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Drag: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World)

Page 7

by AJ Alexander

  Rylee and I share a look before I respond, “That’s true, but I would like for this experiment to be with anyone else but Colt.” I shake my head, feeling slightly guilty for keeping this secret from Haddie, although it’s odd that she would say that when she doesn’t know that Tyler is Colt’s father.

  Who better to take care of Colt than his father? A father that has been absent his entire life, but has suddenly returned. I shake my head before turning to look out the window. Tyler has been amazing with Colt every time they have been together, but it has never been just the two of them together.

  “Just admit it. What you are afraid of is Tyler running for the hills again after spending a day with Colt.” Haddie leans between the seats, resting her arms on the seats. “Colt is an outstanding kid, but he is still a handful. Anyone who wants to be with you has to get along with him alone and I’m sure Tyler knows that. Give him a chance to prove to you he has changed for the better while being gone.”

  A small smile crosses my face before I answer, “You’re right. I’m terrified of Tyler running for the hills again, but not for the reason you think.” I pause as I continue to stare out of the window, “Colt already seems to be forming an attachment to Tyler. It would break his little heart if I started something with Tyler and then he disappeared from both our lives.”

  I feel a warm hand envelope mine and give it a squeeze. “Don’t worry so much, Lucy. I have a good feeling about this,” Rylee whispers in my direction as I squeeze her hand in return.

  “Enough with the heavy! We haven’t had any real girl time in forever, time to get our shopping on.” Haddie chimes in from behind us causing us both to laugh.

  Haddie is right. I’ve left Colt before and nothing happened. What’s the worst that could go wrong.

  “I spent entirely too much money today,” I say as I swing the trunk open and deposit my bags. Haddie and Rylee follow behind me, shoving their armfuls of bags into the trunk before I slam it shut. “Time to head home to my little man.” I reach for the door before Rylee wraps her arm through mine and pulls me toward the nearby shopping center.

  “Oh no you don’t. We will have some drinks and lunch at a restaurant that doesn’t have a kid’s menu before we head home.” Haddie threads her arm through my opposite arm as we head inside the restaurant.

  “There is nothing wrong with eating at a place with a kid’s menu,” I grumble before pulling my arms loose from both of their grasps. “Can I at least text Tyler to make sure everything is alright?”

  Haddie motions for me to continue before Rylee reminds me unless Colt is bleeding and near death, she isn’t taking me home before we eat something. I quickly step back outside and pull out my phone, shooting off a text to Tyler.

  Me: How are things going? Is my house still in one piece?

  It takes a few moments before he answers

  Tyler: You didn’t tell me he had this much energy. I figured he would take a nap or something, but he just wants to keep going nonstop.

  I smile as I type out my response.

  Me: Yeah, we could power an entire city on his energy. He isn’t being too much trouble, is he? Is he behaving himself?

  Tyler: He is a perfect angel. We played outside for a little while before he wanted to show me his car collection. Now I’m trying to explain the inner workings of an Indy race car to him. I think we have a future race car driver in our midst.

  I shake my head before shooting off another text to him saying thank you and reminding him to let me know if anything happens.

  Tyler: We are fine, Lu. Colt and I are best buds now. Just be aware I may not give him back when you come home. This is probably the most fun I’ve had in years.

  I read his text and shove my phone back into my bag before heading into the restaurant. As I step into the restaurant, I notice Rylee and Haddie tucked into a corner looking over the menus. I head in their direction and take a seat between the two of them.

  As soon as I sit down the waitress appears out of thin air and asks for our orders. Before I can open my mouth to let her know I will need a minute, Haddie orders. “We need the largest pitcher of margaritas you have. Two glasses, one rimmed with salt and one without. All three of us will have the daily special, no onions.” The waitress nods her head before heading toward the bar at the front of the restaurant.

  “I didn’t even look at the menu,” I grumble before closing my menu and placing it on the table beside me.

  “Don’t even bother complaining, you know Haddie doesn’t care. Besides, this is her favorite restaurant. Whatever she ordered for us will be amazing.” Rylee rubs her hands together before taking a sip from her water. “Now we have more time to discuss your date with Tyler tonight.”

  “Date? What date and why am I just hearing about it now?” Haddie squints her eyes at me in an attempt to intimidate me. It isn’t working.

  I roll my eyes. “Thank Ry. Besides, it’s not a date. We will have dinner, that’s it. Apparently, he plans on telling me why he disappeared and where he has been for the last four years.”

  Haddie squeals in glee beside me as the waitress returns with our pitcher of margaritas and fills each glass before placing the pitcher down on the table. I raise an eyebrow in Rylee’s direction. “You aren’t drinking?”

  “Oh, this is for you two. I have to work tonight so I told Rylee I would drive us back to your place.” Haddie hands the saltless glass to Rylee before sliding mine in my direction. I grip the glass and bring it to my lips, the tang of the margarita mixed with the salt hitting my tongue and I hum in pleasure.

  “Now that hits the spot,” I say as both ladies’ eyes turn toward my direction. “What? I know a good margarita when I have one.”

  They both laugh before diving into the questioning for my non-date tonight. Finally, the food arrives and the conversation ends as we fill our bellies with the most delicious chicken fajita salad and avocado lime dressing I have ever tasted.

  Once lunch is finished along with half a pitcher of margaritas, my lips loosen. “I hope he tells me he has a wife and kid hidden somewhere, then I may get over him.”

  I’m not drunk, but a fuzzy feeling has settled over my body helping me relax and tell my two friends exactly what I’ve been thinking about since Tyler asked me to dinner.

  “No, what you really want is for him to tell you he is still madly in love with you,” Haddie responds as she shoves a glass of water in front of me. “Drink that. I don’t want you to have an excuse to cancel your date with Tyler. You too, Ry. You are the babysitter tonight.”

  “Lucy drank most of this pitcher, not me,” Rylee whines as Haddie replaces her now empty glass with a glass of water. “Had is right, girl. We all know how much Tyler is still in love with you. The only person who isn’t able to see that is you.”

  “He left me. Left me with nothing but a two-minute voicemail. After four years I don’t know if him still being in love with me is enough. It’s not just me he has to love, but Colt too.” I nibble on my bottom lip as every anxiety I’ve ever had about seeing Tyler again raises to the surface.

  “He had his reasons, trust me, Lu. Would I steer you wrong?” Rylee places her hand on top of mine and gives it a squeeze before downing the last of her water quickly. “We need to motor ladies or there won’t be enough time for Lucy to get ready for her night out on the town.”

  “What do you mean? He said to dress casually.” I lean back slightly and motion down my body. “I don’t see why I need to change. Just need enough time to run a brush through my hair and freshen my makeup.”

  “When was the last time you shaved your legs? Or done any maintenance?” Haddie asks as she motions for the waitress to bring the check. “You don’t go out on a date with the man of your dreams not ready for a trip inside.”

  Rylee shakes her head before giving her two cents. “I have every intention of sleeping in your guest room tonight, so there is no need for you to rush home on my account.”

  “You two have lost your mi
nd. If there is one thing I can promise won’t happen, it’s me sleeping with Tyler Davenport again.”

  “Yet.” Haddie slides her credit card to the waitress before Rylee notices. I just shake my head. These two always fight over who pays. Who am I to stop them?

  “What do you mean yet?” I question as I grab my phone out of my bag checking for a message from Tyler. What I find is a text with a picture of Colt snuggled into Tyler’s chest fast asleep. Along with the picture is a quick text from Tyler.

  “You don’t smile like that if you don’t plan on having sex with someone,” Rylee says as she pushes back from the table and heads toward the exit with Haddie following closely behind her.

  “What? He sent the cutest picture of Colt.” I shove my phone back into my bag and scurry toward the exit to catch up with them. As we approach the car, Rylee points me toward the back door. I quickly open the door and slide inside.

  “Was Tyler in the picture?” Rylee asks as she slides into the front seat.

  “Yes,” I mumble before crossing my arms over my chest and they both laugh.

  “A picture of Tyler and Colt? I’m surprised your heart didn’t melt right here on the spot,” Rylee says as she gives me a knowing look in the rear-view mirror.

  The sad thing is, she’s right. The more time Tyler spends with Colt the more I long for the three of us to be a proper family. All of my reasons for keeping Tyler from finding out Colt is his son are evaporating into thin air.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “Push me!” Colt shouts for the millionth time since the ten-minute power nap he took on my chest. I was hoping to have a good hour to sit and plan my date with Lu tonight, but instead we are back outside playing on the tiny tire swing.

  “I should build you a swing set. You have enough room for one back here. What do you say, little man?” I ask as I lift him into the tire swing in the backyard.

  “Yeah! Can I have a club house at the top with a twisty slide like they have at The House?” His little legs kick with excitement as I give him a small push.

  “Sure can. I just have to ask your momma first, okay? As long as she is alright with it, I can build you one. Better yet, maybe you could help me.”

  Colt gives me a small smile before turning his head toward the tree. This isn’t the first time this has happened during our day together. He will randomly get a sad, forlorn look on his face, but as quickly as it appears, it’s gone. Almost every time I make plans for us to do something together, just him and me, he gets sad.

  I grip the rope holding the tire into the air and pull the swing to a stop. “What gives, Colt? Why did you get so sad all of a sudden?” I walk around the front of the swing and kneel so we are eye level. “I can buy you one instead if that would make you happier. I just want to see you and your momma smile.”

  “Do you know where my dad is?” Colt looks up at me with a sad smile. “I don’t ave one.”

  My chest tightens as I think of the proper way to address something like this with him. “What are you talking about, kiddo? You have an amazing momma, plus you have Rylee, Colton, and now me. What else could you want?” I give him a bright smile in hopes that he will smile again, but no such luck.

  “I want one,” he whispers as tears collect in his tiny eyes, and my heart breaks for him. I have no idea what Lucy has told him, if anything, about his father, but I need to do something to mend this little boy’s heart.

  I walk back around and pull him out of the tire, wrapping him in my arms. “I know you have a daddy that loves you somewhere, he just isn’t here with you right now. Just remember you have people that love you very much and would do anything to make sure you and your momma are happy.”

  He buries his face into my chest as he grips my t-shirt tightly. He sniffles a few times and I hope he is able to keep the tears at bay. “I love you, little man. You and your momma both,” I whisper as I place a kiss on the top of his head and squeeze him in a fierce hug.

  I didn’t think it would be possible to love another human being as much as I love Lucy, but there is no doubt in my mind that I love this little boy. I love Colt as if he was my own and will always be here for him whether or not Lucy and I get back together. Colt has wormed his way into my heart, making it grow a million times bigger.

  I hear his tiny voice say something, but I’m not able to make out what he is saying. Pulling him away from my chest, I ask, “What did you say, Colt?”

  He sighs before locking eyes with me, his determination evident in his eyes as he asks the last thing I expected to hear from him. “Can you be my daddy?”

  I hear a shocked gasp to my right as I turn and notice Lucy standing in the patio door, obviously having heard what he just asked me. Not wanting to cause any more trouble than I already have, I turn back to Colt and give him a bright smile. “I thought I was your best friend?”

  “Can’t you be both?” His words are full of hope, but I honestly don’t know how to answer that question without crossing a line.

  I pull him back into my chest and stand to my full height. “I love you, Colt,” I whisper into his ear before kissing him on the cheek.

  “I luv you too,” he responds before snuggling into my chest as I head toward Lucy.

  Lu has regained her composure slightly, but I can still see the apprehension in her features as we get closer. “How’s my little man! I missed you today, Colt,” she chirps trying to brighten his mood.

  “Momma!” He immediately reaches for her, a bright smile covers, his face as if our conversation never happened.

  Lucy takes him from my arms and covers his face with kisses, and he giggles in excitement. Once she has covered his face with kisses, she gives him a smile and tells him Rylee and Haddie are waiting for him inside.

  With a quick wave, Colt is off in a flash toward his two new playmates. As he shuts the door, I give him a wink and a smile, hoping that he is feeling a little better after our conversation.

  Lucy and I stand in silence for a few minutes before I can’t bear it any longer. “I’m sorry if I overstepped with what I said to him about his father, but I didn’t want him to be upset about not having him in his life. He has Colton and now me. That kid won’t want anything in his life, I promise.”

  “Can you promise that? Can you promise to never leave him, to never disappear from his life because you have more important things to do.” Lucy growls at me, unshed tears filling her eyes.

  “Yes, I can. I didn’t leave you by choice Lucy, I had to go. I literally had three minutes to decide what to do, and I made a choice. It was the right choice. I know that in my heart but that does not mean for one minute I didn’t miss the hell out of you the entire time.”

  “You keep saying that, Tyler. You keep saying you had to leave, that it wasn’t your choice. However, it was your choice to stay away for years. It was your choice to not pick up a damn phone and call me.”

  “I couldn’t call you, Lu. I had to get better, better for both of us.” I want her to understand that everything I have done in the past was to create a better life for both of us. To get my life together so I could take care of her and our future children, but I couldn’t do that without leaving.

  All of this sounds like excuses, even to my ears. Lucy has no idea what I went through to get myself to the place I am today. Where I don’t want to have a drink every moment of every day. Where I can think past anything other than when I can have my next drink. She doesn’t know because I haven’t shared that with her.

  “Whatever, Tyler. Thank you for watching Colt for me today, but I would appreciate it if you didn’t say things to my son you don’t mean.”

  “I meant every fucking word I said, Lu. I love you and that little boy with my whole heart. I never thought it was possible to love another human being as much as I love you, but I do. Nothing will change that.”

  “Words, Tyler. Those are just words. What Colt and I both need are actions.” Her voice cracks with emotion as she reaches for t
he door.

  I grab her arm, pulling her into my chest. “Lu, stop. Haven’t I shown you how much I care for both of you? That if you needed anything from me, all you had to do was ask?”

  Lucy spins on her heels and smacks me hard across the face. “You fucking left! You left when I needed you the most and were nowhere to be found.”

  There it is, the monster keeping us apart. I thought I could show her with my actions I was here to stay, but I was wrong.

  “I was in rehab, Lu.” I hang my head in shame. “I almost killed two people the night I left you that message. Colton helped arrange for me to attend court mandated alcohol counseling. I had three minutes to decide if getting better was important to me, and I decided it was. After I left you that message, they put me in the back of a cop car and carted me off.”

  I turn my back on Lucy and stare into the setting sun. “I was on probation for two years, but I stayed away because I was ashamed of the person I had become. I stayed away because I wanted to make a life for us. I wanted to make sure that I could take care of you when I came back.”

  “Tyler,” Lucy whispers before she wraps her arms around my waist, laying her head between my shoulder blades. “Why didn’t you just tell me?”

  I squeeze her hands and step out of her embrace, not bothering to look her in the eyes as I head inside. With my hand on the door, I pause. “When I came back and saw you with Colt, my world turned upside down. I knew I couldn’t expect you to wait for me, but I always hoped you longed to be with me as I did for you. But you have Colt now, and there is a man out there that you loved enough to have a child with. It gutted me to know that man wasn’t me.”

  Without looking back, I open the door and head inside. I head right for the front door, thankful that Colt is nowhere to be seen. I stop in my tracks as I come face to face with Rylee standing between me and my escape.

  “Where are you going? Running from your pain never helped you before, I doubt it will help you now.”


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