not survive it if you do.”

  He was destroying her with his words. Her love didn’t get it. This had nothing to do with him and everything to do with her. She wasn’t sure she should stay in this time. What if she made another misstep? Would he blame her again and push her away? “I love you,” she told him. “I’ve never loved anyone more than I do you.”

  “Then what is the problem?” he asked. “Tell me so I can fix it. I want to be better for you.”

  She crossed the room and cupped his cheek in the palm of her hand. He was so dear to her, and it would kill her to leave him. “You don’t have to do anything. You’re perfect the way you are. It’s me that doesn’t deserve you. I should go back and be with my family.”

  “No,” he shouted. “Please don’t do that. We don’t have to get married. It’s enough for you to be here with me.”

  She didn’t really want to leave him, but she also realized it might be the best thing for them both. If she stayed, he might ask things of her she was unable to give him. Serenity loved him more than she’d thought possible. It tore her heart to shreds at the idea of never seeing him again.

  “I don’t want to be someone who can walk away easily,” she said. “But there is more at stake then you or me. What happens when another crisis pops up I could’ve prevented. Can you continue to look at me as if I hung the stars in the sky? Will our love survive that pressure?”

  Brandon dropped to his knees and let his head fall onto her belly. He wrapped his arms around her legs, holding on tight. Silence filled the room, and she feared he’d started to agree with her. She was almost mad at him but let that spark of anger dissipate. As much as she wanted him to fight for her, she couldn’t hold it against him if he agreed with her messed up logic.

  “I promise to never ask anything of you that you can’t handle. Our love not only will survive it will thrive.” Brandon glanced up and smiled. “Do you want to know why?”

  “Yes,” she said.

  “Because you and I are not people who give up,” he said. “I’m not promising that life will be easy, but I can guarantee one thing. Any love worth having is worth fighting for and I will fight for ours until I breathe my last breath. Can that be enough for you?”

  She nodded a tear falling down her cheek. “Of course.” Serenity wiped the tear away with a quick brush of her hand.

  He leaned his head back and met her gaze. His face was wracked with emotion. “Serenity Drake,” he said quietly. “The love of my life and the one woman guaranteed to drive me mad by breathing. Will you please do me the honor of becoming my wife? Promise to wake up beside me each day and kiss me every night before we go to bed. Be the mother of my son and future children, and argue with me when I’m being an arse?”

  She stared down at him, stunned into silence. Was he serious? “But...”

  “No,” he said. “I realize I gave you permission to argue with me, but that’s only after you’ve agreed to be mine forever. Until then, you will not do anything of the kind. We’re meant to be together, and nothing you have to say will convince me otherwise.”

  A tear fell down her cheek. She dropped to her knees to hug him. He held on to her tightly and kissed the top of her head. How had she been so lucky to find him. “Yes,” she said. “I will marry you.”

  “Good,” he said. “I already started planning the wedding. Yo
ur stepsister agreed to stick around, and I intended to ask her to stay for the wedding.” He grinned. “I’d hate to show up alone to our special day. She’ll be awfully surprised to be a guest at our wedding. You wouldn’t want to miss her reaction, would you?”

  Serenity laughed and kissed him quickly. “You’re that sure of yourself?”

  “I started planning as soon as we arrived at the Stallion and Snapdragon. Did you really think I’d leave this place without you permanently attached to me?”

  It was wonderful to finally be with someone she could be herself with. Life would never be perfect, but with Brandon, she found the one person who made her happy. There was nothing else she could possibly want, and she planned on treasuring each moment.


  The carriage rolled across the road, bouncing with each turn of the wheel. Brandon glanced across the carriage at his wife. He still wasn’t used to thinking of Serenity as his, but everything about it was right. This wasn’t his first marriage, but it was the one that equally scared and thrilled him. When he’d married Catherine, it had been about duty. Serenity was the love of his life. Taking a step toward her instead of away had been a profound one for him to make. His first instinct was to push people out of his life. Meeting Serenity was the best thing that had ever happened to him, besides the birth of his son. Loving her opened him up in a way he’d never believed possible.

  “Must you sit so far away?” he asked.

  Serenity giggled. “Yes,” she replied. “I’d prefer to not arrive looking like a rumpled waif. If I go anywhere near you, my dress will be ruined.”


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