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Pretend You're Mine

Page 20

by Francisco, Fabiola

  “I just wanted to take you in a second,” he breaks the silence.

  “It’s okay.” I lift my head and peck his lips.

  “I love you,” he whispers as he enters me.

  I moan and open wider for him, reveling in the feel of him filling me. My body tenses, and my hands roam up and down his back.

  “Keep your eyes open for me, darlin’.” I shiver at his demand. My naughty, southern gentleman. That’s ironic.

  I blink my eyes open and find his heated gaze staring intensely at me. “You feel amazing.” He pauses, fully inside of me, before he pulls almost completely out of me and thrusts again, less gentle this time. His strokes hit every never-ending inside of me, spiking my pleasure to the millionth degree. I’m wound tight, and he’s the one who has the key to my release.

  I lift my hips to meet his thrusts, moving faster and faster, building each other up. Harris’s muscles tighten on his arms and back, and I have to touch him everywhere, feel his hard contours. My legs wrap around his hips, encouraging him to move faster as I dig my heels into his butt.

  Suddenly, Harris grabs my waist and lifts me so he can sit up. “Whoa,” I yell in surprise. He smirks and winks. Next thing I know, I’m straddling his lap.

  “Ride me,” his words are husky.

  I run my hands down his chest, and my eyes follow, eyeing the spot where our bodies are connected and looking back up to his eyes. I begin to move, driving us both down a rabbit hole of orgasms that I don’t want to come out of.

  Harris digs his fingers into my hips, helping me move up and down his length as we moan in unison. I shiver as my clit rubs against him, and I find his lips, needing to connect with him in all ways. My body begins to quiver, my core contracting and pulsing around him as my sensitive body climbs higher and higher, ready to free fall.

  I toss my head back, breaking the kiss, and call out his name as my orgasm hits me hard.

  “Beautiful,” he murmurs as his hands tighten on my hips, and his taut muscles flex. I slam down on him, and he holds me there, his own climax taking over.

  My chest rises and falls as I catch my breath, my heart kicking in my chest. “Wow,” I whisper.

  “Yeah,” Harris says and leans forward to kiss my forehead.

  I hug my body to his and sigh, our sweaty bodies still connected. Harris’s arms hold me with love and care, and I don’t want to be anywhere but in his arms.

  We finally break apart, and I walk to the bathroom before lying down again. I scoot closer to Harris as he lies in bed. Swinging my leg and arm over him, he chuckles and kisses me.

  “Goodnight, babe.” I wiggle my body until I’m comfortable.

  “Goodnight, darlin’.” I smile. I love it when he brings out his southern drawl. I kiss his shoulder and close my eyes as I fall asleep to the thumping of his heartbeat.


  “Why, hello there, sir,” I curtsy.

  “Is that Pioneer talk?” Harris teases with a smirk.

  “No, I was never very good at imitating dialects,” I shrug.

  He laughs and slings his arm around my waist. “Hi, babe.” Harris pulls me forward, kissing me innocently since we’re in front of the whole town.

  “You look…” His eyes wander over my body. The floral print dress has a high-collared, fitted bodice with front buttons, and opens into a three-gored skirt that hits the floor. I’m dressed to a T for the occasion, and I’m sure it looks ridiculous in this day in age.

  “Oddly beautiful.” Harris pulls his eyebrows together, but his smile tells me he’s teasing.

  I hold on to his shoulders and lean forward, whispering in his ear, “I skipped the bloomers.”

  “That’s my dirty girl,” Harris chuckles and squeezes my waist before taking a step back. “You know you always look beautiful,” his voice drops before he continues, “all covered up or completely naked.”

  Heat flushes my body, and I squirm. Harris barks out a laugh, but I notice his discreet attempt to adjust himself in his jeans.

  I lift my brows and shake my head, the corners of my lips lifting.

  “Harris, it’s great to see you again,” my mother interrupts our heated moment, and for once, I’m grateful. The last thing I need is for all of Everton to witness Harris and I undressing each other with our eyes.

  “Hi, Mrs. Powell, it’s nice to see you as well.” Harris is the perfect southern gentleman, but I know better when we’re behind closed doors.

  “What do you think of our Pioneer Day?” My mom waves around with a proud smile.

  “It’s amazing.” Harris’s roams his eyes to take in the square. “You’ve all done a spectacular job.”

  “Thank you,” my mom and I say in unison.

  “Poppy,” my mom turns toward me. “Your father will speak at four, so I’ll see you at the gazebo.”

  I nod and assure her that I’ll be standing up there with them. When she leaves us to greet other townspeople, Harris cocks his head.

  “My dad gives a welcome speech, remembering our ancestors,” I explain.

  “That makes sense. So, show me around.” I link my arm with Harris’s and stroll around the square, pointing out the market stands, the carriages, the models of period weapons, clothing, and washing station where volunteers are acting as early settlers.

  “This is incredible,” Harris says as he looks around in awe. “It’s kinda crazy.”

  “Yeah, but I love it,” I sigh.

  “It’s definitely unique.”

  “Do you want cider?” I stop in front of Hoppy Moose’s stand. Every year, they serve their local cider for the event.


  I order two cups and hand one to Harris. “Cheers.” I touch my cup to his before taking a sip.

  “Cheers.” He wraps an arm around my shoulder, and we continue to walk around, greeting people and watching demonstrations of the early settlement that became Everton through the years.

  After my dad’s speech, Ainsley and Knox join us.

  “Where are Lia and Axel?” I ask.

  “They’re out of town,” Knox answers quickly.


  I furrow my eyebrows when Ainsley’s smile fills her entire face, and she widens her eyes.

  “Ainsley,” Knox warns, eyeing her.


  “No,” he says firmly.

  “They won’t spoil it since it probably already happened,” Ainsley clasps her hands in front of her chest. She looks like a child begging for candy on a school night.

  “What’s going on?” Harris speaks up with my same question.

  “You’ll find out soon enough,” Knox says, but he can’t stop Ainsley from blurting out what she’s dying to spill.

  “Axel is proposing to Lia,” she rushes out and then clamps her mouth shut.

  “Ainsley,” Knox drops his head back and closes his eyes, rubbing his forehead. “And you think you can keep a secret?” He’s trying to hold back his smile.

  “They’re our friends, it’s not like I stole the microphone and shared it with everyone.”

  “But you would,” he deadpans.

  “I’m just so excited,” she grabs my hands, squeezing them tightly. “Lia has no idea it’s coming, and Axel planned the most romantic weekend getaway, and oh my God, I’m so excited.”

  I giggle at her babbling. “That’s fantastic.”

  “It is,” she squeals and then composes herself as she eyes Knox from the corner of her eye. He shakes his head and smiles, pulling her into his side.

  “I love you, but you’re a terrible secret keeper.” He kisses the crown of her head.

  “At least I didn’t tell Lia. Do you know how hard that was?” Her eyebrows jump up on her forehead.

  “Hey, guys,” Eli walks toward us with a grin. “Did it happen already?” He lifts his brows as he looks at Ainsley.

  “You told him, too?” Knox shakes his head in amusement.

  “He pulled it out of me.”

  “You o
ffered up the news, practically begging me to ask you what you were so excited about.” Eli arches a brow.

  “Whatever,” Ainsley rolls her eyes.

  Harris laughs next to me, bringing me to his side by the waist. “Good to see you two have worked things out. I like the outfit, Poppy,” Eli teases.

  “You’re just jealous of my conservative wear,” I quip.

  “Ah, that must be it.” Before he finishes his sentence, his eyes lift over my head, and his nostrils flare. I turn to see what or who is behind me. Averly is making her way toward us, but she halts a bit when she notices Eli is with us. Hands on her hips, she picks up her footing again.

  “Hey guys, Eli,” she gives him a curt nod.

  “Hey.” I take in her scowl directed at the man across from me.

  “Averly, peachy as always,” Eli adds before anyone else can get a word in.

  “Eli, lovely as ever,” the sarcasm drips from her mouth.

  “What can I say? I’m here to make your life better.”

  Averly snorts and shakes her head. “Poppy, your mom needs you for photos. She said it would be quick.”

  “Okay,” I nod.

  Averly turns on her heel and walks away without me.

  “I’m going to get a drink.” Eli walks in the opposite direction.

  I furrow my eyebrows and look between Harris, Knox, and Ainsley. Their expressions match mine until a mischievous smile appears on Ainsley’s face, and I’m almost afraid to ask her what’s going on.

  “Ten bucks says those two end up together.” She crosses her arms.

  “Averly and Eli?” My eyes pop open. “No way.” I shake my head furiously. There is no way those two would work in a fantasy world, let alone in real life. Averly has had a hard enough time trying to work with him at the bed and breakfast.

  “Ten bucks.” Ainsley tilts her head and smiles, holding her hand out.

  “You’re on.” I shake her hand. I know my best friend better than anyone, and Eli Hastings is not her type.

  After pictures and dinner inside Town Hall, the band begins to play music. Harris and I are dancing to the soft beat, swaying together as I inhale his scent and smile.

  “Hey,” he whispers in my ear, and I lift my head to look into his eyes. “I’m happy I’m here with you.”

  I relax into him. “I am, too.” From the corner of my eye, I catch Patrick standing in a corner with a scowl on his face.

  “Has Patrick bothered you again?” I ask Harris.

  “No.” His eyebrows pinch together. “Why? Has he said anything to you?”

  “No, relax.” I smooth my hand over his chest.

  “Good,” he breathes out. “Last I heard, he was applying for jobs outside of Everton. Let’s hope he gets an offer quickly and leaves town.”

  “Oh, wow, I had no idea. I won’t lie, that would be great. He’s done more harm than good around here, and I can’t say I’ll miss him.”

  “Me neither.” Harris’s lips touch my temple as he holds me close.

  I bring my eyes closed while I absorb this moment, dancing with him when all is right in our world. Each day that passes, I fall more and more in love with him. From his small gestures like calling when he knows I’ve had a hard day and holding me on the couch as we watch TV to planning romantic evenings.

  I press my body against his, holding on to him as the song comes to an end.

  “You’re off tomorrow, right?” Harris asks.

  “Yes, thankfully.” I’m not sure I’d be fully awake tomorrow if I had to work after today’s excitement.

  “How about I play hooky, and we spend the day together?”

  “Can you do that?”

  “I’m the boss.”

  “Technically, you’re one-half of the boss,” I tease.

  “Knox won’t mind. We could both use a day off, and we’re up to date with our current work.”

  “Okay, then. Tomorrow, you, me, and no alarm clock.”

  “Sounds perfect.” Harris kisses me softly. “Now that that’s settled, weren’t they going to do carriage rides?”

  I grin widely and jump, clapping my hands. “Yes, let’s go.”

  I hold Harris’s hand and drag him outside and to the square in front of Town Hall, where a few carriages are parked.

  “Are you still offering rides?” I ask the coachman.


  Harris and I climb into the carriage, and the coachman guides the horses around town. The sun has already set as the streetlights illuminate the area around us. Harris holds me close, one of his hands holding mine as his other one rests around my shoulders.

  “Are you cold?” he asks.

  I shake my head. “I should be, considering I didn’t bring my coat, but I’m okay.” I look over at him. Unfortunately, the snow did not arrive as I had hoped.

  “Good.” He kisses my temple. “I’m excited about our trip to Nashville,” he says, resting his chin on my head, and I cuddle into his side.

  “Me, too. I’ve always wanted to visit a big city.”

  “Nashville’s no LA, but it’s definitely a city, especially compared to this area. I can’t wait to show you around and take you to see a live show. Sutton will be playing at a bar, so we can see her.”

  “What is your favorite thing about Nashville?”

  “The music and the camaraderie. It’s a different energy than anywhere I’ve been.”

  “That sounds like fun.” I reach for his hand draped over my shoulder and lock my fingers with his.

  “It is. Nashville’s home, you know? I’ll always love that city.”

  “I get it. That’s how I feel about Everton. Although I get frustrated at times, I can’t imagine living anywhere else.” I scoot up on the seat and turn to look at him.

  “Yeah, I like living here, Patrick and all.” Harris gives me a crooked smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling.

  “Yeah,” I sigh. I love having Harris here, too. Had he never moved here, I’d be missing out on my forever love.

  “My parents are excited to meet you.”

  “They are?” I perk up.

  Harris and I bought the airplane ticket yesterday morning after he asked me to go with him to meet his family. Since then, I’ve been planning outfits, researching places to visit even though I’ll have a native as my guide. Which reminds me of the day we spent together acting as his guide.

  “You know, you’ll be my tour guide in Nashville the same way I was yours here.” I waggle my eyebrows. That day we spent together seems like so long ago when it’s been no more than a couple of months. It’s amazing how fast time seems to pass when it’s irrelevant. How long Harris and I have been together has nothing to do with the feelings we have for each other.

  I could be a lifetime with someone else and not feel the same way I do about Harris after a day of knowing him. When the heart knows, it knows. It sounds cheesy, but I’ve never been surer about something than I am about my relationship with Harris.

  All those years of being single, not giving in to mindless dates I knew wouldn’t go anywhere or guys who had a hidden agenda because of my name, seem insignificant now. All that matters is that my impulsive nature led me straight to Harris. I chuckle to myself as I remember that day.

  “What’s got you laughin’?” Harris squeezes my fingers.

  “I was just thinking about the day we met. I’ve had my own share of odd experiences, but that was by far my most insane one. Who corners a stranger and begs him to be her boyfriend?” I shake my head.

  “A confident and beautiful woman,” he compliments. “I’m glad you did that. I’m sure we would’ve eventually met, but this accelerated the process.”

  “No one even found out we were lying.”

  “But, were we ever really lying?” Harris shifts to look at me. “Was our relationship really fake? Because I’d be lying now if I said I wasn’t attracted to you from the beginning. That dinner date at Romano’s? I used the fake dating plan as an excuse so I could take you
out. It sounds pathetic now that I say it aloud.” He pulls his eyebrows together and purses his lips.

  “You’re telling that to the girl who, again, begged you to be her boyfriend. We’re both pathetic, if you wish.”

  “If I’m with you, I don’t care if we’re pathetic or stranded on an island.”

  “How romantic,” I deadpan.

  Harris releases a deep belly laugh and shakes his head. “You know what I mean.”

  “I do,” I lean in and pucker my lips. He meets me halfway, kissing me passionately.

  Then, I cuddle into him and take in this beautiful town and the quiet peace of the horses’ hooves slapping the pavement.



  “Yeah?” I watch with a secret smile as Harris looks through all my cupboards while I sit on the couch, enjoying the warmth of the flickering fireplace and a glass of red wine.

  “Did you eat my jerky?” He turns and faces me, his eyebrows high on his forehead as if they know my secret.

  “I’d never.” I put a hand on my chest, appalled.

  We returned from Nashville a few days ago, and we’ve been spending more and more time together. The trip sealed the deal that Harris is the man I want for the rest of my life. His parents are amazing and down-to-earth, and his brothers are hilarious. As for the jerky, Harris ran to the grocery store to stock up on it when we arrived. As if three days without it was torture.

  Harris tilts his head and pinches his lips together. “Never?” He walks in my direction.

  “No,” I say as if he was accusing a vegetarian of eating her weight in meat.

  “Really?” He’s close enough for me to make out the shades of blue in his eyes. “Because I believe the other night I woke up, and you were sitting on this very couch eating jerky. What was it? Oh, yes, the maple buffalo.”

  “I still can’t believe that was buffalo,” I shake my head. Who would’ve thought buffalo jerky would be my favorite.

  “You ate my jerky.” He leans over me, his lips millimeters from mine, but he won’t close the gap.


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