The Vampire's Daughter

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The Vampire's Daughter Page 17

by Leigh Anderson

  "Please, just go," she said. Her cheeks were flush with embarrassment and she did not want to look at him. After a moment of silence, he still had not left. She finally looked at him and repeated her request more firmly. "You need to go."

  "Don't you think you owe me something?" he asked.

  "I don't know what you mean," she said, confused.

  He reached down and held her chin in his hand. "What I mean is, you have greatly excited me. You should not do that if you are not going to finish the job."

  Her eyes widened as he stood before her. Even through his clothes, she could tell that he was indeed still aroused. "You know I cannot," she said, losing her balance and falling backward. She crawled a few paces away from him, but he slowly and menacingly pursued her. "We must wait until we are married," she reiterated.

  "There are still other ways you can satisfy me," he said as he undid his belt. She scrambled to her feet and tried to run away, but he grabbed her by the arm and turned her around to face him. She swung her other arm around and slapped him across the face, raking his cheek with her fingernails. He cried out in pain and let her go. She froze at the sight of blood seeping from the wound. He was going to be furious when the shock wore off.

  He reached up and touched his face with the back of his hand. He looked at the blood with disbelief, but his surprise soon gave way to rage. They stared at each other, wondering who was going to act first.

  "Father!" she screamed as suddenly and loudly as she could.

  Before the word had left her lips, Sebastian lunged at her. He seemed instantly transformed and pinned her to the floor as she used all her strength to hold the beast off her. She screamed for help but did not try to escape because she knew she would never outrun him. Her only hope was to hold him at arm's length until someone could rescue her. His face resembled a monster with a long snout and sharp fangs, not wolf-like, but more rodentius. His red eyes contrasted sharply against his grey-blue, leathery skin. He growled and roared at her and she felt his hot breath on her face. Her elbows began to bend under his weight and force. Her voice grew hoarse from screaming and begging him to spare her.

  Sebastian had forgotten about Vincent until the moment the door flew open. Instantly, common sense washed over him. He reverted back to his human form and fled from atop Victoria. Sebastian stood just as Vincent’s fist connected with the younger man's face. Victoria sat up as Sebastian was thrown across the room by the force of the hit. He landed on his back. Vincent picked up Sebastian and threw him out into the hallway. Vincent slammed the door to the room shut as Sebastian hit the farther wall of the hall.

  "What did you do?" Vincent hollered at Victoria.

  She was taken aback by her father's anger toward her. She stammered for a moment as she prepared a humble, penitent statement. Then the shock of it all left her and she stood in defiance before her father.

  "He wanted a sexual favor and I denied him!" she yelled. "He is a horrible, disgusting animal and I only hope that my unhappiness haunts you for all of eternity if I am forced to be yoked with him!" She was terrified, but she dared not show it. She did not look away nor did she move except to breathe out angry breaths that could not be contained.

  Vincent gritted his teeth. In this one moment, she could have laid all his plans to ruin. He would not be surprised if he found Sebastian gone when he opened the door, never to be seen or heard from again. Vincent finally turned away from her and closed his eyes for a moment to try and think things through.

  Victoria finally was able to blink. Her eyes were dry from being afraid to move a single muscle. She took a step back and put her hand over her racing heart.

  "He should…he should not have done that," Vincent finally said.

  Victoria shook her head in disbelief. "Oh, thank God," she said in relief. She sat on the bed and put her hand to her mouth. She thought she was going to throw up. "I'm sorry," she said aloud. "I am so sorry. I know how important this marriage is to all of us." She got down on the ground and grasped her father's hand and held it to her cheek. "Please, forgive me," she said.

  Vincent looked down at her and felt the warmth of her skin bathe his hand. "It is all right," he said, removing his hand from her grasp and placing it on her head in a sign of forgiveness. She wrapped her arms around his leg and hugged it. "Let us hope Sebastian is still able to find favor with you." He pulled his hand out of her grip and walked out the door.

  Victoria sat for a moment trying to calm down. She stood and turned to sit on the bed, but a look at the rumpled blankets from her wanton act with Sebastian recalled the anger and disgust she felt with herself.

  Sebastian had said that their intimate act would help her feel more prepared for their wedding night, but she was more afraid than ever. She imagined that when the time came, he would just pin her down, take her, and no one would be there to save her like there had been tonight. It was not just the intercourse she was worried about. She did not know exactly what he had meant by the sexual favor he wanted her to do for him. She feared that he would want her to do things after they were married that she just did not want, or know how, to do.

  She collapsed by the bed in mental and physical exhaustion. She reached up and opened the drawer to her nightstand. She reached inside and pulled out her rosary. She got on her knees and held the beads in her hands. She bowed her head and did something that, in her hopelessness, she had not done for many years – she prayed.

  Vincent entered the hallway and saw no sign of anyone. He walked down the hall and down a set of stairs to another wing of the castle where Sebastian and his women lived. Vincent knocked on the door to Sebastian's quarters and entered without permission. Just as Vincent suspected, Sebastian and his girls were packing.

  "Sebastian," Vincent said, crossing his arms, "what are you doing?"

  "What does it look like I am doing?" Sebastian said, not looking at Vincent, but continuing to put items into a bag. "I am leaving. Even though your daughter is certainly a valuable prize and many benefits come from being linked to her, she is not worth the trouble."

  "You have waited twenty-five years and now she is not worth a few more days?" Vincent asked.

  "Nope. Keep my payment, feel free to use it as an enticement for some other fool; you'll need one hell of a dowry to get rid of her."

  "I don't need your money, boy," Vincent said, his temper rising again.

  "What are you going to do, old man?" Sebastian asked, facing Vincent. The two stared at each other. The women huddled together in a corner, hoping to go unobserved. "Hyacinth, Chrysanthemum, leave us," Sebastian said. The two gladly slinked past the men and left the room, shutting the door behind them.

  "It is not about getting rid of her. I would have no problem finding another suitor for her willing to join in my endeavors," Vincent said. "But you are the one I want for her. I chose you many years ago for a purpose. I only advertised for a mate for her as a mere formality to the other lords. But your offer was the only one I even considered. I have invested everything in her – time, money, love, even respect from some of our own kind – and I want the best possible outcome for her offspring. You are handsome, smart, sophisticated, strong and, most of all, loyal."

  "You only want the child to be from the best possible stock? I am just a stud for your mare?"

  "You knew that when you agreed to the arrangement," Vincent said. "Why are you upset about it now?"

  "I don't know," Sebastian sighed. "If I am so wonderful, why doesn't she see it that way? I have not had any problems finding a mate. I don't need her. She should be grateful that I want her."

  "Yes, but she is not like our women. Her mother was the same way; she wanted love and affection and exclusive intimacy. I had to drug her to make sure she would sleep long enough for me to steal away a few moments with my other girls."

  Sebastian chuckled at the image of the high and mighty Vincent sneaking away from his wife for sex with the other women he owned solely for that purpose. Vincent cleared his throat and ga
ve Sebastian a stern look. Sebastian apologized and urged Vincent to continue.

  "It is my own fault for how Victoria reacts to you. She has had a taste of how sweet love can be and now she craves it. Jessenda was right about me letting her associate with her own kind, but as my daughter she is not just a means to an end. I do care for her."

  "And I care about the future of our race and my link to your family," Sebastian said.

  "You will stay?" Vincent asked. Sebastian nodded. Vincent patted Sebastian on the shoulder both in approval and relief.

  "She just infuriates me to the breaking point," Sebastian said. "She also excites me more than I thought any female could. She is so warm and smells so delicious."

  "Why must you try to molest her? Whenever you want something, just get it from your own girls. Victoria will not allow herself to be forced like our women. She has too much of a human ideal of pride and virtue."

  "I know nothing of human nature. How was I to know she would fight me so hard? I just wanted a little enjoyment to tide me over until the wedding."

  "From now on, just keep your hands off of her, my orders."

  "I don't know, Vincent. I may need to take a new mate from our own kind. My two are starting to bore me."

  "Too bad. You cannot do it now, not so close to the wedding. Victoria won't allow it." Vincent started to leave the room. "Take Helena or Tessa for a few days, they should satisfy you until the wedding."

  "No, I have already had them. I don't think they will work."

  "You will just have to do without then," Vincent opened the door and walked out of the room."

  "What about Jessenda?" Sebastian asked.

  Vincent turned back to him and narrowed his eyes. "What about her?"

  "She is the oldest female I have ever met. I imagine she knows all kinds of ways to satisfy a man. She might be able to satiate me."

  "No," Vincent said. "She is my own, my first. I have not, nor will I ever, share her with anyone."

  "Fine," said Sebastian. "I guess I should just keep packing."

  Vincent rolled his eyes and followed Sebastian back to the room. "What else?" Vincent asked.

  "What else what?" Sebastian innocently asked.

  "Whatever else you want is yours, just name it."

  "I can't think of anything else you have denied me that I want. Can I have Tessa and Helena both? That might be fun."

  "Fine," Vincent finally growled. "But not together with your own girls."

  "Fine, I can agree to that." Sebastian laughed as Vincent angrily yet calmly walked out of the room to inform Tessa and Helena of the day they had to look forward to. Sebastian called his girls back to him. "Unpack my things," he ordered. "But go ahead and pack your own."

  "Master?" Hyacinth asked. "What is wrong?"

  "Nothing, my little flower," he said, stroking her cheek.

  "Then why are you sending us away?" Chrysanthemum asked, rubbing his shoulders.

  "I fear for your safety," he said, kissing her forehead.

  "You are strong enough to protect us from anything," Hyacinth said, pressing her breasts against him as she massaged his back.

  "I am sure of that," he replied, turning to her and kissing her neck and stroking her hips. "But apparently this Calmet is not one to trifle with. Lucia was much older than either of you and he killed her quite easily. I could not forgive myself if something happened to you. Or to you," he said to Chrysanthemum, removing the straps from her dress and letting it fall to the ground. "I just want you both to return home, where I know you will be safe. I will come home to you as soon as Vincent gives me Victoria."

  "Are you sure we need her?" Hyacinth asked, biting his ear.

  "Unfortunately, yes," he replied as he began to undo his belt. "But only for breeding. She will give us powerful offspring. But she is too weak to rear them as proper nosferatu. You two and I will raise them. Then we will use them to become the dominant clan in all of Europe, even more powerful than Vincent. No one will be able to stop us."

  "You are so powerful, Sebastian," Chrysanthemum growled as she rubbed her hands between her legs. "Show me your power," she begged.

  Sebastian pushed them both to the bed and they took off the rest of their clothes before kissing and caressing one another. Sebastian pulled his large cock out and began to stroke himself as he watched them.

  His girls were much younger and more willing to be told what to do than Vincent's girls. Sebastian was satisfied with his girls in every way and he had no need for Vincent's to fulfill his desires. He only wanted Vincent to know he could take anything he wanted.

  He hated the way Vincent held a power over him just because he was his sire. Sebastian believed he was more powerful than Vincent, but Vincent was not about to allow the younger nosferatu any measure of control. Vincent was Sebastian's creator and lord, and Sebastian could not fight that on his own.

  When the time came for Vincent to seek a mate for Victoria, Sebastian leapt at the chance. He had to submit himself fully to Vincent's will, but now Vincent needed Sebastian more than Sebastian needed Vincent. They both knew it. Sebastian saw his chance to take control as supreme nosferatu, and he took every opportunity to show Vincent just how powerful and influential he really was. Even if it meant being intimate with Vincent's worthless girls just to show his prowess, he would do it.

  After he and his girls were done, the girls packed. As soon as the sun set, he helped them load their items into their coach. The girls cried incessantly at their departure, and Sebastian was sad to see them go. He secured the curtains so not a bit of light could get through and led the coach and horses to the gate. The horses were trained to find their way home, but Sebastian watched them leave for as long as he could. Then he went back inside, locked the gate, and went to his room where he found Tessa and Helena waiting for him.


  The next day, Ethan awoke early to set off for the castle. He went downstairs to find Calmet sprawled out on the couch. Ethan was anxious to get moving and tried to wake him, but Calmet had drank so much the night before, it was impossible to rouse him. Ethan wanted to prepare the things they would need for the fray, but he did not know Calmet's plan of attack.

  Calmet finally awoke around noon, but had a pounding headache. It was still a few hours before they could get ready to leave. When they finally began to pack up, the cool of evening was already beginning to set in. Calmet helped Ethan pack as many of the vampire fighting tools as possible.

  "Do you think we should just wait until tomorrow?" Ethan asked. "These are night creatures; maybe it would be better to fight them in the day."

  "It doesn't really matter," Calmet explained. "We are going to their home, and they have the advantage either way, but we might be able to use the dark to our favor. We have the element of surprise; they won't expect us to attack them in their own lair."

  "Are you sure this is going to be enough?" Ethan asked him. "There are at least five more females and two males we will have to fight. What if we run out of supplies?"

  "Well," Calmet said, holstering two stakes to Ethan's belt, "most of these things are reusable. We will most likely run out of holy water first, but that is always the case. Don't run off and leave any of the stakes behind."

  "Because they are so useful," Ethan chimed in.

  "No, they are pure silver and damned expensive," Calmet explained. "Now, the most important thing to remember: don't ever run off without me. We need to be each other's eyes and ears. If we get separated, we will be far more vulnerable. You understand?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "Good. Now see if you can get on the horse." Ethan struggled with so many stakes and crosses and stuff strapped to him, but he managed to climb up on Gregory and find his balance. Calmet climbed on one of his horses, leaving the other horse and wagon behind. Most of the townspeople were up and about and interested in what Calmet and Ethan were doing. Sara walked over from the tavern to say goodbye to her friend.

  "I suppose you were planning to run off wi
thout saying goodbye again, yeah?" she asked Ethan.

  "I didn't want to bother you," he explained. "I thought you would still be mad at me."

  "It is not that you are not a bother. You have always been a bit of trouble. I want you to know that some people don't mind being troubled by their friends. I don't want you to run off and get yourself needlessly killed just because you think nobody cares about you. I may get upset with you, but that doesn't mean I don't still see you as family. Do your best to come back to us, Ethan."

  Ethan reached out and took her hand. "Thank you, Sara," he said. "You're a good woman. Your husband is a lucky man." Ethan turned Gregory toward the castle, and Gregory gladly set off at a trot to his old home.

  Sara held her shawl tight and watched him ride away.

  "Should I try my best to come back too?" Calmet asked Sara.

  "If you do come back, I might be glad to see you," she playfully said.

  "Now I really hope I live through the night!" he said with a laugh. He turned his horse about and followed Ethan down the wooded path.

  The two rode along in silence. Gregory knew where they were going and it took all of Ethan's strength to make him slow down. As the sun set, they could hear the sound of distant wolf howls.

  "Can you tell the difference between the howl of a wolf and the howl of a lycan?" Ethan asked.

  "Aye," Calmet said. "But I could not explain it to you; it is just something I feel in my bones."

  "What are you feeling now?"

  "I feel glad we are not hunting lycan. These woods are thick with them. I believe we are being watched right now."

  Ethan shuddered and watched the woods with wide eyes. "What is keeping them from attacking us?" Ethan asked.

  "Couldn't say. Maybe they know we are not a threat to them right now. Just be grateful they are staying away, and don't concern yourself with the reason. We have much bigger things to worry about."

  "Do the medallions keep lycan away also, or just vampires?"


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