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Speed King (Men of Action)

Page 20

by Ahren Sanders

  “Jay…” Ford drifts off, not sure how to finish.

  The sadness disappears. She delivers a cunning smile to Major. “Drake and Jewls seemed to hit it off.”

  Major slams his beer down, but she’s already floating off with a wave of a hand.

  I watch her ass, slugging my beer.

  “We didn’t even get a fresh round,” Talon whistles out, and Tom swings his head our way.

  “Y’all badasses here for the night?”

  He knows my answer, but the other guys tip their beer in confirmation. Tom fills a bucket of beer, sets it in front of us, and props on the bar. “I know what’s going on. Pray to God your services aren’t needed, but if they are, you have my eternal gratitude for continuing to protect this country. Drinks are on me tonight.” He shoves off and goes back to the service area.

  Talon, being Talon, can’t let it go, whistling loud to bring attention his way. “We love you, too, Tommy.”

  Tom scowls, shooting him an ‘eat shit’ glare before flicking him off.

  “Aww, look at that. He loves us more.”

  I glance at my friend shoving bar nuts in his mouth and can’t help the smile on my lips.

  Surrounded by friends and family and watching Harley shine under the success of her pet project, I have a new appreciation for my life.



  “It’s not too late to go to a restaurant.”

  “It is too late, considering the catering staff is almost ready to open the buffet,” Mom replies. “Plus, there’s no way we can move this crowd to a restaurant.”

  “The Bar-B-Q Barn can hold all of us.”

  “Do you want to tell your grandma she’s getting the Bar-B-Q Barn for her seventy-fifth dinner instead of Italian from the city’s finest restaurant?”

  I think about Grandma Lucy’s reaction and the wrath of hell we’ll face. “No,” I mumble, slinking back.

  “It’s not that bad.”

  “She’s had Achilles in that corner for fifteen minutes and pointed at his face twice. He looks like he’s about to blow.”

  “No, he looks like a man who will gladly stand in that corner, taking hell as long as it takes for her to get it out of her system. She loves you like crazy. And to him, you’re his world.” Sandy sighs with unmistakable joy.

  “Can’t Uncle Michael or Dad intercept?”

  “They know better than to wade in,” Mom advises.

  “I think it’s hilarious. Waiting for him to break a sweat,” Jewls chimes in.

  “You’re no help.”

  “Not when the situation is so entertaining.” She shoves a margarita glass in my hand. “Here, have a slug and lighten up. We all know Ace can’t be scared off.”

  “I agree. Doug and I always considered Ace the lone wolf of the bunch. We only met him a handful of times, but each time, he was quiet and standoffish. He had this edge about him that was dangerous and mysterious. Then we come here, meet you. That weekend, when he cornered me about helping you find a builder, I almost fainted. He is a different man,” Celia tells our group.

  “Agreed, Jim and I noticed the change in Ace that weekend as well,” Cindy, Major’s mom, pipes up. “We should all be thanking you.”


  “Our sons have a solid, impenetrable connection among them. They decide as a group. When Major told us they were getting out and moving on, I didn’t know what they’d do next. Then, when he told me they were all coming to Nashville with Ace, I felt relief. The choice to come here was driven by Ace’s determination to get back to you. You helped find them a home.”

  “I’m not sure that’s how it went. Ace and I weren’t exactly on the best of terms. Giving me credit is a stretch.”

  “She’s right, sweetie. And we’re all thrilled they are closer. Nashville is the perfect location. It’s a simple drive and flight, which is nice.” Talon’s mom, April, toasts her glass in the air. “Plus, we get you in the deal, which is a bonus.”

  My skin prickles and heats with the praise, and I flash her a crooked smile. “I’m pretty fortunate, too.”

  I glance at Sandy, who’s barely holding back her emotions. Tonight has meant a lot to her. Meeting the other parents after all these years and being able to share this with Pete and Achilles finally at peace.

  “I hate to bring it up, but can we address the elephant in the corner?” Celia’s attention lands on me. “Have you heard anything new?”

  “No, as far as I know, there has been no more communication. Achilles promised he would tell me.”

  “Ford’s sisters made him promise the same. They wanted to be here this weekend, but it didn’t work out. They’ll be crashing in soon.”

  “Maybe Willie’s original team uncovered nothing and the head’s up call was unnecessary. He got everyone worried for nothing,” Jewls voices her opinion.

  “I’d love for that to be true, but Achilles says these things take time.”

  “These men are the best at what they do. And God forbid they are called back, we will band together to support each other.”

  “We sure will.” Mom reaches for the pitcher of margaritas, topping mine off before hers. “Now, let’s talk about houses. Do you have any idea what you want?”

  “Hold that thought—Grandma Lucy has released her prey,” Jewls updates us eagerly.

  Grandma heads our way while Achilles joins the men by the fire pit. His eyes meet mine, and a slow, sexy grin forms on his lips. Whatever she said has him amused.

  “Do I still have a boyfriend?” I ask Grandma when she sits.

  “Hopefully not for long.”

  “What did you do?”

  “I’m a hip old broad. You millennials like to go against the grain, but there are a few traditions that should withstand time.”

  A knot forms in the pit of my stomach at the implication. “You didn’t…”

  “Told him he can build you a fancy house, but there better be a ring on your finger before any great-grandbabies get here.”

  “Oh, God,” My chin falls to my chest.

  “Harley, why do you act surprised?”

  “Because we’ve been dating a short time.”

  “He’s Usain Bolt,” Jewls proudly relays her ridiculous name. “Ace went from lone wolf to speed king.”

  “He is rather fast when he gets going, but considering this has been in the works for over ten years, he’s not quite that fast.” Grandma pins me with her deep blue eyes full of wisdom.

  “You knew how he felt?”

  “Of course, I did, sugar plum. It was obvious. I also know why he did what he did and walked away. The eighteen-year-old Achilles Kingston was carrying too much on his conscience to be good enough. Now, he’s ready to atone for that time lost.”

  A lump forms in my throat, and I avoid peering at Sandy.

  “So, what did I miss?” Grandma changes the subject, pouring her own drink.

  “Talking about the house. I’m getting my own guest suite,” Jewls informs them. “And I’d like it to overlook the pool deck.”

  I roll my eyes, take a large gulp, and say a silent thanks Mom was generous with the tequila. “I picked up a few magazines to get ideas. This whole thing is surreal and hasn’t hit me yet.”

  “Do you have any idea what style you’d prefer?” Celia asks.

  “Not at all.”

  “What does Achilles say?”

  “He has four demands. A three-bay garage, a media room, a sizable back yard with an outdoor kitchen, and a large master suite. That’s all I have to go on.”

  “They can definitely save room on the kitchen, considering Harley can’t cook shit,” Jewls snickers, throwing me under the bus.

  “I’m learning!”

  “I will never know how you are my daughter and can’t cook,” Mom adds to the ridicule.

  “We’ll handle that, starting with lessons this weekend,” April offers.

  “And maybe tomorrow we can ride around to look at styles of homes.”

  “I’m not sure what we can afford. Achilles won’t give me a budget. He says anything I want.”

  Celia shares a look with April, Sandy, Cindy, and Grandma. The knot in the pit of my stomach coils tighter, and I swallow another large gulp.


  “Well, I don’t know what his budget is, but you can have almost anything you want. Doug spoke to a few contacts, and the houses are being built with a very generous discount.” She blows me away with this news.


  “All the guys have done well with their investments. Drake and Sam have been involved,” Cindy advises.

  “Awesome! I’m getting my suite!” Jewls shimmies in her chair.

  “I think we need more.” I take the empty pitcher to the sidebar.

  The next second I’m screeching like a madwoman as I’m snatched off my feet and hanging parallel to the ground.

  “Harley Bell!” My cousin spins around before tipping to the side and shaking me like a rag doll.

  “Put me down!” I beat on his forearm, which has an iron-clad hold on my waist.

  “Not yet.” He slings me up and tickles my side until I’m squirming and squealing.

  “Stop… no… please,” I beg, knowing it’s useless.

  His body goes static, and all the playful activity stops. He places me on my feet and leans in to my ear. “The way his lethal laser rays are shooting at me, I’m guessing this is your new beau?”

  My eyes fly to find Achilles’ fiery gaze aimed at my cousin. Aunt Tina stands close, her mouth slightly parted.

  “Tone it down,” I hiss-whisper. “It’s Mike. Don’t you remember my cousin?”

  The blaze lessens, and his stance relaxes. “No, never met the guy manhandling you.”

  It hits me that Mike didn’t make it home for Grandpa’s funeral because he was in Europe.

  “Achilles, this is my cousin, Mike Jacobs, and you met my Aunt Tina.” I do the introductions, hugging both newcomers.

  “Hey, man, heard a lot about you these last few weeks.” Mike makes the first move, offering his hand.

  A giggle escapes and I look at Mom. She’s beaming brazenly. “Mom, you’re shameless.”

  “What? Am I not allowed to share about your new boyfriend with the family? I’m proud of Ace and wanted Tina to know the scoop.”

  “More like she wanted to brag,” Mike mutters. “Although it wasn’t the first time your name was floating around. Nice to finally meet you.”

  Achilles shakes his hand, wrapping his arm around my waist and folding me smoothly to his side. “Yeah, I’ve heard your name, too.”

  Jewls throws herself in the mix, hugging Mike enthusiastically. “Mickey!”

  “Julianna Banana!” He lifts her off the ground and shakes her much gentler than my greeting.

  I cast my gaze over to the fire pit, zeroing in on Major, who’s scowling only slightly less protectively than Achilles was.

  “Seriously, you are aware of the reason you’re attending this soiree, aren’t you?” Grandma’s disapproving tone cuts through the patio.

  Mike sets Jewls on her feet and moseys over to the table, crouching to hug her. “Grandma, you don’t look a day over eighty,” he sings teasingly.

  She scoffs loudly, pushing him off. “Michael Wayne Jacobs Junior! You’re lucky you make your own money because that remark got you cut out of my will.”

  “But I’m your favorite grandson.” He clutches his chest, wounded.

  “Not anymore, Dee’s boys are knocking you out of the club.”

  He scans the yard, around the area, and bends backward to peer into the house. “Where are Aunt Dee and her three heathens? I don’t see the wreckage.”

  I bite the inside of my cheek and try to hold back, but a snort escapes, and I press my face into Achilles’ chest to cover my hilarity. “Our Aunt Deanna, we call her Dee. Her three sons aren’t bad, they’re just wild.”

  “I remember meeting them. They outta college yet?”

  “Two are out and ‘finding themselves’. The youngest is in his fifth year, testing out majors that suit his lifestyle.”

  Achilles chuckles.

  “Seriously, Grandma Lucy, you are a sight. Happy birthday.” Mike quits his teasing and hugs her affectionately.

  She melts into him, kissing his cheek. “Always my Mickey.”

  He straightens and goes to my mom while Aunt Tina moves to Grandma. After he introduces himself to the other ladies in the group, he joins us again. “Not to be rude, but where’s the alcohol?”

  “We have a bar set up out here, and the cabana is fully stocked.”

  “How about a beer?”

  “That would be the cabana. Come on, handsome, I’ll show you around and introduce you to the men.” Jewls offers her hand and he takes it.

  “We’ll meet you down there after I finish the margaritas.”

  They head out and I tug Ace to the bar.

  “I’ll make them.” He surprises me by reaching for the pitcher before I can.

  “Do you know how?”

  “I may not drink this girlie shit, but doesn’t mean I’m clueless.”

  He expertly whips up a concoction using ingredients I didn’t know were here. When he pours me a sample, I moan in appreciation. “This is fantastic.”

  “Groan like that again and you’ll get something else fantastic.”

  Swarms of little tingles take flight in my stomach, and I glance up to find his eyes boring into mine. Just like that first time, he continues to take my breath away. So ruggedly gorgeous.

  He jolts, his gaze turning heated and hungry.

  “Did I say that out loud?”

  “Yeah, and baby, fair warning. You give me something that sweet again, everyone at this party will witness me hauling you to my room with my intentions clear.”

  I ignore his warning, curl my hand around his neck, and tip up on my toes, urging his face down. “I’m glad Grandma Lucy didn’t scare you away.”

  A smile plays at his lips. “She called me on my shit. Knew I loved you all those years ago and thinks I was reckless by risking the chance of losing you. Then she told me she expected our house to fill with babies as soon as we’re married. She’s completely on board.”

  My jaw drops and a bubble of a squeal gets out before he crashes his lips over mine. His tongue sweeps through, twirling with mine briefly before breaking away. “Don’t tempt me, Harley. My room.”

  A collective sigh sounds out, and I swivel my neck to find all eyes on us. Mom and Grandma are grinning approvingly, Aunt Tina a mix of happiness and envy.

  “Drink your drinks, enjoy your family, and tonight, I’ll show you my appreciation for that sweetness.”

  “We have a house full of people sleeping everywhere.”

  “We’ll deal.”

  I sigh in appreciation. “Can’t wait.”

  “Baby, really? You got me halfway hard just being around. Now I’m solid.”

  “Sorry.” I push back and motion for him to fill my glass. “Let’s head down where they can gossip about us without embarrassing me to death.”

  He folds my hand in his and leads us to the back yard. “So, you probably picked up that Mom has been running her mouth.”

  “Hard to miss.”

  “I forgot you hadn’t met Mike before. But we’re close, well, as close as his schedule allows.”

  “He’s the one with the record label?”

  “Yes, the man is the definition of a workhorse. He’s also a master entrepreneur. The label that started small has grown into an internationally recognized name. He’ll humbly argue the success is a result of his team. But we all know the truth. It’s his own hardworking sweat equity. He’s married to his job, and his clients are a part of his family. Aunt Tina is scared he’ll never slow down enough to find a woman and fall in love.”

  “He will.”

  He says it with such confidence, I stop and glance up at him. “You think?”

  “I’m familiar with hard work a
nd sweat equity. Sometimes a man needs to lay the foundation, so when he finds the one, he can balance it out. Sounds like his foundation is solid. He needs to find the one that takes his breath away with the first glance.”

  I melt into him, memorizing the way he’s staring at me with such love it’s a miracle my heart doesn’t burst from my chest. “God, I love you.”

  No matter how many times I’ve repeated the words, his expression always grows thoughtful. He steals a quick kiss, then guides us to the circle of people, positioning us close to Mike.

  “Not to sound like an ass, but I didn’t believe Dad when he told me they moved her party because your boyfriend offered. I called Uncle Rich to see what the hell was happening.”

  “Mike, that’s tacky.”

  “Harley, I have clients that live in this neighborhood.”

  He doesn’t have to explain further. Mike represents some of the best musicians and hottest musical talent in the country. He’s had full bands relocate to Nashville to work with him and his team. He’s made many people very wealthy.

  “When Uncle Rich explained the situation to me, it made total sense,” Mike finishes.

  “It’s still tacky.”

  “I disagree. I see it as looking out for my baby cousin. Seems like my worry was premature. Heard you bought a lot to build her a home—congrats, man.” He tips his beer in Achilles’ direction and warmth fills me inside.

  “How is the glamorous life of jet-setting with the rich and famous?” I tease, moving the subject along.

  “Not nearly as glorious as you may think.”

  “Must be tough.”

  “Would be less tough if you’d come work for me.”

  My stomach drops to my feet, and I swing to face him in disbelief. “What?”

  “There’s an opening in my marketing department that sounds perfect for your expertise.”

  “How do you know my expertise?”

  “Jewls’ been filling me in.”

  “Launching a ladies’ night and creating an upstart campaign for an exercise studio isn’t exactly your level.”

  Achilles squeezes my waist with a low grunt. He’s not a fan of me dismissing my efforts.

  “Rumor has it you pitched for the recent Lamborghini account.”


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