Fated Dragons Complete Series: Books 1 - 5
Page 42
Not ever.
Beside her sat the newest addition to the family. Farida was an outside voice of power in this intervention, a stand meant to shake sense into Wesley. Liana wasn’t sure how she felt about her brother’s new mate yet. Apparently, the woman with dark skin and black tresses was royalty. At least, that was how it worked where she came from. Their dragons believed in a truly monarchal system and passed the power to rule from blood to blood.
Here, things worked a little differently. Wesley had the blood right, but if another was deemed fit to rule then Wesley wouldn’t be able to take the role. It was clear, by the face of everyone in the room, that no one wanted that to happen. They wanted Wesley to rise to the occasion and assume his position.
If only the death of his father hadn’t cut him in two. Liana knew that the father and son duo had never been particularly close, but losing one’s father can hurt. She knew, even if she’d been young when it happened. Now, Wesley was a grown man with pieces of his life missing forever.
The last dragon, aside from herself, was a man invited from America. There, the system worked more similar to theirs. Honor bound their world, defined their ranks, and declared their leaders. She studied the profile the dragon man cut in the rare moment that he wasn’t watching her.
His mahogany colored hair was held back with a tie. The way he pushed it back said that he was probably overdue for a haircut. His jaw was square and strong, bearing his roman nose easily. When his head tilted toward her and his blue eyes caught hers she paused. She hated the feeling that passed through her, that electrical jolt that hit her when their eyes met.
It was weakness. It had nothing to do with the creature she’d become.
Liana knew why everyone was here. She knew that these three leaders were sent to Wesley’s door to knock some sense into his head, but she didn’t know why she was here. Sure, her future was still in their hands. It had been Drystan’s decree that she leave with the American dragons, putting her in place to help establish another embassy on American soil. It was up to Wesley to rescind his father’s word. She wished she could have a moment alone with him to bully him into taking it back.
Her eyes flicked back to the American Dragon.
The leader of the largest group of dragons in the States, a position that he had carved for himself by creating the first family of dragons. She had a feeling that he would not leave without her and that put a knot in her plans. He’d managed to situate himself in her vicinity as much as possible since he arrived. Some nights, when it was quiet and it was just the two of them, she found a small bit of peace in his presence.
But, when the sun broke over the horizon and the world lit with sound and violence once more, she could barely stand him. He was a solemn creature full of soft smiles and unspoken encouragement. She didn’t need that. She didn’t need him. Dane would only become a crutch if she let him stay near. He would make her weak again and she could never let that happen.
“Alright,” Rhiannon began, her frazzled nerves clearly reaching the end of their rope. She scanned the room before turning to face Wesley. “If no one will be brave enough to open their mouths and say what needs to be said, I’ll be the one to do it. You, sir, need to get yourself together because if you don’t the family will fall apart or someone will come in and steal your position from you.”
Wesley pushed off the wall, his hands fisting at his sides and his eyes burning with anger. Steam and smoke began to radiate from Wesley’s form. The air around him wavered with the force of his anger’s heat. “Are you insinuating that you’re going to steal my right to lead?”
Rhiannon pushed away from the table and forced her increasingly large belly into a standing position so that she could meet Wesley’s fiery gaze with her own. By all rights, Wesley should have backed down. Liana knew that tension was high, knew where her loyalties lied, but still she pushed away from where she was standing, ready to break up a fight. Wesley shouldn’t have even tried to intimidate the pregnant woman. No one would threaten a mother or her child. But, the two of them stood as close to nose to nose as they could, given the size of Rhiannon’s ever growing belly.
“I want nothing of the sort and you know it. You’re too busy being a whiny boy to step up and deal with the problems at hand. Are you done crying? Are you done with all this self-pity?”
“Am I not allowed to grieve anymore? When was that right stripped away from me? I don’t think a bloody one of you understand how this feels. A part of me was lost.”
Rhiannon didn’t balk. She pressed forward, undeterred. “You’re not the only one dealing with pain, if you haven’t noticed. I was bloody kidnapped as a child and raised by a man who then tried to kill me. I think, if anything, I know pain. I think Farida knows pain because she has to watch her father die. Liana knows pain.
“Do you see any of them burning down houses around them? No, they’re standing here, waiting for their leader to stop brooding.”
Liana smiled to herself. Everyone that Rhiannon had singled out was female. It was the women who were standing strong. Then again, they didn’t know what kind of pain Dane ever had to endure. By all means, he seemed to have lived a perfect life if only because he refused to talk about himself. When he spoke, it was to give an order, lay down a casual joke, or words of his family waiting for him in the States. He exposed nothing he didn’t want the world to see.
Her eyes were drawn away from the verbal argument. They fell on the back of Dane’s head. Why him? Why’d Drystan want to send her away with this particular dragon? There were a number of them scattered all across Europe, so much closer to home, that she could have been sent to. They needed embassies and ambassadors, too.
“Lead us,” Rhiannon said, her voice immovable. It left no room for argument. Liana worried for Gareth’s child. Perhaps, knowing Gareth’s recklessness, she should be worried for both child and mother. She’d heard that Gareth had camped out on Rhiannon’s back porch while she was still a GOE agent. It was going to be a wild ride for both of them from here on out.
Yet, Liana wouldn’t be here to see that happen.
She would be in the States.
Her own hands curled into fists until her nails bit into her palms and drew crescent moons that beaded with blood. Dane must have scented it on the air because his head spun around and his bright, blue eyes pinned her to the wall. She didn’t meet his challenge. Instead, Liana retreated to the sink and went about making herself a cup of tea, his gaze burning holes in her back.
She could feel movement in the room, the moving air carrying the scents of her cousin and the American dragon as they exited the room. From her position at the kitchen window, she caught a glimpse of Dane pulling Wesley aside. She could not hear their words, but slowly, Wesley seemed to crumble. The radiating heat that had shrouded Wesley, that strength, flickered and disappeared. The rough exterior he’d built came crashing down and the big man let himself fall onto the other man’s shoulder.
Through the window, Dane’s light gaze met hers. Liana was frozen for a moment. She fell into the softness in his gaze, the unexpected set of his jaw. He didn’t ask anything, only waited. It spurred a soft feeling in her chest, much like the initial feeling when one’s head hits the pillow right before sleep. Then, she found herself and a frown brought down the corners of her mouth. She would not be the soft thing she was before.
Not like Dane was doing to Wesley. The man had found his strength, had made himself unbreakable, and then he’d let Dane sweep in and break it all over again. Liana found a sneer pulling her lips back.
Eventually, when they returned to the tower’s kitchen, Wesley, despite the redness of his eyes, did his best to set aside his grief and sat down at the table. Dane tried to catch her eye, to convey something, but she ignored his presence. The others advised Wesley, like a council, on what his next moves should be. Each one offered valid points and allowed him to do with them what he saw fit. It was the right way of doing things. All Wesley had
to do was make the right decisions.
That was all on him.
“Something needs to be done about the rest of the white dragons,” Dane acknowledged. “If you allow them to remain nearby, they could cause trouble out of spite. We have disposed of two of their leaders now.”
Wesley nodded, absorbing the information. “We should set up perimeter posts. Invite the white dragons to the Embassy if they’re willing to barter for territory. If not, we use force.”
“I’ll take up the first shift,” Liana said from where she stood by the sink.
All eyes turned on her. The monster beneath her skin stared out, dead pan. It sized them all up, saw them for the power houses that they were. She met Wesley’s eyes and challenged him to call her out, to call out the trauma she’d suffered not too long ago. By all appearance, she had fully healed. No one needed to know that late in the night, when her monster slept, she still cried and screamed.
Liana was strong.
She had to be.
Dane’s gaze burned across her, but she did her best to ignore it. At least, she could until he spoke.
“I’ll take shift with you then. There’s said to be power in numbers.”
She whipped her head toward him. “I didn’t ask for your help.”
Dane shrugged, face somber. “Doesn’t matter. You’re getting it anyway.”
It was her brother’s mate, Farida who broke the tension with her words next. “Should we hold another intervention? One to keep you from getting yourself killed by your reckless desire to be in the fray all the time? Is that what you want? To die? I will not approach my mate and tell him his sister killed herself, no matter the means.”
Liana didn’t justify the woman’s prodding with an answer. Instead, she set her cup of tea on the counter and left without another word. She didn’t need someone new to the family questioning her. She didn’t need Farida trying to unravel her.
Liana did what she did so that the monster inside of her would be appeased. So that it knew they were still strong enough to survive. Even without her dragon.
The beast she’d lived with had been silent since the attack, since the white dragons beat her senseless in the forest of Snowdonia. Liana didn’t know what happened or where her beast went, only that the monster had risen to take its place. Gone was the purring cat-like beast and now she lived with the monster that thirsted for blood.
Liana feared what she might become if she let the monster out. Would her dragon be there, or would her form morph into something else? A creature that she was not yet ready to see? So, she stayed in her human body for as long as she could to avoid whatever truth moved beneath her skin.
The wind was blowing the wrong way, but even without his scent, she knew who would be behind her.
“They agreed to let you take the first perimeter walk. They drafted a schedule and I brought you a copy.”
She didn’t respond.
“I’d thought you might want to spend as much time with your brother as possible before you had to leave. Didn’t think you’d want to spend your time prowling the woods in search of a few assholes.”
She couldn’t help it, a bark of a laugh escaped her.
“Rhys is too busy humping his mate. I don’t want to get in their way.”
Behind her, Dane laughed. It was a soft release of breath in the shape of a laugh. The burn of his gaze travelled over her body again. Why could she feel him so acutely? Why Dane?
Dane wished, with every fiber of his being, that he, too, could spend his final time here in Wales humping. The woman walking before him drove him wild. He was old enough to recognize the bond that wove them together. It pulled him toward her, made his gaze drop to the curve of her ass and the bulge in his pants grow. It made him want to shield her from herself, to dig his way past the barriers she erected and curl himself around her.
Not that she would allow him. The walls Liana pulled around herself were so thick it was amazing anyone could even see her. But, Dane could see the real Liana beneath. He knew what she was going through because he’d been there.
So, he didn’t tell her that he was her mate and that he’d bargained with her last leader to find a way to whisk her home with him. He knew that it would take time for her to come to terms with it. If he told her now, Liana would struggle against it. She would deny it.
Love was not a strength in her book.
Love was what had cut Maggie and Wesley in half.
Besides, Liana was still so young. It was hard for Dane to think that there had been a time when his mate hadn’t existed. There had been a time when he was alone in the world, with no ties or bonds anchoring him to anything other than the honor he should have.
The honor he had built from nothing.
“Will you quit following me?” Liana said as she spun on her heel and planted her face square in his.
Dane didn’t lean away from her attempt at intimidation. If anything, he wanted nothing more than to lean in and capture her mouth while he scooped her into his arms. Her lower lip caught his attention, still plump despite the stiffness of her face. Could he reach out, and brush away the tension with the sweep of his thumb over her cheekbone?
“Go away.”
Not today, he thought.
“I’m afraid you’re stuck with me, missy. The watches are set up in groups and I’ve been assigned to help you today.”
“Why you? I don’t get it. Why is everyone trying to shove you down my throat?”
Her phrasing brought other images to Dane’s mind. Images that he had to quickly swipe away before his cock could react. He swallowed hard and held her gaze. Instead, he kept his mouth shut and motioned for her to lead the way.
Her eyes flashed with a thought before a smile ghosted over her lips. She spun and disappeared. Her feet were quick and she was incredibly light. Dane swore softly and burst into a run to catch up. His form was much heavier. It crashed through the thick, Welsh forest in pursuit.
It would have been so much quicker for them to change shape and take to the skies. Their dragon forms could cover so much more Territory. Not to mention, their claws would be sharper and their bodies a weapon in and of themselves. But, it seemed that his Liana refused to take to her dragon form.
No one could figure out why. Some wondered if her dragon form had been so brutalized that there wasn’t much left of it. Others wondered if her beast had died altogether. There was still a dragon inside that woman, but no one knew if it still had a voice.
Dane’s own beast pressed close to the surface and granted him the extra bit of speed they needed to catch up to their mate. Liana was a blur, a streak of denim and dark hair. But, the space between them closed enough so that Dane could reach out and brush his fingers against her hips as he passed her. He could have sworn he heard a faint growl in the wind, but it was gone when he burst ahead.
Liana surged behind him, unable to let him get ahead of her. She was light and fast, faster than anything he’d ever seen. It was as if she and her beast were in perfect sync, the beast feeding the human body its magic. He couldn’t help but stare at Liana and the wonder that she was.
His mate was fierce and wild. She was beautiful and fearless.
She would be his, no matter what he had to do. He would bend the very earth to make her his. With a smile tracing his lips, Dane darted around his mate. His hands gripped her hips and spun her until he could press her back against a tree. His body hovered over hers, not pressing but warming. He wouldn’t pin her unless she asked for it.
And he would make her beg.
Liana turned her chin upward, challenging him every step of the way. She would not be cowed by his advances. If anything, she would fight back. Her hands pressed against his chest, but didn’t push him away. Their eyes met and an electrical jolt rocketed through Dane.
If only this moment would last forever, he wished. If only they could stay lost in the forest with no one watching, no one calling for their a
ttention. Just Dane and his mate.
His mouth hovered over hers, his lips parted like he could already taste her.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Liana’s voice was a threatening growl. She would sooner rip his throat out than let him kiss her.
Give him time. He would change that for her.
He leaned in until his cheek grazed hers and his breath would wash over her sensitive ear. “What does it look like?”
Liana looked like she might argue, like she might fight him, but the words were caught in her throat. He could feel her quickened breath, the surge of her scent in the air as desire hit her. Dane’s own heart gave a little leap of joy, missing a few beats. He pulled back enough to look her in the eye. His fingers broke bark on either side of her head as he struggled to rein in his own desire.
He thought he’d won. Dane thought, as her chin tipped back and her lips parted, that he’d started the path toward winning Liana.
They both staggered apart when they caught a cold scent in the air.
There was a white dragon nearby. The smile that curved Liana’s lips should have revealed sharp teeth. At least, that’s what it felt like when their gaze met. She looked much like a crocodile. Liana closed the space between them and stood beside him like they were out for a simple walk. Her arm slid around his middle and he felt his own breath hitch when her body fit along the lines of his.
It was a trap, that he knew. If they looked like lovers out to frolic, then the white dragon would feel safer. He would also get dumber, more reckless. So, Dane tried to play along. He tried to lay his arm over her shoulder and appear like he was head over heels with this woman. As much as he wanted to, feeling her stiffen beneath his touch placed a clamp around his heart.
How would he break down her walls? How would he get in and tell her what she meant to him? Would he be able to do it before it was too late? She was on the fast road to a slow death, the way that she threw herself into fights. Dane could lose his mate before he ever learned to love her.