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Heartless Player: A College Hockey Romance : (Westfall U Series)

Page 23

by R. C. Stephens

  I blow out a breath.

  Dec walks over. I hadn’t seen him leave the locker room. “Dude, your dad is the governor?”

  “Yeah,” I say feeling tongue tied and nervous about what the guys will think of my lie—or lack of sharing the truth. Will they feel betrayed? Can I still lead this team, or will I lose their respect? Insecurities wash over me like a bad night of drinking, making me feel nauseous and lightheaded.

  The rest of the guys exit the locker room and everyone walks over recognizing my father, including Bozeman who says, “Why didn’t you tell us that your father is the governor?”

  The cat has got my tongue as I open my mouth to speak, but sweat breaks out on my forehead and I can’t find the words. Dad comes through and says, “I can’t speak for Wolfe, but knowing my son, he wanted to work his way to the top on his own without help from his old man.” Dad winks at me.

  My nerves ease. The nausea drifts away. That isn’t a lie. I wanted my achievements to be mine.

  “Your son is a fine player and a good human,” Coach agrees and then he turns to me. “You played with real honor and integrity tonight, kid.”

  Coach’s words make me feel like myself again.

  “Thanks, Coach.”

  “Are we heading out to party?” Dec asks.

  “Better keep your head clean, McAvoy. And that goes for all of you,” Coach says. “Harvard played a weak, underhanded game tonight. We play Havenshire in two days. Keep the focus.”

  “Yes, sir,” Dec says.

  “Now, go take it easy,” Coach orders and then turns to my dad. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Governor.” He looks at me like he is seeing me for the first time. “Rarely do people surprise me in a good way,” he says to me. I think that sounds like a compliment.

  “Thanks, Coach.” His words make me choke up a little. The decision to work and pay my own way wasn’t easy, but it’s been worth it.

  Coach leaves the group and heads out of the arena.

  I turn to Rebel. “I need to take Cait home.”

  “No, I can take her home. I’m going there anyway. Maybe you can come by tomorrow and we can talk some more?” Dad asks.

  “Yeah, sure.” I nod.

  I give Cait a hug and say goodbye, and Dad reaches over and gives me another hug, which is really weird because he isn’t the most affectionate person.

  I then return my attention to my girl. “You want to come over?”

  Rebel’s cheeks flush like a schoolgirl. “Um.” She looks at Holland and Blossom.

  “I can give Holland a ride home,” Blossom offers.

  “Are you guys sure?” Rebel asks them.

  “Yes,” Holland says.

  “I can give her a ride home,” Cole says out of nowhere.

  “Why are you still here?” I ask him.

  “Because I’m family.” He shrugs. “I love you, man,” he says mockingly and gives me a half hug-half pat on the back.

  “Stop being an idiot,” I chide him.

  “I’m having fun. We just fucking won. We are so close to the Four,” he says, excitement lighting his eyes.

  Okay, that’s true.

  “Do you want a ride home, beautiful?” Cole asks Holland. Wow! He’s even laying on the charm.

  “Hard pass,” she says to him, and Cole winces.

  “Shot down.” I make fun of my friend, who I think has never been rejected before.

  “Shut up,” he says, and he shakes his head and lifts his bag onto his shoulder.

  “I’m out,” he says and leaves the arena.

  “Don’t tell him, but I think he’s seriously hot,” Holland says.

  We all burst out laughing.

  Rebel looks at Holland with her brow cocked. “What? I’m not some puck bunny,” Holland says. “He can’t just compliment me and offer me a ride. He’ll have to work for it.”

  I look at my girl and laugh, thinking we were like that once upon a time. Rebel laughs too and nods her head.

  I extend my hand to Rebel. “Let’s get outta here?”

  She takes my hand and we leave, and all I can think about the whole way home is taking her clothes off and loving her the way she was meant to be loved.



  “We are the champions,” the team sings as we hang out in the locker room after winning the Frozen Four here in Buffalo.

  “Tonight, we celebrate,” Dec says.

  A bunch of fuck yeahs ring across the locker room.

  “Even I’m up for partying tonight,” I admit. The game against Havenshire wasn’t easy. Berlin was playing dirty, as usual, but we beat their asses and secured our spot in the Four. Playing against the other three best teams in the country was a test of our skill and determination, but it’s all paid off and I’m in preliminary talks with the Rangers, so life couldn’t get any better.

  After showering and suiting up, I head out of the locker room. Rebel walks straight into my arms and places her hot lips on mine. “I’m so damn proud of you.”

  I slip her the tongue and she swats me on the chest. “Not now.”

  “Hi, Wolfe,” Holland says. “Congrats on your win.”

  “Thanks, Holland.”

  The guys start pouring out of the locker room. “We got two limos waiting outside. Whoever makes it in first has a ride,” Cole shouts.

  I cock my brow and look at Rebel. “Are you up for some celebrating?”

  She looks at Holland who shrugs her shoulder. “Why the heck not. I deserve a celebration.”

  “Yeah? What happened?” I ask her.

  “I got accepted for an internship program this summer at Westfall General Hopsital. It’s a competitive program that will look really good on my med school application,” she explains.

  “Wow, that’s huge. Congrats.” I lean in and give her a hug because we’ve grown close these last months, even though she refuses to come over to our house citing that Cole hits on her too much and she doesn’t want to break down and give in to his charms.

  “Thanks,” she replies. “I’m super stoked.”

  Cole walks over. “You did comprehend what I just said. Limos outside. Now.” He points to the exit. We walk swiftly toward the door and head out.

  The guys pile into the limo. Some of them have girlfriends, others are entertaining the bunnies that followed us here.

  “This is crazy, right?” Holland asks Rebel.

  Rebel nods. “I don’t know when our life became so wild.”

  “The minute you guys became friends with me,” Cole answers.

  “We aren’t friends,” Holland says to Cole.

  “You keep telling yourself that, gorgeous.” Cole winks.

  We drive a good twenty minutes through town until we reach a club. We all climb out of the limo and head into the building. There is a fancy restaurant out front and so we all sit and order food. After a game, we’re all ravenous. After dinner, we head to the back of the club where EDM pounds and laser lights flash. The guys head to the bar to do shots and Holland lines up right with them along with Rebel.

  She usually doesn’t drink, so I’m not sure what’s happening, but I don’t say a word and go with the flow. After she downs two shots of tequila, she turns to me. “If you’re wondering, I decided that it’s okay for me to drink a little and let loose on occasion. Everyone always seems to be having fun and I want to have that experience. I used to associate alcohol and drugs with my parents, but I want to break those ties. I want to experience life on my own terms. Do you know what I mean?” she asks.

  “I do, baby.” I lean in and give her a kiss. “I want you to have all the experiences,” I say and give her ass a little squeeze.

  “You guys are overkill.” Holland laughs.

  “Sorry,” Rebel says.

  “It’s fine.” Holland shrugs her off, then turns to the bar and orders another shot.

  “I’ll take another too,” Cole says from beside her.

  The bartender lines up the shots and they clink gla
sses and then throw them back.

  “This doesn’t mean we’re friends,” Holland says to Cole.

  “Exactly,” he agrees. “Because I want to get in your pants, and friends don’t think that way of each other.”

  Holland groans. “You’re incorrigible.”

  “Rightfully so,” Cole says and then he takes her out to the dance floor.

  I refocus on Rebel. “Do you think those two will ever hook up?”

  “Eventually,” she says.

  “Did I tell you how hot you look tonight?” I ask her.

  She taps her pointer finger to her lips. “I don’t think so.” She giggles.

  “You’re feeling the tequila.” I smirk and move in close to her.

  “I’m feeling you,” she says, placing her hand between our bodies and cupping my hard-on.

  “If you want to stay and enjoy the club, I suggest you move that hand, otherwise I am dragging you back to our hotel room and having my way with you,” I warn.

  “Maybe I want you to have your way with me.” Her right brow arches.

  “Fuck me.” I take her by the hand and we start to head out of the club.

  “Wait,” she shouts over the music. “I forgot. I can’t leave Holland.”

  We both turn to see Holland doing some grinding moves on Cole.

  “She’s busy,” I say on a laugh.

  “It would make me the world’s worst friend,” she says.

  “Fine. Come dance.” I try to erase all the naughty thoughts I was having because I love this woman more than I love air.

  “Thank you for understanding,” she says.

  I kiss her. “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” she says. “Always.”

  I enter the draft in a month, but the Rangers have already made me an offer I can’t refuse. Rebel has another year at Westfall before she applies to graduate school. Westfall and New York aren’t that far away, but with a hectic NHL schedule, our relationship will be tricky. Still, I’m all in and so is she. Before I met Rebel, I was lost. She helped me mend my flaws, and we complement each other like the sun to a flower or stars in the sky.

  We look into each other’s eyes and there is deep understanding between us; a feeling that rises in my heart, telling me she’s my soul mate. I take an easy breath, knowing that wherever life takes us, we will never be alone because we’ll always have each other.

  * * *

  Do you want to read an excerpt from Ruthless Player? The next book in the Westfall U series. Get a sneak peek of Holland and Cole. You won’t regret it. These two are a hot mess. Turn the page. . . Unedited Scene:


  * * *

  I can’t believe I agreed to this. I slink back into my chair in Wolfe and Cole’s kitchen. Rebel eyes me and my guess is she’s telepathically telling me to be nice. I nod. I did agree to this dinner even though she twisted my arm to come here tonight. Her and Wolfe both feel it’s super important for their best friends to get along considering how in love they are. Problem is Cole Davis is a typical jock who hits on me every chance he gets. If I didn’t find him so hot it wouldn’t be a problem. It’s not easy ignoring him when he flirts but I refuse to be another notch on his bedpost or belt or however that stupid saying goes. I’m better than that.

  Rebel is talking about her nonexistent plans for summer. And I watch as Wolfe takes her hand in his and just holds it resting on the table. They are too cute. Watching them fall in love has made me crave everything Rebel has. Hot sex, a gorgeous boyfriend who really cares. I just don’t have the time for a relationship. My focus is getting into medical school. Nothing can stand in my way not even the gorgeous hockey player with forest green eyes and the body of an Adonis sitting next to me. Even if he is on his best behavior tonight.

  “So what are your plans for the summer?” Wolfe asks me.

  I pause mid bite. Wolfe really went out of his way to prepare a nice meal of steaks and mashed potatoes.

  “I got an internship working at Westfall General,” I say. I’m pretty sure I told him I got the internship a couple months back but it was after he won a big game so he doesn’t remember. The only reason I remember that night is because I got a little tipsy and accidentally locked lips with Cole.

  “Congrats,” Wolfe says. “So what does that involve?”

  “I’ll be interning with their Oncology department shadowing the doctors and participating in their current research programs,” I say.

  “Cool,” Cole answers. “It’s really badass that you want to be a doctor.”

  “Thanks,” I say feeling nervous because I don’t like when people ask me why I chose medicine. I side eye Cole but he isn’t even looking at me he’s enjoying his steak.

  I take a sip of my wine and place the glass down and exhale. “When are you moving to New York?” I ask Wolfe because I want to change the subject.

  “We start summer boot camp end of July,” he says and then he leans in and gives Rebel a kiss. He ended up entering the draft at number five and as expected was snatched up by the Rangers.

  “How about you Cole?” Rebel asks.

  It’s funny how hard Wolfe and Rebel are working to force a friendship between Cole and me. I just have nothing in common with Cole. We are night and day.

  “I don’t know. My father wants me to intern at his company but it sounds so damn unappealing. Plus I’m going to visit Granny Mae for about a week which I’m really looking forward to,” he smiles and looks at Wolfe.

  “I loved visiting with Granny Mae when we were younger. We spent days at the beach plus she’s the best cook ever,” Wolfe says.

  “She is the best,” Cole agrees. How sweet.

  “So what is your plan for the rest of the summer?” Wolfe asks Cole.

  “I don’t know but working for my dad is a last resort,” Cole says.

  Wolfe and Rebel look at each other and it’s as if unspoken words pass between them. Then Wolfe shakes his head and they turn back to Cole.

  “I may do some sort of training camp. I want to enter the draft next year if I can,” Cole says.

  “You can do it,” Wolfe says encouragingly.

  “I don’t know. I have my doubts,” Cole says rubbing the back of his hand along the stubble of his jaw line. A very sexy jawline I try not to focus on too much because listening to him being vulnerable does something to my insides.

  “We all have our doubts about everything,” Rebel says.

  “That is the truth,” Wolfe chimes in.

  I place a piece of steak and potatoes on my fork when I feel everyone watching me.

  Cole says. “Holland is too smart to have any doubts.”

  That’s a really nice compliment. “Very untrue,” I say. “I’m filled with doubt on the daily. Will I have enough experience for my med school applications? Am I good enough to get into medical school? Will I even make a good doctor?” I place my fork down.

  “See doubt is normal,” Rebel says.

  “Maybe for you guys but for me it’s different,” Cole says. “My dad doesn’t support my hockey career.”

  “Neither did mine until like five minutes ago,” Wolfe chimes. Wolfe hadn’t spoken to his dad for years but they put their animosities aside a couple months back and are now working on their relationship.

  “You have your dad’s support now plus you have Rebel,” Cole reminds him.

  “True,” Wolfe says and he lifts Rebels hand and brings it to his lips.

  “They are so cute aren’t they?” Cole asks me with a mocking tone.

  “They are cute. Drop the sarcasm,” I say wanting to defend my friend.

  “So you’re into all this relationship stuff?” Cole asks.

  “Me?” My head rears back like he slapped me. “Hell no,” I say quickly and then remorse for my knee jerk reaction kick in. “No offense guys,” I say to Rebel and Wolfe. “I have to focus on school. I don’t have time for a relationship.”

  “Same,” Cole says. “Between hockey and school I have my
hands full.”

  “Plus managing all those puck bunnies must be really stressful,” I add.

  “Stressful? No. That’s the relaxing part.” Cole grins like the Chesire cat.

  “Gross,” I mumble.

  “At least you’d know I come with lots of experience,” Cole winks.

  “Easy there,” Wolfe warns.

  “Oh it’s fine. I’ve learned that Cole is all talk,” I say and I wink back at him. Take that hot stuff.

  I like taking jabs at Cole. It would help if I could erase the kiss we shared from my mind but the jerk is an excellent kisser. Just the right amount of tongue. And the sparks that erupted in my body. . .

  I pick up my cup and take a long sip of water to cool myself down since the wine seems to be going right to my head.

  “Sure you keep on believing that beautiful,” Cole says and places a bite of steak in his mouth.

  “Stop calling me that,” I argue with him.

  “Why? I’m just stating a fact,” he says and then he reaches for his glass of red wine.

  He is so annoying.

  “Rebel was right you really are a good cook,” I say to Wolfe because my attention needs to be anywhere but the smooth talking hockey player who sees me as a conquest he hasn’t been able to nail. No pun intended.

  “Gah!” Rebel groans. “You two just need to get a long.”

  Wolfe stands up from the table. “Shit! I forgot the roasted vegetables in the oven.” He walks over to the oven puts an oven mitt on and takes out a dish filled with steaming vegetables.

  “That looks really good,” Rebel says.

  “Thanks babe,” Wolfe grins at her. They are so crazy in love. I don’t understand how Rebel converted him from heartless player to perfect man.

  Wolfe serves the grilled vegetables to each of us.

  “I always knew why you made a good roommate,” Cole says to Wolfe. “How will Dec and me survive this year without you?” Cole looks upset and I sympathize. Him and Wolfe have been best friends since grade school. I don’t know what I would do if Rebel moved away even though that may be our reality eventually.


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