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Speed King (Men of Action)

Page 18

by Ahren Sanders

  “Okay, I’ll see you in a few hours. Love you.”

  I grunt my response before disconnecting. “Lunch with my fucking mom today.”

  “Picked up on that. Cunning play. First your dad waylays you; now your mom’s sneak attack on Harley.”

  “My family is a pain in the ass.”

  He lets out an exaggerated laugh, his amusement grating on my nerves.

  “They better not make this a fucking habit.”

  “You don’t have to tell me about pains in the ass. Remember, I have two sisters—that adds to four people always wanting to know my business.”

  I grunt again, this time less irritated. Ford’s sisters are exactly like little mother hens. Always in his business.

  “Ace, you forgave them, right?”

  “There wasn’t anything to forgive, but essentially, yes, I let them know it was all good.”

  “You are back in the same town, with a new career and a new woman. A woman they adore. Be prepared for more ambushes in your future.”

  “Fuck. Between Harley working two jobs and me working mostly nights, now I have to add my parents in the mix?”

  “Looks like it.”

  “I’m taking her away. As soon as we get time off, we’re off the grid.”

  “You have that wing of the house to yourself, and you already demanded she practically move in.”

  “A few drawers and closet space doesn’t mean she’s moved in.”

  “Just saying, you may want to save that cash for the house. When you do finally tell her, depending on if she kicks your ass, she’s likely to go wild.”

  He drives through the neighborhood and pulls into his regular spot on the outside of the other three trucks.

  I hop out, looking across the back, and seeing the piece of land I’m buying in the distance. All four of us purchased a lot from Ford’s dad when he offered. I’m the only one who’s actually thinking about building soon.

  The thought flees when the back door opens and Major’s steely expression brings me back to the dark cloud hanging.

  The three of us go upstairs to the media room where Talon has his computer hooked up to the console. His usually relaxed disposition is gone.

  No whistling. No jokes. No easy-going attitude.

  We don’t wait long until his phone chimes, and he types in a code on his computer, the TV screen springing to life. Willie comes into view, looking every bit the soldier and one-hundred-percent the badass I remember.


  “Miss us already?” Ford’s attempt at the joke comes out dry.

  “Whitman, wish like hell this was a social call. We got a situation brewing.”

  “Figured that with the cryptic message,” Talon mutters.

  “Chatters heating about new players on the scene. Word is they’re nasty motherfuckers. Hands in everything. Right now, we have a team doing special recon.”

  “What’s this got to do with us?” Major asks what everyone is thinking.

  “Nothing yet. Black Shell team is in the mix. But if this moves, I want my men. My men being you,” Willie clarifies.

  “We have a deal. Our involvement only happens in three instances,” I point out.

  “If I call you, it’s one of those three. Rescue and Recover to be exact.”

  “Fuckity fuck, fuck, fuck. I just got the taste of that goddamn sand out of my mouth.” Ford blows out a breath in disgust.

  “No sand, Whitman, at least not the sand you’re thinking. This is happening on our side of the world.”

  “Can you give us more?” I push, knowing it’s useless.

  “Unfortunately not, Kingston. This is your head’s up. Hopefully, it’s unnecessary.”

  Head’s up. Meaning he’s telling us to get our affairs in order. The man wouldn’t do that unless he had a gut feeling. He’s not an alarmist.

  “You men stay tight. I’ll be in touch.” Willie ends the call, the screen going black.

  The room is quiet with all eyes on me. This is us.

  My brothers.

  Our commitment and service are non-negotiable.

  None of us are backing down.

  Our affairs are in order.

  But we have a new member of our crew. Harley means a lot to these guys, but she’s my world.

  Their silent question hangs in the air.

  “Tonight. When Harley gets off work, I’ll tell her tonight.”



  “Jesus, Harley, take a deep breath.”

  I try, but the air doesn’t reach my lungs and I grow lightheaded. My hands go to his shirt, clutching tight, not able to get close enough.

  “Baby, I need you to breathe. You’re shaking like crazy.”

  I take in quick breaths, finally getting my head together, and the panic sets in.

  “You’re going back.” It’s barely audible, but his whole body goes solid.

  “We don’t know that yet.” His hand strokes through my hair gently. “We know little.”

  “Can you tell them no? I mean, say ‘nope, I’m done. Let the other guys handle this’?”

  His already solid body turns to steel. “Baby…”

  He doesn’t have to finish because I’m scrambling out of his hold across the bed.

  “Forget I said that! I didn’t mean it. I mean, I meant it, but it’s something I say to Jewls, Mom, or Dad. Not you. That was shitty and unsupportive.”

  “It was honest.”

  “It was still shitty. This is you, who you are and what you do. I’m in shock. Give me a minute to let it penetrate and my senses will return.”

  “Get back over here.”

  I shake my head, pulling my knees to my chest and curling around them. “Tell me again what this means.”

  “There’s nothing to tell. Like I said, we know little. If the time comes we’re needed, we’ll be briefed and brought in the fold. But, baby, prepare yourself. If that time comes, I can’t—”

  “Tell me,” I finish his sentence. “You can’t tell me what the situation is.”

  Regret and guilt fill his features. “No.”

  “Why would Willie do that? Is it normal to drop that kind of bomb and leave it hanging out there? Giving nothing to go on and worrying you all to death?”

  He reaches over, lifting me effortlessly back to his lap. “We’re not worried. Like you said, we are who we are and this is what we do. We’re trained for many circumstances.”

  “You said there are only three reasons that would call you back?”

  He nods.

  “Can you share those?”

  His beautiful, thoughtful eyes fill with remorse, and this time he shakes his head.

  “Is this like a mission to kill Bin Laden?”

  “Baby, that was the Seals. We’re pretty awesome, but we’re not Seals.”

  “See? That’s where my imagination automatically goes.”

  “Nothing like that. We’re more Special Operations in certain skill sets.”

  “And Willie can’t get another group of badasses?”

  His lips curl, the regret changing to amusement. “He’s partial to our brand of badass since he trained us.”

  “Of course, he’s partial,” I mumble.

  “You going to uncurl yourself from this ball and let me get us into bed? It’s late and you have to work in the morning.”

  “I can’t think about work knowing every minute of the day I’ll wonder if you’re being shipped to God knows where to do whatever it is you do.” A spark of irritation replaces the shock, and I loosen my arms, releasing my tight hold on myself. “I can’t believe you held on to this information all damn day and night. You should have told me right after lunch with the moms.”

  “You had to go back to work. And you were in such a good mood.”

  “I was in a good mood because lunch was great. Our moms are nuts, but they are hilarious and fun nuts. Sandy was so elated she was beaming. When you hugged her goodbye, I swear she sagged with relief and wanted to
hold on to you forever. It was special.”

  “It was fucking lunch.”

  “To you, it was lunch. To her, it was much more.”

  “Everyone was happy, and that’s what matters.”

  “You let me go back to work like nothing was happening. Then to Tom’s!”

  “I wasn’t disrupting your life with this.”

  “Disrupt my life?! Tell me you didn’t say that!” My screech is a little overdramatic, but I don’t have time to check my sass because my blood is now boiling. “Don’t you think that being called up on a ‘special operations’, super clandestine mission disrupts my life?”

  I wiggle my way back, roll the opposite way, and jump off the bed.


  “Don’t Harley me. I swore to myself that if I ever had you in my life, I’d accept whatever you gave me. From the first day we met, I accepted everything that makes you who you are. For those ten years, I lived in constant fear of losing you.”

  “You aren’t losing me.”

  “You don’t know that! You’re a cop eyeing SWAT. Every shift you’re on is a risk that could steal you from me. And I’ve come to terms with that because it’s a part of you.”

  He moves to get up, but I throw my hand in his direction, stepping further back. “I’ve waited over ten years for you to love me. We don’t discuss your time in the Marines because it’s yours to share. But this is huge. You’ve been holding on to critical information. I don’t care how much it hurts; we will not work if you keep things from me.”

  Lightning fast, I’m in his arms. He throws me on the bed, bracing above and bringing his face less than an inch from mine. I’m caged in and immediately under his spell. A chill runs down my spine at the pure power in his eyes.

  “You took it all away. Every mission, every risk, every man lost—it was engrained in my life. With you, it’s all a blur. I’m not in denial. It’s bearable because I have you. You didn’t need to wait over ten years for me to love you because it happened the day we met. And every day since then, no matter where I was in the world, you were with me. I didn’t withhold critical information. In my mind, nothing will take me from you.”

  “It all makes sense now. Why you left active duty but stayed in the Reserves. They didn’t want to lose you. But I don’t, either. Promise me, Achilles. Promise me you will always come home to me.”

  He pauses, the torture evident on his face.

  “Never mind, don’t make promises you can’t keep. Can you promise to be careful and try to come home to me?”

  “I promise. But it may be a moot point.”

  “You may not have to leave for this, but there is always the chance. Plus, you work in law enforcement.”

  “Harley, me and my guys know what we’re doing. That’s why we are who we are. We recon, assess, make split-second decisions that are meant for the greater good. Trust in that. Trust in me.”

  “I trust you with everything. But I’m also selfish.” Guilt slithers through me.

  “All the sacrifices and decisions I made, you were in my motivation. Now that I have you, do you think I’d risk losing this?”

  I run my fingers along his cheeks, memorizing the beauty he’s giving me. The possibility of him being called up and leaving makes our time together more precious. “I’ll talk to Tom and try to change my schedule. He’ll be cool about me having the same nights off as you.”

  “I already said this doesn’t disrupt your life. Although I will say the purpose of saving for a European vacation is pointless. You aren’t going.”

  “Don’t piss me off when I’m in the throes of drama.”

  “No drama.”

  “I’m traveling Europe with my best friend, and we’re spending a week with Shayla.”

  “Then I’m traveling, too.”

  “Achilles! It’s a girls’ trip.”

  “Not anymore.” He swallows hard. “My sweet Harley isn’t roving across the world without me.”

  His perfect English accent leaves me breathless. “Achilles,” is all I can wisp out.

  “Don’t change your schedule at Tom’s unless you want.”

  “You’ve never liked me working there.”

  “I’m a jealous bastard.”

  “I’m in a committed relationship with a man who can incinerate flesh with a slice of his eyes. Not to mention, your brethren have taken your place when you’re not around. The intimidation game is effective.”

  “It’s not a game.”

  Telling him it’s ridiculous is a waste of breath. He’s not changing his ways anytime soon. Our conversation from the other day replays in my head. After Pete left, he pushed further for me to fill up his room with my stuff. I told him to give me a few days to think about it. He didn’t agree, and I tried a new tactic.

  I’d bring some things over after I spoke to the other guys and got a sense about how they felt about it. It’s easier to read their personal opinions when we’re face to face.

  With us spending all of our time here when we’re together, it makes sense. “I’ll talk to the guys tomorrow.”

  He understands without explanation. “You do that.”

  “And I’ll bring over things to fill at least two drawers and a few feet of the closet if they agree.”

  He closes in on me, his cocky grin loaded with purpose. “I’ll help you pack.”

  Major’s hunched over the kitchen island with his back to the room when I enter. Without warning, I plaster myself to him.


  “Promise me, if you get the call to leave, promise me you’ll be careful.”

  “Kingston told you,” he states grimly.

  “He told me.”

  “We’re always careful.”

  I tighten my arms on his ribcage, using all my strength to hug tight, pressing my face into his shoulder blades. Like Achilles, his solid frame is like steel against my hold. His hands cover mine and squeeze. “Promise.”

  “Fuck, I’m not in the mood to go head-to-head with Ace when he sees his lady attached to you.” Talon’s voice sounds from behind, and I spin, releasing Major to find him and Ford standing at the edge of the room, still in uniform. Talon’s amused expression barely registers before I take off and launch myself into his arms.

  “Promise me you’ll be careful!” I squeal, holding tight as he rocks back.


  “Promise,” I cut him off.

  “Man, she’s got a wicked grip,” Major informs him.

  Talon’s arms go around me, and he nods against my head. “Promise.”

  I twist and reach for Ford, tugging him close. “Ford?”


  “I needed to hear it from each of you.” My forehead drops to the edge of their shoulders. I know they are sharing a look right now that says I’m emotional and overacting, but I don’t care. Hearing them confirm their commitment to stay safe helps my nerves.

  “Harley, you know we dig you, but Ace’s eyes are blazing,” Talon utters in my ear, and I let them go.

  My feet are barely on the ground when Ace folds around me. “That’s the last time you get coffee without me.”

  “Stop being a brute.”

  “Don’t enjoy walking in to find you clinging to other men, even if they are these dipshits.”

  “I’m actually surprised she’s resisted me this long,” Talon goads him with a smug grin.

  I giggle as a low hum rolls from Ace’s throat.

  “Take it from that greeting, Jay’s been briefed?” Ford changes the subject before Talon can’t spur him more.

  Ace jerks his chin.

  “Actually, it’s good you all are here at the same time. We wanted to talk to you about something.”

  My fingers lace with his, waiting for him to take over. His eyes meet mine and dance with amusement.

  “You wanted the big production, this is your show.”

  “No, you need to ask. It’s the gentlemanly thing to do.”

  “When did
Ace become a gentleman? This should be good.” Major leans against the island, crossing his arms with a wide grin.

  They all stare at me until my stomach rolls in a knot.

  “For fuck’s sake, should we put her out of her misery?” Ford chuckles.

  “Nah, let’s wait her out,” Talon suggests with his own lip-splitting grin.

  Prickles crawl across my skin before the embarrassment hits. “You all know, don’t you?”

  “That Ace is moving you in and making that wing a love nest?”

  At Ford’s statement, the four of them burst out laughing, and my embarrassment turns to a rush of heat through my veins. “It’s not a love nest!”

  “Sin Den?” comes from Major.

  “Lover’s Lair?” Talon adds.

  “Play & Stay?” Ford finishes them out.

  I half-twist into Achilles to find him enjoying this a little too much. “Stop laughing!”

  “They are fucking with you.”

  “I’m trying to be polite in checking with the occupants of this house before I practically move myself in.”

  “A few drawers and closet space doesn’t mean you're moving fully in,” he corrects me. “But I’m totally game if you’re offering.”

  “Achilles! Stop being ridiculous.”

  “I’m not the one sweating over asking a bunch of grown men if they have a problem with you staying here.”

  “I’m being respectful of your home,” I grumble, turning back.

  “The Casanova Club needs a new member. You’ll do.” Talon winks. “Besides, I liked this morning’s greeting. Next time, let’s shoot for fewer clothes.”

  “Why do I try?” I aim my eyes at the ceiling, feeling foolish.

  “Anytime you want to have your chick clique, I’m okay with that, too.”

  I swing my gaze to Major, seeing my opportunity to butt in. “Anyone in particular?”

  His eyes flare before he shakes his head. “Nice tits, hot ass, low maintenance, and not looking for more than a good time.”

  “If we’re throwing out preferences, I’ll take the tits and ass, too. Attitude’s not a deal breaker, but ditto on the good time. Nothing more.”

  “You guys are pigs. With those expectations, this will turn into a Casanova Club.”


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