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The Enemy

Page 30

by Amelia Shea

  “I’m Meg.”

  Vada repeated the same enthusiastic phrase and shook Meg’s hand. Then Meg dropped the bomb, making a quick introduction to the club. One by one, as she named the members, their scowls and intimidating stances were more than young Vada could seem to handle.

  At least Phoebe wasn’t the only soft one in the bunch. Meg grew increasingly uneasy as the men took seats, glaring at Vada. Bailey stepped forward with a bright smile, welcoming Vada, and guided her up to the desk to set up her presentation.

  Phoebe walked down the aisle with Meg and whispered, “I feel like an asshole right now.”

  Meg sighed. “We are assholes. I’d be shocked if this sweet girl doesn’t leave in tears.” Meg placed her hand on Phoebe’s back. “You heard Kase. If we don’t make it known now, we’ll be fielding calls every week from these companies.”

  Phoebe understood it, but she wished it had been the arrogant prick they were about to unleash on, not Vada. She took an open seat between Kase and Gage, who winked as she passed.

  She watched as Vada set up her computer and screen and turned it around. She drew in a deep breath, and Phoebe could feel her nervous energy surge through the room.

  “First, I just want to thank you for taking the time to come to the meeting. My name is Vada Zink, and I…

  “What kind of name is Vada?” Gage asked. Phoebe glanced over, catching the smile playing on his lips.

  Vada seemed caught off guard by the interruption. She fumbled with the small stack of papers she had in front of her. “Um,” she cleared her throat when she croaked. Her cheeks blazed crimson, and Phoebe got an uneasy flip in her stomach. Sympathetic embarrassment, is that a real thing?

  “It’s German.”

  “Really?” Gage asked, amusement laced in his tone.

  Vada nodded and smiled. She probably thought she may have found an ally in Gage. She hadn’t. She drew in a breath. “My great grandparents came over from Germany. That’s on my dad’s side, but my mom has German descent too.” She smiled. “I was named after my great, great-great grandmother. Vada means ‘famous ruler’.” Her smile reached her eyes, and Phoebe couldn’t help but smile back.

  The sweet moment was ruined by the loud snort from behind her. She turned her head to see Hades shaking his head.

  “I actually went to Germany a few years back…” Vada continued, but Kase wasn’t having any of it.

  “Can we get on with this? Nobody in this room gives a shit about your fucking heritage.”

  Phoebe gritted her teeth and whipped her head in his direction. She clasped her hand over his thigh, digging her fingers into his thigh through his jeans, and sent Kase a harsh glare.


  He sighed and glanced over at Phoebe. She was trying to stab him with her nails. Unfortunately for her, it was a useless effort. He was being purposely rude. It seemed his woman didn’t approve. He arched a brow. She leaned closer.

  “I know you have to do what you have to do, but if you make her cry, I’m going to kick your ass when we get home.”

  He refrained from laughing, but his smirk couldn’t be helped. Her blue eyes squinted, and her lips pursed. She leaned closer, her lips brushing against his ear.

  “We set up this meeting, Kase, and she drove all the way out here and prepared this presentation. We are knowingly wasting her time right now, so let’s try to reel in the unnecessary cruelness. Just because life hands you the opportunity to be an asshole doesn’t mean you have to take it.”

  She pushed off his thigh and turned in her seat, folding her arms. He’d pissed off his old lady. Usually he’d be amused by it. He wasn’t, and as much as he had no problems being an asshole, it wasn’t necessary with this one. He’d make his point, and he doubted she’d come back at him. He drew in a breath and eyed Vada, who looked as though she was seconds from running out of the room.

  “Just get to the presentation.”

  She smiled, and her lower lips quivered. “Okay, um, I’m sorry.”

  It’s like kicking a fucking puppy. He settled into his seat and listened for the next thirty minutes. She wasn’t a natural. She fumbled over her explanation of how the company worked. At one point, he even got the impression she didn’t wholeheartedly believe in it.

  Halfway through, Saint asked a question. “Are there any restrictions? Let’s say I have five acres, you can put up condos and a strip mall, am I right?”

  She nodded with an eager smile. “Yes.”

  Saint sighed. “On any property?”


  “If every land does this, we could have condos, strip malls on every street.”

  “It’s very lucrative.” She was missing the point of his question.

  “I’m sure it is, but at what cost?”

  She paused, furrowing her brows, and became quickly confused by the question. She flipped through her papers before glancing up when Saint called her name.

  “We settled in Ghosttown to get away from all that. Have you been around town?”

  She bit her lip and shook her head.

  “It’s quaint and quiet. That’s how we’d like to keep it.”

  “But you can if you…”

  Kase held up his hand, and she immediately clamped her lips. Phoebe jerked her head and again squeezed his thigh. He rolled his eyes, rewording his retort before he spoke.

  “We sell off land to you, you’ll over-build like every other fucking town in this country. Not in Ghosttown. Even if you get one or two, they don’t have the acreage we do. You won’t make money ’cause we’ll fucking sabotage every advance you try to make. This is me being fucking honest and straight with you, so listen.”

  Her eyes widened in shock.

  “There is no fucking chance, not even slim, sweetheart, you will be able to lease any property in this town. You need to go home or find somewhere else. You hear me?”

  She gulped and peered around the room. While the women might be showing pity, he knew what she would be getting from the members. Confirmation she was not welcome in Ghosttown. Then she surprised the hell out of him.

  Her shoulders straightened, and she took a second, gauging the group before turning to Meg. She smiled.

  “As the owner of the land, I’d like to hear from you.”

  Kase snorted, shaking his head, and heard Phoebe’s whispered groan, “Oh shit.”

  Meg sat up in her chair, eyeing Kase, who raised his brows and smirked. She inhaled a breath and turned to Vada.

  “Actually, the Ghosttown Riders own the land, sweetheart.”


  When she glanced at Kase, he grinned. “Yeah, we fucking own it, and ya know where we stand.” He stood up and heard the members shift up from their chairs. “Don’t come back.” He walked through the room and out the door followed by his brothers.

  Hades laughed and was the first to speak. “Thought for sure she was gonna lose it with the heritage comment.”

  Kase snorted.

  They remained outside until Phoebe came outside, glaring at him. He held up his hands.

  “She didn’t fucking cry.”

  Phoebe squinted, and he was expecting a verbal assault. She remained quiet and circled in their group. He reached out, grasping her waist and pulling her into his side. She was reluctant but fell into his side. Her hand grazed his back.

  “Think she’ll head home, or will this be a problem, Phoebe?” Saint asked.

  Phoebe shrugged. “Outside of the club, there are about thirty property owners in town, Saint. My guess? She’ll reach out to them while she’s here.” She sighed. “There’s a driving force with her, just don’t know who is controlling it.”

  “Fuck,” Kase snapped.

  Phoebe squeezed his hand and he glanced down. “I’ve known these people a long time, and can’t think of anyone who will take the deal, Kase. There’s a reason why people move to Ghosttown and settle down.” Phoebe and the club shared the same reason. The privacy and simplicity of their small town was a draw
for most residents.

  Only time would tell, he guessed. He and the club were prepared, if possible, to buy the land from anyone wanting to sell, but going up against the leasing company who could possibly offer more was weighing on them. Mainly Kase.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  She smiled, staring down at her phone.

  Carter: Deposited your check. It didn’t bounce.

  Her relationship had taken an unlikely turn with her brother. In the past two weeks, they texted several times, and made plans for Kase and her to meet up with him and Nadia for dinner.

  Phoebe: You trick Nadia into moving in with you yet?

  Carter: I’m working on it.

  Phoebe smiled. She clicked her phone, shoved it into her bag, and crossed the street. A quick scan of the road had her missing the curb, and she stumbled but caught herself. She flickered her gaze to the distraction which caused her mishap.

  “Hey, Vada.”

  She spun around, and then smiled and rushed toward Phoebe. The eagerness was her downfall.

  “Hi, Phoebe, it’s so good to see you.”

  Phoebe held in her chuckle. “Still here, huh?”

  Vada nodded. “Can’t fail unless you quit.”

  Phoebe squinted her eyes. She didn’t know Vada well enough to make assumptions. However, the urgent robotic tone led her to believe those weren’t her words, but someone else’s.

  “That’s true.” She continued to pass her.

  “Uh, u-umm…”

  Phoebe turned.

  “Can I buy you lunch?”

  Phoebe smiled. Ah, this kid. That’s what she was, just a kid, maybe fresh out of college, and not a clue how the real world worked. “You can.” She shrugged. “And you can give me your whole spiel again, but it won’t change my mind, sweetie, and I’m not gonna do that to you.”

  Her cheeks flushed, and she ducked her head. “I appreciate your honesty.”

  Phoebe eyed her and walked three steps, putting her closer to Vada. “Let me ask you something. Do you like your job?”

  Vada cocked her head. “What do you mean?”

  “Do you like it? Is this what you saw yourself doing ten years ago?”

  Vada laughed and blushed. “Not even close. I actually have a Bachelor’s in Education, got my Master’s in Psychology.” Vada sighed and gazed up at the sky. “But I uh, decided to work at the family business.”

  Phoebe chuckled, and Vada’s blush darkened. Phoebe had a feeling the decision was not Vada’s.

  “You actually remind me of my first-grade teacher.”

  Her face lit up. “Yeah? That’s funny because I always saw myself as teaching first or second. They’re vital years.” Vada rolled her eyes. “I know a lot of people think they aren’t a big deal, ya know, crafts and games, but really, the earliest years set the tone for a student.”

  Phoebe felt her own excitement feeding off Vada’s. She obviously had a passion for teaching. Why the hell was she working for a leasing company?

  Phoebe nodded. “But you decided to work for your family?”

  Vada lost the glimmer in her eyes and forced a smile. “My dad took over the company twenty-two years ago when my grandpa retired. It’s completely family based, my brothers, my sister, her husband, my cousins, and their spouses. Everybody works there.”

  “It sounds like the job picked you, huh? That’s a lot of pressure.”

  Vada didn’t reply. She clamped her lips and offered Phoebe a smile. It was well rehearsed, something she practiced in the mirror. It was awkward. For both of them it seemed.

  Kase caught her eyes, and his gaze narrowed when he glanced over at Vada. Oh shit, girl. Kase, along with Saint and Hades and a small girl holding his hand, started toward them. The last thing poor Vada needed was another encounter with the club.

  “Can’t take no for an answer?” As usual, Kase’s tone was hostile.

  Vada jerked her body and stumbled slightly, righting herself before she hit the curb. “Oh hi, how are you?”

  Phoebe bit her lip. Much like their meeting from last week, it was painful to watch. Confidence came with time and experience. Something Vada was in dire need of. It would come, but not in the next five seconds when it was needed.

  The men stood silent, glaring back at her. They had to; it’s what would keep other developers from changing Ghosttown. Phoebe knew it was a necessary evil. Oh hell, why do I feel bad? There was something about Vada that was reminiscent of Bailey. The innocence. Obviously, Phoebe was the only one seeing it.

  She remained silent and watched the small girl who couldn’t be more than four swing her hand and wave.


  Vada’s gaze dropped, and her smile spread across her face. “Hi there. That is a very pretty dress.”

  Hades’ daughter grinned. “It’s new. It used to be Cia’s, but she’s too big now, so it’s my brand-new dress. I’m Allie.” Phoebe stifled her laugh. It was almost strange to see the bright-eyed innocence of Allie holding the hand of Hades. It was an anomaly.

  Nothing shocked her more than when Vada bent at her knees, setting herself at eye level. She tilted her head with all her focus on Allie. It was a complete contrast to how she was with them. She rested her hands on her knees.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Allie. I’m Vada. That’s super exciting.” She cocked a brow. “Pink is definitely your color.”

  It was sweet, but not appreciated by the men.

  “That’s a weird name,” Allie said with a smile.

  “It’s German.”

  “We know,” Hades snapped.

  Vada righted herself and smiled at Hades, who remained tight-lipped and scowling.

  “Oh.” Her eyes widened, catching Phoebe and the men off guard. She spun around and dug inside her large satchel thrown over her shoulder. She pulled out a small model of a building. She smiled down at Allie and reached out her arm.

  “It’s a stress ball.” She licked her lips. “Well, not a ball, a building, but it’s kinda fun.”

  Without a second thought, the small girl grabbed it. It was a sweet gesture, Phoebe thought. Apparently, she was the only one who thought so.

  “You always give out shit to random kids on the street?”

  Vada’s mouth fell open, and her lips smacked together uneasily. “Oh, I-I don’t…” She cleared her throat. “I mean, it’s just a little freebie.”

  “I like it,” Allie said, mesmerized with squeezing it. She giggled when it expanded in her hand.

  Phoebe watched and felt her heart awkwardly pump.

  “Nothing’s free,” Hades snapped.

  “No, it is, it’s just a marketing thing.” She held up her hands. “No strings attached.” She smiled and glanced at the group and ended with Phoebe. “It was actually my idea. Ya know, for the company.”

  “You specialize in manipulation?” Hades’ accusation was harsh, and didn’t go unnoticed by Vada, who shrunk in her stance.

  Oh Christ.

  Phoebe had enough. She stepped forward. “I think it’s sweet, Vada. Allie seems to like it.”

  Vada bit her lip, eyeing the little girl. “Physical stimulants are imperative at her age.” Vada glanced down at Allie. “I bet you’re four, right?”

  Allie lunged forward and grinned. “But I’m gonna be five in July.”

  Vada’s face brightened, and she gasped, which was adorable as her interaction with Allie seemed so genuine.

  “I bet that means you’ll be starting kindergarten. You are going to have so much fun, Allie.”

  “I’m gonna be in class with Emme maybe.”

  Vada laughed. It ended quickly when Hades cleared his throat, and Phoebe watched the harsh glare he sent her. She bowed her head, backing up.

  “I should go. Have a nice day,” she said and turned. Vada glanced over her shoulder, and her smile brightened on Allie. She gave her a short wave.

  Phoebe watched her walk away with her shoulders slouched and her hair sweeping past her neck as she bowed her head. She
turned to the men. Kase and Saint were smirking while Hades was glancing over his shoulder watching Vada cross the street. When he turned and met her gaze, she raised her brows.

  “See something ya like, Hades?”

  The corner of his mouth curled. While he shared the same eyes and similar features with his brother, Saint, Hades had a ruthless and harsh demeanor. All the men of the club carried a certain rough exterior, some more pronounced than others. Kase and Rourke being the harshest. Hades surpassed them.

  He winked and jerked his chin. “I’d break her, sweetheart.”

  “She might surprise you.”

  Kase snorted and shook his head.

  She cocked her brow and curled her arm around Kase’s waist. “Wasn’t too long ago you referred to me as the enemy.” Kase pulled her in for a kiss, which surprised her since his brothers were standing around watching. She blushed but gave in.


  It was later in the day when they started off. While his Pop had no instructions on how he wanted his ashes spread, both he and his brother knew, there was only one place where Jack could finally be home. They had made arrangements and decided to keep it just for them. Jack’s life was Ghosttown Riders, but even beyond the club, he was their dad. When he mentioned it to his brothers, they were all in agreement, the last of Jack’s life or death should be with Kase and Cade.

  He took the ten-minute ride to the river. Jack’s ride, and Mick’s ride before that. It was symbolic to the older members. He parked at the edge of the path next to Cade’s bike and Marissa’s van. He gripped the jean-clad thigh of his old lady straddled against his back and glanced back at her. Fucking beautiful. And mine. Phoebe leaned closer, kissing his lips before maneuvering off the bike.

  She removed her helmet, hanging it on his handlebar, and gripped his hand. It was strange. He’d never given much thought to hand holding, but it seemed to be a thing for Phoebe. He squeezed her hand and led them down to the river. Caden was by the water, looking out across the river. He was holding Cora in his arms and whispering something that made her smile.

  Kase released her hand when Marissa started forward, wrapping her hand over his shoulders for a tight hug.


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