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Drag: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World)

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by AJ Alexander


  A Driven World Novel

  AJ Alexander




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21


  Also by AJ Alexander

  About AJ Alexander

  Also Written by K. Bromberg

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, organizations, places, events, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead are entirely coincidental.


  No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people.

  Published by KB Worlds LLC.

  Cover Design by: Sybil Wilson with Popkitty Designs

  Cover Image by: Shutterstock, Inc

  Editing by: Emma Mack with Ultra Editing

  Proofreading: Marjorie Lord

  Formatting by: AJ Alexander

  Dear Reader,

  Welcome to the Driven World!

  I’m so excited you’ve picked up this book! Drag is a book based on the world I created in my New York Times bestselling Driven Series. While I may be finished writing this series (for now), various authors have signed on to keep them going. They will be bringing you all-new stories in the world you know while allowing you to revisit the characters you love.

  This book is entirely the work of the author who wrote it. While I allowed them to use the world I created and may have assisted in some of the plotting, I took no part in the writing or editing of the story. All praise can be directed their way.

  I truly hope you enjoy Drag. If you’re interested in finding more authors who have written in the KB Worlds, you can visit

  Thank you for supporting the writers in this project and me.

  Happy Reading,

  K. Bromberg

  “If you are still breathing, you have a second chance.” — Oprah Winfrey



  Even after all this time, she still makes my heart skip a beat. Lucy Duke, the only woman to steal my heart, saunters down the track toward me. A bright smile covers her face as she laughs at something the person next to her said.

  Her eyes light with mischief as the other guys in the crew are vying for her attention. She did always love being in the spotlight.

  “Hey, Lucy! Thanks for coming. I want to introduce you to someone,” Rylee shouts from beside me, turning toward me with a smile. “I know you and Lucy will get along perfectly during this project.” She places her hand on my shoulder and gives it a squeeze. “I’m sure this isn’t how you imagined your return to the team, but we are all excited you’re back.”

  Rylee’s words warm me to the core. She and Colton have been my biggest cheerleaders since that night. Hell, if it weren’t for Colton, I’d probably be lying in a ditch somewhere.

  “Thanks, Ry. You have no idea how much that means to me.”

  “Okay, what was so important that I had to rush over here right this minute? Couldn’t you have at least waited until I dropped my little man off at preschool?” Lucy says before giving Rylee a bright smile.

  Little man?

  My head immediately snaps in her direction. Standing next to Lucy is her spitting image. Acid fills my veins as I look from her to the little boy.

  “Tyler,” Lucy says breathlessly, gripping the little boy’s hand tightly in hers.

  I reach up and grip the back of my neck, attempting to calm the nerves swirling through my mind. My cock hardens as her scent reaches me, reminding me of our old times together. A time when things were simpler, before I ruined everything.

  Chapter One


  I stare up at the ceiling, counting the tiles. “One. Two. Three,” I repeat over and over until the pain begins to cease.

  That’s the problem with being an addict. Even if painkillers aren’t your drug of choice, you get nothing. They say they need to make sure there is nothing in your system, but they just enjoy torturing patients. But I deserve to feel the pain. Images of the accident run on a continuous loop in my mind.

  “Tyler Davenport?” a soft voice questions from the doorway.

  “Yeah, that’s me.” I raise my voice slightly. “I would get up, but I’m kind of stuck here.” I point down toward my right leg in the splint. “Any chance of me getting some painkillers? Shit, I’ll take a Tylenol at this point.”

  The nurse gives me a small smile. “I’m sorry, but until you’ve spoken with the doctor, I won’t be able to give you anything.”

  She approaches my bed and stops to punch a few numbers into the set of drawers sitting beside me. “You’re in luck. The doctor ordered blood work, putting you one step closer to getting some meds.”

  I watch her withdraw small tubes with colorful lids, a needle, and a rubber tourniquet from one of the drawers before turning in my direction. “You’ll feel a little pinch and then we should be all set.”

  “As long as you can get what you need quickly so I can get some meds, that would be amazing.” She gives me a sympathetic smile before pushing the needle beneath my skin.

  I lean my head back and close my eyes. I’ve never liked the sight of blood. My mind wanders back to the crash only a few hours ago. I can still smell gasoline in the air and hear the crunching of metal against metal as my car slammed head-on into the elderly couple.

  “All set.” The nurse presses a piece of cotton to my arm, bringing me back to the present. “Hold your arm up for a few to make sure the bleeding stops.” She cleans up her trash before unlocking the computer attached to the wall.

  Once she is finished, she pushes the computer back and heads for the door. She turns back before exiting and says, “I almost forgot, you have a visitor here to see you. He said his name was Colton Donavon. Can I send him in?”

  I cringe in my bed. “On a scale of one to ten, how pissed off did he look?”

  The nurse contemplates my question for a moment before responding. “I would say you are looking at about an eight, but he has had time to cool off since he arrived.”

  “That’s not a big vote of confidence, but you can send him in whenever,” I mumble the latter before leaning my head back and closing my eyes.

  I let my mind wander, thinking about all the things I could have done differently tonight. If I would have just waited for the Uber ride or not drank so much, maybe things would be different.

  “Tyler, what the hell were you thinking, man?” My eyes fly open. Standing before me is Colton, owner and CEO of CD Enterprises, and my boss. His translucent green eyes burn bright with rage.

  “I wasn’t. That seems to be my motto lately,” I grumble, having no idea what he wants to hear from me. I fucked up and we both know it. I just want to make sure t
hat couple is alright. “Are they okay?”

  Colton sighs before taking a seat at the end of my bed. He places a gentle hand on my leg, but I wince in pain. “Sorry, man.” He inhales a deep breath before letting it out. “They are both fine. You’re damn lucky no one was hurt, just some minor cuts and bruises. The driver only sustained a broken wrist.” Colton motions toward my leg. “Not that you seem to be in any better shape.”

  My vision mists as tears collect in my eyes. “I was afraid I had permanently injured one of them, or even worse, killed them.” My voice cracks as I try to control the torrent of emotions threatening to take over.

  “But you didn’t.” Colton pushes off the bed and begins pacing. Pacing from Colton is never a good thing.

  “What happens now?” I question, unable to bear the silence any longer.

  “Now you have a choice to make, my friend. You have been going downhill for months now. I should have noticed sooner.”

  “None of this is your fault.”

  “I know this is all on you. However, I can make sure you get the help you need.” Colton stops pacing and pins me in place with his stare. “Your choices are either you go to rehab and get your life back on track, or you go to jail.”

  I pause and wait for him to elaborate further, but he says nothing.

  “Obviously, I would rather not go to jail.”

  “Okay, I’ll take care of things. You just hope and pray your leg doesn’t require surgery to be fixed.” Colton turns and heads out the door, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

  Over the next few hours, I’m wheeled off to radiology. After too much talking, I get my leg in a cast. Thank heavens I didn’t need surgery. I have a displaced fracture in the tibia, a fancy way of saying shinbone.

  I’m finally back in my room with a bright red cast covering the bottom part of my leg, but still no painkillers. Apparently, the Assistant District Attorney is coming to visit me soon. They don’t want my judgement clouded by having drugs in my system. I don’t know how being in severe amounts of pain after they snapped my bone back into place wouldn’t cloud my judgement, but rules are rules.

  There’s a soft knock on the door and I shift my attention to the people filtering into my room. The first two men are wearing suits with crisp white shirts, obviously lawyers given my current situation. Both men are followed closely by my doctor and Colton.

  Colton heads directly to my side, beginning the introductions. “This is the Assistant District Attorney. He will read you the terms he and your lawyer came up with. If you are in agreement, sign it and everything will be taken care of.”

  “You must be my lawyer?” I question the second suit. He nods his head before placing a manilla folder on my lap.

  “Look at the documents inside and let me know if you have any issues with what we have discussed.”

  I open the folder and find a stack of papers. My name is in bold print at the top of the page. I take a deep breath before reading through all the pages, getting my attorney’s attention when I have questions.

  “Four years?” I say aloud to no one in particular. “What am I going to do for the next four years? I’m not that screwed up that I need to be in rehab for that long.”

  Colton places a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “They only require you to be there for six months. How much longer you have to stay there depends on you.”

  The Assistant DA steps closer to my bed before speaking. “What Mr. Donavan stated is correct. You will be sent to court-mandated drug and alcohol rehabilitation at Monarch Shores Facility in San Juan Capistrano. You will be remanded there for a minimum of six months. Law requires you to complete the training and submit to random drug and alcohol testing for the next four years.”

  “I understand all of that, but why can’t I return to the team for four years?” I look at Colton, hoping he can do something about this minor requirement.

  “Because I want you to get your life together and worrying about what is going on with the team won’t help. I have other people to help run my racing career. Right now I want you to take care of yourself.”

  I sigh, thinking over all my options. Court-ordered rehab and community service are not too bad of a deal when you almost kill two people.

  “I just want to make sure I understand. I have to report to Monarch Shores in a few days and then complete the program. Once I have completed the program, I have mandatory community service and probation for another two years, plus random drug and alcohol testing for four years.”

  “That’s correct. However, you will also be charged with driving while intoxicated. The offense will be placed on your criminal record, but once you have completed the listed requirements, you will have served your sentence.” My attorney chimes in, placing a pen in my hand.

  “Alright,” I sigh before signing the next four years of my life away. Both attorneys sign the forms, then leave the room.

  “This is for the best,” Colton says before my doctor hands him a pile of paperwork.

  “Am I getting out of this place?” I question as I swing my legs over the side of bed, careful of my injured leg.

  “Yes, your transportation is waiting for you.” The doctor shakes my and Colton’s hands before leaving the room.

  “What did he mean by transportation? Aren’t you going to give me a ride back to the house? I need to let Lucy know what’s happening.”

  “You aren’t going home. I packed a bag for you before I came here. You are being transported directly to the rehab center.”

  My chest tightens in fear. “What about Lucy? I can’t even tell her goodbye?”

  Colton shakes his head before pulling his cell phone out of his pocket and handing it to me. “You need to leave immediately. It was the only way we could get them to agree to no jail time.”

  I grip the phone, my hand shaking from the onslaught of emotions filtering through my mind. I dial her number. It rings a few times before going to voicemail.

  “Lucy, baby, it’s Tyler. I’ve gotten into a little trouble and have to go away for a little while. Just remember I love you and I’ll be back as soon as I can.” I end the call and hand Colton back his phone.

  “You don’t want to tell her how long you will be gone? That’s a long time to wait for someone?” Colton questions as he hands me a pair of crutches and helps me stand.

  “What kind of asshole would I be if I asked her to wait? If she waits for me to come back, I want it to be because she wants to, not out of a sense of obligation.”

  Colton nods his head as he helps me out the door. As I take a seat in the back of an unmarked police car, the realization of what is about to happen hits me like a ton of bricks.

  Lucy Duke is the love of my life. I just hope she understands why things had to be this way.

  Chapter Two


  “Alright, I’m coming,” I mumble into the darkness of my room. I rub the sleep out of my eyes before throwing my legs over the side of the bed. I wait a few moments before pushing up off the bed and striding down the hallway toward the second bedroom.

  I have no idea where I would be right now if it wasn’t for Rylee and Corporate Cares. When all my other friends deserted me for their partying ways, Rylee stepped up to help me move forward in my life.

  I push open the door and see a pair of blue tear-filled eyes staring back at me. “Is my little man doing okay?” I ask in a hushed voice.

  “Bad dream,” Colt responds in his little voice while reaching his hand toward me, begging to be picked up. I smile at him before picking him up and heading to the rocking chair in the corner, a gift from Colton and Rylee.

  “Momma is here. I’ll make all the bad dreams go away.” I kiss the top of his head, burying my nose into his hair that’s so much like his father’s.

  “‘Dank you momma.” Colt snuggles into my chest as I rock back and forth, soothing both our nerves. As his breathing evens to a steady rhythm, I allow myself to think about how things could have been.

yler Davenport was the man of my dreams. Tall, lean body, and drop dead gorgeous. Most of the girls around the track only had eyes for Colton, my best friend at the time, Tawny included, but there was something about Tyler that drew me in.

  I met him at one of the many events Tawny dragged me to, hoping to catch Colton’s eye, but I soon sought Tyler out whenever I could. Going to the track during practices, making sure I was near winner’s circle on race day. Anything I could do to ensure I was close to Tyler.

  He blew me off as a track bunny, just there to get my hooks into an up and coming racer. But after a few months of passing conversations, Tyler discovered there was more to me than finding a quick paycheck.

  It took a few months, but he finally asked me out. The rest is history. After one date, I knew he would be the one for me. It took him a little bit longer to come to that conclusion. After almost a year of being an official couple, we were talking about having a family and making a life for ourselves. However, the partying and drinking caught up to the both of us. We were headed down a path of destruction, that is until Tyler disappeared.

  Everything changed for me that day. The other half of my soul went missing and finding out you have another person growing inside you could do that. It was hard, but I stopped all the partying and worked toward a better future for myself and my little man, hoping that one day Tyler would return to us, but that day hasn’t arrived and probably never will.


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