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Demigod Captive

Page 19

by Lucy Auburn

  "It just doesn't make sense," Vesuvius says, narrowing the distance between us with another cautious step, his eyes on me. "If you'd joined with Jasper's team, I would understand. No—actually, I wouldn't. But it would explain why you don't join up with me. Instead you train with us, or near us at least, and you want to fuck my men. You're wearing one of my warrior's outfits. It's like you're one of us already. Except in all the ways that count."

  "I just don't like joining up with things," I protest unconvincingly, realizing my choice to pretend to be weak was unlikely to work from the start. "Teams, groups, the Girl Scouts, plague doctors, armies... I've never really been a fan. Except of those chocolate cookies, the ones with the peanut butter and the wafer inside. Those are pretty good."

  Vesuvius studies me. "Tell me what you want, Mora. Why even bother putting your hands on one of my men if you don't want the protection of the Worshippers or to join our ranks—what's in it for you? And if I begin to understand, maybe I can... maybe I can stand to know you're screwing other men, while you refuse to come to my bed."

  I know what he means, of course. The invitation to join his team had other implications. Ones that involved being a part of his group, the women who hang on him, and the men too, their bodies given to him freely. A found family—that's what his team is. I've repudiated part of it, but here I stand, hungering for the rest.

  He wants to know what I want, and why I want it. There's expectations in his face. Maybe a little hope, even. I don't know what to tell him, or how much I can safely give. I've lived far longer than Hepheastus's son—the forge is nothing next to the stars in the sky. He'll never begin to be able to understand my past or my demons.

  All I can tell him is a simple, "I'm... so alone in here. And I crave touch. Some kind of touch. Something to fill the void inside of me. To be honest, I'm... hungry."

  It's a bit of the truth.

  Not all of it.

  His eyes soften at the confession, and I wince a little at how easily he believes my lie. I've never been the sentimental type—well, almost never. Whatever softness anyone has ever seen in me has been a figment of their own overactive imagination.

  "I never meant to make you feel like an outsider," Vesuvius says, the orange-red fire in his eyes flaring to life as he stares down at me. "I just don't think I can take the thought of someone else having you when you deny me so easily. I'm not used to not being wanted."

  Before I can stop myself, I tell him, "I want you plenty."

  "Oh?" Both his brows raise, and he leans towards me, undeniably stoking the fire of my forge with the nearness of his body. "Somehow I don't believe you. I think if you were that hungry for connection and actually wanted me, you would've shown me by now. In no uncertain terms."

  This confident asshole with his fire-glowing eyes and impossible physique. He doesn't move a single one of those gorgeous, carved muscles towards me, because we both know what he wants me to do. We both know what I want to do.

  To him. With him. On him. Near him. All of the above.

  "Show me, Mora," he says, as my eyes take him in, his scent fills my nostrils, and every part of me wants to throw myself at him. "Whatever it is you want from me, show me."

  "I can't," I say, even as I prepare myself to do just that, more than willing to deal with the consequences. Fighting in the arena, facing Ares, dealing with the past—all of that is Future Mora's problem. Current Mora wants Vesuvius. Still, I try to resist, telling him, "I just can't fight in the arena for you. With you. Beneath you."

  A little moan leaves my lips at the thought of being beneath him. Heat flares in Vesuvius's eyes. I wonder if, like a volcano, he holds more beneath the surface than at first glance. I crave his heat.

  So when he relents and says, "I won't make you join my team, no matter what happens tonight... but just tonight," it's all I can do not to throw myself at him right away.

  "I'll hold you to it," I warn him, leaning close and twining my hands around his neck. The cool of my Ares gold cuffs grow warm against the impossible heat his skin gives off, like a banked fire or the base of a volcano. "Don't think you can catch me and pin me down just because we fool around a little. I'm not that woman, no matter what forge your father birthed you in."

  Vesuvius chuckles, reaching around to palm my ass with a broad, strong hand. "You're a spitfire, Mora."

  "Don't you forget it."

  I get up on my tiptoes and he ducks his head down to swoop my mouth into a scorching kiss. Literally scorching, not a metaphor—if I thought the heat of his skin was impossible and godlike, the heat of his mouth is a furnace in comparison. Not uncomfortably hot, but noticeably warmer, and deliciously so, like a hot toddy splashing over my lips. He tastes different too, almost like bitter chocolate or some kind of rare herb, a taste that makes me sink into his mouth and press my body against his.

  Vesuvius, for his part, cups my ass in both hands and pulls me against his bare chest. I moan as my nipples, sensitive with growing arousal, press against him through the thin fabric of my top. He grinds his pelvis against mine, and I feel the swelling of his cock in his sweatpants. It's thick and hardening, swinging loose beneath the fabric and surging against my leg. I slide my thigh up against it and appreciate the groan of arousal he makes into my open mouth.

  Making a man hard—especially a demigod—is a powerfully intoxicating feeling. It's not the kind of thing I take for granted. I love the way his bulge surges against my thigh and how he presses his hips forward to get more near-contact with my body.

  We pull out of the deep kiss, and he takes the opportunity to nibble and suck on my lips, his skilled mouth increasing my arousal with the barest of touch. I feel his hands move upward to palm my lower back, then slide across the waistband of my tight black pants, fingers brushing against my skin. He plays with touch until goosebumps rise on my flesh.

  I push against him hungrily, bringing my hands down to his arms and squeezing, enjoying how thick the muscles of his arms are. It would take both of my hands to encircle one of them, if that—they're like tree trunks, full of strength and brutality. He would be a terrifying opponent to face in the arena. The thought of how he must take down his enemies, fire in his gaze and death at his fingers, arouses me even further. If this were a time of war he could charge into battle and take down enemies like wheat falling to a scythe.

  "You're so sexy," he says, pulling back to nuzzle my nose with his, the erection in his pants pressing up between my legs as he draws his body against mine. "I bet you'd look good with my cock in those thick plump lips, your throat bulging when I fuck you so deep you can't even breathe."

  I inhale sharply as he lightly drags his fingernails across the skin of my neck, pressing against the hollow where his cock would rest, no doubt hard and thick enough to fill me to my limits. It's not hard to imagine choking on him, then tasting his no doubt impressive life force as his cum splashes the back of my throat. Warrior that he is, he'd fill my hunger in more ways than one—little does he know it.

  "We'll get to it," I tell him, squeezing my leg against his and watching his ginger lashes flutter as his eyes half-close in reckless pleasure. "First I want to find out what that hot molten mouth of yours would do against my pussy."

  Vesuvius chuckles, reaching around with one hand to cup my breast. I gasp at the press of his thumb against my sensitive nipples through my top, the flesh of my breast spilling over as he squeezes it. "I bet you'd like my hot tongue on your nipples too. They seem... sensitive."

  To punctuate the end of his sensitive, he pushes his finger beneath my top and circles my peaking right nipple with a calloused thumb. I gasp and moan, wriggling against him, pleasure sparking between my thighs. With a smirk on his lips, he pulls my top to the side and tweaks my nipples in his fingers until it's reddened by his touch. Then he pull the other side of my top beneath my breasts, which are pulled together by the tight top and sensitive with arousal from his heat.

  Pushing his hard cock between my legs, its thickness o
bvious through the cotton of his sweatpants, Vesuvius grabs both of my nipples at once and tugs at them so hard I start to pant. Heat blossoms from my neck to my abdomen, and my lower lips throb, wetness slicking me up so much I yearn to grab the cock inside his pants and pull it into me until release comes.

  "Mmmm." The fiery demigod smirks with pleasure as I gasp and pant at his touch. He squeezes both my breasts in his broad, calloused palms, and I grab onto his arms for support as I moan. "You sound like you haven't been tended to in far too long. The way you push yourself against me and gasp like a hungry little bird... we can't have that. Someone has to make you come, beautiful Mora. Someone worthy like me. Would you like that, little death? Do you want to feel my hot tongue against your skin, sucking on your nipples, licking your clit until you come?"

  All sense has left me, because the only thing I can do is whimper, "Yes."

  "Very well. Just know that once I'm done, you'll be weak and shaky. And I'll thrust my cock in you so hard you'll feel it from head to toe."

  Palming my neck, he lightly squeezes my throat with his fingertips and kisses me again. This time there's no fabric barrier between my nipples and his broad, muscular chest, and I moan into his mouth as my sensitive skin touches him. He reaches inside his sweatpants and briefly adjusts his loose cock, pushing it up between my legs and biting my lower lip with hungry pleasure. Then he jerks it to one side, barely taming it, and crouches down until his mouth is level with my breasts.

  The sound that leaves my lips as he pulls my left nipple between his lips is a sound I've never made before. Eyes fluttering closed, I sway against him, gasping and writhing as the impossible heat of his dexterous tongue swirls around the peak of my nipple. Grabbing my top, he unlatches it and frees it from my arms, and the fullness of my breasts spill out to press against his face. I swear I feel his cock twitch at the brush of my aroused skin on him.

  His hands palm both of my breasts as he sucks first at one nipple, than at the other. Moaning, I push my hand down my pants and clamp my thighs around it, rubbing rhythmically against my fingers as the furnace of his mouth draws sharp pleasure from me. Vesuvius is enthusiastic in his suckling, a man on a mission, the tent in his pants making it clear he gets nearly as much pleasure from this as I so. More than once he hums and moans when I palm his head in my hand and draw him against me, my chest rising and falling with sharp breaths.

  Then he looks up at me, eyelashes fluttering, the grey-green of his irises almost completely taken over by growing specks of flame. There's hunger in his gaze and wetness on his lips. "You sound like you're ready to have my mouth on your pussy. Tell me, Mora, are you wet?"

  I can feel the slickness on my hand as I pull it out of my bottoms, my desire coursing through me like a live-wire. "Put that tongue of yours on my clit and we'll see how wet I can get."

  "Good. You won't be able to take my cock without some preparation," he says, sounding like he thinks he's warning me when really he's just building me up to be disappointed. No man's dick has ever truly shocked me—though the demigod crouched with my breasts in his palms and nipples still warm from his touch might just break that barrier. "I want to make you come more than once. It's only fair, after all, since this is apparently the only time I'll get with you."

  Smirking, I tell him, "Try it if you think you're good enough."

  "Oh, I'll show you a whole new world."

  "My pussy looks forward to it... that, or disappointment."


  He rises to the challenge in more than one way, the tent in his pants shifting as his cock eagerly twitches with dominant desire. The look in his eyes, hungry and possessive, makes my lower lips twitch in anticipation of his touch. I hope he's as good as he seems like he will be—I want to make him come more than once, to drink his life force again and again until the yawning black pit in me is full.

  Practically growling with desire and clearly aroused by my challenging words—I'll have to remember this when he's fucking me—Vesuvius gets down on his knees and pushes me back towards his bed. Appreciating his height, I perch on the edge of it and watch with bated breath as he grabs my pants and slides them off my legs along with the black Godblood Prison underwear beneath. My skin prickles as the cool air meets it, my nipples still warm and peaked from the attention of his molten tongue.

  His eyes roam my now-naked body, studying me from head to toe. Nudging my knees apart, he takes a good look at the curl of dark hair at my apex that sits atop my red and aroused pussy, his tongue flicking against his lips briefly in hunger. I lean back and spread for him, my long black hair spilling over my elbows and onto the bed, my lower lips plump and slick for him. I've never wanted a cock as much as I want his right now; prison has made me hornier than ever.

  "Gorgeous," he says, "and delicious, I'm sure. Legs up."

  Patting his shoulders, he pulls my knees up onto his biceps, and I whimper a little at his strength, my abs clenching in anticipation. It feels like he could pick me up with one hand, throw me over, and thrust his cock in me without even blinking—something that arouses me so hard my pussy throbs. I'm a tall woman with thick thighs, built arms, and my own set of subtle abs, but Vesuvius makes me feel like a stick thin model.

  Fingers digging into the insides of my thighs, he draws his mouth across my skin, heat blossoming wherever his lips touch. A sharp inhale from his mouth produces a groan; no doubt he can smell my arousal, the undeniable pulse of godblood inside us both drawing us together, creating pheromones that want desperately to make us fuck. His eyes flick up towards my face as he turns his head towards my apex, parts his plush lips, and presses his tongue against me.

  I gasp, shoulders digging down into the bed sheets as his mouth opens wide and swallows me whole. The flat of his too-warm tongue pulses on my lower lips, parts them, and presses against my throbbing clit. I whimper, and he reaches up with one hand to tweak my nipple, holding my weight effortlessly in one curled arm.

  His volcanic eyes turn fully orange-red with arousal, irises glowing as his lips press against my skin and tongue consumes me. He rhythmically thrusts against my sensitive clit until I'm thrashing and twitching, back arching, nipples hardened peaks. I push against him and draw him close with my muscular thighs, boxing in his ears and pushing myself against his wide-open forge of a mouth.

  Nothing has been this warm, this wet. He's like heaven at a thousand degrees. A molten searing pleasure on my skin.

  "Vesuvius," I murmur, reaching up to palm his head, the orange-red stubble of his hair and drawing him against me. "That's it. Harder. Faster. Or are you not man enough?"

  Growling, he digs his fingers into the flesh of my thighs and sucks on my lower lips so hard I squirm and whimper. Too loud—I hear the distant murmur of other prisoners becoming aware of what must be happening in their leader's cell—but I don't care. I can feel the waves of my orgasm crashing against me, my life force pulling up against my skin. The desire in his eyes, thrust and pulse of his hot tongue, and erection trying to escape from his sweatpants just make it that much hotter.

  It doesn't take long before I'm arching in the bed sheets, hands twisted beneath me, moans and cries leaving my mouth, thighs clenching around him and pussy pulsing. Vesuvius tongues and sucks me through it, seeming to need no air. He groans and grunts against me, pulling me hard onto his mouth, tongue delving between my lower lips and fucking my wet entrance. I gasp, clamping around him even harder, waves of pleasurable orgasm going through me. Moving back and forth with his broad, molten tongue, he makes me orgasm with both my clit and vagina until I can't even see straight.

  It takes several minutes of writhing, gasping, moaning, and cresting before my orgasm begins to fade. The entire long moment feels like something wrung out of me, and I almost wonder for a minute if fire-born demigods can drink life force too. If so he's taken more than a little of mine. As I relax against the bedsheets, muscles spasming, he pulls away from my pussy with wetness ringing his mouth. I clench a little at the illicit sight
of it.

  Smirking, he wipes off his mouth, places my legs on the bed, and pulls my thighs apart so far I'm halfway through the splits. Then he stares at the reddened, throbbing, aroused sight of my pussy, my lower lips still twitching with the remnants of orgasm. In a proud voice he says, "I bet Jasper never did that to you."

  I blink at him in surprise. "You know I jerked him off?"

  "He implied that he fucked you." Vesuvius raises a brow, pure pleasure crossing his face. "If he's never tasted your pussy or plunged his dick inside you, that's even better for me. I'll be the first team leader to claim you." He squeezes my knees in appreciation, eyes roaming my body; I'm still breathing hard enough to make the fullness of my large breasts move and jiggle, and he seems to appreciate the view. "Putting my cock inside you will no doubt give me a warrior's luck in the arena."

  I snort indelicately, wondering if I sound as disdainful as Portia usually does. "Fucking me doesn't make me your woman. I thought we agreed on that."

  "We did," he agrees, leaning over me and delicately squeezing the base of my neck, his eyes still glowing with fire. "But fucking you first means you'll never truly belong to Jasper. And I'm still a man, Mora. I like to claim my territory. Including my women."

  "I won't be one of many."

  "Oh, I'm well aware." His hand roams down my chest, grabs my nipple and twists until I yelp, half pleased and half annoyed. "You're one of a kind, of that I have no doubt. I'd never think to put you among lesser females. Though of course, if you don't want me..." His other hand dips between my legs, fingers slipping along my wetness and crooking inside my entrance. "I will eventually have to find someone else to fuck. Another female, one who I'm sure will never compare to you. One who won't make the same noises... but will suck my dick all the same."


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