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Divine Arsenal: Dual Weapon Cultivation

Page 11

by Dante King

  Even with my eyes closed, the Core glowed. I separated the dark bits of it from the golden orb, moving completely on instinct. My fingers didn’t pluck at it—hell, I never even touched the thing. This was a technique of pure Mana, manipulating the world by understanding it.

  When I opened my eyes, the Beast Core was glowing bright enough to light up the entire shack.

  “Yes,” Hazel moaned. She sounded like my success had given her physical pleasure. “You’ve done it, Eric! Now, bring the purified Beast Core to your own!”

  She guided the hand holding the glowing Core to my side, tugging my robes up to touch my bare skin. Her shoulders rose and fell rapidly, flushes of crimson color rising to her cheeks. Even as the Core expanded, filling my awareness, I couldn’t help but notice how this entire process seemed to be... well, arousing Hazel. It did feel strangely erotic.

  “There we go,” Hazel whimpered, pressing the hand holding the Core to my side. “Take it all. It belongs to you, it’s yours…”

  I gasped. Warmth bathed my body as the Beast Core sank beneath my skin, entering the Black Core within me. I felt it there, hanging like an undigested piece of food, floating in the darkness.

  Hazel’s excitement grew. “Dissolve it,” she panted, her hands trembling against my sides. “Transfer the energy to your Core, Eric! Take all of it for deserve it…!”

  I did. Yet I found I couldn’t. The golden core refused to budge, stubbornly resisting my attempts to dissolve it.

  “It’s not working,” I said after a few moments. “It’s not happening.”

  Hazel’s head snapped backward. “What? It should be the most natural thing in the world, Eric! The Beast Core is already inside you!”

  Awkward, I thought, glancing over at Anna. She looked majorly jealous now. Whether that would translate to an argument later or the roughest sex of my life once Hazel went to bed remained to be seen.

  “I told you, it won’t dissolve,” I growled, pulling away.

  “Let me see,” Hazel snapped, putting her hand to my side. Her eyes rolled back in her head, only the whites showing, and for a few moments, I got the strangest sensation of pins and needles going up and down my spine. The hell? Was this some kind of scan?

  As quickly as it came, the sensation vanished. Hazel snapped back to herself—and shot across the floor like the bottoms of her legs were greased. Her shoulders hit the wall next to the fireplace, her eyes as big as a doe’s.

  “You… how!?” She gasped, her jaw hanging wide open. “What is this, Eric!?”

  Huh? “You tell me,” I said, narrowing my eyes. “Is there something wrong with my Core?”

  “Something wrong…” Sweat beaded on Hazel’s forehead. She shook her head, laughing ruefully. “Your Core isn’t golden,” she whispered, looking nearly shaken enough to pass out. “It’s Black. A Black Core.”

  “Yeah,” I said, a little taken aback. “I didn’t know that was strange. I’d have told you, but Eliezer made it sound like no big deal.”

  Hazel held a hand to her lips. “I’ve never seen anything like it before,” she confessed, looking almost lost. “It must be a lost method of cultivation. Or a secret, guarded by a sacred few. What... what has Eliezer done!”

  My chest surged. “So you believe us about Eliezer now? The Peak Supreme God?”

  Hazel nodded like a bobblehead, still shaken. “Yes,” she panted. “This... we must report this to Guildmaster Ji. We’ll have to leave at first light—the Hollow Frogs should hear of this…”

  “In that case,” I said, adopting a gentle tone, “we should probably get some rest, right?”

  Hazel stared at me as if she’d never heard of the term. She blinked, the glazed expression in her eyes faded. “Yes,” she said, mastering herself. “That would be a good idea.” She gestured at the curtain separating the shack in two. “You two may take the bed. After the battle we’ve just been through, something soft beneath you should do some good. I’ll keep the first watch—after the shock I’ve just experienced, it will likely take me time to calm back down.”

  “Sounds good,” I said, glancing back toward the bed. “If you get tired, though, you could always crawl in with us. I think there’s enough room…”

  Both women gave me a scandalized look. Yet my new senses showed me the interest beneath the expressions of surprise society compelled them to give an offer like that.

  “I’m fine,” Hazel said wearily. “You two lay down. This has been a long day.”

  “You’ve got that right,” I said with a chuckle, guiding Anna behind the curtain. “See you in the morning, Hazel?”

  “See you in the morning,” she agreed, turning from the fire to the open door of the shack. She was still standing there when I drew back the curtain, giving Anna and me the fraction of privacy we’d have that night.

  Chapter 8

  “Hey, Eric,” Anna whispered, peering around the side of the curtain. “I think Hazel’s asleep.”

  Around an hour had elapsed since Hazel touched my Core and made the fateful discovery of my special nature—though without a watch or a smartphone to tell the time, of course I couldn’t be sure. The darkness beyond the shack felt total. Even the animals in the jungle trees had quieted down, shuffling off as a light rain fell against the roof of our shelter.

  “Oh yeah?” I leaned over and peeked out myself. Hazel lay slumped over next to the fireplace, the embers burning low. It looked like she’d just finished tending it when she’d dropped off.

  Anna nodded. “She’s definitely down for the count,” my girlfriend whispered. “Honestly, I don’t blame her. Did you see her face when she touched your Core? I thought the girl from The Ring was about to come out of the fireplace or something…”

  The mental image made me chuckle.

  “Apparently I’m very special,” I murmured, tucking the curtain back against the wall of the shack. The fabric formed an imperfect seal between Hazel’s side of the cabin and ours, yet the privacy gave a lightness to our conversation. We might not have been ‘alone’ alone, but at least we didn’t have a strange blonde warrior woman watching our every move.

  “You are,” Anna agreed.

  A slow, sleepy smile spread across my girlfriend’s face as she snuggled closer. Light danced with shadow across the ceiling as the fire bathed the cabin in warmth, but our little corner remained in shadow thanks to the curtain. Anna’s body against mine was even warmer. A situation like this could easily turn into the two of us passing out on the bed—but that wasn’t what either of us wanted.

  I cupped Anna’s chin, tilting her face toward mine. “You feel like going back to Earth yet?” I asked, laughing a bit to take the sting out of it.

  Anna shook her head. “Nope.” Her hand slid beneath the hem of my tunic, caressing my chest. “Not in the slightest.”

  “You sure?” Her body moved faster against mine, more insistent. “I brought you to a world where you turn into a scythe whenever there’s danger. I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to go on a date that was a little bit easier to explain to the parents…”

  Anna giggled, tossing her head back. It exposed the slender hollow of her throat and pushed her cleavage right up against my chin.

  “Eric,” she panted, staring at me with those big, doe eyes. “Why are you trying to ruin a good thing? You know this is exactly what I want.”

  My hands traveled to Anna’s ass. She pushed me down onto the bed with a hiss, straddling my hips to muffle the sound of the two of us tumbling together on the mattress. The thought of accidentally waking Hazel never strayed far from her mind, even as her hands reached for my belt.

  “Just making sure,” I gasped, grabbing a handful of her hair, “that you’re okay with all this. With being the woman of an ‘Early Core Formation’.”

  White teeth flashed in the darkness as Anna nibbled her bottom lip. “I’m not going to lie,” the blonde panted, “this is the craziest fucking date I’ve ever been on. It’s still hard to believe all
of this is real. But you know something?”

  “What?” I asked, untying the back of Anna’s robe. It hung from her curves, loosening in the front until the sides of her ample breasts were clearly visible.

  For a moment, Anna looked almost nervous. “I like it,” she whispered, unfastening my belt. “I like turning into that scythe and tearing shit up. I like getting stronger and more powerful, like a cool video game.” Her hand slid into my pants. “And most of all, I like feeling that Mana shit when the two of us get hot and heavy, Eric.”

  “Me too,” I gasped as her fingers encircled my cock. Anna knew just how to stroke me: hard and fast, bringing my cock to its full length and girth with a few expert ministrations. “It’s wild, isn’t it? It makes everything so much more intense!”

  “Mmh hmm,” Anna purred. “I like intense. I think it’s going to feel even better this time around…”

  With that, Anna lowered her head into my lap. I let out a gasp as her soft, pouty lips kissed the tip of my cock, then engulfed the entire head in wet, searing warmth. A silent cry of passion escaped me, requiring all my concentration to keep from waking Hazel. She was so close to us—she’d be able to hear everything.

  Anna hummed around my shaft as she wrapped her lips tighter around me. That hot little mouth of hers moved up and down my cock, taking me all the way down to the balls as she got me wet and ready to fuck her. She slid across the bed, sticking her ass all the way in the air as she blew me. The remains of her robe came off easily, leaving her naked save for those amazing thigh-high leather boots.

  For a moment, I closed my eyes, riding the intense sensation of Anna’s mouth around me. When I opened them again, looking down, her horns had grown even larger on her forehead. Her ears lengthened further, like slender daggers, as she bobbed up and down on me. Anna flashed a naughty wink as she kept on sucking, acknowledging the change.

  It wasn’t the first time she had changed—but now, with her naked before me, I could savor it in ways I’d been unable to previously. Her breasts and ass were larger than they’d been a few moments ago, giving her a perfect hourglass shape to go with the sleek muscle in her limbs. Anna was already the most gorgeous girl I’d ever had in my bed to begin with, but now she looked like my very own personal porn star. My elf porn star.

  The Black Core in my side began to vibrate. The air thickened with magic, Anna’s eyes shining with an unearthly light as she kept on sucking. Her own hand played between her thighs, spreading her soft folds as she fingered herself in time with her lips. I could feel her energy and mine vibrating in sync, the way it had back in my bedroom on Earth. Only it felt even stronger this time—it was completely irresistible.

  Feeling bold, I took hold of Anna’s horns. The slender protrusions made perfect handholds, even better than a ponytail for encouraging a girl to go deep. I pulled them downward as I upthrust between her lips, filling Anna’s sweet little mouth until the head of my cock hit the back of her throat. She gagged around me gently, her eyes wide with shock at how deep she could take me.

  After a few rounds of this, her mouth left my cock with a wet little pop. “I bet you’ve never had a girl deep-throat you like that before,” my girlfriend said proudly.

  “Fuck,” I panted, looking her naked body up and down. “You’re feeling it too, right?”

  She beamed in response. “Totally. I need you inside me, Eric.”

  “I need to be inside you,” I growled, taking her by the shoulders. Her Mana, my Mana—they intertwined like the two halves of a yin-yang, increasing the intensity of every sensation. I felt high off it, and I knew Anna did, too. Both of us wanted to see how far we could push this.

  I slid to the edge of the bed with her in my arms, bracing my feet firmly on the floor. Then I moved Anna into my lap, her knees to either side of my hips. My hands went to her waist and ass, holding her tightly so she wouldn’t fall. The position put her big breasts in my face, right where they belonged.

  “Ride me,” I grunted, spanking her ass. The sharp slap filled the cabin, and for a moment, the two of us stared wide-eyed at each other, worried we’d just woken Hazel up.

  From the other side of the curtain came the sound of the warrior woman snorting in her sleep. She rolled over, jostling the curtain with a foot, and Anna giggled.

  “That was close,” she said, nibbling her bottom lip nervously. “I don’t think I’m going to be able to stay quiet, Eric.”

  “Me either,” I said with a little laugh. “Once we get into it, though, I doubt she’s going to stop us. She wouldn’t dare.”

  Anna’s eyes said she was still a little worried Hazel might try it—but the way her legs gripped me told me she didn’t much care. She straddled my cock, her dripping slit only inches away from the release we both so desperately needed. I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold back much longer. If Anna didn’t offer it to me, I’d end up taking it. Mana surged in both of our bodies, as if the universe itself was eager for our coupling.

  “You know,” Anna said in a concerned whisper, “we still don’t have condoms…”

  I knew that. But nothing was going to stop me, not tonight. “Is that a problem?”

  Anna shook her head. “Even if we did, I wouldn’t want to use them. I want to feel you, Eric. I... I need you to come inside me…”

  One look in her eyes told me we both understood each other perfectly. “It would probably fuck with the magic, too,” I said, stroking her hair. It was a stretch, and both of us knew it. But hey, any excuse, right?

  “Fuck it,” she panted, her eyes shining in the darkness. “You only live once, right?”

  A trickle of worry flowed through me—but as she lowered herself onto me, it quickly faded. All I could think about was how wet and tight Anna’s pussy felt around my cock—as if it had been made for me. I groaned against her neck as I bottomed out inside of her, stretching her walls as she settled into my lap.

  “Ohhh yeah,” Anna whimpered, barely able to constrain herself. “Yeah, that feels much better bare…”

  I slid my hands beneath Anna’s ass and lifted her. A squeal of surprise escaped her lips at my strength, so capable of using her in my arms like a ragdoll. I brought her upward until only the tip of my cock remained pushing into her folds, then slammed her back down, burying myself inside of her as deep as I could. Her eyes rolled back in her head, a trickle of drool escaping the side of her mouth as she struggled to keep from crying out.

  “So much better,” I agreed, growling against her ear. “Going to fuck your brains out tonight, baby girl.”

  The two of us moved in perfect sync, like two halves of the same machine. As we fucked, the Core inside of me kept pulsing, vibrating at the same frequency as Anna’s body. The wall between me and her felt thin, permeable—I swore I could feel her feeling the things I was doing to her. Every time I brought my hand down on her ass, adding another of those dangerous, potentially Hazel-wakening slaps to the pleasure, pain surged in my own veins.

  “Ahhh fuck!” Anna whispered, thrusting her tits in my face. She rode me with a vengeance, and if the mattress had been filled with springs, they would have not so much squeaked as begged for mercy. “Are you feeling this, baby!? Are you feeling what I’m feeling right now!?”

  I was. We were. I’d never had sex like this before. A husband and a wife who’d been together for fifty years, who’d been intimate every single day of those fifty years, still wouldn’t know each other’s bodies and pleasure the way Anna and I did. Every thrust inside of her tight, spasming channel hit the exact spot it needed to hit to send us both into the stratosphere. The way the muscles contracted in Anna’s expressions of pleasure were as clear as an open book, telling me exactly what I needed to do to drive her absolutely wild.

  Before long we were making enough noise to wake not only Hazel but the entire jungle around us. A strange aura bathed our bodies, making our side of the cabin even brighter than the one with the fireplace. Anna’s body shimmered in my arms and transformed again, her n
ails extending and her horns lengthening like some kind of demon. I didn’t care: I just fucked her harder.

  Then those nails raked the front of my chest, drawing blood. A scream worked its way up my throat—and died as the ragged gashes instantly healed. The light that surrounded us poured into the wound, soothing it away and transforming my pain into pleasure.

  Along with it came knowledge. Fuck, I was cultivating, wasn’t I? The two of us grew stronger as we fucked, banging our way into a whole new level of ability!

  “Yah!” Anna growled, her voice something both more and less than human. “Nuh, uh yeaaah!”

  As the head of my cock plunged all the way to her cervix, Anna leaned forward and bit down on my lip. Her fangs sank right through, filling my mouth with blood. My girlfriend howled savagely at the taste, her inner muscles clenching around me as she rode me with renewed vigor. Her hips became a blur as she wounded me again and again, raking my back with her long nails, biting my shoulder as the pleasure coursed through her transformed body.

  Enough of this, I thought, grabbing hold of her tightly. I couldn’t deny that it felt amazing to be treated this way by Anna, but when I came, I didn’t want to feel like her personal chew toy. I wanted to be in control.

  I shoved her against the wall, forcing her to her hands and knees facing the headboard. Just like she’d done when she warmed me up with her mouth, she stuck her big ass in the air and buried her face against the pillow. With Anna face down, ass up, her round rear bobbing in my face with the dripping slit beneath it, she proved a temptation I couldn’t possibly resist.

  I impaled her in one smooth stroke, grabbing her horns for leverage, and then I started really fucking her.

  “You like that?” I growled, pumping inside of her like a piston. I knew damn well she did, but I wanted to hear it. I wanted that sweet little voice of hers to send me over the edge. “You like it when I use you like that, Anna? Show you what you really are!?”

  “Yessss,” Anna hissed, the sound like steam leaving a boiling kettle. A long, demonic tongue lolled from the side of her mouth, forked like a snake’s. “Don’t stop, Eric! Don’t fucking stop!”


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