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Intentional Risk (R.I.S.C. Book 4)

Page 18

by Anna Blakely

  “I’ll be back.”

  Trevor went inside, presumably to talk to Lexi, while Eric questioned Derek more about what had happened.

  “Was there anyone else out here when you and Charlie got back here?”

  “No. Everyone else was still in the restaurant. I’m not even sure how long the fuckin’ alarm was goin’ off before I noticed it.”

  Several minutes passed as Eric pelted them with more questions. Finally, he put his notebook away and sighed.

  “We’ll process it, but you know the drill. Without cameras or an eye witness, there’s probably not a whole lot that can be done.”

  “So, whoever did this just gets away with it?” Charlie stepped closer to them.

  Sympathy crossed his brother’s eyes. “Unfortunately, that’s typically what happens in cases like this.”

  Sensing her boiling anger, Derek pulled her to his side and kissed the top of her head. “It’s alright, darlin’. It’s just a car. Luckily, I have good insurance.”

  Trevor’s eyes narrowed slightly as he walked back up to them, having returned from inside. “You’re being awfully calm about all this.”

  Derek’s brows turned inward. “So?”

  “I seem to recall you threatening me within an inch of my life if I so much as scratched that car. Now, some asshole destroys her, and you’re all ‘It’s just a car’?”

  With his arm still around Charlie, Derek leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. Without actually looking at Trevor, he told his teammate, “This Charlie’s the only one I need.”

  Eric made a gagging sound. “Okay, you two. I’m happy for you and all, but I can only handle so much.

  Derek gave his brother a smirk. “Ah, come on, man. You know you’re just jealous.”

  “Nope,” Eric denied his brother’s claim. “I like my life just the way it is, thank you very much.”

  “I thought that, too.” He looked down at Charlie. “Then I realized what a dumbass I’d been.”

  “Newsflash, brother.” Eric looked at him straight-faced. “You’re still a dumbass.”

  After a few more seconds of razzing each other, Eric hugged Charlie again and then said his goodbyes.

  With a nod, Derek held Charlie’s hand as they walked to Trevor’s truck.

  “Appreciate the ride,” he told his friend as he climbed into the back so Charlie could have the front.

  “No problem,” Trevor responded as both he and Charlie climbed in at the same time. “I talked to Lex. She and I are going down to the security supply company first thing in the morning to raise hell.” As if he was just now seeing her, Trevor gave Charlie a nod. “Hey, Charlie. Circumstances aside, it’s good to see you again.”

  “It’s nice to see you, too, Trevor.” She gave his friend a half-smile. “Thanks for coming.”

  “Well, someone had to rescue you two.” He winked, then glanced at Derek through the rearview. “Sorry about the car.”

  Derek glanced out his window at what was left of his car and sighed. “Yeah. No one was hurt, though. That’s all that matters.”

  “I think it was Caleb,” Charlie stated confidently as she stared out the windshield. “It has to be him, right?” She looked at him from over her shoulder.

  He hated the fear that had come back into her eyes.

  “I agree that it’s a coincidence after everything that happened, but I’ve been keepin’ tabs on Porter. I’d know if he’d left New York.”

  She looked back to the road in front of them, countering with, “He could’ve hired someone.”

  A sharp pain jabbed his heart when he thought once again about what that asshole had done to her.

  “True.” Derek forced his voice to remain calm. “That’s why I’ve been monitoring his financial activity, as well.”

  “You have?” She couldn’t hide her surprise.

  He nodded. “I told you. I’ll do whatever it takes to protect you.”

  Her eyes stayed on his and then, “He could find a way around it. Use a contact here to destroy your car while his alibi remains tight in New York.”

  “She’s got a point.” Trevor glanced back at him.

  Derek scowled back at his teammate. The last thing he wanted was for Charlie to revert back to being scared of her own fucking shadow.

  Sensing his agitation, Trevor told him, “I’m just saying. Damage like that takes a lot of energy and a lot of rage. Whoever did that to your car was definitely pissed off at you for something.”

  “Doesn’t mean it was Porter,” Derek shot back. “It could be someone with a beef against R.I.S.C.” Trevor knew as well as he did that they pissed people off all the damn time. “Hell, it could’ve been some snot-nosed kid who got bored on a Monday night.”

  “I don’t think this was a kid, Derek,” Charlie said, her voice laced with disbelief. “You have to at least consider the possibility that this was Caleb’s doing.”

  Derek reached over the back of the seat and squeezed her shoulder. “You’re right, Charlie. It is possible. Which is why I’m gonna dig even deeper into the guy’s finances. Check for any payoffs or suspicious transfers. If there are any red flags there, I’ll find them. In the meantime, I need you to promise not to worry.”

  Sounding too fucking cute for her own good, Charlie snorted out a sarcastic, “Okay.”

  “I’m serious. There’s been no communication from him to either of us since he sent those papers. The odds that he’d risk everything he’s worked for to do something as juvenile as vandalizing my car are slim to none.” He nudged her playfully. “Trust me on this. Odds are kinda my thing.” He gave her one of his goofy grins, making her smile.

  That a girl.

  “Am I taking you to your place or hers?” Trevor broke in.

  “Hers. She can drop me off at the rental place tomorrow mornin’ so I can get something to drive until my insurance pays up, and I can buy a new car.” He looked over at her. “Is that okay?”

  “Of course.”

  He gave her a wink then sat back. For the remainder of the ride, Derek wracked his brain to think of anyone else with a vendetta against him.

  Recent ops. Old enemies. The list was seemingly endless, but only one name kept coming to the forefront of his thoughts.

  Back at her place, Derek followed Charlie as she walked straight into her bedroom and over to her closet. Opening the doors, she quickly undid the straps on her heels and kicked them off. She was about to unzip her dress when he stepped up behind her and ran a finger along her spine.

  “I’m sorry about tonight.” Derek’s voice rumbled as he brushed all of her hair over her right shoulder. Pressing his lips to her exposed back, he spoke between the trail of kisses he left there.

  “It was our first date.” Kiss. “It should have been special.” Kiss. “I wanted to celebrate us in a way you’d never forget.”

  “It was special,” Charlie spoke softly. “You make everything special.”

  Derek sent up a prayer of thanks when she tilted her head to the side to help him out.

  Maybe the night isn’t a total bust.

  “I’d planned to take you dancing.” He moved his hands down to her hips and began to sway back and forth. “I wanted to show you all my moves.”

  Charlie’s shoulders shook with silent laughter. “Oh, you have moves, do you?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He smiled against her skin. “I was going to get you all hot and bothered on the dance floor and then take you back to my place.”

  “Then what?” She asked breathlessly.

  Derek’s lips curved. “Then, I was going to strip you out of this sexy-as-fuck dress.”

  She inhaled deeply, her lower body instinctively pressing back against his.

  “After I made you come again and again, I was going to give you this.” He put one of his hands in his pocket and held the small, red box in front of her.

  She inhaled sharply. “Derek.” She turned in his arms, her cheeks flushed with arousal. “You don’t have to keep buy
ing me things.”

  “I know I don’t have to. I wanted to.” Between them, he opened the box to reveal what was inside. “I thought you could keep this on. That way, no matter what, I’ll always be with you.”

  Surprised filled her face. “Oh, it’s beautiful.”

  He hid the rush of relief flowing through him as Charlie studied every detail of the gold, vintage-looking locket. It was small with turquoise accents surrounding a tiny gold dragonfly in the center.

  “As a kid, you were always fascinated by dragonflies.”

  “I still am.” she smiled up at him. “I don’t know what it is about them. They’re just so pretty and graceful.”

  “Just like you,” he whispered.

  Her eyes sparkled with affection. “Thank you. Here.” She turned around and lifted her hair. “Will you put it on for me?”

  “Of course.”

  Reaching over her head, Derek clasped the gorgeous piece around her neck. When he was finished, he leaned down and kissed the area at the base of her neck, just below the chain. “I love you, Charlie.”

  She glanced at him from over her shoulder and smiled. “I love you, too, Derek.”

  His knuckle grazed her skin as his hand lowered to the top of her zipper. With incredible patience, he took his time pulling it down.

  When she wore nothing but the locket, Derek proceeded to carry her over to her bed. For most of the night, they used their mouths, hands, and bodies to prove the love they shared was all they’d ever really need.


  Chapter 17

  For Charlie, the next few days passed by in a blur as she worked tirelessly to get her new office painted and ready for business.

  She’d chosen a light gray for the walls and then accented the space with navy, mint, and coral.

  As expected, the police hadn’t found anything more about the person who’d totaled Derek’s car. Initially, she’d a hard time letting go of her suspicions regarding Caleb. It wasn’t until Derek’s friend, Shane, confirmed her ex was in New York at the time that she’d been able to truly relax.

  With no evidence of suspicious financial activity and no more signs of trouble, both she and Derek brushed it off as a random act of vandalism and moved on.

  His insurance policy included a ridiculously high amount for rental car reimbursement, so he’d decided to take his time buying a new car.

  Deciding to call it a day, Charlie double-checked to make sure she had everything exactly how she wanted it before grabbing her purse and keys.

  Standing at the door, she absentmindedly fingered the locket Derek had given her as she took in the results of all her hard work. Her chest expanded with pride at what she’d accomplished in such a short period of time.

  When her phone dinged inside her purse, she pulled it out and answered it with a smile.

  “Hey, handsome.”

  “Hey, yourself.” Derek’s voice sounded even deeper over the phone. “What are you up to?”

  “I was just about to leave the office. You?”

  “What do ya know, I’m leavin’ the office, too. Want to meet at my place? I could throw a couple of steaks on the grill.”

  Her stomach chose that exact moment to growl. She’d skipped lunch so she could finish what needed to be done at the office.

  “Sounds perfect. I’ll see you soon.”

  “Not soon enough.”

  Charlie felt almost giddy as she drove to Derek’s house. She loved how easy it was to be with him. How easy it was to love him. The complete opposite of Caleb.

  She chastised herself for comparing the two men. It happened less and less, and Charlie knew—or, at least she hoped—she’d break herself of that habit soon.

  Really, there was no comparison. Derek was the sweetest, most loving man she’d ever known. Even his years as a SEAL hadn’t hardened him.

  He didn’t talk much about that time in his life, but it couldn’t have been easy. Through the years, Charlie had snuck enough books about Navy SEALS home from the library and watched several documentaries about those guys to know he’d most likely been through hell and back.

  Yet, somehow, he still walked around with that adorable smile and a light in his eyes that never seemed to dim.

  A plume of smoke in the distance caught her eye, making Charlie’s heart beat a little harder. She was still too far away to be sure, but it almost looked as though it could be coming from Derek’s neighborhood.

  The image of his bludgeoned car flashed through her mind, and Charlie reflexively picked up speed. Five minutes later, she turned onto his road and saw that wooden barricades had been placed up ahead.

  Forced to stop at the end of the block, she spotted Derek’s rental car parked at an angle in the middle of the road. It was butted up next to the barricades. Oh, no.

  Two large fire trucks and a few other emergency vehicles blocked her view of his house, but in her gut, she already knew.

  Out of her mind with worry, Charlie didn’t even bother to grab her purse or keys. She just got out of her car and ran to find him.

  When she saw him talking to one of the firefighters, she called out his name. A police officer stepped in her path, but Derek hollered at him to let her through.

  As she got closer to where Derek stood, she caught her first glimpse of the destructive inferno. Her heart broke at the sight of Derek’s beautiful, cozy home engulfed in flames.

  Tears were falling from Charlie’s eyes before she’d even made it to his side. Though he tried to hide it, the devastation in his eyes was clear.

  “Derek!” she ran to him.

  He opened his arms, and Charlie went to him. Holding him tightly, she said, “I’m so sorry.”

  Heat from the flames licked her body, and the smell of smoke was pungent as it consumed the air above them.

  Firefighters were in full gear as they stood around the structure. Thick ropes of water shot from the end of their hoses, arching over the porch and onto the sagging roof.

  No one said it, but Charlie knew. There was nothing they could do now but stand there and watch while virtually everything Derek owned turned to ash.

  “What happened?” She pulled back to look at him.

  He shook his head. “Don’t know yet.”

  “We probably won’t know anything until tomorrow at the earliest,” the firefighter standing next to Derek spoke up.

  Charlie thought for a moment. “You have an alarm system. Aren’t those supposed to notify you if your smoke detectors are going off?”

  “Supposed to.” Derek’s lips pressed into a thin line. “I just got off the phone with the company. According to their records, it was never triggered.”

  “How is that possible?”

  The other man intervened again. “It happens more than you’d think. Depending on where the fire started, it could’ve shorted the system out before it had the chance to detect it.”

  “One of the neighbor’s down the street saw it when they drove by. They’re the ones who called it in.”

  “God, Derek.” She hugged him again. “This is awful.”

  “Yeah.” He rubbed her back. “Definitely not the best way to spend my evening.”

  “First, your car and now this? That can’t be a coincidence.”

  “That’s exactly what we were just saying.”

  They turned their heads to see Jake and Trevor walking toward them.

  “Hey, guys,” Derek greeted them somberly.

  “Damn, D.” Trevor grabbed Derek’s shoulder. “What happened?”

  Derek looked at the man deadpan. “My house caught on fire.”

  Jake and Trevor both snickered, but Charlie couldn’t bring herself to smile. Her mind was racing with possible explanations, one sticking out more than any other.

  “Christ.” Jake shook his head. “Only you would be joking at a time like this.”

  Derek shrugged. “Nothin’ I can do about it now.”

  Jake introduced himself to the firefighter and explained who he
was and that Derek worked for him. Then, with a peering gaze, he looked at the young man expectantly and said, “I’m assuming there will be an investigation.”

  The man nodded. “As soon as the flames are out and it’s cooled down enough for the fire marshal to go in, he’ll do a search for the initial source and go from there.” He studied the three men closely before adding, “I’ve heard of R.I.S.C. Know a little about what you guys do. I’m guessing you have reason to suspect this fire was started intentionally.”

  They nodded in unison.

  “Someone tore the shit out of my car the other night. Used a baseball bat or crowbar or somethin’,” Derek told him.

  “Any suspects?”

  Charlie’s eyes slid to Derek’s, but he shook his head. “Nothin’ solid.”

  “I’ll be sure to let Chief Henry know. Make sure they do a real thorough job.”

  “Thanks, man,” Derek held out his hand. “Appreciate it.”

  “No problem.”

  The firefighter shook his hand and walked over to one of his men. At the same time, Mac and another man she hadn’t met yet approached them.

  The guy with Mac, who looked to be in his late twenties, came right up to Derek. His brown hair was cut short and his pretty, hazel eyes were filled with concern.

  “Holy shit, D. You okay?”

  “I’m fine. I wasn’t home when it started.” Derek turned to her. “Charlie, this is Sean Cooper. We call him ‘Coop’. He’s Alpha Team’s other sniper.”

  “Ah, so this is the infamous Charlie.” Coop smiled as he held out his hand. “I’ve been dying to meet you.”

  “You have?” Charlie took his hand but looked to Derek for an explanation.

  Derek rolled his eyes. “Just ignore him. We do.”

  Coop’s smile grew even wider. “Nah.” He winked. “They love me.”

  While the guys began to talk about the situation, Mac slid over to Charlie’s side. “You doing okay?”

  “No,” she told the other woman honestly. “I’m not. I was afraid something like this was going to happen, and now it has.”

  Rather than give her useless platitudes, Mac put her hand on her shoulder. “Derek may joke around, but he’s smart as hell. If anyone can figure out who’s behind all of this, he can.”


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