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Drag: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World)

Page 5

by AJ Alexander

  Lucy still loves me; I can see it in her eyes every time I get close to her. I hurt her, and I own that, but I need her in my life. The only problem is Colt’s father. I need to know more about him and if he is even in the picture.

  Once I have all the information, I can work on a plan to get back my girl. Because even with little Colt by her side, Lucy belongs with me.

  Chapter Ten


  “Come on, buddy.” I grip Colt’s hand and lead him toward his bedroom as the doorbell rings. Shit. The one time I need someone to be late, Tyler arrives ten minutes early.

  “Who dat?” Colt questions as he releases my hand and runs toward the window. “It’s Tywer!” The excitement is clear in his voice as he runs toward the door, throwing it open and jumping into the arms of his new friend.

  “Hey, Colt!” Tyler responds with equal enthusiasm before pulling a small wrapped present from behind his back. “I brought you a present, but you need to ask your mom if you can open it.” Tyler places Colt back on the floor before he rushes back in my direction holding the small box.

  “Can I, Momma?” He looks up at me with hope in his eyes. I sigh as I look over his shoulder toward Tyler standing sheepishly in the doorway.

  “Okay, but you are going to bed right afterward,” I say sternly, making sure he understands that this won’t change our nightly routine.

  “Do I still get a story?” He looks back and forth between me and his present, trying to decide if it will be worth losing out on his story.

  I smile before leaning down to his height. “Of course you will still get a story.”

  Colt immediately drops to the floor and begins ripping the brightly colored wrapping paper to shreds. “A tool kit!” He spins around showing me his new toy from Tyler.

  “I thought you could bring it with you to the track when you come. Then you will have your own tools to work on the cars with.”

  I can’t stop the smile that spreads across my face. Colton and Rylee have tried to be there for both of us, but there is nothing like the love a father has for his child.

  Too bad he has no idea he’s Colt’s father.

  “What do you say to Tyler?” I prompt Colt and he says a hurried thank you before scurrying off to his room. “I’ll be right back,” I say over my shoulder to Tyler before following Colt to his room.

  I find Colt snuggled into his bed with his new tool set sitting in a position of honor on his nightstand. He even moved the race car he got from Colton for his birthday.

  I take a seat on the bed beside him grabbing a book off the top shelf, checking the cover. “Pirates Don’t Take Baths.” I read the title out loud to Colt before placing my right arm on the pillow above his head.

  I read a few lines before he stops me. “Momma?”

  “What is it, baby?” I wait patiently as he plans his response.

  “Will Colton still love me?” There is fear in his voice. “I just love my present from Twler.” He snuggles into my side, hiding his face from me.

  I kiss the top of his head. “It’s okay. Colton won’t love you any less because you have a new toy from Tyler.” I stop for a moment, contemplating the right way to explain things to him. “Colton and Tyler are best friends. I know he would love that you like Tyler just as much as he does.”

  “Really?” He perks up slightly, excited at the chance to have both men in his life.

  “Yes, really.” I bop him on the end of his nose before I lift the book and continue reading. I only get a few more pages before I hear Colt quietly snoring. I manage to slip out from underneath him and place the book open on the end table holding my place for tomorrow.

  “Good night, sweet boy,” I whisper before placing a gentle kiss on his head. I check that his night light is on before switching off the light and heading out of the room.

  I hesitate for a few seconds in front of my bedroom door, wondering if I should freshen up a bit before getting this meeting started with Tyler. “You’re a mom and this is not a date,” I mumble to myself before I continue down the hall toward the living room.

  The light in the living room is on, filling the room with a soft glow. However, I don’t see Tyler anywhere. I turn to the left and head into the kitchen, immediately finding Tyler with his arms deep in my sink up to his elbows in soapy bubbles.

  “Sorry to keep you waiting,” I mumble. “You didn’t need to do the dishes; I would have gotten to them before bed.”

  He turns a panty melting smile in my direction, heat rushing through my body igniting my libido. There has been no one since Tyler left, not for lack of trying. I wanted to move on from him, but no one could, or can hold, a candle to him

  “I wanted to help. Besides, if I would have sat still for much longer, I was afraid I was going to fall asleep.”

  “I can make a pot of coffee if you want.” I stand on my tiptoes, reaching for the coffee in the cabinet.

  “Allow me,” his deep voice startles me, knocking me off balance and I fall right into his hard chest. “Wow, sorry, Lu. I didn’t mean to scare you.” His breath tickles my neck, sending a shiver down my spine, caging me between his arms and the counter.

  My cheeks instantly heat in embarrassment, as I reach for the container of coffee and busy myself with the coffee maker. Not bothering to step out of his embrace, I ask him quietly to grab two coffee mugs from the cabinet above my head.

  As the coffee brews, I duck under his arm and grab the creamer from the fridge. I put a small amount in one of the mugs he placed on the counter. Ignoring his presence, I do my best to continue making coffee for both of us. Finally, the coffee is finished and I pour a healthy amount into both glasses before adding two scoops of sugar to both mugs and stirring them completely.

  “You remembered.”

  “It’s hard to forget that you prefer to drink motor oil instead of coffee,” we both chuckle.

  “I just like to taste my coffee, there isn’t anything wrong with that.” Tyler raises an eyebrow before sliding his mug off the counter and heading into the living room.

  My heart beats wildly in my chest as I grab my mug. My hand trembles slightly as I inhale, waiting a few moments before following Tyler into the living room.

  I stop short when I realize he isn’t sitting on the couch. I head over to the couch, placing my coffee mug on the coffee table before I spot him near the french doors, examining the pictures that adorn the wall.

  “How old is Colt in this one?” he asks quietly, pointing toward the picture of Colton and Colt from his last birthday. We had a race car themed party in the CD Enterprises box. Colton was the guest of honor, wowing all the children from Colt’s preschool with his tales of being a famous Indy race car driver.

  I walk over, smiling as I remember the moment I took that shot. Colt got upset about something and Colton swooped in and placed him on top of his shoulders, running around the box like a maniac. If I didn’t trust that man with my life, I would have lost it with the way he was recklessly jumping over chairs and weaving between people. “It was Colt’s last birthday. He turned three that day,” I pause waiting for him to put it together, but he just smiles gently and continues to look over the photos.

  “This entire wall is dedicated to Colt, not that I have much family other than him,” I say as I point toward the photo of Colt and me Rylee snapped the night he was born.

  “Rylee and Colton are your family now.” I catch a hint of sadness in his voice, but don’t comment on it. He left both of us without a word; he should feel some pain. Did he expect me to wait for him? By the message he left me before disappearing and his actions the moment we saw each other again, he did.

  “They are. Colt and I would have been lost without them.”

  “What about Tawny?” He takes a big sip of his coffee before taking a step around me and having a seat on the couch. “You two were thick as thieves before I…” his voice trails off.

  “Before you disappeared.” I walk around the couch and have a seat, picking up
my coffee. “She’s around somewhere. We haven’t been very close since she pulled that crap with Colton and Rylee.” I take a sip of my coffee before continuing, “I don’t dislike her, but we aren’t nearly as close as we used to be.”

  “That would explain why you and Rylee are so close,” he mumbles, probably hoping I didn’t hear him.

  “Rylee and I got close when I found out I was pregnant with Colt. I doubt she would have survived another pregnancy scandal.” I sigh, placing my mug on the table, having no desire to have this conversation right now.

  “After you disappeared, I was lost and had no one else to lean on besides Colton. He was there for me in more ways than one. He officially introduced me to Rylee, and she helped me get a job at Corporate Cares. It has been an uphill battle trying to work and take care of Colt, but Rylee and Colton have been there for me every step of the way.”

  Unlike someone else in this room.

  “Where was Colt’s dad?” he questions, expecting an answer I’m not ready to give him.

  I answer him in the only way I know how. I tell him the truth. “He isn’t in the picture, never has been. I doubt he even cares about either of us.” I immediately regret that last statement.

  Tyler winces as if my words physically wounded him. “Does he know about Colt?”

  “No. He took off before I found out I was pregnant; I haven’t heard from him since then.” I’m surprised that he is asking so many questions.

  Has he figured it out yet?

  “I doubt he would have stayed away if he knew about him.” He looks at me over his mug before tipping the cup up and finishing his coffee. “You have done a great job raising him.”

  Would he really have come back if I had told him about Colt? I shake my head before giving him a quiet thank you, grabbing his cup off the table and heading into the kitchen.

  I deposit both of our dirty mugs into the sink before leaning against the counter, pausing for a few moments to think through the entire conversation I had with Tyler. I know that things could have been different if he had known about Colt, but I wanted him to come back to me because he loved me, not out of some sort of obligation.

  That was the primary reason I begged for Colton not to let him know anything about me and Colt. I’m sure the two of them kept in contact while he was away or he wouldn’t have had a job to come back to. I know there was some reason that he left, but Colton refused to tell me. He told me if Tyler wanted me to know he would have called and told me himself. What I still don’t understand is why he hasn’t just outright asked if he was Colt’s father.

  I shake my head. “It doesn’t matter if he wants to know or why he left me. He left, without a word for years,” I say to myself before standing up straight and heading back into the living room.

  If I know anything it’s that before anything else, I need to protect my son from the pain I went through when Tyler left. If that means telling a few white lies and omitting the truth, then so be it.

  Chapter Eleven


  As soon as Lucy came back from the kitchen, we got right down to business. We discussed the location for the fundraiser and even who we wanted to have as bachelors for the auction.

  I teasingly offered my services and Lucy jumped on it, much to my dismay. Apparently having been gone from the area for a few years has upped my potential for making a large amount of money, Lucy’s words not mine. Now I just hope she will be willing to bid on me. Knowing my luck, some dirty old lady will want me to cut her lawn with no shirt on while her and her friends gawk at me from her porch.

  I was only around for a few more hours before I bid Lucy good night and headed home. It was way past my bedtime if I wanted to get to the track before sunrise. That’s one of the few ways I can guarantee none of those idiots will be there to get on my nerves. I really need to speak to Colton about hiring some quality mechanics.

  Once I get home, I drop right into the bed. Not even bothering to remove my boots, my feet hang off the end of the bed. Unfortunately for me, my dick has other plans. I roll over on my back and groan as I palm my cock.

  Remembering the way Lucy felt in my arms and how her breathing increased every time I stepped into her personal space. The smell of vanilla and clean laundry fills my lungs as I imagine what would have happened if I had kissed her in the kitchen.

  Electricity shoots up my spine as I rip my shirt over my head, unbutton my pants and grip my cock tightly in my hand, precum dripping from the tip. I spread my precum along my shaft as I imagine taking her lips with my own, devouring her mouth.

  I hoist her up onto the counter as she spreads her legs wide, thrusting my cock into the warmth of her panties. “You want me to fuck you right here, baby?” I whisper into her ear before taking it between my teeth and gently biting down just the way she likes it.

  She moans loudly before her hand flies up to her mouth and her eyes widen in panic. “You need to be quiet, baby, we don’t want to wake little Colt,” I growl as my hand slides between her legs.

  Her head drops down to my shoulder as she opens her mouth and bites down. I shove her panties to the side quickly before sinking two fingers into her pussy. The walls quickly tighten on my fingers, making it almost impossible to move.

  “You’re so tight, baby. I can’t wait to sink my cock between your pussy lips and you milk my cock dry,” I say quietly before I check over my shoulder quickly to make sure we don’t have any company.

  I pump my cock faster as I imagine pumping my fingers in and out of her pussy, the sound of her juices and quiet moans filling my mind. My balls tighten as I groan in pleasure as I continue to fuck my hand. “Come for me, baby. Come all over my fingers,” I whisper into my empty room as the image of Lucy coming quietly all over my fingers, her mouth opening wide in a silent scream. I quicken my pace with my hand before long streams of cum spill all over my stomach.

  “Fuck.” I slowly pump my cock as the final shockwaves of pleasure shoot through my body. If the real thing is anywhere as good as what I imagined, I’m a dead man. I pat the bed beside me until I find my shirt and wipe the cum off my stomach. I haven’t come like that in forever. I’m almost embarrassed at the overwhelming need I feel to rub one out like a twelve-year-old boy just from being in Lucy’s presence.

  I crumple my shirt up and throw it in the washing machine before untying my boots and stepping out of them. Once I get them off, I shove my jeans down my legs and throw them in the washing machine before emptying the nearly full laundry basket into the machine as well.

  As soon I get the machine going, I head back to my bed, climbing under the sheets. With thoughts of Lucy at the front of my mind, I drift off to sleep.

  Luckily, I made it to the garage a couple of hours before the rest of the crew. I will be able to get a few hours of work on this engine before I get interrupted by their stupidity.

  I get everything I need and settle into a good groove. I finally discovered what was wrong with this damn thing last night when I removed the head off the engine block. A valve head broke off and more than likely sent debris into the block. Today I will need to inspect all the cylinder walls before replacing both the heads. It’s probably overkill, but better safe than sorry.

  I grab all the tools I need before turning my Bluetooth speaker on and hitting play on my playlist. Country Road by John Denver fills the garage as I settle down and get to work.

  “Looks like someone had a good night,” Colton says as he enters the garage. “You only play John Denver when you’re in a good mood.”

  I shake my head before getting to work. I know he’s right, but I will not give him the satisfaction of knowing he is.

  “You finally tell Lucy why you left?” Colton grabs a socket wrench off the floor before attempting to take the other head off the engine block. He fumbles a few times before he realizes he doesn’t have the right size socket.

  “You’re the race car driver, not the mechanic,” I grumble at him before standing and heading for the to
olbox. Once I find the right socket, I shout his name before tossing the correct tool to him.

  He says something under his breath before he snaps the socket on to the wrench and gets to work removing the bolts and taking the head off. Once he has the head off, he quickly inspects the inside before placing the head on the floor.

  “When did you learn your way around an engine?” I ask as I place the other one on the floor. Just as I expected, one of the valve heads broke off and had a good knock around. I even noticed some damage to the cylinder beside it but nothing too serious.

  “I know my way around an engine. I just hire people to do these things.” He leans his bare arms onto the top of the engine. “You going to tell me what happened last night?”

  I look up at my friend and chuckle. “When did you turn into a gossip or were you sent by Rylee to get information because Lucy isn’t talking?”

  He stands back up to his full height and raises both his hands in surrender. “You got me. Lucy won’t give her any details of what went on last night and it’s driving her nuts. She is determined to make sure you two live happily ever after.”

  I shake my head before heading over to the sink and get started cleaning the head. I know if I don’t give him something Rylee will make both of our lives a living hell.

  “I went over and hung out. We talked about the fundraiser and the bachelor auction. She even roped me into participating.”

  “That’s it? You didn’t tell her about why you left?”

  “I just need to find the right time. It’s not something I’m proud of.”

  Colton’s voice comes closer as he leans against the work bench next to the sink. “Did you grow a pair and ask her about Colt’s dad?”

  “I managed to ask her about Colt’s dad. She was cagey about it but I’m glad I finally asked. I know now I don’t have to worry about some other dude sniffing around what’s mine.”


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