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The Legendary Civilization

Page 5

by Ali Yazan

  Carpenter scratched his head. “Shouldn’t it be raining and snowing. Or am I wrong?”

  Mikkel replied, “You are not mistaken, Commander. We do this when we want it and when the surface of the Earth is not as dangerous. However, since it is extremely difficult to reach the floors, it is possible to channel rain or snow from the surface through our advanced technological devices. At other times, we are only able to watch the open air by making the soil layer on our surface invisible. Of course, the Agarthans who want to visit the surface can do it. In fact, we all do this often.”

  Richard said, “So we have the possibility of encountering various individuals from your civilization throughout our lives?”

  “Of course but it is not possible to notice us because we are no different in appearance.”

  Verhoeven said, “What about marriage between our worlds?”

  Mikkel responded, “Since our average lifespan is three hundred years, it is impossible for us to have a life together with people of your world.”

  The city had large streets and extremely high buildings. Some of the vehicles were hovering above the streets without drivers.

  “What kind of technology do you use to ride these vehicles?” asked Anderson.

  “We use a magnetic field,” Mikkel responded. “Our vehicles build up a magnetic field and rise from the surface by increasing or decreasing the energy of the field. We can destroy gravity and fly freely with a small tool that we attach to our belts.”

  “Do you have any more cities?” Verhoeven asked

  “Yes, they are connected to each other by tunnels. It is possible to reach all our cities in the world thanks to the tunnel lines like the one we just left.”

  Carpenter spoke up. “Why can’t our world reach you? Is it just that you're too deep? Or does your technology prevent this from happening?”

  “If we did not protect ourselves, it would be possible for you to detect us eventually. But of course, we use sophisticated technologies to prevent this. It is not possible for you to reach us or be aware of our existence unless we permit it.”

  The vehicle passed over a lake. Verhoeven asked, “Is this an artificial lake?”

  “No, Mr. Verhoeven. It's not a problem for us to create artificial lakes and seas. However, this lake is a totally natural lake. There are various lakes, rivers, and even waterfalls in the Inner World. Outside of the city, we have forests, woods, and rivers. We have a variety of animals, some species you have never seen before and some that you would consider extinct on your planet.”

  As Mikkel finished speaking, the vehicle turned to the right, passing through two large buildings. They entered the forest where the crew recognized the pine trees. Mikkel continued, “As you can see, even though our forests grow naturally, we keep them under constant control. It is also possible to encounter all kinds of animals. Look! Here is one of them!” He pointed. The crew saw an animal that looked like an antelope frolicking, unaware that it was being watched.

  Bang asked, “Are there any predatory animals in here?”

  “Of course, Mr. Bang. In Agartha, you can find all kinds of animals.”

  “Well, isn't that dangerous? As far as I see, there is not much distance between the city and the forest, and there is nothing that prevents wild animals from attacking you? “

  “Animals attack for two reasons, Mr. Bang,” Mikkel said. “The first is for food. Therefore, we make sure that none of Agartha's animals are hungry. The second is that the animals feel danger. Because of our telepathic power, they are never aggressive toward us because we have overcome the fact that they do not need to be afraid of us. One day, you can achieve this as well.”

  Bang shook his head, “I’m not as optimistic as you, unfortunately.”

  Mikkel said, “In order to become an optimist, you need to want to be as far away from greed as possible. The most important thing is the development of the soul; science and technology come after that. However, you have neglected the development of your soul while improving science and technology. What difference would it make if a civilization that kills millions of innocent people in meaningless wars while trying to save the whales improves science and technology? You would be a selfish civilization, just like the Von. Your end would be like that of the Mu and Atlantis people.”

  Carpenter asked, “What happened to them?”

  “As it says in your legends, they vanished. The reason,” Mikkel sighed, “well there are many reasons. Most of them are similar to the fallen civilizations in your history. However, to sum up,” Mikkel paused, “both civilizations tried to put themselves in God’s place.” The crew stared at Mikkel.

  “What does that mean?” Verhoeven asked.

  “Atlantis was a colony of Mu. Both civilizations were advanced in science and technology. The people of Atlantis created monsters by gene editing and used them in unnecessary wars. Their purpose was to control other civilizations and expand their empire, just like the people of Mu.” Mikkel pointed ahead, “That’s an animal you probably thought was extinct.”

  Everyone was amazed to see a couple of herbivore dinosaurs grazing on the trees below them. The dinosaurs looked just like they had stepped out of the past. Their vehicle passed the dinosaurs and headed for a mountain up ahead.

  “God, as if I'm watching the movie Jurassic Park.” This comment came from Anderson.

  The vehicle passed quickly through them and continued on a journey towards a mountain.

  “Are there other mountains like this one? Like a mountain range?” Carpenter asked.

  Mikkel said, “Of course, Commander. You can be sure that there is nature in the inner World just like on the surface. Now, we’ll go to that mountain and explore together. Afterward, we’ll board the ship that is waiting for us. Jorgensen will meet with your leader as our representative. The Mentor committee just notified me.”

  “We’re happy to hear that Mr. Jorgensen will return with us,” said Carpenter as the crew nodded happily behind him.

  “He isn’t going to return to your ship, Commander. Even though you’re in Agartha on Earth now, you must go back to your ship waiting for you in space to complete your missions. Jorgensen will accompany you in our ship. But let me say that we won’t let your military officials get close to our ships. Also, you won’t be able to put Jorgensen through health scans. If your officials insist on denying our request, I’m afraid Jorgensen and his team will have to leave. He will have a meeting with your president. Please, inform them so that no time is wasted.”

  “I understand. I will do what you want. I hope everything happens as we’d like without a problem.”

  “I hope,” repeated Mikkel. They’d made it to the base of the mountain. Bang wondered out loud if that the snowy peak reaching the clouds was four to five thousand meters.

  “It’s exactly four thousand seven hundred meters, Mr. Bang,” said Mikkel. “Of course, our mountains, like yours, undergo erosion, but that was the latest measurement. If you’d like, we can start climbing the mountain.”

  They followed a natural path, climbing upwards. The vehicle was slower than usual, so the crew could observe the environment. Mikkel gave them a small device to prevent them from getting cold at the top of the mountain. “This device keeps your clothes warm, similar to how rays keep food warm in what you call a microwave. That way, you won’t be cold. You can adjust the temperature with the dial on the bottom, but I don’t think that will be necessary because it adjusts to your body’s natural temperature. It can also melt the snow on you,” Mikkel added, pointing to the two little buttons on the device. The device locked onto their clothes.

  In the meantime, a couple of bears, some deer, and rabbits had crossed their paths. In fifteen minutes, they made it up the mountain. The city offered them a spectacular view of the forest and lakes, another city lit up in bright lights across the peaks, and in another direction saw mammoths thought to have been extinct.

  Anderson said, “Truthfull
y, we had a surprise-filled week. We’ve discovered more things in two days than the history of expeditions themselves.”

  Mikkel smiled, “You’re right, Mr. Anderson. However, it is time to return, and I will send you off on my ship, where our friend Jorgensen and his crew will accompany you on your voyage back to Earth.” The vehicle returned and started cruising back to the city. They arrived at the city’s busy spaceport two kilometers outside of the city in five minutes. When they arrived, they saw that Jorgensen was waiting for them by their ship. He greeted them with a handshake and a smile.

  Mikkel shook hands with all of them, “This is the end of our time together. I hope you liked what you saw and were happy with us.”

  They were close to their own ship when Jorgensen received information about their expedition. Jorgensen said, “We are close to your vehicle, we can transfer you to your ship. Or if you’d like, we can ‘beam’ you to your ship, as you say. You won’t feel anything.”

  After realizing he had the approval of the crew, Carpenter said, “Okay Mr. Jorgensen, send us to our ship. Or as the saying goes, ‘Beam me up, Scotty!’”

  Jorgensen, familiar with the Earth’s culture, said, “As you wish. Now, stay where you are, don’t move. I’m going to count to three. One, two...” and they found themselves in their ship.

  Jorgensen appeared on the screen when the men looked around the deck. “You didn’t finish counting to three,” to which Jorgensen replied, “I didn’t wait to finish counting to three to not make you too nervous. Did you feel anything?”

  “No, we didn’t feel anything. The truth is, this technology should be used on Earth.”

  “We would like that too. Unfortunately, desire is not enough. One needs to earn this. Either way, we can send you back to Earth now,” Jorgensen said. As soon as he said this, they were shocked to find themselves about to enter Earth’s atmosphere.

  Carpenter asked, “How did this happen? Did you do something to our ship?”

  Jorgensen replied, “We ‘fixed’ your motors while you were our guests to avoid losing time. However, since this is not needed any more, we have just canceled the modification. You will enter the atmosphere normally and complete the landing as planned.”

  Once Jorgensen disappeared from the screen, Carpenter called Houston. He summarized the situation to the president of NASA and started the descent. The space ship entered the atmosphere smoothly and landed.

  Meanwhile, the UFO under Jorgensen's administration joined them. As soon as they landed, Firefighters, Secret Service, and Military vehicles flew into the area and surrounded the space vehicles. The FBI President and the Air Force Commander walked towards Earth’s ship first. The astronauts quickly disembarked. After they had been welcomed, fully armed soldiers and law enforcement slowly approached the UFO. Suddenly, the UFO’s door opened and Jorgensen appeared in the stairwell. As he went down, the soldiers held their weapons towards the ground.

  Air Command Commander Fox greeted him. “Welcome to the world, Mr. Jorgensen.”

  “Thank you, General.”

  FBI President Barthold said, “Hello, I bring greetings from Mr. President. Please, if you do not mind, let's move to Washington D.C. in our plane. The president is looking forward to meeting you. Meanwhile, security will be provided by our troops, and no one will approach your vehicle without our permission.”

  Jorgensen nodded. “Thank you, Mr. Barthold. No need to bother, our ship has an automatic protection system. But thank you for the courtesy. It is our honor that your troops are escorted by our ship.”

  “The President also requested that Mr. Carpenter join us. Per your request, we did not check anyone once they landed. Can you tell me more about your background?”

  “I am the military fleet commander in Agartha and Nibiru. I represent my civilization in the capacity of an ambassador.”

  Barthold invited them to join him on the luxury military jets, originally owned by the Air Force. They got on the V-Stol jet together with five special agents. Carpenter joined them and said, “We can go.”

  The plane lifted off followed by four F-35 lighting jets. After about an hour and a half, the planes arrived in Washington D.C. and landed at a Pentagon secret military base. From there, they went in armored vehicles to the White House to meet the President. After a short journey, the protocol chief at the White House, Stewart Grenger, welcomed them at the door.

  “Welcome. President Mason looks forward to meeting you.” He led them to the door of the oval office.

  “Enter,” boomed a voice from inside.

  The President shook their hands and invited them to sit down. Jorgensen sat right in front of the President. “Mr. Jorgensen. I would like to express how honored I am to welcome a representative of a legendary civilization here.”

  Jorgensen replied, “That honor belongs to us, President Mason.”

  The president continued. “We received information from Mr. Carpenter through NASA. Thank you very much. Could you share this knowledge first hand?”

  “Of course, President Mason. As previously mentioned to Mr. Carpenter and his valuable crew, the tension between NATO and SETO is about to turn into a hot war. The probability is increasingly high. Unfortunately, most of the country's leaders lack common sense. On the other hand, a barbaric civilization, which we call Von Civilization, and which is thousands of light years away, has noticed your existence. You have no chance against them because they are much more developed than you. So you must solve your internal affairs urgently. Otherwise, they will watch you deal with each other first and then they will swallow you up easily.”

  “Well, if this civilization is far ahead of us, even if we unite, do we have a chance against them?” The President asked.

  “We cannot say that, but your resistance power will increase.

  “So, do you agree with the conditions of unification? If we do not make it, will you leave us with this terrible enemy? Will this be worthy of a civilization that shares the same planet?”

  Jorgensen smiled. “We do not have the authority to intervene in your life, President Mason. Of course, we want to help, but what happens we helped you and you got rid of the alien invaders. Could you give us a guarantee that you would not turn around and destroy each other again? I do not think so. Of course, we do not expect you to handle all your problems in a month. But at least you can reach a consensus that you will not attack each other and that you will solve all your problems in good faith. If you do so, we will assist you against your new enemies.”

  “Could you tell me more?” he asked, leaning up from the chair.

  Jorgensen said, “Let's just say enough to defend yourselves and defeat the other side.”

  “So you can’t give us your advanced technology because you don’t trust us, right?”

  “Unfortunately, you are right, President Mason. And you can’t blame us. More than eighty million people have died in two major world wars in the last century, not including the atomic bombing of Japan. Can you tell me; is there a reliable side to your civilization?”

  President Mason shook his head. “You're right, but I'm not sure I can convince the other party even if I accept it.”

  “It depends on your ability to persuade, President Mason. I cannot help you with that.”

  President Mason shifted uneasily. “Well, don’t you think you should at least meet with the Russian leader on this matter?”

  “No. There are two reasons. First, the power is not just in Russia. Even if we persuade them, other countries may not be persuaded. Secondly, we do not trust the sincerity of any of the leaders, including Russia.” Jorgensen shrugged. “In fact, your country’s record is not brilliant at all. However, we are approaching the leader, rather than the country. We watched your political and social life closely. We approached you believing you were sincere. Maybe you can make a difference. However, you must persuade your NATO partners. The situation in the world is tense. For example, we have been informed that i
n a joint practice in the Baltic, the Russian and North Korean war jets just launched a missile attack on a warship of Britain which was observing the practice. The ship did not sink, but she was hurt.”

  As soon as the President heard this, he immediately told his secretary, “Get me the British Prime Minister immediately.” Then he turned to Jorgensen, “If the Prime Minister confirms this, it will have very serious consequences.”

  Shortly after, British Prime Minister Percy Call was on the phone. When the president asked if the case was true, the British Prime Minister confirmed it. The President and the Prime Minister got into a heated discussion. When the President hung up, he immediately called The Secretary General of NATO and told him to prepare for a meeting.

  After the conversation was over, the President looked at Jorgensen, “It will have very heavy consequences”

  “We know, President Mason.”

  Mason said, “Could you give us more information about the Von Civilization? We need to prepare for them.”

  Jorgensen rose to his feet and lifted his hand. In the middle of the room, the three-dimensional hologram of the Von Civilization previously seen by Carpenter and his crew appeared. Jorgensen briefly described it to the President.

  The President held up his hand for Jorgensen to pause. “One minute. Are you saying that they can reach us from such a long distance? How long will it take?”

  “About ten to fifteen days if they travel faster than light speed.”

  “So we do not have much time!”

  “No, unfortunately.”

  The President was turned pale as he looked at the hologram in front of him for a while, “What kind of help can you give us against them?”

  Jorgensen smiled, “President Mason, you must first prove to the council of masters that you deserve it. If you cannot do this, you will not get any help from us.”

  “If we do not?”

  Jorgensen leaned back in his chair, “Then we can only help you rescue some survivors. In doing so, I would say that we will ignore political and military authorities. Our priority will be to save innocent people. “


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